SB Order 12-2020 - SB
SB Order 12-2020 - SB
SB Order 12-2020 - SB
Order L2/2O20
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communication
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
words "in the shape of postage stamp in the space provided for the purpose,, shourd be replaced
with ,,
in cash and accounted as per procedure laid down in SB order 3/202 O dated
LO/l/2O2O,, .
Rule 48(2) :- This sub rule should be treated as deleted from the date of receipt
of sB order 13/2019
dated 18 12.2019 as conversion of single into joint and vice versa is not allowed
as per new Rule g of
GSPR 2018.
Rule 54(5):- Add below sub rule after sub rule (5)
(6) From date of receipt of sB order 13/2019 dated 18.1,2.2oLg, maintenance
charges of Rs.100/- + GST
@18% shall be deducted on the last working day of the Financial year from all the savings accounts
which shall not maintain minimum balance of Rs.5o0/ irrespective of if the account
is silent oi not.
Rule 55(8):- Notice printed below this sub rule to be replaced with below
Yours faithfully,
Date.. (Postmaster)
Correction Slios for Aopendices pOSB(CBS)
Para 3(vi):-ln this sub para, word
"Rs.s/r,should be replaced by,, Rs.50/_,,
Para 8i Replace this para
with below text:-
8' collection charges for outstation charges:-
outstation cheque corection charges as notified
Reserve bank of rndia from time to by
shourd be ar,argal fro, the account horder.
cheque collection charges should be charged However, no
ir .t,"fr" ir*ed by postmaster on account-of maturity
of any account or certificate is treated "ny
as;utstation Orrirg.f"..,ng
Para 14(1)(a):- Add Note 3 below Note
2ofthis sub para:l
Note 3rFrom the date of receipt of sB
order 13/2019 dated 7a.72.20rg,cheque book uptolo
a calendar year wi, be issued free of leafs in
any charge ana tnereafter a charge of {2 per
deducted from account of the account holder cheque reaf wi, be
at the time of issue of cheque book.
Para21. This para should be replaced with
below textl
Service charges on dishonored chequesi
(1) ln case any cheque presented
by any account horder of a savings account
deposit into his/her savings account or for in any post office for
opening of ary .,e* account under any
during ctearing, a service charge of Rs.too/_ + other scheme is
::r:"rfi*, riz csr witt be debited from his/her savings
(2) ln case a non- account horder presents
a cheque for investment in any of the nationar
Schemes and that cheque is dishonored, savings
iee Oni.fOOi_ _ CST O 18% shall be collected
person as and when he/she attends post from that
office and account for the same pu, ...orniing pro.edr."
mentioned in SB order 03/2020 dated 1,0.f .2020. ",
3 lt is requested to circulate these corrections to
all concerned for information and guidance
and necessary action.
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant director (SB)
copy to:-
(Estt.)/DDG(pG &
ln spect io
ns)/DDG (pCOlSr. DDG(pBt)
2. Director of Audit (p&T), Delhi.
3. Resident Audit Officer, Room No.5i.7-8, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
4. All Directors/Dy. Directors ofAccounts, postal
5. Director, RAKANpA, Ghaziabad, All Directors, postal Training Centres.
6. Director PTC Mysore for uploading the sB order on rndia post web site
7. Deputy Director (CEpT) O/o CpMG T.N.Circle, Chennai for information.
8. AD /ln p ection/p F/Vigila n ce