Avenue Supermarts Sell: Result Update
Avenue Supermarts Sell: Result Update
Avenue Supermarts Sell: Result Update
Revenue CAGR of 24% over the next decade, 100bps margin expansion and improved
working capital from scale are factored into valuation of 63x FY20E EPS. To achieve
such growth, DMart needs to hike store rollout by 4x (80 annually) by FY30, which is
tough given the own-store model. Even Walmart, which witnessed an exhilarating
36% CAGR over FY68-98, never enjoyed such rich valuations. Key risks: Increase in
gross margins led by improvement in product mix. Research Analysts
Abhishek Ranganathan, CFA
Tel: +91 22 3043 3085
Mayank Porwal
Tel: +91 22 3043 3214
Balance Sheet
Year to March (Rs mn, unless specified) FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
Total net worth 38,370 46,427 56,610 70,524
Loan funds 14,811 4,393 2,653 -
Total liabilities 53,866 51,291 59,734 70,995
Gross block
Net block 25,215 32,398 36,879 42,646
CWIP 1,529 1,471 1,471 1,471
Inventories 9,332 11,470 13,793 17,607
Loans & Advances 1,285 1,417 1,920 2,461
Creditors 2,668 3,159 4,756 6,679
Other current liabilities 1,322 1,276 1,526 1,966
Total assets 53,866 51,291 59,734 70,995
Source: Company, Ambit Capital research
Income Statement
Year to March (Rs mn, unless specified) FY17 FY18 FY19E FY20E
Net Sales 118,811 150,089 203,400 260,713
Gross Profit 17,851 23,600 29,798 39,107
Other expenses 6,320 7,461 9,327 12,329
EBITDA 9,636 13,374 17,188 22,346
Depreciation 1,260 1,547 1,768 2,085
EBIT 8,376 11,827 15,420 20,260
Tax expenses 2,645 4,112 5,364 6,853
Adjusted PAT 4,826 7,847 10,183 13,914
Source: Company, Ambit Capital research
Avenue Supermarts Ltd
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