X18 SATA Product Manual: 512E Models Standard 512E Models Self-Encrypting
X18 SATA Product Manual: 512E Models Standard 512E Models Self-Encrypting
X18 SATA Product Manual: 512E Models Standard 512E Models Self-Encrypting
100865854, Rev. C
January 2021
Document Revision History
Revision Date Pages affected and Description of changes
Rev. A 07/01/2020 Initial release
1.0 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 About the Serial ATA interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.0 Introduction
This manual describes the functional, mechanical and interface specifications for the following:
Seagate® Exos® X18 SATA drive models.
Table 1: Models
512E models
Standard SED
ST18000NM000J ST18000NM001J
ST16000NM000J ST16000NM001J
ST14000NM000J ST14000NM001J
ST12000NM000J ST12000NM001J
The Serial ATA interface provides several advantages over the traditional (parallel) ATA interface. The primary
advantages include:
Easy installation and configuration with true plug-and-play connectivity.
It is not necessary to set any jumpers or other configuration options.
Thinner and more flexible cabling for improved enclosure airflow and ease of installation.
Scalability to higher performance levels.
In addition, Serial ATA makes the transition from parallel ATA easy by providing legacy software support. Serial ATA
was designed to allow users to install a Serial ATA host adapter and Serial ATA disk drive in the current system and
expect all of the existing applications to work as normal.
The Serial ATA interface connects each disk drive in a point-to-point configuration with the Serial ATA host adapter.
There is no master/slave relationship with Serial ATA devices like there is with parallel ATA. If two drives are attached
on one Serial ATA host adapter, the host operating system views the two devices as if they were both “masters” on two
separate ports. This essentially means both drives behave as if they are Device 0 (master) devices.
NOTE The host adapter may, optionally, emulate a master/slave environment to host software
where two devices on separate Serial ATA ports are represented to host software as a
Device 0 (master) and Device 1 (slave) accessed at the same set of host bus addresses. A
host adapter that emulates a master/slave environment manages two sets of shadow
registers. This is not a typical Serial ATA environment.
The Serial ATA host adapter and drive share the function of emulating parallel ATA device behavior to provide
backward compatibility with existing host systems and software. The Command and Control Block registers, PIO and
DMA data transfers, resets, and interrupts are all emulated.
The Serial ATA host adapter contains a set of registers that shadow the contents of the traditional device registers,
referred to as the Shadow Register Block. All Serial ATA devices behave like Device 0 devices. For additional
information about how Serial ATA emulates parallel ATA, refer to the “Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment”
specification. The specification can be downloaded from www.serialata.org.
The specifications listed in the following tables are for quick reference. For details on specification measurement or
definition, see the appropriate section of this manual.
* One GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary depending on operating environment and
* See Section 2.10, "Reliability" for rated MTBF device operating condition requirements.
*One GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity. Accessible capacity may vary
depending on operating environment and formatting.
NOTE LBA Counts for drive capacities greater than 8TB are calculated based upon the
SFF-8447 standard publication. ftp://ftp.seagate.com/sff/SFF-8447.PDF
Field Description
15 : 3 Reserved
LBA Reserved
7 Obsolete
6 N/A
5 Obsolete
4 Transport Dependent
3:0 Reserved
COMMAND CHECK field value is taken from the DESCRIPTOR CHECK field in the descriptor specified by the
SECTOR CONFIGURATION DESCRIPTOR INDEX field specifies the Sector Configuration descriptor in the Set Sector
Configuration log page
Bit Description
6:0 Reserved
Power-on to ready time is based on typical operating conditions, default full current spin-up profile, and clean
shutdown prior to measurement. To ensure a clean shutdown a Flush Cache, Standby, or Standby Immediate
command must be completed before removal of interface power.
NOTE An unexpected power loss event, spin up at cold or hot temperature extremes may
cause the drive to exceed the typical and max time to ready by 5 to 20 seconds.
Extended time to ready is dependent on cache state and environmental conditions
prior to the unexpected power loss and during the subsequent power on.
The drive receives DC power (+5V or +12V) through a native SATA power connector. See Figure 2 on page 25 .
6.0Gb mode
Voltage +5V +12V Watts
Regulation ± 5% ± 10% Total
Avg Idle Current * 0.30 0.31 5.26
Advanced Idle Current *
Idle_A 0.30 0.31 5.28
Idle_B 0.25 0.19 3.49
Idle_C 0.24 0.13 2.73
Standby 0.23 0.01 1.31
Maximum Start Current
DC (peak DC) 1.01 2.02
AC (Peak DC) 1.08 2.88
Delayed motor start (max) DC 0.51 0.12
Operating current (random read 4K16Q):
Typical DC 0.36 0.64 9.45
Maximum DC 0.37 0.65
Maximum DC (peak) 1.10 2.34
Operating current (random write 4K16Q)
Typical DC 0.44 0.35 6.46
Maximum DC 0.45 0.36
Maximum DC (peak) 1.17 2.44
Operating current (sequential read 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.82 0.31 7.85
Maximum DC 0.83 0.32
Maximum DC (peak) 1.17 1.82
Operating current (sequential write 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.92 0.31 8.33
Maximum DC 0.93 0.32
Maximum DC (peak) 1.22 0.66
6.0Gb mode
Voltage +5V +12V Watts
Regulation ± 5% ± 10% Total
Avg Idle Current * 0.30 0.30 5.08
Advanced Idle Current *
Idle_A 0.30 0.30 5.07
Idle_B 0.24 0.19 3.45
Idle_C 0.24 0.13 2.71
Standby 0.20 0.01 1.16
Maximum Start Current
DC (peak DC) 0.96 1.66
AC (Peak DC) 1.14 2.58
Delayed motor start (max) DC 0.48 0.12
Operating current (random read 4K16Q):
Typical DC 0.35 0.63 9.31
Maximum DC 0.36 0.63
Maximum DC (peak) 1.11 2.33
Operating current (random write 4K16Q)
Typical DC 0.43 0.36 6.44
Maximum DC 0.44 0.37
Maximum DC (peak) 1.14 2.37
Operating current (sequential read 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.80 0.30 7.62
Maximum DC 0.81 0.31
Maximum DC (peak) 1.27 1.82
Operating current (sequential write 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.90 0.30 8.09
Maximum DC 0.92 0.31
Maximum DC (peak) 1.18 1.82
6.0Gb mode
Voltage +5V +12V Watts
Regulation ± 5% ± 10% Total
Avg Idle Current * 0.30 0.29 4.91
Advanced Idle Current *
Idle_A 0.30 0.28 4.89
Idle_B 0.25 0.18 3.44
Idle_C 0.24 0.13 2.73
Standby 0.20 0.02 1.23
Maximum Start Current
DC (peak DC) 0.94 1.64
AC (Peak DC) 1.06 2.62
Delayed motor start (max) DC 0.48 0.13
Operating current (random read 4K16Q):
Typical DC 0.35 0.62 9.18
Maximum DC 0.35 0.62
Maximum DC (peak) 1.08 2.34
Operating current (random write 4K16Q)
Typical DC 0.43 0.34 6.26
Maximum DC 0.44 0.35
Maximum DC (peak) 1.11 2.40
Operating current (sequential read 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.80 0.29 7.43
Maximum DC 0.81 0.29
Maximum DC (peak) 1.26 1.82
Operating current (sequential write 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.90 0.29 7.92
Maximum DC 0.91 0.29
Maximum DC (peak) 1.14 1.82
6.0Gb mode
Voltage +5V +12V Watts
Regulation ± 5% ± 10% Total
Avg Idle Current * 0.26 0.25 4.35
Advanced Idle Current *
Idle_A 0.26 0.26 4.38
Idle_B 0.21 0.16 2.94
Idle_C 0.21 0.10 2.26
Standby 0.17 0.02 1.07
Maximum Start Current
DC (peak DC) 0.89 1.65
AC (Peak DC) 1.05 2.58
Delayed motor start (max) DC 0.45 0.11
Operating current (random read 4K16Q):
Typical DC 0.32 0.59 8.64
Maximum DC 0.32 0.59
Maximum DC (peak) 1.05 2.26
Operating current (random write 4K16Q)
Typical DC 0.39 0.32 5.75
Maximum DC 0.40 0.32
Maximum DC (peak) 1.05 2.34
Operating current (sequential read 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.76 0.26 6.90
Maximum DC 0.77 0.26
Maximum DC (peak) 1.23 0.62
Operating current (sequential write 64K16Q)
Typical DC 0.86 0.26 7.36
Maximum DC 0.87 0.26
Maximum DC (peak) 1.09 0.57
*During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur according to the S.M.A.R.T. specification,
which may increase acoustic and power to operational levels.
Each power condition has a set of current, saved and default settings. Default settings are not modifiable. Default and
saved settings persist across power-on resets. The current settings do not persist across power-on resets. At the time
of manufacture, the default, saved and current settings are in the Power Conditions log match.
Idle_a 100 ms
Idle_b 2 min
Idle_c 4 min
Standby_z 15 min
Setting power condition timer values less than the manufacturer specified defaults or issuing the EPC "Go to Power
Condition" subcommand at a rate exceeding the default timers may limit this products reliability and data integrity.
00H Standby_z
01 - 80H Reserved
81H Idle_a
82H Idle_b
83H Idle_c
84 - FEH Reserved
FFH All EPC Power Conditions
Temperature and humidity values experienced by the drive must be such that condensation does not occur on any
drive part. Altitude and atmospheric pressure specifications are referenced to a standard day at 58.7°F (14.8°C).
NOTE To maintain optimal performance drives should be run at nominal drive
temperatures and humidity.
See Section 2.10, "Reliability" for rated MTBF device operating condition
2.6.1 Temperature
a. Operating
41°F to 140°F (5°C to 60°C) temperature range with a maximum temperature gradient of 36°F (20°C) per hour as reported by the
The maximum allowable drive reported temperature is 140°F (60°C).
Air flow may be required to achieve consistent nominal drive temperature values (see Section 3.4). To confirm that the
required cooling is provided for the electronics and HDA, place the drive in its final mechanical configuration, and perform
random write/read operations. After the temperatures stabilize, monitor the current drive temperature using the SMART
temperature attribute 194 or Device Statistics log 04h page 5.
b. Non-operating
–40° to 158°F (–40° to 70°C) package ambient with a maximum gradient of 36°F (20°C) per hour. This specification assumes that
the drive is packaged in the shipping container designed by Seagate for use with drive.
2.6.2 Humidity
The values below assume that no condensation on the drive occurs. Maximum wet bulb temperature is 84.2°F (29°C).
Operating: 5% to 95% non-condensing relative humidity with a maximum gradient of 20% per hour.
Nonoperating: 5% to 95% non-condensing relative humidity with a maximum gradient of 20% per hour. Shock
a. Operating
The drive will operate without error while subjected to intermittent shock pulses not exceeding 50g typical at a duration of 2ms.
b. Non-operating
The drive will operate without non-recoverable errors after being subjected to shock pulses not exceeding 200g at a duration of
2ms. Vibration
a. Linear Random Operating Vibration
The drive will operate without non-recoverable errors while being subjected to the random power spectral density noise
specified below.
The drive will not incur physical damage or have non-recoverable errors after being subjected to the power spectral density
noise specified below.
2.7 Acoustics
Drive acoustics are measured as overall A-weighted acoustic sound power levels (no pure tones). All measurements
are consistent with ISO document 7779. Sound power measurements are taken under essentially free-field conditions
over a reflecting plane. For all tests, the drive is oriented with the cover facing upward.
NOTE For seek mode tests, the drive is placed in seek mode only. The number of seeks
per second is defined by the following equation:
(Number of seeks per second = 0.4 / (average latency + average access time
*During periods of drive idle, some offline activity may occur according to the S.M.A.R.T. specification, which
may increase acoustic and power to operational levels.
Seagate follows the ECMA-74 standards for measurement and identification of PDTs. An exception to this process is
the use of the absolute threshold of hearing. Seagate uses this threshold curve (originated in ISO 389-7) to discern
tone audibility and to compensate for the inaudible components of sound prior to computation of tone ratios
according to Annex D of the ECMA-74 standards.
When properly installed in a representative host system, the drive operates without errors or degradation in
performance when subjected to the radio frequency (RF) environments defined in the following table:
2.10 Reliability
2.10.1 Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) and Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
The production disk drive shall achieve an annualized failure-rate of 0.35% (MTBF of 2,500,000 hours) over a 5 year
service life when used in Enterprise Storage field conditions as limited by the following:
8760 power-on hours per year.
HDA temperature as reported by the drive <= 30°C
Ambient wet bulb temp <= 26°C
Typical workload
The AFR (MTBF) is a population statistic not relevant to individual units
ANSI/ISA S71.04-2013 G2 classification levels and dust contamination to ISO 14644-1 Class 8 standards (as
measured at the device)
The MTBF specification for the drive assumes the operating environment is designed to maintain nominal drive
temperature and humidity. Occasional excursions in operating conditions between the rated MTBF conditions and
the maximum drive operating conditions may occur without significant impact to the rated MTBF. However continual
or sustained operation beyond the rated MTBF conditions will degrade the drive MTBF and reduce product reliability.
For the latest regulatory and compliance information see: www.seagate.com/support scroll down
the page and click the Compliance, Safety and Disposal Guide link.
electronic drive components pass accelerated corrosion testing equivalent to 10 years exposure to light industrial
environments containing sulfurous gases, chlorine and nitric oxide, classes G and H per ASTM B845. However, this
accelerated testing cannot duplicate every potential application environment.
Users should use caution exposing any electronic components to uncontrolled chemical pollutants and corrosive
chemicals as electronic drive component reliability can be affected by the installation environment. The silver, copper,
nickel and gold films used in hard disk drives are especially sensitive to the presence of sulfide, chloride, and nitrate
contaminants. Sulfur is found to be the most damaging. Materials used in cabinet fabrication, such as vulcanized
rubber, that can outgas corrosive compounds should be minimized or eliminated. The useful life of any electronic
equipment may be extended by replacing materials near circuitry with sulfide-free alternatives.
Seagate recommends that data centers be kept clean by monitoring and controlling the dust and gaseous
contamination. Gaseous contamination should be within ANSI/ISA S71.04-2013 G2 classification levels (as measured
on copper and silver coupons), and dust contamination to ISO 14644-1 Class 8 standards, and MTBF rated conditions
as defined in the Annualized Failure Rate (AFR) and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) section.
Supported Standards
Serial ATA Revision 3.3 specification
ANSI Documents
INCITS 529-2018 ATA/ATAPI Command Set - 4 (ACS-4)
Specification for Acoustic Test Requirement and Procedures
Seagate part number: 30553-001
In case of conflict between this document and any referenced document, this document takes precedence.
Beginning on the date of shipment to the customer and continuing for the period specified in the purchase contract,
Seagate warrants that each product (including components and subassemblies) that fails to function properly under
normal use due to defect in materials or workmanship or due to nonconformance to the applicable specifications will
be repaired or replaced, at Seagate’s option and at no charge to the customer, if returned by customer at customer’s
expense to Seagate’s designated facility in accordance with Seagate’s warranty procedure. Seagate will pay for
transporting the repair or replacement item to the customer. For more detailed warranty information, refer to the
standard terms and conditions of purchase for Seagate products on the purchase documentation.
The remaining warranty for a particular drive can be determined by calling Seagate Customer Service at 1-800-468-
3472. Users can also determine remaining warranty using the Seagate web site (www.seagate.com). The drive serial
number is required to determine remaining warranty information.
When transporting or shipping a drive, use only a Seagate-approved container. Keep the original box. Seagate
approved containers are easily identified by the Seagate Approved Package label. Shipping a drive in a non-approved
container voids the drive warranty.
Seagate repair centers may refuse receipt of components improperly packaged or obviously damaged in transit.
Contact the authorized Seagate distributor to purchase additional boxes. Seagate recommends shipping by an air-
ride carrier experienced in handling computer equipment.
Maximum storage periods are 180 days within original unopened Seagate shipping package or 60 days unpackaged
within the defined non-operating limits (refer to environmental section in this manual). Storage can be extended to 1
year packaged or unpackaged under optimal environmental conditions (25°C, <40% relative humidity non-
condensing, and non-corrosive environment). During any storage period the drive non-operational temperature,
humidity, wet bulb, atmospheric conditions, shock, vibration, magnetic and electrical field specifications should be
This section contains the specifications and instructions for configuring and mounting the drive.
After unpacking, and before installation, the drive may be exposed to potential handling and electrostatic discharge
(ESD) hazards. Observe the following standard handling and static-discharge precautions:
• Before handling the drive, put on a grounded wrist strap, or ground oneself frequently by touching the metal chassis of a
computer that is plugged into a grounded outlet. Wear a grounded wrist strap throughout the entire installation procedure.
• Handle the drive by its edges or frame only.
• The drive is extremely fragile—handle it with care. Do not press down on the drive top cover.
Caution • Always rest the drive on a padded, antistatic surface until mounting it in the computer.
• Do not touch the connector pins or the printed circuit board.
• Do not remove the factory-installed labels from the drive or cover them with additional labels. Removal voids the warranty.
Some factory-installed labels contain information needed to service the drive. Other labels are used to seal out dirt and
Each drive on the Serial ATA interface connects point-to-point with the Serial ATA host adapter. There is no master/
slave relationship because each drive is considered a master in a point-to-point relationship. If two drives are attached
on one Serial ATA host adapter, the host operating system views the two devices as if they were both “masters” on two
separate ports. Both drives behave as if they are Device 0 (master) devices.
The Serial ATA interface cable consists of four conductors in two differential pairs, plus three
ground connections. The cable size may be 30 to 26 AWG with a maximum length of one
meter (39.37 in).
See Table 12 for connector pin definitions. Either end of the SATA signal cable can be
attached to the drive or host.
For direct backplane connection, the drive connectors are inserted directly into the host
receptacle. The drive and the host receptacle incorporate features that enable the direct
connection to be hot pluggable and blind mateable.
For installations which require cables, users can connect the drive as illustrated in Figure 2.
Each cable is keyed to ensure correct orientation. Exos X18 SATA drives support latching SATA connectors.
Users can mount the drive in any orientation using four screws in the side-mounting holes or four screws in the
bottom-mounting holes. See Figure 3 for drive mounting dimensions. Follow these important mounting precautions
when mounting the drive:
Allow a minimum clearance of 0.030 in (0.76mm) around the entire perimeter of the drive for cooling.
Use only 6-32 UNC mounting screws.
The screws should be inserted no more than 0.140 in (3.56mm) into the bottom or side mounting holes.
Do not overtighten the mounting screws (maximum torque: 6 in-lb).
NOTE These dimensions conform to the Small Form Factor Standard documented in SFF-8301
and SFF-8323, found at www.snia.org/technology-communities/sff/specifications
4X 6-32 UNC 2B
2X 3.000±.010 4.000±.010
5.787 MAX
2X 1.625±.020
B 1.123±.020
.814 Y Y
.125±.010 2.000 2X 6-32 UNC 2B
Z .140±.015
1.028 MAX
Self-encrypting drives (SEDs) offer encryption and security services for the protection of stored data, commonly
known as “protection of data at rest.” These drives are compliant with the Trusted Computing Group (TCG) Enterprise
Storage Specifications as detailed in Section 2.13.
The Trusted Computing Group (TCG) is an organization sponsored and operated by companies in the computer,
storage and digital communications industry. Seagate’s SED models comply with the standards published by the TCG.
To use the security features in the drive, the host must be capable of constructing and issuing the following two ATA
Trusted Send
Trusted Receive
These commands are used to convey the TCG protocol to and from the drive in their command payloads.
Encrypting drives use one inline encryption engine for each port, employing AES-256 bit data encryption keys with
AES-XTS mode to encrypt all data prior to being written on the media and to decrypt all data as it is read from the
media. The encryption engines are always in operation and cannot be disabled.
The 32-byte Data Encryption Key (DEK) is a random number which is generated by the drive, never leaves the drive,
and is inaccessible to the host system. The DEK is itself encrypted when it is stored on the media and when it is in
volatile temporary storage (DRAM) external to the encryption engine. A unique data encryption key is used for each of
the drive's possible16 data bands (see Section 4.5).
The drive has two security providers (SPs) called the "Admin SP" and the "Locking SP." These act as gatekeepers to the
drive security services. Security-related commands will not be accepted unless they also supply the correct credentials
to prove the requester is authorized to perform the command.
4.2.1 Admin SP
The Admin SP allows the drive's owner to enable or disable firmware download operations (see Section 4.4). Access
to the Admin SP is available using the SID (Secure ID) password or the MSID (Manufacturers Secure ID) password.
4.2.2 Locking SP
The Locking SP controls read/write access to the media and the cryptographic erase feature. Access to the Locking SP
is available using the BandMasterX or EraseMaster passwords. Since the drive owner can define up to 16 data bands
on the drive, each data band has its own password called BandMasterX where X is the number of the data band (0
through 15).
The drive has a 32-byte hardware RNG that it is uses to derive encryption keys or, if requested to do so, to provide
random numbers to the host for system use, including using these numbers as Authentication Keys (passwords) for
the drive’s Admin and Locking SPs.
In addition to changing the passwords, as described in Section 4.2.3, the owner should also set the data access
controls for the individual bands.
The variable "LockOnReset" should be set to "PowerCycle" to ensure that the data bands will be locked if power is lost.
In addition "ReadLockEnabled" and "WriteLockEnabled" must be set to true in the locking table in order for the bands
"LockOnReset" setting of "PowerCycle" to actually lock access to the band when a "PowerCycle" event occurs. This
scenario occurs if the drive is removed from its cabinet. The drive will not honor any data read or write requests until
the bands have been unlocked. This prevents the user data from being accessed without the appropriate credentials
when the drive has been removed from its cabinet and installed in another system.
When the drive is shipped from the factory, the firmware download port is unlocked.
When shipped from the factory, the drive is configured with a single data band called Band 0 (also known as the
Global Data Band) which comprises LBA 0 through LBA max. The host may allocate Band1 by specifying a start LBA
and an LBA range. The real estate for this band is taken from the Global Band. An additional 30 Data Bands may be
defined in a similar way (Band2 through Band31) but before these bands can be allocated LBA space, they must first
be individually enabled using the EraseMaster password.
Data bands cannot overlap but they can be sequential with one band ending at LBA (x) and the next beginning at LBA
Each data band has its own drive-generated encryption key and its own user-supplied password. The host may
change the Encryption Key (see Section 4.6) or the password when required. The bands should be aligned to 4K LBA
A significant feature of SEDs is the ability to perform a cryptographic erase. This involves the host telling the drive to
change the data encryption key for a particular band. Once changed, the data is no longer recoverable since it was
written with one key and will be read using a different key. Since the drive overwrites the old key with the new one,
and keeps no history of key changes, the user data can never be recovered. This is tantamount to an instantaneous
data erase and is very useful if the drive is to be scrapped or redispositioned.
In addition to providing a locking mechanism to prevent unwanted firmware download attempts, the drive also only
accepts download files which have been cryptographically signed by the appropriate Seagate Design Center.
Three conditions must be met before the drive will allow the download operation:
1. The download must be an SED file. A standard (base) drive (non-SED) file will be rejected.
2. The download file must be signed and authenticated.
3. As with a non-SED drive, the download file must pass the acceptance criteria for the drive. For example it must be
applicable to the correct drive model, and have compatible revision and customer status.
The standard drive models and the SED drive models have identical hardware, however the security and encryption
portion of the drive controller ASIC is enabled and functional in the SED models. This represents a small additional
drain on the 5V supply of about 30mA and a commensurate increase of about 150mW in power consumption. There is
no additional drain on the 12V supply. See the tables in Section 2.5 for power requirements on the standard (non-
SED) drive models.
The SED models support the following two commands in addition to the commands supported by the standard (non-
SED) models as listed in Table 13:
Trusted Send (5Eh) or Trusted Send DMA (5Fh)
Trusted Receive (5Ch) or Trusted Receive DMA (5D)
4.10 RevertSP
SED models will support the RevertSP feature which erases all data in all bands on the device and returns the contents
of all SPs (Security Providers) on the device to their original factory state. In order to execute the RevertSP method the
unique PSID (Physical Secure ID) printed on the drive label must be provided. PSID is not electronically accessible and
can only be manually read from the drive label or scanned in via the 2D barcode.
The ATA SECURITY ERASE UNIT command shall support both the Normal and Enhanced erase modes with the
following modifications/additions:
Normal Erase: Normal erase shall be accomplished by changing the media encryption key for the drive followed
by an overwrite operation that repeatedly writes a single sector containing random data to the entire drive. The
write operation shall bypass the media encryption. On reading back the overwritten sectors, the host will receive
a decrypted version, using the new encryption key, of the random data sector (the returned data will not match
what was written).
Enhanced Erase: Enhanced erase shall be accomplished by changing the media encryption key for the drive.
This command cryptographically erases all user data on the drive by destroying the current data encryption key and
replacing it with a new data encryption key randomly generated by the drive. Sanitize Device is a command field B4h
and Feature field 0011h (CRYPTO SCRAMBLE EXT).
The drive shall support the Sanitize Feature Set as defined in ANSI/INCITS ACS-2 with the exceptions and/or
modifications described in this section.
Support of the SANITIZE FREEZE LOCK EXT command shall be determined on a customer-specific basis. OEM drives
shall support the command.
These drives use the industry-standard Serial ATA interface that supports FIS data transfers. It supports ATA
programmed input/output (PIO) modes 0–4; multiword DMA modes 0–2, and Ultra DMA modes 0–6.
For detailed information about the Serial ATA interface, refer to the “Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment”
Exos X18 SATA drives incorporate connectors which enable users to hot plug these drives in accordance with the
Serial ATA Revision 3.3 specification. This specification can be downloaded from www.serialata.org.
The drive motor must come to a complete stop (Ready to spindle stop time indicated in Section 2.4)
prior to changing the plane of operation. This time is required to insure data integrity.
Table 12 summarizes the signals on the Serial ATA interface and power connectors.
1. All pins are in a single row, with a 1.27mm (0.050”) pitch.
2. The comments on the mating sequence apply to the case of backplane blindmate connector only. In this case, the
mating sequences are:
— the ground pins P4 and P12.
— the pre-charge power pins and the other ground pins.
— the signal pins and the rest of the power pins.
3. There are three power pins for each voltage. One pin from each voltage is used for pre-charge when installed in a
blind-mate backplane configuration.
4. All used voltage pins (Vx) must be terminated.
The following table lists Serial ATA standard commands that the drive supports. For a detailed description of the ATA
commands, refer to the Serial ATA: High Speed Serialized AT Attachment specification. See “S.M.A.R.T. commands”
on page 55 for details and subcommands used in the S.M.A.R.T. implementation.
59 (Bit 15: 0) Block Erase Ext Not Supported - N 5D10H (512E) / 5D02H (4KN)
(Bit 14: 1) Overwrite Ext Supported - Y
(Bit 13: X) Crypto Scramble Ext Supported (SED Only) - N
(Bit 12: 1) Sanitize feature set supported - Y
(Bit 11: 1) Commands allowed during sanitize op as specified in ACS-3 - Y
(Bit 10: 1) Sanitize Antifreeze Lock Ext command supported - Y
60–61 Total number of user-addressable LBA sectors available 0FFFFFFFh*
(see Section 2.2 for related information)
*Note: The maximum value allowed in this field is: 0FFFFFFFh (268,435,455 sectors,
137GB). Drives with capacities over 137GB will have 0FFFFFFFh in this field and the
actual number of user-addressable LBAs specified in words 100-103. This is required for
drives that support the 48-bit addressing feature.
62 Obsolete 0000H
63 Multiword DMA active and modes supported (see note following this table) xx07H
64 Advanced PIO modes supported (modes 3 and 4 supported) 0003H
65 Minimum multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 ns) 0078H
66 Recommended multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word (120 ns) 0078H
67 Minimum PIO cycle time without IORDY flow control (240 ns) 0078H
68 Minimum PIO cycle time with IORDY flow control (120 ns) 0078H
69 Additional supported 000CH
70–74 ATA-reserved 0000H
75 Queue depth 001FH
76 Serial ATA capabilities 8D0EH
77 (Bit 6:1) Send/Receive FPDMA Queued Commands Supported xx4xH
78 Serial ATA features supported 00CCH
79 Serial ATA features enabled xxxxH
80 Major version number 0FE0H (ACS-4)
81 Minor version number FFFFH
82 Command sets supported 306BH
83 Command sets supported 7561H
84 Command sets support extension (see note following this table) 6173H
85 Command sets enabled 3069H
86 Command sets enabled B441H
87 Command sets enable extension 6173H
88 Ultra DMA support and current mode (see note following this table) xx7FH
89 Security erase time xxxxH
90 Enhanced security erase time xxxxH
92 Master password revision code FFFEH
NOTE See the bit descriptions below for words 63, 84, and 88 of the Identify Drive data.
63:24 Reserved
0..7 23:16 Page number 00
15:0 Revision number 0001
8 Number of entries in the following list 09
9 Page number of the 1st supported ID data log page 00
10 Page number of the 2nd supported ID data log page 01
00 11 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 02
12 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 03
13 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 04
14 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 05
15 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 06
16 Page number of the next supported ID data log page 08
17 Page number of the last supported ID data log page 00
18..511 Reserved
Capacity page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
0..7 62:24 Reserved
23:16 Page number 02
15:0 Revision number 0001
Device Capacity (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:48 Reserved 0
47:0 accessible capacity (see Section 2.2)
Physical/Logical Sector Size (QWord)
63 Contents of the QWord are valid 1
02 62 logical to physical sector relationship supported 1 (512E) / 0 (4KN)
16..23 61 logical sector size supported bit 1 (4KN) / 0 (512E)
60:22 Reserved 0
19:16 logical to physical sector relationship 0 (4KN) / 3 (512E)
15:0 logical sector offset 4000H
Logical Sector Size (QWord)
63 Contents of the QWord are valid 1
62:32 Reserved 0
31:0 Logical Sector Size 4096b (4KN)
Nominal Buffer Size (QWord)
32..39 63 Contents of the QWord are valid 1
62:0 buffer size 256
40..511 Reserved 0
03 Supported Capabilities
Supported Capabilities page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:24 Reserved
23:16 Page number 03
8..15 Supported Capabilities (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:55 Reserved 0
54 advanced background operation supported 0
53 persistent sense data reporting 0
52 sff-8447 reporting 1
04 Current Settings
Current Settings page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:24 Reserved 0
23:16 Page number 04
Supported Capabilities page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:24 Reserved
23:16 Page number 05
28..31 Reserved
05 40..47 Reserved
48..87 MODEL NUMBER (ATA String)
88..95 Reserved
104..511 Reserved
06 Security
Security page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:24 Reserved
23:16 Page number 06
Master Password Identifier (QWord)
63 Contents of the QWord are valid 1
62:16 Reserved 0
15:0 master password identifier FFFEH
Time required for an Enhanced Erase mode SECURITY ERASE UNIT command (QWord)
56..511 Reserved
07 Parallel ATA
000..511 (Not supported for SATA drives) all zeros
08 Serial ATA
Serial ATA page information header (QWord)
63 Shall be set to 1 1
62:24 Reserved
23:16 Page number 08
SATA Capabilities
63 Shall be set to one 1
62:32 Reserved 0
31 power disable feature always enabled 0
30 power disable feature supported 0
29 rebuild assist supported 0
28 dipm ssp preservation supported 0
27 hybrid information supported 0
26 devsleep to reducedpwrstate capability supported 0
25 device sleep supported 0
24 ncq autosense supported 1
23 software settings preservation supported 1
22 hardware feature control supported 0
21 in-order data delivery supported 0
20 device initiated power management supported 1
19 dma setup auto-activation supported 1
18 nonzero buffer offsets supported 0
17 send and receive queued commands supported 1
24..39 Reserved
44..47 Reserved
Device Sleep Timing Variables (QWord)
63 devslp timing variables supported 0
62:16 Reserved 0
15:8 devsleep exit timeout (deto) 0
7:5 Reserved 0
4:0 minimum devslp assertion time (mdat) 0
56..511 Reserved
Statistic Supported
00 List of supported log pages Yes
01 General Statistics
Lifetime Power-on Resets Yes
Power-on Hours Yes
Logical Sectors Written Yes
Number of Write Commands Yes
Logical Sectors Read Yes
Number of Read Commands Yes
Pending Error Count Yes
Workload Utilization No
Utilization Usage Rate No
Resource Availability No
Random Write Resources Used No
02 Free Fall Statistics
Number of Free-Fall Events Detected No
Overlimit Shock Events No
03 Rotating Media Statistics
Spindle Motor Power-on Hours Yes
Head Flying Hours Yes
Head Loaded Events Yes
Number of Reallocated Logical Sectors Yes
Read Recovery Attempts Yes
Number of Mechanical Start Failures Yes
Number of Reallocation Candidate Logical Sectors Yes
Number of High Priority Unload Events Yes
04 General Errors Statistics
Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors Yes
Number of Resets Between Command Acceptance and Command Completion Yes
NOTE At power-on, or after a hardware or software reset, the default values of the
features are as indicated above.
NOTE If an appropriate code is not written to the Features Register, the command is
aborted and 0x 04 (abort) is written to the Error register.