Project Report1
Project Report1
Project Report1
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The idea of this project is to design a solar car that aims to tackle the
problems related to pollution and shortage of fuel.
A Smart vehicle is the one that takes all our burdens on maintenance of
the vehicle while ensuring safety and comfort for the driver and the passengers.
Various parameters have to be taken into account while designing such a
vehicle. In our design we have divided the whole system into two major
divisions namely,
Vehicle monitoring system includes various sensors that sense the various
vital parameters such as Engine temperature, Fuel level and as we have
developed it for a vehicle battery chamber temperature is also included. In
addition to this accelerometers and speed sensors sense abnormal vibrations in
vulnerable parts and over speeding. These data after being sensed is stored in
the cloud. This enables monitoring of vehicle's performance and drivers actions
Poor performance
Less importance given to safety of the driver
Absence of sophisticated systems for vehicle monitoring
[Figure - 1.4 - Diagram of conventional system]
This Project gives a design of more sophisticated safety features and
means of monitoring the vehicles performance and drivers vitals. This design
also adds remote monitoring facility to monitor the vehicle and the driver via
The driver vitals, battery temperature, battery power level and power
generated are to be displayed on the dashboard for ease of operation. This
information can also be monitored by the manufacturer by storing the
information obtained in the cloud for successive improvements.
Safety features
Impact attenuator
Doppler radar
Emergency shutdown system
Proximity of Obstacles
Driver vital monitoring
Sensing pulse of the driver
Vehicle tracking and performance monitoring
Battery temperature
Power consumption
Speed of the vehicle
The review work is the study of all previous works related to the electric
and solar cars have been done. Solar powered vehicle is a three wheel drive and
has been used for shorter distances. The main concentration was made on
improving the design and making them cost effective. Energy from Sun is
captured by the solar panels and is converted to electrical energy. The electrical
energy thus obtained is being fed to the batteries that get charged and is used to
run 24 V DC high torques DC series motor. The shaft of the motor is connected
to the rear wheel of the vehicle through chain sprocket. The batteries are
initially fully charged and thereafter they are charged by panels.
After giving an overview of the cars which are already in use, here is a
detailed description of our solar powered vehicle. It is a four wheeler , two
seater vehicle. In this vehicle we have used a belt pulley mechanism. The solar
energy is harnessed using solar panels which are used for charging the batteries.
The batteries run the motor which drives the wheel of the vehicle. The vehicle
which we have made as our project uses a belt pulley mechanism in which the
shaft of the motor is connected through the belt pulley system. The power
supplied to the batteries is from the solar panels which are giving a total output
of 4ooW and they are then used for charging the batteries. The batteries which
we are using are lead acid batteries which are of 48V rating each of 12V. The
motor’s rating is of 48V which gets charged through the four 12V batteries. The
belt used in our project is a timing belt which has teeth that fit into a matching
toothed pulley. When correctly tensioned, they have no slippage, run at constant
speed, and are often used to transfer direct motion for indexing or timing
purposes. They are often used in lieu of chains or gears, so there is less noise
and a lubrication bath is not necessary. Timing belts need the least tension of all
belts, and are among the most efficient. We have laid emphasis on the
economical part so that it can be used to cover short distances without
consuming energy from external sources and at the same time keep the
environment pollution free.
The power supply to the motor is given from lead acid accumulators
through a controller which controls the speed of the motor with reference to the
position of the rotor and signal from the throttle. The throttle works under the
principle of Hall Effect which gives a varying (0-4V) voltage pulse to the
controller for triggering the SCR present in the controller. The rotor position is
sensed by inbuilt Hall sensor and it is also used as a reference to the controller.
By these reference signals appropriate phases of the motor is energised by
triggering respective thyristors and the rotor rotates.
The rotor shaft is coupled with the intermediate shaft by a sprocket and
chain arrangement. Chain drive is used instead of belt drives as mentioned in
the literature survey as slip in belt drives is maximum and thus efficiency is
In case of brake failure a special switch called Break Travel over Switch
(BTOS) is actuated as a brake pedal is displaced by a large amount than the
usual action. During the actuation, the operation resembles as that of the Kill
Switch. The Circuit diagram for the Kill Switch and BTOS is represented in
Figure - 2.4.2
[Figure - 2.4.2 Main Circuit diagram with Emergency Shutdown system]
The speed of the vehicle is measured by an IR module connected to an
arduino board. The Proximity for IR sensing can be varied based on the
requirement; still care is taken not to increase the range to maximum. The
Figure 3.1 displays the speed of the vehicle.
The module is used to sense the number of interrupts per second and then
the interrupts multiplied with 60 gives the rpm of the rotating wheel.
From the given rpm the speed of the rotating wheel can be calculated.
volatile float s;
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(8,9,4,5,6,7);
// Counts the number of interrupts
void break_count()
void setup()
// Serial.begin(9600);
// Turn on IR LED
breakNum = 0;
rpm = 0;
void loop()
// Depending on what you are testing you might need to change the formula
for the rpm
// For instance testing a prop would give 2 breaks per rotation so (60 *
rpmcount) / 2
s = 2*3.14*0.19*rpm*0.06;
breakNum = 0;
The Web and Desktop IDEs share the same icons and Cloud-connected
features, so it’s easy to transition between them. The hundreds of libraries and
firmware examples you’re used to online in Build are compatible with the Local
IDE, and you can also manage your Particle devices, compile firmware, and
flash over the air firmware updates. The Desktop IDE gives you the confidence
of storing all your files locally and the convenience of the Particle Cloud. The
output of simulation can be seen in Figure - 3.2.
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include <HC_SR04.h>
#include <blynk.h>
#include <Adafruit_MLX90614.h>
#include <SparkIntervalTimer.h>
#include "application.h"
WidgetTerminal terminal(V2);
void interruptSetup(void);
void serialoutput();
void serialOutputWhenBeatHappens();
void ledFadeToBeat();
int randNumber;
int last,change;
int sense;
int analogvalue;
void setup()
void loop()
analogvalue = analogRead(A3);;
double temp=mlx.readObjectTempC();
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, temp);
if (!init) {
pinMode(trig_pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWriteFast(trig_pin, LOW);
pinMode(echo_pin, INPUT);
init = true;
digitalWriteFast(trig_pin, HIGH);
digitalWriteFast(trig_pin, LOW);
// Ref:
inches = duration / 74 / 2;
cm = duration / 29 / 2;
switch (range) {
terminal.println("Closing in");
terminal.println("Fallen back");
terminal.println("All Clear");
// Serial.println(cm);
An Infrared (IR) sensor is used to detect obstacles in front of the robot or
to differentiate between colours depending on the configuration of the sensor.
An IR sensor consists of an emitter, detector and associated circuitry. The
circuit required to make an IR sensor consists of two parts; the emitter circuit
and the receiver circuit as represented in Figure 4.1.
The emitter is simply an IR LED (Light Emitting Diode) and the detector
is simply an IR photodiode which is sensitive to IR light of the same
wavelength as that emitted by the IR LED. When IR light falls on the
photodiode, its resistance and correspondingly, its output voltage, change in
proportion to the magnitude of the IR light received. This is the underlying
principle of working of the IR sensor.
IR sensors are also used to distinguish between black and white surfaces.
White surfaces reflect all types of light while black surfaces absorb them.
Therefore, depending on the amount of light reflected back to the IR receiver,
the IR sensor can also be used to distinguish between black and white surfaces.
The Mega 2560 is an update to the Arduino Mega, which it replaces. The
Mega 2560 board can be programmed with the Arduino Software (IDE). For
details, see the reference and tutorials. The ATmega2560 on the Mega 2560
comes pre-programmed with a boot loader that allows you to upload new code
to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates
using the original STK500 protocol (reference, C header files).
You can also bypass the boot loader and program the microcontroller
through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header using Arduino ISP or
[Figure - 4.5 Hall effect sensor and Pedal in which hall sensor is incorporated]
An accelerometer is a device that measures proper acceleration; proper
acceleration is not the same as coordinate acceleration (rate of change of
velocity). For example, an accelerometer at rest on the surface of the Earth will
measure acceleration due to Earth's gravity, straight upwards (by definition) of g
≈ 9.81 m/s2. By contrast, accelerometers in free fall (falling toward the centre of
the Earth at a rate of about 9.81 m/s2) will measure zero.
Accelerometers, as in Figure 4.6 have multiple applications in industry
and science. Highly sensitive accelerometers are components of inertial
navigation systems for aircraft and missiles. Accelerometers are used to detect
and monitor vibration in rotating machinery. Accelerometers are used in tablet
computers and digital cameras so that images on screens are always displayed
upright. Accelerometers are used in drones for flight stabilisation. Coordinated
accelerometers can be used to measure differences in proper acceleration,
particularly gravity, over their separation in space; i.e., gradient of
the gravitational field. This gravity gradiometry is useful because absolute
gravity is a weak effect and depends on local density of the Earth which is quite
Single- and multi-axis models of accelerometer are available to detect
magnitude and direction of the proper acceleration, as a vector quantity, and can
be used to sense orientation (because direction of weight changes), coordinate
acceleration, vibration, shock, and falling in a resistive medium. Micro
machined accelerometers are increasingly present in portable electronic devices
and video game controllers, to detect the position of the device or provide for
game input.
Accelerometers can be used to measure vehicle acceleration.
Accelerometers can be used to measure vibration on cars, machines,
buildings, process control systems and safety installations. They can also be
used to measure seismic activity, inclination, machine vibration, dynamic
distance and speed with or without the influence of gravity. Applications for
accelerometers that measure gravity, wherein an accelerometer is specifically
configured for use in gravimetry, are called gravimeters.
[Figure - 4.6 Accelerometer]
Since it is known that sound travels through air at about 344 m/s (1129
ft/s), you can take the time for the sound wave to return and multiply it by 344
meters (or 1129 feet) to find the total round-trip distance of the sound wave.
Round-trip means that the sound wave traveled 2 times the distance to the
object before it was detected by the sensor; it includes the 'trip' from the sonar
sensor to the object AND the 'trip' from the object to the Ultrasonic sensor (after
the sound wave bounced off the object). To find the distance to the object,
simply divide the round-trip distance in half.
BLDC motors have many similarities to AC induction motors and
brushed DC motors in terms of construction and working principles
respectively. Like all other motors, BLDC motors also have a rotor and a stator. STATOR
Similar to an Induction AC motor, the BLDC motor stator is made out of
laminated steel stacked up to carry the windings. Windings in a stator can be
arranged in two patterns; i.e. a star pattern (Y) or delta pattern (∆). The major
difference between the two patterns is that the Y pattern gives high torque at
low RPM and the ∆ pattern gives low torque at low RPM. This is because in
the ∆ configuration, half of the voltage is applied across the winding that is not
driven, thus increasing losses and, in turn, efficiency and torque.
Another rotor parameter that impacts the maximum torque is the material
used for the construction of permanent magnet; the higher the flux density of
the material, the higher the torque.
The underlying principles for the working of a BLDC motor are the same
as for a brushed DC motor; i.e., internal shaft position feedback. In case of a
brushed DC motor, feedback is implemented using a mechanical commutator
and brushes. With a in BLDC motor as represented in 4.10.2, it is achieved
using multiple feedback sensors. The most commonly used sensors are hall
sensors and optical encoders.
In a commutation system – one that is based on the position of the motor
identified using feedback sensors – two of the three electrical windings are
energized at a time.
While BLDC motors are mechanically relatively simple, they do require
sophisticated control electronics and regulated power supplies. The designer is
faced with the challenge of dealing with a three-phase high-power system that
demands precise control to run efficiently.
[Figure 4.16.1 block diagram of charge controller] [Figure 4.16.2 connection diagram]
In the Bulk charging stage the charge controller is directly connecting the
solar panels to the batteries. The solar panel voltage is drawn down to match the
battery voltage and the full current output of the solar panels is dumped into the
batteries. This stage will contribute the majority of the charge to the batteries
and is sometimes called the constant-current stage. As the battery gets charged
its voltage slowly increases until it reaches around 14.4V. At this point the
batteries will be around 80% charged, however continued charging at this
voltage and max current could be damaging, so the charge controller moves into
the next stage.
In the Absorption stage the charge controller slowly tops up the
remaining charge. It does this by maintaining a constant voltage of around
14.4V, but slowly limiting the current flow to the battery. This allows the
chemical reactions occurring inside the battery to progress at a safe rate and
prevents overheating.
Once the battery is nearly full the charge controller switches to the Float
stage. This is a ‘trickle-charge’ mode with just a trickle of current and a
constant voltage of around 13.8V. The battery can be safely maintained here at
100% capacity for long periods of time while the small power input offsets the
natural discharge rate of the battery.
o Battery temperature
o Power consumption
o Speed of the vehicle
o Driver vitals
o Proximity of the objects nearby
o Speed of approaching vehicle
are sensed by dedicated sensors and the data is sent to the microcontroller which
is connected to the mobile hotspot via inbuilt WIFI module. The controller is
connected to an open-source cloud "BLYNK" through the mobile network and
updates the data to the cloud. This data can be viewed in GUI real time form in
the android app for the same cloud. This data can be accessed by the
manufacturers for determining the performance and plan for any upgrades if
needed and rectify defects reflected in the performance.
Even during other types of collisions the kill switch is triggered and the
whole system is shut down. This reduces the risk fire or shocks due to sparks
resulting from short circuits.