Solar Powered Rickshaw PDF
Solar Powered Rickshaw PDF
Solar Powered Rickshaw PDF
Project –III
Industrial Design Center
IIT Mumbai
Prof. U.A .Athavankar
Renewable Energy
The principle forms of renewable energy suitable for places which lie in the tropics is the wind and
solar energy. The solar panels seen on the roof tops are usually for producing hot water and should
not be confused with those used to produce electricity which are photo voltaic panels. They are
made of 2 thin plates of silicon containing slight impurities which when exposed to sunlight
experience a stimulation of electrons. If positive and negative terminals connected by a wire are
added, as in a battery, the electrons will flow round the wire producing electricity.
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The Process
1) Preliminary data collection of the existing solar technology and its analysis.
2) Assessment and locating suitable applications and niche areas for the technology.
3) Comparing different applications zones and locating the most probable areas where
a four wheeler vehicle with the respective technology will work.
4) Identifying the existing vehicles and their characteristics in these selected scenarios
for which the vehicle has to be designed.
5) User study through scenario building in the areas where the vehicle is to be used.
6)Developing a design brief.
7)Basic anthropometric requirements and an ergonomic study.
8)Initial ideation and concepts .
9) Visiting the engineers and the fabricators in udaipur and discussing possibilities with
structure and details.
10) Concept generation.
-over all form
11) Form exploration through semantic study of the object.
12) Final concept selection and variations.
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Comparative study between traditional Auto rickshaw
and Solar rickshaw. analysis
Rs 85,000
Specifications of Traditional Auto Rickshaw
-Capital cost of Auto Rick shaw ( including insurance and - Rs 31/lt
-Petrol cost
-Average mileage of each Auto Rickshaw when new ( A)
-No. of hours each Auto runs in total on an average (B) mostly
daylight hours 30km/hr
-Average speed of an Auto (C)
-Total consumption of petrol (B) x (C) / (A) 7.5lts/day
-Total cost of Petrol for each Auto Rs 232.5/day
Solar Rickshaw
-Approximate Capital Cost of Solar Rickshaw
Rs 2,00,000
-Avoided costs of fuel per solar rickshaw
Rs 232.5/day
-Total fuel cost avoided in one year through one solar
Rickshaw Rs 85, 862.5
-If in 3 years a market penetration of 50,000 vehicles is projected this translates
into a fuel savings of rs 424.3 carore
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-High fuel costs-approx Rs 232.5 per day per auto Zero fuel costs
-High maintenance
-High annual CO2 emission- roughly 7 Low maintenance
tons/vehicle Zero noise pollution
-Severe noise pollution Does not get affected by inflation in fuel prices
-Regular increase in fuel prices No possibility of adulteration
-Most estimates are based on ideal conditions but Constant research on solar panels is providing
as vehicles age and adulterated fuel, efficiency more efficient conversion ratios which would
decreases. lead to further improvement
Entitled to CO2 emissions credits in accordance
to Kyoto Protocol.
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Possible application areas niche identification
- Intercity public transport
- Inter Airport
- Inter campus-Academic, Industrial e.g. Godrej , Infosys, Maruti
- Safari parks
- Amusement parks
- Zoos
- City tours
- Golf buggies
- Surveillance
- Large span exhibition areas e.g. Pragati Maidan
- Inter village Info kiosks
- Mobile telephone booths
- Mobile banks
- News paper kiosk
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niche identification
Application selection-
Exhibition areas
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user study
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user study
Looking at similar vehicles
Similarity in function, weight and size (basic dimension), number of passengers they carry .
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Design brief
design brief
- Technical specifications which are followed from the existing prototype are:
The basic chassis structure with permissible modification in the size of the
Over all mechanics of the vehicle constituting parts like motor, battery, controller
and instrumentation remains unchanged.
- Minimum surface area of the solar panels to be 2.4 square meters. The solar
panels are currently 50cm x 120 cm, they can be broken into 3 parts of 50 cm x 40
cm (each panel containing minimum 12 cells.
-Minimum surfaces and skining.
In order to increase higher visibility from inside to outside.
-Light weight vehicle, which means under 350 kg kerb weight to be maintained
- Designing a solar powered vehicle for locomotion in areas like non academic
incampus, entertainment parks, safari parks and exhibition areas, to be used by
tourists, middle class families , executives and workers.
-An ergonomically designed vehicle to
accommodate 4 people.
-Safety of passengers
Safety here does not imply emphasis on collision safety rather safety of
passenger from slipping due to inertia while moving and breaking and arresting the
person in the sitting position if the vehicle topples.
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Basic anthropometrics and ergonomic requirements ergonomics
Ergonomics –
Study of how people sit and how people get in and get out of a
maruti versus tall boy like wagonr.
Forces acting on a person while standing in a train or a bus.
Most comfortable position and dimensions in a half standing
position which aids in easier ingress and egress to and from the
Supports required to get in and get out and while in motion.
Initial Ideas and images initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
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initial ideation and images
Visit to the engineers and the fabricators in udaipur and discussing possibilities in structure and details
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Concept development
Three level
1) “ Inside out to Outside in” approach form well
integrated with material and structure and
complimentary to the overall functional
requirements, interior elements with certain level
of flexibility , innovation and convenience
2) Exploring attributes like
3) Experiments with lighter materials like metal
sections (m.s and aluminum), fiber reinforced
plastics and allunimium sheets keeping in mind the
main constraint of accommodating surfacing
surface area of 4’x 7’(14 sq feet)
Searching for an expression of “ Product Identity”
Lexical definition
After the data collection and initial study one realised that,
there was a need to develop a visual identity or profile of the
object which emerged in the linguistic definition as design of
a “ light weight solar powered slow moving public/semi-
public vehicle (car/buggy/ cart) for Indian use.”
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possible layouts
1 2 3 4
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possible layouts
5 6 7
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c o n c e p t -1
Concept one was based on exploring possibilities with the roof surface and integrated
over all structure where structure becomes and aesthetic expression. Possibilities of
user in a semi standing position was explored, in order to reduce the wheel base and
over all dimensions and also aid in easy ingress and egress.
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c o n c e p t -2
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c o n c e p t -3
Concept three was based on how we sit in tongas and cycle rickshaws and how a
layout could be generated from it.
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c o n c e p t -6
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final concept
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final concept development
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dimensional drawing
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Chapter closed