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Unit 1-3 Giao Trinh 4 5 Phase 1

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Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

Phase 1 (16 lessons) Phase 2 (10 lessons)

Module Module Module 3 Module Module 1 Module 2
1 2 4
1 Module = 3 buổi học + 1 buổi ôn tập & 1 Module = 4 buổi học + 1
kiểm tra buổi kiểm tra
Thứ tự ưu tiên: 1. Grammar 4 buổi học tương ứng với
2. Pronunciation mỗi kĩ năng Nghe + Nói +
3. Academic Vocabulary Viết + Đọc

IELTS 4.0 to 5.0

By Long Pham - Izone

IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

Identify the grammar mistakes in the following sentences

1. My mother make breakfast for every family member before going to work.
subject- verb agreement
2. 15% of total students attends the meeting every Monday
subject- verb agreement
3. Doing the assignment take a lot of my time
4. Before visiting my grandmother, I go to the supermarket to buy some oranges
5. The trip to France last month costed me a lot of money.
6. I worked really hard for the last 2 weeks
has worked
7. As I’m a student, working for 3 days a week time-consuming
is adj : tốn thời gian
8. Have milk left in the fridge? There is/ There are
Is there any milk
ex: This classroom has 10 chairs/ There are 10 chairs in this classroom
9. Today have some students asking about courses at Izone
There are

10. Because she’s the monitor of the class, she responsible for checking other
students’ homework
she is responsible for

IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

UNIT 1 – Holidays and Travel

1. Where do you live?

2. How long have lived there?


3. What are the common types of transport in your country?


4. Where did you go on holiday last year?


5. Do you like the place you’re living in?


Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

1 Holidays and travel

P re se nt sim p le tense I Past s im p le tense I P resent p e rfe c t sim p le tense

Simple tenses

Present simple: The present simple is used to talk about:

1 Permanent situations

I w ork in the city but I live in the countryside. Rome is the capital of Italy.

2 Things which happen often or repeatedly

I visit my grandparents in Scotland every People often send postcards from interestina
summer. places.

3 Facts of nature o r science

Travelling by plane uses a lot of enerqy. Birds m iqrate in winter.

U Timetables

The bus departs at 9.10. The train to London leaves everv 30 m inutes.

Past simple: The past simple is used to talk about:

1 Completed actions or events in the past

I visited the m useum s in New York. I saw some m onum ents on holiday.

2 Actions or events that happened at a specific time in the past (when)

Last month I went on holidav fo r 2 weeks. I travelled to Tokvo last year.

3 Things which happened often or regularly in the past

We always went on holidav to France when I Everv su m m er I spent the school holidavs
was a child. w ith my cousins.

Grammar for IELTS
Unit 1
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
Present perfect simple: The present perfect simple is used to talk about:
1 Actions which started in the past and continue now

I've worked abroad fo r ten years. He has lived in Germany since 2002.

2 Actions in the past when the time is not finished.

I've visited many art galleries this year. (This He has lived in a lot of different places in his
year is not finished) life. (His life is not finished)

3 Recent events which are related to the present

W here’s my camera? Oh no, someone has Is Sarah having dinner w ith us? No, she has
stolen it. gone back to the cam psite to rest.

<^ S e e page 114 in the G ram m ar reference fo r more inform ation.

Practice exercises

Decide on the correct tense (present sim ple, past sim ple o r present perfect sim ple) and
finish the sentences. Decide which rule m atches the meaning of each sentence.
1 The sun o fte n ________ in Morocco, [shine] Tense:________ Rule n u m b e r:________

2 ‘It's late. W h e re ________ ?' [you/go] Tense:________ Rule n u m be r:________

3 What tim e ________? [the bus/leave) Tense:________ Rule n u m ber:________

U J o h n ________ (go) to Finland last year, but h e ________ [like] it. Tense:_________
Rule num ber:________

5 The w o r ld ________ (see) a massive sh ift in tra n sp ort and tourism in the last decade.
Tense:________ Rule n u m b e r:________

6 Cruise s h ip s ________ [cross] the A tlantic w ith the m ajority of people before a ir travel
became so affordable. Tense:________ Rule n u m b e r:________

Exam tip: Practise listening to and saying the contracted form of some verbs, for
example: he has taken = he's taken, I have been = I've been

Holidays and travel 7
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
2 Below is a section of a candidate answ er from an IELTS essay task (W riting Task 2).
Com plete the spaces w ith the correct tenses.

"Discuss the positive and negative effects of to u ris m on people and the environm ent.”

Regarding the environm ent, tourism (1 )___________ (improve) people's understanding of

endangered species. P rior to mass tourism , many societies (2 )___________ (disregard}
the natural life around them . However, due to tourism many countries (3 )___________
[invest] in conservation program m es. Ecotourism is now a very popular and a lot of tourists
(4 )____________[visit] Africa, Asia and South Am erica and (5 )____________ [partake] in
projects which care fo r the environm ent. Although there are positive points, tourism
(6 ) __________ (a/so have] a large num ber of negative effects on the environm ent. These
(7 ) __________ (include] an increase in a ir pollution from plane travel, rubbish from
tourists in parks and on beaches and the destruction of many of the w orld's rain forests.

There are advantages and disadvantages fo r people too. During the 1990s in many
parts of the w orld, such as Spain or Thailand, tourism (8 )___________ [bring] economic
development and [9 ]___________ (create] a range of new em ploym ent possibilities for
local people. On the other hand, the results of this increase in tourism som etim es produce
negative effects fo r populations. Often a new hotel o r resort (10)_____________ (destroy]
tra d itio n a l jobs such as agriculture, fishing and crafts.

3 Read the fo llow ing dialogue and com plete the text w ith the correct fo rm of the present
sim ple, past sim ple o r present perfect sim ple. Use the verbs in the brackets.

E xam iner: Where (1 )________ [live]?

N ikolas: I (2 )________ [come] from Moscow. I (3 )_________ [live] there fo r 6 years. My

fam ily (4 )________ [move] from the countryside when I was 12 years old.

E xam iner: (5 )________ s till (6 )_________[live] w ith your family?

Nikolas: Yes, I (7)-------------- [do], I (8)_________ [live] with my parents and (9) (share)
a room with my brother. My brother still (10)________ [go] to school. He is only 8 years old.

E xam iner: (11)________ [like] Moscow?

Nikolas: Yes, I (12)________ [love] Moscow. When I firs t (13)_________ [arrive], I (14)_________
(not like) it much because it was so different, but I (15)_________ [grow] accustomed to it. Now, I
(16)-------------- [know] my way around and (17)_________ [have] lots of friends.

E xam iner: How (18)________ [Moscow/change] recently?

N ikolas: It (19)-------------- [become] more international, and more exciting. In the last few
years, about ten new international restaurants (20)________ [open] in my area alone
and I often (21) (eaf) in them now w ith my friends. I (22)___________________ [have] lots of

international friends who (23)________ [come] to study at the University in Moscow, and
we often (24)___________ [meet] in the evenings.

Grammar for IELTS
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

G 01
Now listen and check your answers to Exercise 3.

i Speaking exam tip: Try to answer the question the exam iner asks you, and give more
i inform ation. Nikolas has talked about a change and then the result of that change.

4 Answer these questions yourself and try to give as much information as possible.

1 Where do you live ? __________________________________________________________

2 How long have you lived th e re ? _______________________________________________
3 What do you like about your home to w n ? ______________________________________
U What other countries have you visited ? ________________________________________
5 Where did you go on holiday last ye a r?________________________________________
6 How often do you go to the seaside?___________________________________________

Exam practice: Speaking Part 1

L iste n to th e 5 q u e s tio n s on th e CD, and a n s w e r th e m as fu lly as p o ssib le. You w ill have
02 30 se co nd s b e tw e e n q u e s tio n s to give y o u r a n s w e rs .

Speaking exam tip: Try to m irro r the exam iner’s gram m ar in the firs t sentence of your
answer and use the contracted form in your answer where you can, e.g. ‘Have you
lived...?’ - ' i ’ve lived....’ ‘Do you like...?' - ‘I like...'

£ "'|j Now listen to Track 03 on the CD and the m odel answers given by the student. How were they
03 better than or different from your answers?

Holidays and travel
IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

UNIT 2 – Free time

1. What do you like to do in your free time?
There are a lot of things that I often do in my free time.

2. How has the way people spend their time changed over the years?

3. Do you prefer to spend your free time with your friends or on your own??

4. What do you think affect(s) the way people spend their free time?

5. Is playing sport a good way to kill spare time?


Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

2 rree ume
l i m a

P re se nt co n tin u o u s tense I Past co n tin u o u s tense I P re se nt p e rfe c t co n tin u o u s tense

Continuous tenses

The continuous tenses highlight the duration of the activity so that there is a focus on the activity
in progress.

Present continuous: The present continuous is used to talk about:

1 Something that is happening / in progress now

Some people are sitting on the grass and having a picnic.

2 Changes and developments

The num ber of Web users who shop online is increasing,

3 Temporary situations

My friend is staying in a holiday camp.

4. To talk about ongoing trends/ changes/ development to talk about current situation
Past continuous: The past continuous is used to talk about:
1 Continuing past actions happening at the same time as another event.

I was sw im m ing in the sea when the rain started. got interrupted by another action in the past

2 Describing situations in the past

Some people were relaxing by the pool and others were playing tennis.

3 Temporary situations in the past

For the firs t two days of my holiday I was staving w ith friends.

Present perfect continuous: The present perfect continuous is used to talk about:
1 Actions that started in the past and are continuing now

My best friend has been learning French since January.

Grammar for IELTS
Unit 2
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
2 When you mention the results of a recent activity

I'm so tired. I’ve been w aiting for the train fo r hours.

3 When we want to emphasize the repetition or duration of an action

They’ve been thinking about where to go this weekend.

See page 115 in the G ram m ar reference fo r more inform ation.

Practice exercises

Decide on the correct tense (present continuous, past continuous or present perfect
continuous) and complete the sentences 1-6 using the verbs in the brackets. Decide
which rule matches the meaning of each sentence.

1 'W h a t________ (cfo)?’ You look exhausted!’ have you been doing
Tense:_______________________________________________ Rule nu m ber:__

2 'Can you help me w ith my hom ew ork?’ ‘No, I ________ TV.’ [watch] am watching
Tense:_______________________________________________Rule n u m be r:__
has been increasing
3 The num ber of people taking up extreme s p o rts ___(increase) since the early 1990s.
Tense:_______________________________________________ Rule num ber:__
were increasing
U Last m onth I ________ (have) acting lessons but I had to stop when I lost my voice.
was having
Tense:_______________________________________________ Rule num ber:__
=> situation in the past
5 T h e y________ [walk] in the countryside when suddenly it started to rain.
were walking Rule num ber:__

6 I don’t like the book that I ________ (read) at the m om ent.

am reading Rule num ber:__

Grammar tip: Continuous verbs are usually active verbs (verbs such as to run), that refer to
an action). Stative verbs (such as to know], refer to a state, and are usually used in simple
tenses, e.g. I want a new bike not I am wanting a new bike as to want is a state, not an action.
Some verbs such as to see have both an active and a stative meaning.

Look at the fo llo w ing sentences 1-5 and decide if the m ain verbs should be in the present
continuous o r the present sim ple.
1 I am not agreeing / 1don't agree that going to the cinema is better than watching film s on TV.
2 I have / 1am having a great tim e in Paris at the m om ent, (meaning = to enjoy)
3 I like / 1am liking studying Spanish in my free tim e.
A Do you mind / Are you minding if I sit here?
5 I th in k /I'm thinking about learning to sail next year, (meaning = to plan to do)
Free time
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
Underline the examples of continuous tenses in the following passage from a Reading
text, then complete the summary below using continuous verbs from the text.
The am ount of leisure tim e available to people has been increasing since the early
tw entieth century when machines started to be invented to do many labour intensive
tasks both at w ork and in the home. Previously, people were spending many more hours
doing basic m enial tasks and as a result had less tim e available fo r hobbies and activities.
Although recently many people have been com plaining about th e ir w ork life balance,
studies show that the am ount of free tim e we have has been rising continuously fo r over
50 years. More people are playing sport on a regular basis nowadays and young people
are taking up tra d ition a l style hobbies such as knitting and w alking in the countryside.
There has also been a large am ount of governm ent investm ent in leisure facilities in local
com m unities, which has assisted the uptake of hobbies fo r a range of people including
children and the elderly. A few years ago, visitors to a local park would see people who
were playing football or w alking th e ir dog. However, nowadays people are using the gym or
a clim bing w a ll as th e ir way of sporting recreation.

Over the last half century the am ount of personal free tim e that people have
(1 ) __________Despite the fact that the general opinion of the public is that they have
less leisure tim e than in the past the reality is the opposite. Nowadays more of us
(2 ) _________ sport regularly and the younger generation (3 )___________traditional
leisure pursuits such as crafts and outdoor activities.

Look at the graphs below from an IELTS Writing Task 1 and complete the sentences with
the correct tense to describe the visual information.

JO ^B B C 1
c 8 ....New York Times
° 6 — International Herald Tribune □ BBC2
E2 ■- - Washington Post □ ITV1
1950 1970 1990 2012

a Number of people buying newspapers daily in the USA

Overall, the num ber of people who buy one of the three m ajor daily newspapers in the USA
(1 )----------------- (rising) since the 1950s. The largest increase in readership has been fo r the
New York Times. However, most people (2 )___________ [still buy} the Washington Post more
than any other daily newspaper.

b Viewers of UK TV channels at 8 p.m. on 30 June 2011

The graph shows the num ber of people who (1 )__________ [view] fo u r different television
channels on 30 June 2011 at 8.00 in the evening. A lm ost half the viewers (2 )__________
[watch] BBC1 and the rem aining 50 per cent were divided more or less equally between the
other three channels.

Grammar for IELTS
Unit 2
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
Exam practice: W riting Task 1

You should spend about 20 m inutes on this task.

The graph below shows how elderly people in Europe spent th e ir free time between 1980 and 2010.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons
where relevant.

W rite at least 150 words.

Writing exam tip: When describing visual inform ation in Task 1, it is im portant to
th in k about w hat tenses you w ill need. If the diagram includes tim e references (dates,
years) you w ill need a range of past and present tenses. If the graph has no past tim e
reference, you w ill need to use the present sim ple tense only.

Free tim e activities of the elderly in Europe from 1980 to the present

-♦— Reading
■•— Hiking
- • — Theatre
-* — Playing sport
-#— Surfing the Internet

Now compare your answ er w ith the m odel answ er and th in k about how you could improve yours.

Free time 13
IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

UNIT 3 – Fame
1. Do you want to be famous?

2. Briefly tell me about a famous person you like


3. Which qualities should a famous person have??


4. Who were the famous people 50 years ago and who are the famous people now?
What’s changed?

5. Do you think desiring fame and wanting to be rich are the same thing?

Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

3 Fame
Past p e rfe c t te nse I Past p e rfe c t co n tin u o u s I used to I w ou ld

The follow ing form s are used to ta lk about the past in addition to the past sim ple tense.

one completed action that happened

Past perfect: The past perfect is used to talk about:
One completed action that happened before another action in the past. The past perfect is used for
the first action

Before he became the 2010 w orld sw im m ing Every newspaper and TV channel in the USA
champion nobody had heard of James wanted to interview Neil Arm strong a fte r he
Collins. had landed on the moon.

Past perfect continuous: The past perfect continuous is used to talk about:
Something that started in the past and continued up to a certain point in the past

The jou rn a lists had been waiting fo r over an The Beatles had been playing together for
hour by the tim e the President arrived at the years before they became famous,
something that started in the past and continued up to a certain point in the past

Used to: Used to is used to talk about:

Past states and habits

The Spanish Royal fam ily used to be more Dickinson used to w ork in a departm ent store
removed from public life than they are at before he became the owner of a fashion
present. chain in Australia.

Note: In the negative and question form , used to becomes use to.

Would: Would is used to talk about:

The typical activities of a person or people in the past. It should be used fo r repeated actions and not
state and is alm ost always used in the positive form only

In the 1930s Hollywood stars would give Before publishing companies, w rite rs
regular interview s in magazines and would often pay fo r th e ir own printing and
newspapers to promote new movies. distribution costs.

See page 116 in the G ram m ar reference fo r more inform ation.

Grammar for IELTS
Unit 3
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
Practice exercises

Complete the sentences 1-6 using the verbs in the brackets and decide on the correct
grammatical form from the alternatives given.
1 Managing an actor's image though media relations become popular in the 1980s. Up
PAST u n til then a c to rs _________[not care) much about th e ir public image. hadn't cared
Form: past perfect o r would?
2 Newspapers and m agazines__________ (respect) the privacy of celebrities more than
they do nowadays. used to respect
Form: used to or past perfect?
3 As a child I loved playing the g u itar and I _________[dream] of being a w ell-know n
would dream
Form: would or past perfect?
U U ntil the 1990s, fo o tb a lle rs _________[not earn) such large salaries and they didn't use
to be so famous. hadn't earned
Form: past perfect o r would? had always thought
5 Before w orking in television I ___________ [always think} that celebrities were special
people, but now I know many of them are quite norm al. had always been thinking
Form: past perfect or past perfect continuous?
6 The p h oto gra p h ers_________[wait] hours fo r the stars to arrive at the 2010 Oscar
ceremony. had been waiting
Form: past perfect continuous or used to?

Gram mar tip: The past perfect is often used w ith a tim e expression such as before,
when or by the time.
Unlike the present perfect, specific tim es (e.g. in 1993} can be used w ith the past

0 2 Listen to a radio programme about fame and complete the text with the correct verb
04 • forms.
In today’s program m e I’ll continue exam ining the im pact of fame on lifestyle using the
style icon Gloria Van Broncken as an example. Before becoming fam ous in the m odelling
industry, Gloria (1 ] ___________ in a s m a ll village and (2 ]____________ outside her own
country. She [3 ]___________ in a clothes store and she enjoyed a ll the usual activities of
a teenager in her free tim e. She [U] ___________ in the clothes store fo r two years when a
custom er who represented a m odel agency spotted her and signed her up. By the tim e she
was 21 Gloria (5 )___________ round the w orld several tim es and (6)____________ on the
cover of many international fashion magazines. Now the im pact of such drastic lifestyle
changes can be very s ig n ific a n t... [fade]

Fame 15
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS
Read the following text about a famous businesswoman and correct the mistakes in the
use of past perfect, past perfect continuous, used to and would. There are four mistakes.

Making money out of other people's fame is a highly specialised skill, but one that can
bring great rewards to those who practise it proficiently. Marianne Beretoli is one of
those people; she owns a company which sells inform ation about celebrities to other
celebrities as a kind of careers advice service. Although she was born in France, she
use to dream of moving to the USA, specifically Hollywood. W hilst studying business at
university Beretoli was known fo r her innovative approach to applying theory to practice
and she would to often challenge the ideas of her tutors. When she had graduated,
Beretoli worked in Paris and tried unsuccessfully to set up her own m arketing agency.
Then she decided to move to the USA and w ithin months realised that she had been
making the right decision. She moved from Paris to Los Angeles in 1995 and a fte r she
had been w orking as an assistant fo r an advertising agency fo r a few years, she had set
up her own company providing inform ation services to the rich and famous.

4 Read the text again and the multiple-choice questions below. Decide which answer A-D is
1 Marianne Beretoli moved to the USA...
A im m ediately after she had graduated from university.
B a fte r she had tried to start her own company and not been successful.
C a fte r she had been w orking for an agency in the advertising field fo r several years.
D before she studied business.
2 How did Beretoli behave w hile studying business at university?
A She used to be a challenge.
B She would challenge the relationship between theory and practice.
C She would question her lecturers' ideas.
D S hei gnored the advice of her tutors.

j Exam Tip: It is not usual fo r the Reading exam to test your knowledge of tenses
i directly. However, having a good understanding of tenses w ill help you understand a
i text more thoroughly and quickly.

Grammar for IELTS
Unit 3
Long Pham IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

Exam practice: Reading - m ultiple-choice questions

Look at the passage below.

For question 1, choose TWO letters A-E.
For questions 2 and 3, choose ONE answer from the letters a-d.

1 What reasons do scientists give to explain why some people may want to be famous?
A Because they didn’t have many friends when they were children.
B They w ant to copy celebrities they see in the media.
C They did not receive enough attention from th e ir parents in th e ir youth.
D So that they can be rich in the future.
E They had a desire to please th e ir parents.
2 What did the scientists do in order to reach th e ir conclusions?
a They analysed the increase in celebrity news in the media,
b They surveyed c u ltu ra lly diverse sections of population.
c They investigated different universities,
d They interviewed psychologists.
3 In the study, how were the people who w ant to be rich different from those who w ant to be
a Their parents helped them to be successful,
b People close to them had urged them to do w ell,
c They m easured th e ir success by fo cusing on th e fu tu re ,
d Their parents taught them about business.

The Psychology of Fame

U ntil the beginning of the 1990s w estern psychologists had not system atically studied the human
desire to be fam ous. However, in the few years up to this tim e the am ount of celebrity news in
the media had been increasing dram atically. Scientists at various US universities then started to
investigate the reasons why some hum ans seem to be driven to become fam ous, w hile others
have no interest in attracting the lim e lig h t. Extensive research with people from different cultures
led to the conclusion th a t people who desire fam e are not the same people w ho w ant to be rich.
The fo rm e r group may have some desire fo r social acceptance based on previous experiences
in th e ir lives, it seems that many of these people used to find it d iffic u lt to make friends when
they were younger o r they didn’t use to receive praise o r recognition from th e ir parents. The
psychologists believe th a t it is likely th a t these people w ould often demand attention from others
as teenagers and th is desire has rem ained in adulthood and is now expressed as a longing to be
fam ous. Conversely, those who w ant to be rich are m uch m ore focused on the fu tu re than the
past; in contrast to the fo rm e r group, the study found that many of th is group had learned from
th e ir parents th a t success is generated by hard w o rk and that th e ir friends and fam ily had always
encouraged them to strive fo r the best in life. These conclusions suggest th a t there is a link
between o u r upbringing and how we m easure o u r success.

Fame 17
IZONE - Chien luoc hoc thi IELTS

Identify the grammar mistakes in the following sentences

1. By 2020, he will travel to 50 countries

2. At this time tomorrow, I’ll take questions from the audience
3. As a pianist, he can play the piano very good
4. The food on the table looks deliciously
5. To win the competition, they work so hardly on the project.
6. The selected students are a bunch of careful chosen group
7. I am now student at Foreign Trade University
8. She’s one of most beautiful girl I have ever seen
9. When he was little, he eat like a horse. But as he grow up, he becomes a fussy
10. Do not sad because you’ve failed the test, have more chances to resit it in the


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