3 Photosynthesis MS PDF
3 Photosynthesis MS PDF
3 Photosynthesis MS PDF
(b) Membranes / (disc) shape provides large surface for light absorption;
layering of membrane allows a lot of pigment;
(permeable) membrane allows diffusion of gases / carbon dioxide;
membranes provide surface for attachment of electron / hydrogen
stroma / matrix containing enzymes for Calvin cycle /
light–independent reactions; max 3
2. (a) (i) 5 3 3 6; 1
(ii) Stroma; 1
(iii) GP (accumulates as) cannot be converted to triose phosphate;
since this requires ATP / reduced NADP /
products of light-dependent reaction; 2
(b) Only a certain amount of light energy available / not enough energy left;
respiratory loss between each trophic level / loss in faeces; 2
(c) Incorporated in tissues of decomposers;
passed on to other organisms in decomposer food chain;
lost in respiration by decomposers; max. 2
6. (a) (i) 3; 1
(ii) Reduced NADP: to reduce GP / add H (to GP);
NOT just „convert GP to TP‟
8. (a) 1 and 3; 1
(b) Some energy lost as heat; 1
(d) 4; 1
(e) (i) Grana/ thylakolds/ internal membranes; 1
(ii) Reduces/ reducing power/ source of hydrogen/ electrons;
Glycerate-3-phosphate to Triose phosphate/ GP to TP; 2
[Ignore: Reference to molecules]
(b) A = oxygen/O2
B = ADP and phosphate/Pi /phosphoric acid/correct formula;
(b) reduction/described;
of GP to triose phosphate; 2
(b) Little green light reaches bottom as absorbed by surface dwellers / water;
Red and blue not absorbed and so penetrate;
Variation in pigments of sediment dwellers;
Bacteria with chlorophyll at an advantage;
As chlorophyll absorbs red and blue;
(Survive to) reproduce in greater numbers;
Pass on advantageous alleles/genes in greater numbers / increase in
frequency of advantageous alleles in subsequent generations;
Increase in frequency/numbers of bacteria with chlorophyll; max. 6
(b) (i) kinetic effect / molecules move faster / more kinetic energy;
more collisions;
more enzyme -substrate complex formed /
more binding to active site; max. 2
(ii) breaking of (correct) bonds in enzyme molecule;
shape of active site changed / denaturation;
substrate does not bind / attach to enzyme; max. 2
23. (a) 3
Mark down
Hybrids between ticks and crosses are ambiguous and not acceptable
(c) Q R S P ; 1
28. (a)
Respiration Photosynthesis
Name of NAD NADP
Stage in the Glycolysis light dependent
process where and
coenzyme is link reaction/Krebs
reduced cycle
Stage in the electron transport chain light independent
process where
coenzyme is
1st column,
glycolysis and Krebs cycle/link reaction;
oxidative phosphorylation/ETC;
2nd column,
light dependent, then light independent; 3
29. (a) the more light absorbed, the greater the rate of photosynthesis;
light provides the energy for light dependent reactions / photolysis /
light independent reactions / production of reduced NADP /
exciting electrons in chlorophyll;
(do not give credit if energy is used in photosynthesis) 2
(b) count the number of bubbles / measure the volume of gas / measure the
change in pH / carbon dioxide / hydrogen carbonate ions;
(credit oxygen produced) 1
(ii) stroma; 1
(b) (i) shows that indicator alone does not change colour in light; 1
32. (a) (i) pigment reflects/does not absorb green or yellow or orange;
pigment absorbs blue or violet;
pigment absorbs red; 1
(accept correct wavelengths instead of colours)
(any 2 for 1 mark)
(ii) light (energy) absorbed by chlorophyll;
raises energy level of electrons / electrons are excited/emitted;
ATP formed; 3
34. (a) x;
x x ;
x x 4
(iii) Y X W Z;
order of carriers linked to sequence of reduction / reduced
carriers cannot pass on electrons when inhibited; 2