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Cuenca Vs PCGG

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Same; Same; The exclusive jurisdiction conferred on the

G.R. Nos. 159104-05. October 5, 2007. *

Sandiganbayan extends not only to the principal causes of action, that is,
RODOLFO M. CUENCA and CUENCA INVESTMENT CORP., recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, but also to all incidents arising from,
petitioners, vs. THE PRESIDENTIAL COMMISSION ON GOOD incidental to, or related to such cases, including a dispute over the sale of the
GOVERNMENT, INDEPENDENT REALTY CORP., and shares, the propriety of the issuance of ancillary writs of relative provisional
UNIVERSAL HOLDINGS CORP., respondents. remedies, and the sequestration of the shares, which may not be made the
subject of separate actions or proceedings in another forum.—Section 2 of
Jurisdictions;  Words and Phrases;  Jurisdiction is defined as the EO 14 pertinently provides: “The Presidential Commission on Good
power and authority of a court to hear, try, and decide a case.—Jurisdiction Government shall file all such cases, whether civil or criminal, with the
is defined as the power and authority of a court to hear, try, and decide a case. Sandiganbayan, which shall have exclusive and original jurisdiction thereof.”
Jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred by the Constitution or by law The above proviso has been squarely applied in Peña, 159 SCRA 556 (1988),
while jurisdiction over the person is acquired by his/her voluntary submission where this Court held that the exclusive jurisdiction conferred on the
to the authority of the court or through the exercise of its coercive processes. Sandiganbayan would evidently extend not only to the principal causes of
Jurisdiction over the res is obtained by actual or constructive seizure placing action, that is, recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, but also to all incidents
the property under the orders of the court. arising from, incidental to, or related to such cases, including a dispute over
the sale of the shares, the propriety of the issuance of ancillary writs of
Ill-Gotten Wealth; Sequestration; Sandiganbayan; It is the relative provisional remedies, and the sequestration of the shares, which may
Sandiganbayan and not the Regional Trial Court that has jurisdiction over not be made the subject of separate actions or proceedings in another forum.
corporate shares which are alleged to be “ill-gotten wealth” of former Indeed, the issue of the ownership of the sequestered companies, UHC and
President Ferdinand E. Marcos and his perceived cronies.—It is clear that it PNCC, as well as IRC’s ownership of them, is undeniably related to the
is the Sandiganbayan and not the Makati City RTC that has jurisdiction over recovery of the alleged ill-gotten wealth and can be squarely addressed via the
the disputed UHC and PNCC shares, being the alleged “ill-gotten wealth” of exclusive jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
former President Ferdinand E. Marcos and petitioner Cuenca. The fact that the
Makati City RTC civil case involved the performance of contractual PETITION for review on certiorari of the decision and resolution of
obligations relative to the UHC shares is of no importance. The benchmark is the Court of Appeals.
whether said UHC shares are alleged to be ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses
and their perceived cronies. More importantly, the interests of orderly
administration of justice dictate that all incidents affecting the UHC shares The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
and PCGG’s right of supervision or control over the UHC must be addressed      Quisumbing, Torres for petitioners.
to and resolved by the Sandiganbayan. Indeed, the law and courts frown upon      The Solicitor General for PCGG.
split jurisdiction and the resultant multiplicity of suits, which result in much 105
lost time, wasted effort, more expenses, and irreparable injury to the public VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 105
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
on Good Government

VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, The Case

In this Petition for Review on Certiorari under Rule 45, petitioners
2007 03 assail the January 6, 2003 Decision  of the Court of Appeals (CA) in

Cuenca vs. Presidential consolidated cases CA-G.R. CV No. 60338   and CA-G.R. SP No.


49686   which upheld the jurisdiction of Sandiganbayan over a

Commission on Good Government

dispute involving the transfer of stocks and subscription rights of

Same;  Same; Same;  Words and Phrases; The power to sequester
property means to place or cause to be placed under the Presidential
respondent Universal Holdings Corporation (UHC), a sequestered
Commission on Good Government’s (PCGG’s) possession or control said company, in favor of petitioners Rodolfo M. Cuenca and Cuenca
property, or any building or office wherein any such property or any records Investment Corporation (CIC); and its July 15, 2003
pertaining thereto may be found, including business enterprises and entities, Resolution  denying petition-ers’ Motion for Reconsideration.  The
4 5

for the purpose of preventing the destruction of, and otherwise conserving consolidated cases originated from Civil Case No. 91-
and preserving the same, until it can be determined, through appropriate 2721 entitled Rodolfo M. Cuenca, et al. v. Independent Realty Corp.,
judicial proceedings, whether the property was in truth ill-gotten.—The UHC et al. filed before the Makati City Regional Trial Court (RTC),
shares in dispute were sequestered by respondent PCGG. Sequestration is a Branch 61—CA-G.R. CV No. 60338 being an appeal from the April
provisional remedy or freeze order issued by the PCGG designed to prevent
the disposal and dissipation of ill-gotten wealth. The power to sequester
23, 1998 Decision rendered by the Makati City RTC, and CA-G.R.
property means to place or cause to be placed under [PCGG’s] possession or SP No. 49686 being a special civil action formerly filed as a petition
control said property, or any building or office wherein any such property or for certiorari before the Supreme Court, but was re-manded to the CA
any records pertaining thereto may be found, including business enterprises for a review of the denial of the motion for intervention filed by
and entities, for the purpose of preventing the destruction of, and otherwise respondent Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG).
conserving and preserving the same, until it can be determined, through _______________
appropriate judicial proceedings, whether the property was in truth ill-gotten.
(Silverio v. PCGG, 155 SCRA 60 [1987])  Rollo, pp. 72-83. The Decision was penned by Associate Justice Mario L. Guariña

III and concurred in by Associate Justices Godardo A. Jacinto (Chairperson) and Martin
Same;  Same; Same;  Where certain shares were already sequestered, S. Villarama, Jr.
enabling the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) to  Rodolfo M. Cuenca and Cuenca Investment Corp. v. Independent Realty Corp. and

Universal Holdings Corp.

exercise the power of supervision, possession, and control over them, then the  Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG) v. Hon. Fernando V.

Regional Trial Court should not assume legal custody over said shares as the Gorospe, as Presiding Judge, RTC of Makati City, Branch 61, et al.
same would collide with the authority of the PCGG over them.—Considering  Rollo, pp. 84-85.

that the UHC shares were already sequestered, enabling the PCGG to exercise  Id., at pp. 394-406.

the power of supervision, possession, and control over said shares, then such
power would collide with the legal custody of the Makati City RTC over the 106
UHC shares subject of Civil Case No. 91-2721. Whatever the outcome of
Civil Case No. 91-2721, whether from enforcement or rescission of the
contract, would directly militate on PCGG’s control and management of IRC ANNOTATED
and UHC, and consequently hamper or interfere with its mandate to recover
ill-gotten wealth. As aptly pointed out by respondents, petitioners’ action is Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
inexorably entwined with the Government’s action for the recovery of ill- on Good Government
gotten wealth––the subject of the pending case before the Sandiganbayan.
Verily, the transfer of shares of stock of UHC to petitioners or the return of The Facts
the shares of stock of CDCP (now PNCC) will wreak havoc Respondent UHC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Independent
Realty Corporation (IRC). UHC had an authorized capital stock of
PhP 200,000,000 of which 401,995 shares worth PhP 40,199,500
1 SUPREME COURT were subscribed and PhP 10,050,000 was paid up by IRC. Five
04 REPORTS ANNOTATED stockholders of IRC held qualifying shares in UHC and served in its
Board of Directors. UHC became an inactive holding company until
Cuenca vs. Presidential the later months of 1978.
Commission on Good Government In 1978, petitioner Rodolfo M. Cuenca and his family’s holding
on the sequestration case as both UHC and CDCP are subject of company, petitioner CIC, negotiated and reached an agreement with
sequestration by PCGG. respondents IRC and UHC, whereby petitioners Cuenca and CIC
would purchase all the shares of stock and subscription rights of IRC IRC on July 25, 1994.  After considerable time had elapsed without

in UHC for PhP 10,000,000 and assume IRC’s unpaid subscription of UHC filing its answer to the interrogatories, and unsatisfied with
PhP 30,000,000. Petitioners Cuenca and CIC were then the IRC’s answer not accomplished, duly signed, and sworn to by a
controlling stockholders of the Construction and Development competent and responsible IRC officer as only IRC’s counsel signed
Corporation of the Philippines (CDCP), now the Philippine National it, petitioners filed on August 30, 1994 a Motion to Compel UHC to
Construction Corporation (PNCC), Sta. Ines Melale Forest Products Answer Interrogatories  to which the trial court issued two related

Corporation (Sta. Ines), and Resort Hotels Corporation (Resort Orders, the first dated January 17, 1995 directing IRC to submit
Hotels). In order to build up UHC as his flagship company, petitioner proper and complete answers and UHC to answer the
Cuenca transferred to UHC the shares of stocks in CDCP, Sta. Ines, interrogatories,  and the second dated February 10, 1995

and Resort Hotels worth PhP 67,233,405, with UHC assuming _______________
Cuenca’s various bank obligations, some or all of which were
secured by pledges or liens on the stocks. 8
 Id., at pp. 118-121.
 Id., at p. 35.
On October 21, 1978, petitioner Cuenca was elected Chairperson

 Id., at pp. 135-138.
and President of UHC at a special stockholders’ meeting in 11
 Id., at pp. 139-142 (UHC) & 143-145 (IRC).
accordance with the acquisition plan, and through UHC, Cuenca 12
 Id., at pp. 146-149.
 Id., at pp. 150-152.
continued to control and manage CDCP, Sta. Ines, and Resort Hotels.

 Id., at p. 153.
Pursuant to the acquisition plan and agreement with IRC, Cuenca and
CIC transferred their shares of stock in CDCP, Sta. Ines, and Resort 109
Hotels to UHC, which in turn paid PhP 10,000,000 to IRC. In
addition, petitioners assumed IRC’s unpaid subscription of PhP
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 109
30,000,000 in UHC. The only remaining matter to be accom- Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
on Good Government
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 107 granting respondents IRC and UHC an extension of 15 days to file
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission their answers to the interrogatories. 15

On September 29, 1995, petitioners filed a Motion to Declare

on Good Government Defendants in Default  for non-compliance with Section 5 of Rule

plished was the transfer of the stocks and subscription rights of IRC 29,  Revised Rules of Civil Procedure. Respondents IRC and UHC

in UHC to petitioners, but despite demand, IRC did not comply. filed their respective Answers to Interrogato-ries  on October 17, 18

In 1986, the instant controversy between petitioners and 1995 or only after the motion to declare them in default was filed and
respondent IRC was overtaken by dramatic political events. President served. Consequently, the trial court issued its February 7, 1996
Marcos was ousted in a bloodless revolution and left behind an Order of default, which also granted petitioners the right to adduce
unbelievably large amount of funds and assets that were sequestered their evidence ex parte.  On September 9, 1996, the trial court

by the new government of President Aquino through PCGG. In July likewise denied  the Motion for Reconsideration and/or Lift Order of

1987, because of Marcos nominee Jose Yao Campos’ sworn Default  filed by respondents IRC and UHC.

statement, respondent PCGG directed Santos Luis Diego, President Subsequently, respondent PCGG filed its Motion for Leave to
of IRC, to dissolve all the boards of directors of IRC’s fully-owned Intervene with Motion to Dismiss on December 18, 1996, which was
subsidiaries. A year later, it turned over IRC and its subsidiary, UHC, denied by the trial court only on April 20, 1998. 22

to the Asset Privatization Trust (APT) for rehabilitation, Parenthetically, on October 22, 1996, petitioners filed an
conservation, or disposition, enabling APT to assign one share of Urgent Ex Parte Application for Receivership which was granted
stock in IRC and in each of its 25 subsidiaries, including UHC, to through an October 28, 1996 Order, appointing Jaime
Paterno Bacani, Jr. _______________
Amidst this state of affairs, petitioners filed the October 2, 1991
Complaint  against IRC, UHC, APT, and Bacani before the Makati
 Id., at p. 154.

City RTC, which was docketed as Civil Case No. 91-2721, to compel  Id., at pp. 155-160.

 SEC. 5. Failure of party to attend or serve answers.––If a party or an officer or

IRC to transfer all its stock and subscription rights in UHC to them or

managing agent of a party willfully fails to appear before the officer who is to take his
order IRC and UHC to return and re-convey to them all the assets and deposition, after being served with a proper notice, or fails to answer to interrogatories
shares of stock in CDCP, Sta. Ines, and Resort Hotels that they had submitted under Rule 25 after proper service of such inter-rogatories, the court on
transferred to UHC. motion and notice, may strike out all or any part of any pleading of that party, or dismiss
the action or proceeding or any part thereof, or enter a judgment by default against
The Ruling of the Regional Trial Court that party, and in its discretion, order him to pay reasonable expenses incurred by the
On November 29, 1991, respondents IRC and UHC filed a Joint other, including attorney’s fees (emphasis supplied).
 Rollo, pp. 161-164 & 165-168, respectively.

Motion to Dismiss  on the ground of lack of jurisdiction, claiming that


 Id., at pp. 169-170.


the exclusive jurisdiction was lodged in the Sandiganbayan and not in  Id., at pp. 192.

the RTC. Meanwhile, on December 9, 1991, respondents IRC and  Id., at pp. 171-179.

 Id., at pp. 300-302.

UHC, represented by respon-

 Id., at pp. 86-99. 110 SUPREME COURT REPORTS
 Id., at pp. 108-117.
108 Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
108 SUPREME COURT REPORTS on Good Government
ANNOTATED C. Laya as UHC’s receiver. After posting the requisite bond, the trial
court issued on November 5, 1996 an Order approving the bond, and
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
receiver Laya submitted his November 13, 1996 Oath of Office.
on Good Government Petitioners adduced their evidence and presented the testimonies
dent PCGG, filed another Motion to Dismiss  on the ground of litis
of petitioner Rodolfo Cuenca and Lourdes G. Labao, a supervisor of
pendentia as petitioner Cuenca had a pending case filed by Caval Securities Registry, Inc., who testified on the transfers of
respondent PCGG before the Sandiganbayan and docketed as Civil shares of stock of CDCP, Sta. Ines, and Resort Hotels from Cuenca
Case No. 0016 entitled Republic of the Philippines v. Rodolfo M. and CIC to UHC. On March 20, 1998, petitioners filed their Formal
Cuenca, et al., which involved respondent UHC and several other Offer of Exhibits. 23

corporations beneficially owned or controlled by petitioner Cuenca On April 23, 1998, the trial court rendered a Decision in favor of
for and in behalf of the Marcoses. Meanwhile, in the May 14, 1992 petitioners. The fallo reads:
Order, the trial court dismissed the Complaint against APT and “Accordingly, JUDGMENT is hereby rendered in favor of plaintiffs and as
Bacani, and dropped them as defendants on October 16, 1992.  On 9 against defendants IRC and UHC, who are hereby ordered to immediately
March 25, 1993, the trial court, however, denied both motions to return and reconvey to plaintiffs all of the shares of stocks and stock
dismiss on the ground that respondent PCGG was not impleaded in subscriptions in Philippine National Construction Corporation (formerly
known as Construction and Development [Corporation] of the Philippines),
the instant case and that the transaction involved specific Resort Hotels Corporation and Sta. Ines Melale Forest Products Corporation,
performance of a contract entered into in 1978 before the PCGG including those transferred by plaintiffs to UHC such as the 24,780,746 shares
came into existence. in CDCP/PNCC, the 468,062 shares in Resort Hotels Corporation and the
Consequently, on August 19, 1993, respondents IRC and UHC 23,748,932 shares in Sta. Ines Melale Forest Products Corporation plus all
filed their Answer with Counterclaim.  Before pre-trial, petitioners
fruits thereof such as stock and cash dividends and stock splits.
sent their Interrogatories  to IRC and UHC, which were answered by
11 The plaintiffs’ prayer for damages and attorney’s fees are hereby
The counterclaim of defendants UHC and IRC for damages and 113
attorney’s fees is hereby DENIED for lack of evidence. VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 113
The appointment of JAIME C. LAYA as Receiver of defendant UHC is
hereby MAINTAINED until finality of this Decision and full execution of this Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
Decision or full compliance herewith by defendants.”
on Good Government

_______________ The Issues

Petitioners raise the following grounds for our consideration:
 Id., at p. 309; per Judge Fernando V. Gorospe, Jr.
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 111
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission A.

From the adverse Decision, respondents IRC and UHC appealed to SEQUESTERED DID NOT DIVEST THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT OF
other hand, after the trial court denied respondent PCGG’s Motion COMPLAINT IN CIVIL CASE NO. 91-2721 BELOW.
for Reconsideration  through its July 22, 1998 Order,  PCGG brought
25 26

the instant case before this Court in G.R. No. 13516. Said PCGG B.
special civil action was remanded to the CA and docketed as CA-
G.R. SP No. 49686 entitled Presidential Commission on Good THE COURT OF APPEALS’ RELIANCE ON THE CASE
Government (PCGG) v. Hon. Fernando V. Gorospe, as Presiding OF REPUBLIC VS. SANDIGANBAYAN, 240 SCRA 376 (1995), IS
Judge RTC of Makati City, Branch 61, et al. In the petition before the MISPLACED.
CA, PCGG also assailed the April 20, 1998 Order of the trial court
denying its motion for intervention in Civil Case No. 91-2721. Thus, C.
the petition for certiorari (CA-G.R. SP No. 49686) and the appeal

The Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Through its assailed Decision, the appellate court reversed the Makati
City RTC’s Decision, granted the petition filed by PCGG, and The Court’s Ruling
dismissed the instant case for lack of jurisdiction. The appellate court The petition must fail.
ratiocinated that the Sandiganbayan had exclusive jurisdiction to hear The core issue before us is that of jurisdiction. In gist, petitioners
the instant case involving petitioners and the sequestered respondents argue that UHC was not sequestered, and even if it was sequestered,
corporations. It held that the recourse of parties, petitioners in the the trial court still has the jurisdiction to hear the case for rescission
instant case, who wish to challenge respondent PCGG’s acts or of contract or specific performance, and conclude that the doctrine of
orders, would be to the Sandiganbayan pursuant to Executive Order conclusiveness of judgment does not apply in the instant case.
No. (EO) 14 issued on May, 7, 1986,  which ordained that this body

alone had the original jurisdiction over all of respondent 32

 Rollo, p. 45.

 Id., at pp. 310-312.

 Id., at p. 313.
 “Defining the Jurisdiction over Cases Involving the Ill-Gotten Wealth of Former

President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, Members of Their Immediate ANNOTATED
Family, Close Relatives, Subordinates, Close and/or Business Associates, Dummies,
Agents and Nominees.” Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
on Good Government
Issue of Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction is defined as the power and authority of a court to hear,
ANNOTATED try, and decide a case.  Jurisdiction over the subject matter is

Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission conferred by the Constitution or by law while jurisdiction over the
person is acquired by his/her voluntary submission to the authority of
on Good Government the court or through the exercise of its coercive processes.
PCGG’s cases, civil or criminal, citing PCGG v. Peña   as authority. 28
Jurisdiction over the res is obtained by actual or constructive seizure
The appellate court applied Republic v. Sandiganbayan   on the issue 29
placing the property under the orders of the court. 34

of sequestration by respondent PCGG of UHC, CIC, and CDCP (now We are primarily concerned here with the first kind of
PNCC) against petitioner Cuenca, the Marcos spouses, their relatives, jurisdiction, that is, jurisdiction over the subject matter.
friends, and colleagues. Petitioners contend that even if UHC was indeed sequestered,
The CA applied the doctrine of conclusiveness of judgment that jurisdiction over the subject matter of petitioners’ Complaint for
any rule which had already been authoritatively established in a enforcement or rescission of contract between petitioners and
previous litigation should be deemed the law of the case between the respondents belonged to the RTC and not the Sandiganbayan.
same parties. As such, the appellate court adopted the ruling Petitioners cited Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation v.
in Republic on the continuing force of the order of sequestration and Court of Appeals,  involving Philip-pine Casino Operators

concluded that, indeed, respondent UHC is a sequestered company. Corporation (PCOC) which was sequestered on March 19, 1986. In
The CA did not find merit in petitioners’ contention that said case, this Court held that the fact of sequestration alone did not
sequestration did not affect their transaction with respondents as it automatically oust the RTC of jurisdiction to decide upon the
arose before PCGG was created. question of ownership of the disputed gaming and office equipment
Even if petitioners had initially a cause of action, the CA ruled as PCGG must be a party to the suit in order that the
that the complaint was certainly affected by the passage of the law Sandiganbayan’s exclusive jurisdiction may be correctly invoked,
charging respondent PCGG with the performance of certain tasks and as Section 2  of EO 14 was duly applied in PCGG v. Peña   and
36 37

over the subject matter of the action; and that the same subject matter _______________
had become subject to the new exclusive jurisdiction vested in the
Sandiganbayan at the time petitioners filed the instant case.  Zamora v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 78206, March 19, 1990, 183 SCRA 279,

Aggrieved, petitioners filed their Motion for 283; citations omitted.

 Id., at p. 284; citing Banco Español Filipino v. Palanca, 37 Phil. 921 (1918).

Reconsideration  which was denied by the assailed July 15, 2003 CA


 G.R. No. 108838, July 14, 1997, 275 SCRA 433.


Resolution.  Hence, they filed this petition for review.

 SEC. 2. The Presidential Commission on Good Government shall file all such

_______________ cases, whether civil or criminal, with the Sandiganbayan, which shall have exclusive and
original jurisdiction thereof.
 Supra note 28.

 G.R. No. L-77663, April 12, 1988, 159 SCRA 556.


 G.R. Nos. 96073, 104065, 104167, 104168, 104679, 104850, 104883, 105170,

105205, 105206, 105711-12, 105808, 105809, 105850, 106176, 106765, 107233, 115
107908, 109314, & 109592, January 23, 1995, 240 SCRA 376.
 Rollo, pp. 394-406.
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 115
 Supra note 4.
Said law has been amended during the interim period after the Edsa
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
Revolution of 1986 and before the 1987 Constitution was drafted,
on Good Government passed, and ratified. Thus, the executive issuances during such period
PCGG v. Nepomuceno,  which ineluctably spoke of respondent
before the ratification of the 1987 Constitution had the force and
PCGG as a party-litigant. effect of laws. Specifically, then President Corazon C. Aquino issued
Likewise, petitioners cited Holiday Inn (Phils.), Inc. v. the following Executive Orders which amended PD 1606 in so far as
Sandiganbayan,  which also involved a sequestered company, New
the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan over civil and criminal cases
Riviera Hotel and Development Co., Inc. (NRHDCI), where this instituted and prosecuted by the PCGG is concerned, viz.:
Court held that there is a distinction between an action for the
recovery of ill-gotten wealth, as well as all incidents arising from, 1. a)EO 1, entitled “Creating the Presidential Commission on
incidental to, or related to such cases, and cases filed by those who Good Government,” dated February 28, 1986;
wish to question or challenge respondent PCGG’s acts or orders in 2. b)EO 2, entitled “Regarding the Funds, Moneys, Assets,
such cases vis-à-vis ordinary civil cases that do not pertain to the and Properties Illegally Acquired or Misappropriated by
Sandiganbayan. As such, petitioners contend that the instant ordinary For-mer President Ferdinand E. Marcos, Mrs. Imelda
civil case for the enforcement or rescission of the 1978 contract Romualdez Marcos, Their Close Relatives, Subordinates,
between petitioners and respondents UHC and IRC is distinct from Business Associates, Dummies, Agents, or Nominees,”
and has absolutely no bearing with the unrelated issue of the dated March 12, 1986;
sequestration of respondents UHC and IRC. Thus, petitioners 3. c)EO 14, entitled “Defining the Jurisdiction over Cases
strongly contend that the trial court indeed had jurisdiction over the Involving the Ill-gotten Wealth of Former President
instant case. Besides, petitioners point out that PCGG was not Ferdinand E. Marcos, Mrs. Imelda R. Marcos, Members
impleaded as a defendant in Civil Case No. 91-2721, and that the of their Immediate Family, Close Relatives, Subordinates,
Complaint “does not question the PCGG’s alleged sequestration of Close and/or Business Associates, Dummies, Agents and
respondent UHC x x x or any other act or order of the PCGG.” 40

Nominees,” dated May 7, 1986; and

Sandiganbayan has exclusive jurisdiction over the instant case 4. d)EO 14-A, entitled “Amending Executive Order No. 14,”
A rigorous examination of the antecedent facts and existing records at dated August 18, 1986.
hand shows that Sandiganbayan has exclusive jurisdiction over the
instant case. Bearing on the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan over cases of ill-
Thus, the petition must fail for the following reasons: gotten wealth, EO 14, Secs. 1 and 2 provide:
First, it is a fact that the shares of stock of UHC and CDCP, the “SECTION 1. Any provision of the law to the contrary notwithstanding,
subject matter of Civil Case No. 91-2721 before the Makati City the Presidential Commission on Good Government with the assistance of
RTC, were also the subject matter of an ill-gotten the Office of the Solicitor General and other government agencies, is
_______________ hereby empowered to file and prosecute all cases investigated by it
under Executive Order  No. 1, dated February 28, 1986 and Executive
 G.R. No. 78750, April 20, 1990, 184 SCRA 449. Order No. 2, dated March 12, 1986, as may be warranted by its findings.
 G.R. No. 85576, June 8, 1990, 186 SCRA 447.
 Rollo, pp. 57-58. 118


ANNOTATED Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission on Good Government
SECTION 2. The Presidential Commission on Good Government shall file
on Good Government all such cases, whether civil or criminal, with the Sandiganbayan, which
wealth case, specifically Civil Case No. 0016 before the shall have exclusive and original jurisdiction thereof. (Emphasis supplied.)
Sandiganbayan. In Civil Case No. 91-2721 of the Makati City RTC,
petitioners prayed for a judgment either transferring the UHC shares Notably, these amendments had been duly recognized and reflected
or restoring and reconveying the PNCC shares to them. In the event a in subsequent amendments to PD 1606, specifically Republic Act
final judgment is rendered in said Makati City RTC case in favor of Nos. 7975  and 8249.
43 44

petitioners, then such adjudication tends to render moot and academic In the light of the foregoing provisions, it is clear that it is the
the judgment to be rendered in Sandiganbayan Civil Case No. Sandiganbayan and not the Makati City RTC that has jurisdiction
0016 considering that the legal ownership of either the UHC or over the disputed UHC and PNCC shares, being the alleged “ill-
PNCC shares would now be transferred to petitioners Rodolfo gotten wealth” of former President Ferdinand E. Marcos and
Cuenca and CIC. Such adverse judgment would run counter to the petitioner Cuenca. The fact that the Makati City RTC civil case
rights of ownership of the government over the UHC and PNCC involved the performance of contractual obligations relative to the
shares in question. It must be remembered that on March 21, 1986, a UHC shares is of no importance. The benchmark is whether said
Sworn Statement  executed by Mr. Jose Y. Campos in Vancouver,
UHC shares are alleged to be ill-gotten wealth of the Marcoses and
Canada, whereby Mr. Campos, a crony and close business associate their perceived cronies. More importantly, the interests of orderly
of the deposed President Marcos, named and identified IRC and UHC administration of justice dictate that all incidents affecting the UHC
(a wholly-owned subsidiary of IRC) as among the several shares and PCGG’s right of supervision or control over the UHC
corporations organized, established, and managed by him and other must be addressed to and resolved by the Sandiganbayan. Indeed, the
business associates for and in behalf of the former President Marcos. law and courts frown upon split jurisdiction and the resultant
Subsequently, the UHC and IRC shares were surrendered and turned multiplicity of suits, which result in much lost time, wasted effort,
over by Mr. Campos to PCGG, transferring, in effect, the ownership more expenses, and irreparable injury to the public interest.
of the shares to the Government. Second, the UHC shares in dispute were sequestered by
Moreover, inasmuch as UHC was impleaded in Civil Case No. respondent PCGG. Sequestration is a provisional remedy or freeze
0016 as a defendant and was listed among the corporations order issued by the PCGG designed to prevent the
beneficially owned or controlled by petitioner Cuenca, the issue of _______________
the latter’s right to acquire ownership of UHC shares is inexorably
intertwined with the right of the Republic of the Philippines, through  “An Act Strengthening the Functional and Structural Organization of the

Sandiganbayan, Amending for that Purpose Presidential Decree No. 1606, as Amended,”
PCGG, to retain ownership of said UHC shares. (1995).
It must be borne in mind that the Sandiganbayan was created in  “An Act Further Defining the Jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, Amending for

1978 pursuant to Presidential Decree No. (PD) 1606. 42 the Purpose Presidential Decree No. 1606, as Amended, Providing Funds Therefor, and
_______________ for Other Purposes,” (1997).

 Id., at pp. 421-428.

 “Revising Presidential Decree No. 1486 Creating a Special Court to be Known as

VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 119

‘Sandiganbayan’ and for other Purposes,” (1978).
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
on Good Government
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 117 disposal and dissipation of ill-gotten wealth.  The power to sequester

Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission property means to

“place or cause to be placed under [PCGG’s] possession or control said
on Good Government property, or any building or office wherein any such property or any records
pertaining thereto may be found, including business enterprises and entities, the instant case. Without doubt, the trial court has no jurisdiction to
for the purpose of preventing the destruction of, and otherwise conserving and hear and decide Civil Case No. 91-2721.
preserving the same, until it can be determined, through appropriate judicial
proceedings, whether the property was in truth ill-gotten. (Silverio v. Respondent UHC duly sequestered by PCGG
PCGG, 155 SCRA 60 [1987])” 46 The trial court ruled that respondent PCGG could not stop the
transfer of the shares of respondent UHC in CDCP to petitioners as
Considering that the UHC shares were already sequestered, enabling there was no proof of sequestration except a writ of sequestration of
the PCGG to exercise the power of supervision, possession, and Cuenca’s stocks in CDCP. On the other hand, petitioners contend that
control over said shares, then such power would collide with the legal the appellate court’s reliance on Republic  is misplaced. They point

custody of the Makati City RTC over the UHC shares subject of Civil out that neither PCGG nor respondent corporations relied on said
Case No. 91-2721. Whatever the outcome of Civil Case No. 91-2721, case. Besides, petitioners contend that the Court’s statements in said
whether from enforcement or rescission of the contract, would case did not constitute a ruling but mere references to unproven
directly militate on PCGG’s control and management of IRC and allegations by PCGG in its complaint against Cuenca in
UHC, and consequently hamper or interfere with its mandate to Sandiganbayan Civil Case No. 0016; and as such, it cannot be relied
recover ill-gotten wealth. As aptly pointed out by respondents, upon to hold that UHC was a sequestered corporation. As it is,
petitioners’ action is inexorably entwined with the Government’s petitioners conclude that it was a mere obiter dictum which was not
action for the recovery of ill-gotten wealth––the subject of the essential to the disposition of the aforecited case and thus, it is not
pending case before the Sandiganbayan. Verily, the transfer of shares binding upon the parties for purposes of res judicata or
of stock of UHC to petitioners or the return of the shares of stock of conclusiveness of judgment.
CDCP (now PNCC) will wreak havoc on the sequestration case as We are not moved by petitioners’ submission.
both UHC and CDCP are subject of sequestration by PCGG. While it may be true that in Republic, our statement on Civil
Third, Philippine Amusement and Gaming Case No. 0016, as cited by PCGG, refers to the allegations in the
Corporation and Holiday Inn (Phils.), Inc.   are not analogous to the
complaint filed by PCGG against petitioner Cuenca,  we nonetheless

case at bar. The first dealt with ownership of gaming and office stated in said case the fact of the
equipment, which is distinct from and will not impact on the _______________
 Supra note 29.
 Republic v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 92376, August 12, 1991, 200 SCRA 530,
 Id., at p. 405.
 Supra notes 35 & 39.

120 SUPREME COURT REPORTS Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission
ANNOTATED on Good Government
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission sequestration of the assets and records of Rodolfo Cuenca, UHC,
CIC, CDCP, San Mariano Mining Corp., etc. on May 23, 1986 and
on Good Government
July 23, 1987. We took factual notice of the sequestration of various
sequestration issue of PCOC. The second dealt with an ordinary civil companies and properties in said case, thus:
case for performance of a contractual obligation which did not in any III. Orders of Sequestration issued by PCGG
way affect the sequestration proceeding of NRHDCI; thus, the
complaint-in-intervention of Holiday Inn (Phils.), Inc. was properly During 1986 and 1987 numerous orders of sequestration, freezing or
denied for lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter. provisional takeover of companies or properties, real or personal, were issued
In both cases cited by petitioners, there was a substantial and implemented. Among those were the orders handed out against the firms
distinction between the sequestration proceedings and the subject or assets hereunder listed, with the dates of sequestration, freezing or take-
matter of the actions. This does not prevail in the instant case, as the over, to wit:
ownership of the shares of stock of the sequestered companies, UHC
and CDCP, is the subject matter of a pending case and thus addressed SUBJECTS/OBJECTS OF DATE
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan.
Sec. 2 of EO 14 pertinently provides: “The Presidential SEQUESTRATION
Commission on Good Government shall file all such cases, whether xxxx
civil or criminal, with the Sandiganbayan, which shall have exclusive i. Assets and records of May 23,
and original jurisdiction thereof.”
The above proviso has been squarely applied in Peña,  where this
48 Rodolfo Cuenca, 1986,
Court held that the exclusive jurisdiction conferred on the Universal Holdings July 23,
Sandiganbayan would evidently extend not only to the principal
causes of action, that is, recovery of alleged ill-gotten wealth, but also Corp., Cuenca 1987
to all incidents arising from, incidental to, or related to such cases, Investment Corporation,
including a dispute over the sale of the shares, the propriety of the Philippine
issuance of ancillary writs of relative provisional remedies, and the
sequestration of the shares, which may not be made the subject of National Construction
separate actions or proceedings in another forum. Indeed, the issue of Corp. (formerly
the ownership of the sequestered companies, UHC and PNCC, as
well as IRC’s ownership of them, is undeniably related to the
CDCP), San Mariano
recovery of the alleged ill-gotten wealth and can be squarely Mining Corp., etc. 51

addressed via the exclusive jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan. From the foregoing account, we concluded that UHC had indeed
Fourth, while it is clear that the exclusive jurisdiction of the been sequestered by the PCGG in 1986 and 1987. Consequently, the
Sandiganbayan only encompasses cases where PCGG is appellate court properly applied Republic as basis for its finding that
_______________ UHC was a sequestered company. Since the issue of sequestration
has been resolved, we see no need to delve into the issue of
 Supra note 28. conclusiveness of judgment. Suffice it to say that with the
unequivocal finding that UHC was indeed sequestered, then it is the
Sandiganbayan, not the Makati City RTC, that has exclusive
VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 121 jurisdiction over the subject matter of Civil Case No. 91-2721.
Cuenca vs. Presidential Commission WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DISMISSED for lack of
merit. The January 6, 2003 Decision and July 15, 2003 Resolution of
on Good Government the CA in CA-G.R. CV No. 60338 and CA-G.R. SP No. 49686 are
impleaded, such requirement is satisfied in the instant case. The AFFIRMED IN TOTO. No costs.
appellate court clearly granted PCGG’s petition for certiorari in CA- _______________
G.R. SP No. 49686, assailing the trial court’s denial of its Motion for
Leave to Intervene with Motion to Dismiss. Thus, the trial court’s 51
 Id., at pp. 391-393.
April 20, 1998 Order was reversed and set aside by the appellate
court through its assailed Decision. Consequently, PCGG was 123
granted the right to intervene and thus became properly impleaded in VOL. 535, OCTOBER 5, 2007 123
Tanglao vs. Parungao
     Carpio-Morales (Actg.
Chairperson), Tinga, Puno (C.J.) and Ynares-Santiago,
** **
As per September 3, 2007

 JJ., concur.

Petition dismissed, judgment and resolution affirmed in toto.

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