Desktop SSHD: Product Manual
Desktop SSHD: Product Manual
Desktop SSHD: Product Manual
Product Manual
100726566, Rev. M
January 2018
Document Revision History
Revision Date Pages affected and Description of Change
4 & 12: Revised: Copyright text (below); Warranty URL & text
Rev. C 03/18/2014
4: Replaced MTBF w/AFR in Rated Workload text
Rev. E 07/17/2014 22-23: Edit Words 82, 83, 85 & 86 values, add Word 91 and edit AAM note
Rev. G 09/22/2015 7: Revised Rated Workload statement & Added “AFR <1.0% based on 2400 POH”
6 & 13: Revised to Op & Non-Op temp descriptions & Updated Wet Bulb values
7 & 13: Updated Wet Bulb values
15: Added Section 2.12.1 Storage
Rev. K 05/20/2016
16: Updated to Korean RRA & Australian RCM
19 & 21: Revised Fastener Penetration Depth to 0.120” in text
and Figures 3 & 4 Mechanical Drawings
fc, 6-9, 11, 14, 19 & 25: Removed 4TB model (ST4000DX001) and specs
7 & 9: Revised Max height to 20.20 mm
Rev. L 06/21/2017 16: Updated Korean RRA with Class B Korean text
17: Updated to China RoHS 2
20: Revised Mechanical Drawings Z-height to 20.20 mm
1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.1 About the SATA interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
For Seagate OEM, Distribution partner and reseller portals, visit:
This manual describes the functional, mechanical and interface specifications for the following
Seagate® Desktop SSHD model drives:
ST2000DX001 ST1000DX001
The host adapter may, optionally, emulate a master/slave environment to host software where two devices
on separate SATA ports are represented to host software as a Device 0 (master) and Device 1 (slave)
Note accessed at the same set of host bus addresses. A host adapter that emulates a master/slave environment
manages two sets of shadow registers. This is not a typical SATA environment.
Unless otherwise noted, all specifications are measured under ambient conditions, at 25°C, and nominal power. For
convenience, the phrases the drive and this drive are used throughout this manual to indicate the following drive models:
ST2000DX001 ST1000DX001
*One GB equals one billion bytes and 1TB equals one trillion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on
operating environment and formatting.
Interface SATA
Maximum height
These drives are designed to consistently meet the seek times represented in this manual. Physical seeks,
regardless of mode (such as track-to-track and average), are expected to meet the noted values. However, due
Note to the manner in which these drives are formatted, benchmark tests that include command overhead or
measure logical seeks may produce results that vary from these specifications.
Power-on to ready*
(in seconds) <1
*During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur according to the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which may increase acoustic and power to
operational levels.
†5W IDLE with DIPLM Enabled
Note Equivalent resistance is calculated by dividing the nominal voltage by the typical RMS read/write current.
• Active mode
The drive is in Active mode during the read/write and seek operations.
• Idle mode
The buffer remains enabled, and the drive accepts all commands and returns to Active mode any time disk access is
• Standby mode
The drive enters Standby mode when the host sends a Standby Immediate command. If the host has set the standby
timer, the drive can also enter Standby mode automatically after the drive has been inactive for a specifiable length of
time. The standby timer delay is established using a Standby or Idle command. In Standby mode, the drive buffer is
enabled, the heads are parked and the spindle is at rest. The drive accepts all commands and returns to Active mode
any time disk access is necessary.
• Sleep mode
The drive enters Sleep mode after receiving a Sleep command from the host. In Sleep mode, the drive buffer is dis-
abled, the heads are parked and the spindle is at rest. The drive leaves Sleep mode after it receives a Hard Reset or Soft
Reset from the host. After receiving a reset, the drive exits Sleep mode and enters Standby mode with all current trans-
lation parameters intact.
• Idle and Standby timers
Each time the drive performs an Active function (read, write or seek), the standby timer is reinitialized and begins
counting down from its specified delay times to zero. If the standby timer reaches zero before any drive activity is
required, the drive makes a transition to Standby mode. In both Idle and Standby mode, the drive accepts all com-
mands and returns to Active mode when disk access is necessary.
Operating 20°C per hour (68°F per hour max), without condensation
Nonoperating 30°C per hour (86°F per hour max)
2.9.3 Humidity
2.9.4 Altitude
2.9.5 Shock
All shock specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input shock applied at the drive mounting
screws. Shock may be applied in the X, Y or Z axis.
2.9.6 Vibration Operating vibration
The maximum vibration levels that the drive may experience while meeting the performance standards specified in this
document are specified below.
All vibration specifications assume that the drive is mounted securely with the input vibration applied at the drive
mounting screws. Vibration may be applied in the X, Y or Z axis. Throughput may vary if improperly mounted. Nonoperating vibration
The maximum nonoperating vibration levels that the drive may experience without incurring physical damage or
degradation in performance when subsequently put into operation are specified below.
2.10 Acoustics
Drive acoustics are measured as overall A-weighted acoustic sound power levels (no pure tones). All measurements are
consistent with ISO document 7779. Sound power measurements are taken under essentially free-field conditions over a
reflecting plane. For all tests, the drive is oriented with the cover facing upward.
For seek mode tests, the drive is placed in seek mode only. The number of seeks per second is defined by
Note the following equation: (Number of seeks per second = 0.4 / (average latency + average access time
0% open, 5 seconds C
0% short, 5 seconds C
Voltage dips, interrupts EN61000-4-11: 94
40%, 0.10 seconds C
70%, 0.01 seconds B
2.12 Warranty
To determine the warranty for a specific drive, use a web browser to access the following web page:
From this page, click on “Is my Drive under Warranty”. Users will be asked to provide the drive serial number, model
number (or part number) and country of purchase. The system will display the warranty information for the drive.
2.12.1 Storage
Maximum storage periods are 180 days within original unopened Seagate shipping package or 60 days unpackaged
within the defined non-operating limits (refer to environmental section in this manual). Storage can be extended to 1 year
packaged or unpackaged under optimal environmental conditions (25°C, <40% relative humidity non-condensing, and
non-corrosive environment). During any storage period the drive non-operational temperature, humidity, wet bulb,
atmospheric conditions, shock, vibration, magnetic and electrical field specifications should be followed.
The drive, as delivered, is designed for system integration and installation into a suitable enclosure prior to use. The drive is
supplied as a subassembly and is not subject to Subpart B of Part 15 of the FCC Rules and Regulations.
The design characteristics of the drive serve to minimize radiation when installed in an enclosure that provides reasonable
shielding. The drive is capable of meeting the Class B limits of the FCC Rules and Regulations when properly packaged;
however, it is the user’s responsibility to assure that the drive meets the appropriate EMI requirements in their system.
Shielded I/O cables may be required if the enclosure does not provide adequate shielding. If the I/O cables are external to
the enclosure, shielded cables should be used, with the shields grounded to the enclosure and to the host controller.
The drive as delivered is tested to meet susceptibility requirements in a representative enclosure. It is the responsibility of
those integrating the drive within their systems to perform those tests required and design their system to ensure that
equipment operating in the same system as the drive or external to the system does not adversely affect the performance
of the drive. See Section 2.8, "Power specifications".
Seagate uses an independent laboratory to confirm compliance with the directives/standards for CE Marking and RCM
Marking. The drive was tested in a representative system for typical applications and comply with the Electromagnetic
Interference/Electromagnetic Susceptibility (EMI/EMS) for Class B products. The selected system represents the most
popular characteristics for test platforms.
Although the test system with this Seagate model complies with the directives/standards, we cannot guarantee that all
systems will comply. The computer manufacturer or system integrator shall confirm EMC compliance and provide the
appropriate marking for their product.
Drives that display the CE mark comply with the European Union (EU) requirements specified in the Electromagnetic
Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU) put into force on 20 April 2016. Testing is performed to the levels specified by the
product standards for Information Technology Equipment (ITE). Emission levels are defined by EN 55032:2012, Class B and
the immunity levels are defined by EN 55024:2010.
The drives also meet the requirements of The Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU.
Seagate drives are tested in representative end-user systems. Although CE-marked Seagate drives comply with all relevant
regulatory requirements and standards for the drives, Seagate cannot guarantee that all system-level products into which
the drives are installed comply with all regulatory requirements and standards applicable to the system-level products.
The drive is designed for operation inside a properly designed system (e.g., enclosure designed for the drive), with
properly shielded I/O cable (if necessary) and terminators on all unused I/O ports. Computer manufacturers and system
integrators should confirm EMC compliance and provide CE marking for the system-level products.
For compliance with the RoHS "Recast" Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2), See Section 2.14.2 on page 19 .
If these models have the RCM marking, they comply with the Australia/New Zealand Standard AS/NZ CISPR32 and meet
the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requirements of the Australian Communication and Media Authority
If this model has the ICES-003:2016 marking it complies with requirements of ICES tested per ANSI C63.4-2014.
The South Korean KC Certification Mark means the drives comply with paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Electromagnetic
Compatibility control Regulation and meet the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Framework requirements of the
Radio Research Agency (RRA) Communications Commission, Republic of Korea.These drives have been tested and comply
with the Electromagnetic Interference/Electromagnetic Susceptibility (EMI/EMS) for Class B products. Drives are tested in a
representative, end-user system by a Korean-recognized lab.
̛ࣗط ߇ࡈیΰח
To satisfy our OEM customers, Seagate has added the Moroccan Commodity Mark to the drives provided to the OEM for
the sale of Customer Kits produced by our OEM customers that are intended to be incorporated into the OEM's finished
system-level product by an end user. The Customer Kits are considered 'devices' under Morocco's Order of the Minister of
Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy No. 2574-14 of 29 Ramadan 1436 (16 July 2015) on electromagnetic
compatibility of equipment.
Seagate drives are tested for compliance and complies with the European Union (EU) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
Directive 2014/30/EU and the Low Voltage Directive (LVD) 2014/35/EU. Accordingly, the drives also meets the
requirements of Morocco's Order of the Minister of Industry, Trade, Investment and Digital Economy No. 2574-14 of 29
Ramadan 1436 (16 July 2015) on electromagnetic compatibility of equipment.
Drives with the Taiwanese certification mark comply with Chinese National Standard, CNS13438.
For compliance with the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection’s (BSMI) requirements,
See Section 2.14.4 on page 20 .
These drives are intended to be contained solely within a personal computer or similar enclosure (not attached as an
external device). As such, each drive is considered to be a subassembly even when it is individually marketed to the
customer. As a subassembly, no Federal Communications Commission verification or certification of the device is required.
Seagate has tested this device in enclosures as described above to ensure that the total assembly (enclosure, disk drive,
motherboard, power supply, etc.) does comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to Subpart J, Part
15 of the FCC rules. Operation with noncertified assemblies is likely to result in interference to radio and television
Radio and television interference. This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and
used in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause interference to radio and television reception.
This equipment is designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause
interference to radio or television, which can be determined by turning the equipment on and off, users are encouraged to
try one or more of the following corrective measures:
• Reorient the receiving antenna.
• Move the device to one side or the other of the radio or TV.
• Move the device farther away from the radio or TV.
• Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the receiver and computer are on different branch outlets.
If necessary, users should consult a dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. Users
may find helpful the following booklet prepared by the Federal Communications Commission: How to Identify and Resolve
Radio-Television Interference Problems. This booklet is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. Refer to publication number 004-000-00345-4.
Seagate drives are designed to be compliant with the European Union RoHS "Recast" Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2) as
amended by Directive (EU) 2015/863. The RoHS2 restricts the use of certain hazardous substances such as Lead, Cadmium,
Mercury, Hexavalent Chromium, Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE), BisBis(2-
Ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), Benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), Dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP) in
electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
The European Union REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) Regulation (EC) 1907/
2006 regulates chemicals shipped into and used in Europe. A number of parts and materials in Seagate products are
procured from external suppliers. We rely on the representations of our suppliers regarding the presence of REACH
substances in these articles and materials. Our supplier contracts require compliance with our chemical substance
restrictions, and our suppliers document their compliance with our requirements by providing full-disclosure material
content declarations that disclose inclusion of any REACH-regulated substance in such articles or materials. Product-
specific REACH declarations are available upon request through your Seagate Sales Representative.
China RoHS 2 refers to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Order No. 32, effective July 1,
2016, titled Management Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
20 Electronic Products. To comply with China RoHS 2, Seagate determines this product's Environmental
Protection Use Period (EPUP) to be 20 years in accordance with the Marking for the Restricted Use of
Hazardous Substances in Electronic and Electrical Products, SJT 11364-2014
部件名称 Hazardous Substances
Part Name 铅 汞 镉 六价铬 多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) +6 (PBB) (PBDE)
(Cr )
硬盘驱动器 X O O O O O
印刷电路板组装 X O O O O O
Taiwan RoHS refers to the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection’s (BSMI) requirements in standard CNS
15663, Guidance to reduction of the restricted chemical substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Seagate
products must comply with the “Marking of presence” requirements in Section 5 of CNS 15663, effective January 1, 2018.
This product is Taiwan RoHS compliant.
Equipment Name: Hard Disk Device, Type Designation: Internal Use Only
Restricted Substance and its chemical symbol
Unit 鉛 汞 鎘 六價鉻 多溴聯苯 多溴二苯醚
(Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr+6) (PBB) (PBDE)
硬盤驅動器 — O O O O O
印刷電路板组装 — O O O O O
備考 1. "O" 係指該项限用物質之百分比含量未超出百分比含量基準值。
Note 1. "O" indicates that the percentage content of the restricted substance
does not exceed the percentage of reference value of presence.
備考 2. "—" 係指該项限用物質為排除項目。
Note 2. "—" indicates that the restricted substance corresponds to the exemption.
This section contains the specifications and instructions for configuring and mounting the drive.
5.787 in max
146.99 mm
1.013 ± .050 in
25.73 ± 1.27 mm
0.680 ± .050 in
17.27 ± 1.27 mm
4.010 in max
101.85 mm Check Point CL OF DRIVE
0.814 in
20.68 mm
4.00 in 0.138 in
101.60 mm 3.51 mm
1.028 in max
26.11 mm 3X 6-32 UNC-2B
3x 0.250 ± .010 in
6.35 ± .25 mm
BOTH SIDES 2x 1.625 ± .020 in
2x 1.750 in
41.28 ± .51 mm
44.45 mm
2x 0.125 in
3.18 mm
4X 6-32 UNC-2B
2x 3.750 in
95.25 mm
1.106 ± .050 in
28.09 ± 1.27 mm
0.626 ± .050 in
15.90 ± 1.27 mm
0.814 in
20.68 mm
0.138 in
3.51 mm
4.00 in
101.60 mm
Alternative z-height
0.783 in. ± .012 in. 1.638 in 1.122 ± .020 in
19.99 mm ± 0.30 mm 41.61 mm 30.99 ± .51 mm
0.795 in. or
20.20 mm max 3X 6-32 UNC-2B
3x .250 ± .010in
6.35 ± .25mm 2x 1.625 ± .020 in
BOTH SIDES 2x 1.750 in 41.28 ± .51 mm
44.45 mm
2x 0.125 in
3.18 mm
4X 6-32 UNC-2B
2x 3.750 in
95.25 mm
1. All pins are in a single row, with a 1.27 mm (0.050 in) pitch.
2. The comments on the mating sequence apply to the case of backplane blindmate connector only. In this case, the
mating sequences are:
• the ground pins P4 and P12.
• the pre-charge power pins and the other ground pins.
• the signal pins and the rest of the power pins.
3. There are three power pins for each voltage. One pin from each voltage is used for pre-charge when installed in a
blind-mate backplane configuration.
• All used voltage pins (Vx) must be terminated.
2 ATA-reserved 0000H
4 Retired 0000H
5 Retired 0000H
20 Retired 0000H
21 Retired 0400H
22 Obsolete 0000H
27–46 Drive model number: (40 ASCII characters, padded with blanks to end of string)
47 (Bits 7–0) Maximum sectors per interrupt on Read multiple and Write multiple (16) 8010H
48 Reserved 0000H
50 ATA-reserved 0000H
52 Retired 0200H
59 Number of sectors transferred during a Read Multiple or Write Multiple command xxxxH
62 Retired 0000H
63 Multiword DMA active and modes supported (see note following this table) xx07H
65 Minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 nsec) 0078H
66 Recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 nsec) 0078H
67 Minimum PIO cycle time without IORDY flow control (240 nsec) 0078H
68 Minimum PIO cycle time with IORDY flow control (120 nsec) 0078H
84 Command sets support extension (see note following this table) 4163H
88 Ultra DMA support and current mode (see note following this table) xx7FH
100–103 Total number of user-addressable LBA sectors available (see Section 2.2 for related ST2000DX001 = 3,907,029,168
information). These words are required for drives that support the 48-bit addressing ST1000DX001 = 1,953,525,168
feature. Maximum value: 0000FFFFFFFFFFFFh.
108–111 The mandatory value of the world wide name (WWN) for the drive. Each drive will have
NOTE: This field is valid if word 84, bit 8 is set to 1 indicating 64-bit WWN support. a unique value.
Note See the bit descriptions below for words 63, 84, and 88 of the Identify Drive data.
Bit Word 63
0 Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported.
Bit Word 84
0 SMART error login is supported.
6 WRITE DMA FUA EXT and WRITE MULTIPLE FUA EXT commands are supported.
9-10 Obsolete.
14 Shall be set to 1.
15 Shall be cleared to 0.
Bit Word 88
0 Ultra DMA mode 0 is supported.
1 Ultra DMA mode 1 is supported.
01H Set PIO mode to default and disable IORDY (PIO mode 2)
Note At power-on, or after a hardware or software reset, the default values of the features are as indicated above.