SATA Product Manual: Standard Models SED-FIPS (140-2) Models
SATA Product Manual: Standard Models SED-FIPS (140-2) Models
SATA Product Manual: Standard Models SED-FIPS (140-2) Models
Self-Encrypting Drive
(SED) models
100807728, Rev. G
August 2018
Document Revision History
Revision Date Pages affected and Description of change
Rev. C 11/28/2016 6 & 13: Combined Operating Temperature spec lines into “Operating temperature = 0°C to 60°C”
fc, 5, 7, 9 & 29-31: Added SED & SED-FIPS models & added pertinent notes, bullets & cross-references
7: Added Power-off/Flush Command note after Table 1
7 & 16: Revised Rated Workload statements
Rev. D 02/22/2017
16: Added Section 2.11.1 Data loss under power interruption with write cache enabled
19-20: Updated mechanical drawings
22-24 Added Sections 4.0 About FIPS & Section 5.0 About (SED) Self-Encrypting Drives
1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
1.1 About the Serial ATA Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
For Seagate OEM, Distribution partner and reseller portals, visit:
Previous generations of Seagate Self-Encrypting Drive models were called Full Disk Encryption (FDE) models
Note before a differentiation between drive-based encryption and other forms of encryption was necessary.
For more information on SED drives see About (SED) Self-Encrypting Drives on page 27.
For more information on FIPS 140-2 Level 2 certification see About FIPS on page 26.
There is no significant performance difference between Self-Encrypting Drive and standard (non-Self-Encrypting Drive) models.
In addition, Serial ATA makes the transition from parallel ATA easy by providing legacy software support. Serial ATA was designed to allow users to
install a Serial ATA host adapter and Serial ATA disk drive in the current system and expect all of the existing applications to work as normal.
The Serial ATA interface connects each disk drive in a point-to-point configuration with the Serial ATA host adapter. There is no master/slave
relationship with Serial ATA devices like there is with parallel ATA. If two drives are attached on one Serial ATA host adapter, the host operating
system views the two devices as if they were both “masters” on two separate ports. This essentially means both drives behave as if they are Device 0
(master) devices.
The host adapter may, optionally, emulate a master/slave environment to host software where two devices on separate Serial ATA ports
Note are represented to host software as a Device 0 (master) and Device 1 (slave) accessed at the same set of host bus addresses. A host
adapter that emulates a master/slave environment manages two sets of shadow registers. This is not a typical Serial ATA environment.
The Serial ATA host adapter and drive share the function of emulating parallel ATA device behavior to provide backward compatibility with existing
host systems and software. The Command and Control Block registers, PIO and DMA data transfers, resets, and interrupts are all emulated.
The Serial ATA host adapter contains a set of registers that shadow the contents of the traditional device registers, referred to as the Shadow
Register Block. All Serial ATA devices behave like Device 0 devices. For additional information about how Serial ATA emulates parallel ATA, refer to
the Serial ATA International Organization: Serial ATA (Revision 3.2). The specification can be downloaded from
The specification summaries listed in the following tables are for quick reference. For details on specification measurement or definition, refer to the
appropriate section of this manual.
Table 1 Drive Specifications Summary
Heads 4 2
Disks 2 1
5% to 95% (operating)
Relative humidity 5% to 95% (non-operating)
To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access the following
web page:
Warranty From this page, click on the “Is my Drive under Warranty” link. The following are required to
be provided: the drive serial number, model number (or part number) and country of
purchase. The system will display the warranty information for the drive.
1. One GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity.
Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment and formatting.
† Seagate does not recommend operating at sustained case temperatures above 60°C.
Operating at higher temperatures will reduce useful life of the product.
If the drive is powered-off before issuing flush cache command, in some instances,
Note the end user data in the DRAM cache might not be committed to the disk.
1. One GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary
depending on operating environment and formatting.
These drives are designed to consistently meet the seek times represented in this manual. Physical seeks,
regardless of mode (such as track-to-track and average), are expected to meet the noted values. However, due
Note to the manner in which these drives are formatted, benchmark tests that include command overhead or
measure logical seeks may produce results that vary from these specifications.
Standby(1) 0.13W
Sleep 0.13W
The typical 5V startup and operation current profile is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
Figure 1 Typical 1D - 5V Startup and Operation Current Profile
Input noise ripple is measured at the host system power supply across an equivalent 15-ohm resistive load on the +5 volt line.
• Using 5-volt power, the drive is expected to operate with a maximum of 100 mV peak-to-peak square-wave injected noise at up to 20 MHz.
Note Equivalent resistance is calculated by dividing the nominal voltage by the typical RMS read/write current.
Allowable voltage 5V ± 5%
The drive provides programmable power management to provide greater energy efficiency. In most systems, power management is controlled
through the system setup program. The drive features the following power-management modes:
Table 5 Power modes
Power modes Heads Spindle Electronics
• Active mode
The drive is in Active mode during the read/write and seek operations.
n Idle mode
The electronics remains powered, and the drive accepts all commands and returns to Active mode when disk access is necessary.
• Standby mode
The drive enters Standby mode immediately the host sends a Standby Immediate command. If the host has set the standby timer, the drive can
also enter Standby mode automatically after the drive has been inactive for a specifiable length of time. The standby timer delay is established
using a Standby or Idle command. In Standby mode, the electronics are in low power mode, the heads are parked and the spindle is at rest. The
drive accepts all commands and returns to Active mode when disk access is necessary.
n Sleep mode
The drive enters Sleep mode after receiving a Sleep command from the host. In Sleep mode, the electronics are in low power mode, the heads
are parked and the spindle is at rest. The drive leaves Sleep mode after it receives a Hard Reset or Soft Reset from the host. After receiving a reset,
the drive exits Sleep mode and enters Standby mode.
Ambient temperature is defined as the temperature of the environment immediately surrounding the drive.
Above 1000 feet (305 meters), the maximum temperature is derated linearly by 1°C every 1000 feet.
Table 6 Environmental specifications
20°C per hour (36°F per hour) max, 35°C per hour (63°F per hour) max,
Temperature gradient
without condensation without condensation
Seagate does not recommend operating at sustained case temperatures above 60°C.
Note Operating at higher temperatures will reduce useful life of the product.
2.8.1 Shock
All shock specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input shock applied at the drive mounting screws. Shock may be
applied in the X, Y, or Z axis.
These drives comply with the performance levels specified in this document when subjected to a maximum operating shock of 400 Gs based on
half-sine shock pulses of 2ms. Shocks should not be repeated more than one time per axis.
The non-operating shock level that the drive can experience without incurring physical damage or degradation in performance when subsequently
put into operation is 1000 Gs based on a nonrepetitive half-sine shock pulse of 1 ms duration.
2.8.2 Vibration
All vibration specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input vibration applied at the drive mounting screws. Vibration may
be applied in the X, Y, or Z axis.
The maximum vibration levels that the drive may experience while meeting the performance standards specified in this document are specified
The maximum non-operating vibration levels that the drive may experience without incurring physical damage or degradation in performance
when subsequently put into operation are specified below.
2.9 Acoustics
Drive emission of sound is measured consistent with the ECMA-74 and its referenced standards. Testing is conducted at room temperature
(approximately 25°C). Emission levels are reported as the total A-weighted sound power levers for steady state, idle, and active seeks modes of
Table 7 Drive A-weighted Sound Power Levels (SWL, BA)
1. During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur according to
the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which may increase acoustic and power to
operational levels.
Seagate follows the ECMA-74 standards for measurement and identification of PDTs. An exception to this process is the use of the absolute
threshold of hearing. Seagate uses the lower limit for the threshold curve* to discern tone audibility and to compensate for the inaudible
components of sound prior to computation of tone ratios according to Annex D of the ECMA-74 standards.
*Defined as the median curve given by ISO 389-7 (Tf curve) minus 10dB at all frequencies.
Performance Reference
Test Description
Level Standard
Conducted RF immunity 150 kHz to 80 MHz, 3 Vrms, 80% AM with 1 kHz sine A EN 61000-4-6: 97
net to the top of the drive. Calibration of the field vs. distance is done with a Hall probe with no magnetic materials present.
3 Testing to be done with magnet.375” dia. x 0.100” Ni-plated NdFeB; B,~11.5 kG, magnetized along its length; the magnet is ori-
ented with the length perpendicular to the drive cover/PCBA. Drive to be properly secured during test.
2.11 Reliability
Non-recoverable read errors 1 per 1014 bits read, max
Load/Unload (U/UL)
Warranty To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access the following web page:
From this page, click on the “Is my Drive under Warranty” link. The following are required to be provided:
the drive serial number, model number (or part number) and country of purchase. The system will dis-
play the warranty information for the drive.
2.11.1 Data loss under power interruption with write cache enabled
Drive preserves its data during all operations except in cases where power to the drive is interrupted during write operations. This could result in
either an uncorrected data error being reported, or the entire sector/track becoming unreadable. This can be permanently recovered by rewriting
to the same location on the drive. Additionally any data present in the DRAM buffer will not be written to the disk media, additionally, the drive will
not be able to return the original data.
In order to prevent this data loss, the host should issue a standby immediate or flush cache command before a controlled power off operation to the
The following regulatory model number represent all features and configurations within the series:
The South Korean KC Certification Mark means the drives comply with paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Electromagnetic Compatibility
control Regulation and meet the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requirements of the Radio Research Agency (RRA)
Communications Commission, Republic of Korea.These drives have been tested and comply with the Electromagnetic Interference/
Electromagnetic Susceptibility (EMI/EMS) for Class B products. Drives are tested in a representative, end-user system by a Korean-
recognized lab.
̛ࣗط ߇ࡈیΰח
Drives with the Taiwanese certification mark comply with Chinese National Standard, CNS13438.
For compliance with the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection’s (BSMI) requirements, See Section 2.13.3 on page 21.
If necessary, users should consult a dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Users may find
helpful the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission: How to Identify and Resolve Radio-Television
Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
DC 20402. Refer to publication number 004-000-00345-4.
Seagate drives are designed to be compliant with the European Union RoHS "Recast" Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) as amended by
Directive (EU) 2015/863. The RoHS2 restricts the use of certain hazardous substances such as Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Hexavalent
Chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE), BisBis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP),
Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
The European Union REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation (EC) 1907/2006
regulates chemicals shipped into and used in Europe. A number of parts and materials in Seagate products are procured from
external suppliers. We rely on the representations of our suppliers regarding the presence of REACH substances in these articles and
materials. Our supplier contracts require compliance with our chemical substance restrictions, and our suppliers document their
compliance with our requirements by providing full-disclosure material content declarations that disclose inclusion of any REACH-
regulated substance in such articles or materials. Product-specific REACH declarations are available upon request through your
Seagate Sales Representative.
部件名称 Hazardous Substances
Part Name 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr+6) (PBB) (PBDE)
硬盘驱动器 X O O O O O
印刷电路板组装 X O O O O O
The following table meets the Section 5 of CNS 15663, “Marking of presence” requirements.
設備名稱:硬碟設備,型號 :
Equipment Name: Hard Disk Device, Type Designation:
單元 Restricted Substance and its chemical symbol
Unit 鉛 汞 鎘 六價鉻 多溴聯苯 多溴二苯醚
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr+6) (PBB) (PBDE)
頂蓋 — O O O O O
Top Cover
磁碟 — O O O O O
Magnetic disk
電機底座組件 — O O O O O
Motor Base Assembly
印刷電路板组装 — O O O O O
PCB Assembly
備考 1. "O" 係指該项限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。
Note 1. "O" indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance does not exceed the percentage of reference value of presence.
備考 2. "—" 係指該项限用物質為排除項目。
Note 2. "—" indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption.
Users should use caution exposing any electronic components to uncontrolled chemical pollutants and corrosive chemicals as electronic drive
component reliability can be affected by the installation environment. The silver, copper, nickel and gold films used in Seagate products are
especially sensitive to the presence of sulfide, chloride, and nitrate contaminants. Sulfur is found to be the most damaging. In addition, electronic
components should never be exposed to condensing water on the surface of the printed circuit board assembly (PCBA) or exposed to an ambient
relative humidity greater than 95%. Materials used in cabinet fabrication, such as vulcanized rubber, that can outgas corrosive compounds should
be minimized or eliminated. The useful life of any electronic equipment may be extended by replacing materials near circuitry with sulfide-free
Seagate recommends that data centers be kept clean by monitoring and controlling the dust and gaseous contamination. Gaseous contamination
should be within ANSI/ISA S71.04-2013 G2 classification levels (as measured on copper and silver coupons), and dust contamination to ISO 14644-1
Class 8 standards, and MTBF rated conditions as defined in the Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) section.
Signal cable
Power cable
69.850 ± 0.250
2.499 ± 1.270
7.949 ± 1.270
2 (90.600)
BASE 2 (14.000)
2X M3 X 0.5-6H
MOUNTING HOLES: BOTH SIDES 2 2X (3.000) 7.000 0.200
4 X M3 X 0.5-6H
3.5 +.075 -.3 X90
69.850 ± 0.250
2.499 ± 1.270
7.949 ± 1.270
BASE (14.000)
2X M3 X 0.5-6H
4 X M3 X 0.5-6H
3.5 +.075 -.3 X90
(3.500) +0.20
100.35 - 0.25
69.850 0.250
7.949 1.270
BASE (14.000)
4MM MIN SCREW DEPTH 2X (3.000) BOTH SIDES 7.000 0.200
3.5 +.075 -.3 X90
4 X M3 X 0.5-6H
3.5 +.075 -.3 X90
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) issued the FIPS 140 Publication Series to coordinate the requirements and standards for
cryptography modules that include both hardware and software components.
Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 2 Certification requires drives to go through government agencies certifications to add
requirements for physical tamper-evidence and role-based authentication. For more information, refer to 'Security Rules' section in the 'Security
Policy' document uploaded on the NIST website. To reference the product certification visit:, and search for “Seagate”.
Security Level 2.
Security Level 2 enhances the physical security mechanisms of a Security Level 1 cryptographic module by adding the requirement for tamper-
evidence, which includes the use of tamper-evident coatings or seals on removable covers of the module. Tamper-evident coatings or seals are
placed on a cryptographic module so that the coating or seal must be broken to attain physical access to the critical security parameters (CSP)
within the module. Tamper-evident seals (example shown in Figure 7 on page 26) are placed on covers to protect against unauthorized physical
access. In addition Security Level 2 requires, at a minimum, role-based authentication in which a cryptographic module authenticates the
authorization of an operator to assume a specific role and perform a corresponding set of services.
Figure 7 Example of FIPS tamper evidence labels.
5.2.1 Admin SP
The Admin SP allows the drive's owner to enable or disable firmware download operations (see Section 5.4, Drive Locking). Access to the Admin
SP is available using the SID (Secure ID) password or the MSID (Manufacturers Secure ID) password.
5.2.2 Locking SP
The Locking SP controls read/write access to the media and the cryptographic erase feature. Access to the Locking SP is available using the Admin
or User passwords.
5.10 RevertSP
SED models will support the RevertSP feature which erases all data in all bands on the device and returns the contents of all SPs (Security Providers)
on the device to their original factory state. In order to execute the RevertSP method the unique PSID (Physical Secure ID) printed on the drive label
must be provided. PSID is not electronically accessible and can only be manually read from the drive label or scanned in via the 2D barcode.
For detailed information about the Serial ATA interface, refer to the Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment specification.
1 All pins are in a single row, with a 1.27 mm (0.050 in) pitch.
2 The comments on the mating sequence apply to the case of backplane blindmate connector only. In this case, the mating sequences are:
• the ground pins P4 and P12.
• the pre-charge power pins and the other ground pins.
• the signal pins and the rest of the power pins.
3 There are three power pins for each voltage. One pin from each voltage is used for pre-charge when installed in a blind-mate backplane
4 All used voltage pins (Vx) must be terminated.
Refer to S.M.A.R.T. commands on page 37 for details and subcommands used in the S.M.A.R.T. implementation.
Table 13 Supported ATA commands
Idle E3h
Idle Immediate E1h
Sleep E6h
Standby E2h
Standby Immediate E0h
The Identify Device command (command code ECH) transfers information about the drive to the host following power up. The data is organized as
a single 512-byte block of data, whose contents are shown in Table 14. All reserved bits or words should be set to zero. Parameters listed with an “x”
are drive-specific or vary with the state of the drive. Refer to Drive Specifications on page 8 for default parameter settings.
The following commands contain drive-specific features that may not be included in the Serial ATA specification.
Table 14 Identify Device command
4 Retired 0000H
5 Retired 0000H
20 Retired 0000H
21 Retired 8000H
22 Obsolete 0004H
23–26 Firmware revision: (8 ASCII character string, padded with blanks to end of string) x.xx
47 (Bits 7–0) Maximum sectors per interrupt on Read multiple and Write multiple (16) 8010H
50 Capabilities 4000H
52 Retired 0200H
59 Number of sectors transferred during a Read Multiple or Write Multiple command xxxxH
62 Retired 0000H
63 Multiword DMA active and modes supported (see note following this table) xx07H
65 Minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 ns) 0078H
66 Recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 ns) 0078H
67 Minimum PIO cycle time without IORDY flow control (240 ns) 0078H
68 Minimum PIO cycle time with IORDY flow control (120 ns) 0078H
69 Additional Supported bits xx1xH
Bit 4 means Device Encrypts All User Data on the device. or
Bit 7 means IEEE1667 protocol is supported. xx9xH
77 ATA-reserved 0000H
88 Ultra DMA support and current mode (see note following this table) xx7FH
108-111 The mandatory value of the world wide name (WWN) for the drive. Each drive will have a unique value.
NOTE: This field is valid if word 84, bit 8 is set to 1 indicating 64-bit WWN support.
120 Free Fall Protection enable/disable (bit 5) 1 = Free Fall Protection feature is enabled
0 = Free Fall Protection feature is disabled
Note See the bit descriptions below for words 63, 88 and 93 of the Identify Drive data. (on next page)
Bit Word 63
Bit Word 88
Bit Word 93
This command controls the implementation of various features that the drive supports. When the drive receives this command, it sets BSY, checks
the contents of the Features register, clears BSY and generates an interrupt. If the value in the register does not represent a feature that the drive
supports, the command is aborted. Power-on default has the read look-ahead and write caching features enabled.
The acceptable values for the Features register are defined as follows:
01H Set PIO mode to default and disable IORDY (PIO mode 2).
C1H Disable the Free Fall Protection feature (41H above enables the Free Fall Protection feature)
Note At power-on, or after a hardware or software reset, the default values of the features are as indicated above
S.M.A.R.T. provides near-term failure prediction for disk drives. When S.M.A.R.T. is enabled, the drive monitors predetermined drive attributes that
are susceptible to degradation over time. If self-monitoring determines that a failure is likely, S.M.A.R.T. makes a status report available to the host.
Not all failures are predictable. S.M.A.R.T. predictability is limited to the attributes the drive can monitor. For more information on S.M.A.R.T.
commands and implementation, see the Draft ATA-5 Standard.
SeaTools diagnostic software activates a built-in drive self-test (DST S.M.A.R.T. command for D4H) that eliminates unnecessary drive returns. The
diagnostic software ships with all new drives and is also available at:
This drive is shipped with S.M.A.R.T. features disabled. Users must have a recent BIOS or software package that supports S.M.A.R.T. to enable this
feature. The table below shows the S.M.A.R.T. command codes that the drive uses.