Transportation System Development Goals and Objectives
Transportation System Development Goals and Objectives
Transportation System Development Goals and Objectives
• Efficiency,
• Equity, and
• Better Environment.
(1) Efficiency
(2) Equity
Equity means that a certain minimum level of transportation service should be assured and
provided for all members of the society. Some low-income people cannot afford to pay
expensive transportation cost. Some socially vulnerable people including the aged and the
handicapped have difficulties in their mobility. Affordable and sufficient level of
transportation services should be provided for those people especially by improving the
public transport system.
The JICA Study on Formulation of Spatial Planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA Zone
Final Report Volume 4: Development Action Plan for Transportation Sector
transportation services in GKS, particularly in SMA. Some areas which are not covered by
railways or toll roads should be covered by nearly the same level of alternative services.
This will be particularly important since dispersion of the urban functions is proposed in this
For the low-pollution and low-carbon society, air pollution and noises caused by automobiles
should be minimized by promoting public transport use and controlling the traffic demand.
At the same time, air pollution and noises should be reduced by applying stricter vehicle
emission standards.
In addition, traffic safety should be enhanced and the number of accident victims should be
minimized through the enforcement of laws and regulations, intensive public campaigns, and
training and education of drivers as well as general public. Improvement of traffic facilities
through engineering design would also contribute to the reduction of traffic accidents.
The JICA Study on Formulation of Spatial Planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA Zone
Final Report Volume 4: Development Action Plan for Transportation Sector
• To enhance traffic safety through law enforcement, public campaigns, training, and
• To provide user-friendly transportation facilities
The JICA Study on Formulation of Spatial Planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA Zone
Final Report Volume 4: Development Action Plan for Transportation Sector
In addition to the five radial corridors, Corridor (3), which runs westward from Surabaya to
south Kabupaten Gresik, and south Kabupaten Lamongan, should be added as a major road
network corridor. Large housing and industrial developments are planned on this corridor,
which will match with the development directions in Kota Surabaya and Kabupaten Gresik.
Corridor (5b), which runs on the east coast of Sidoarjo and directly connects Kota Surabaya
and Kabupaten Pasuruan without going through the center of Sidoarjo, should be added
especially for freight transport.
Some of the toll developments planned by the local governments, or in studies such as the
ARSDS-GKS (1997), are also included as corridors with toll developments. A new toll
plan, which directly connects Krian and Porong/Gempol and located on the south of Corridor
(9), has also been added to this Study.
The JICA Study on Formulation of Spatial Planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA Zone
Final Report Volume 4: Development Action Plan for Transportation Sector
were presented for SMA, specifically for Surabaya. These were: a moderate case (Figure
8.1.2), and an expressway-intensive case (Figure 8.1.3). In both cases, the road corridors
would be developed in a grid-like structure following the future design in the latest spatial
plan of Surabaya, which is also grid-like, as shown in Figure 5.3.11. Among others, there
are several north-south corridors that will constitute part of the ring roads and combine with
such toll roads as Surabaya – Gresik, Surabaya – Mojokerto, Waru – Juanda, and Perak –
Suramadu (planned) toll roads. These new corridors run from east to west: i.e., Outer East
Ring Road, or Corridor (8a), Middle East Ring Road (MERR), or Corridor (8b); Inner East
Ring Road, or Corridor (6a); Middle West Ring Road (MWRR), or Corridor (12); Outer
West Ring Road I, Corridor (13); and Outer West Ring Road II, Corridor (14), as shown in
Figure 8.1.2.
In the moderate case, only the Surabaya East Ring Road (SERR) and the Perak – Suramadu
toll road, were given priority to connect to Suramadu Bridge, and were considered as
corridors with toll development. In the expressway-intensive case, some of the planned toll
developments, or those considered by the central government (i.e. the MERR toll road, and
the Waru–Wonokoromo–Tg. Perak toll road) were included as corridors with toll
developments. While for Surabaya, the former is just a ring corridor toll development, the
latter has two more toll corridors running north-south through the area surrounded by the
ring corridor. It should be noted that both cases require further study due to future travel
demand forecasts.
The JICA Study on Formulation of Spatial Planning for GERBANGKERTOSUSILA Zone
Final Report Volume 4: Development Action Plan for Transportation Sector