Nissin Foods: Initiation: A Chip Off The Old Block
Nissin Foods: Initiation: A Chip Off The Old Block
Nissin Foods: Initiation: A Chip Off The Old Block
Investment case: We initiate coverage of Nissin Foods (NF), a leading Share price performance
manufacturer of instant noodles, with a Buy (1) call and 12-month TP of (%)
HKD4.13. Alongside its well-established parent company, Nissin Foods 5.5 150
Holdings (2897 JP, JPY7,910, Hold [3]), NF has several well-known 4.8 133
3.3 98
maintain its leading position in Hong Kong’s instant noodle market and
2.5 80
leverage its parentco’s brand reputation to further expand in China. Dec-17 Mar-18 Jun-18 Sep-18
See important disclosures, including any required research certifications, beginning on page 26
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Table of contents
Market leader broadening its reach ........................................................................ 6
Dominant in Hong Kong and ready to take off in China ......................................................6
Consumption upgrade in instant noodles .............................................................10
Nissin Foods set to capture premium uptrend ..................................................................10
Margin expansion on product-mix upgrades ........................................................13
No longer simply a replacement meal ..............................................................................13
Financials .................................................................................................................16
Valuation ..................................................................................................................19
Company background .............................................................................................22
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18
2018 2019
Source: Bloomberg
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Financial summary
Key assumptions
Year to 31 Dec 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E
Sales growth YoY - Hong Kong n.a. 0.0 0.4 (0.3) 18.9 13.2 8.4 6.1
Sales growth YoY - PRC n.a. 0.0 6.4 0.4 3.6 16.2 15.4 12.8
GPM % - Hong Kong (ex- MCMS) n.a. 0.0 41.4 44.3 37.0 34.0 35.0 36.0
Gross margin % - PRC n.a. 0.0 35.0 35.8 34.2 34.6 35.4 35.4
SG&A ratio (%) n.a. 0.0 23.9 27.0 28.5 26.4 25.2 25.6
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Company profile
Nissin Foods was listed on the HKEX in December 2017. It has 2 core corporate brands (Nissin and
Doll) and is a subsidiary of Japan-listed Nissin Foods Holdings (2897 JP), which owns 74% of the
company. It has a 65.3% market share in Hong Kong’s instant noodle market and is expanding in
mainland China.
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Source: Daiwa
Hong Kong: market share of instant noodles by value in 2016 Hong Kong: market share of instant noodles by volume in 2016
Others Others
18.3% 22.5%
Unilever PLC
Samyang Food Unilever PLC
2.9% 2.2%
Sau Tao Nissin
Nissin 3.0%
5.4% 62.6%
65.3% Nong Shim
Nong Shim 3.5%
5.5% Sau Tao
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Source: Company
China: market share of premium instant noodles by value China: market share of premium instant noodles by volume
(2016) (2016)
Others Others
7.0% 8.9%
Baixiang Jinmailang
8.3% Nissin 8.1% Nissin
19.8% 18.2%
Jinmailang Baixiang
9.6% 8.8%
Tingyi Tingyi
17.4% 16.5%
37.9% 39.5%
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Eyeing northern and NF has a strong presence in southern and eastern China, due to the popularity of instant
western China; southern noodles as well as the region’s tastes. In 1H18, Nissin booked sales growth in southern
China remains NF’s China of 10% HoH, eastern China >10%, northern China >20% and flat sales growth in
strongest region in western China. We estimate that southern China represents 60-70% of Nissin’s China
terms of sales sales currently, with the company enjoying the strongest sales performance in Guangzhou
and Dongguan. Eastern China contributed 20-30% of China sales in 1H18, where
Shanghai and Hangzhou were the major contributors. NF continues to expand its POS
near business and financial areas, through convenience stores and key accounts, or
modern channels where cup and bowl type noodles are consumed. NF currently has 16
SKUs of cup noodles (合味道) in Hong Kong and mainland China, though not all of its
flavours are available in all regions in China.
NF: China instant noodles sales by type NF: China sales by region
(CNY m) China sales on our
17-20E CAGR 1929 1H18 growth estimates (%) Status
Bag +5.3% 1705 Southern 10% 60-70 >50% sales from traditional channel
Bowl +16.4%
1474 Eastern >10% 20-30 Equally weighted in both channels
1223 1262 Northern >20% < 10 Strong Ippudo sales
1136 Western flat <5 Newly entered
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E
Bowls/Cups Bags
Source: Company, Daiwa estimates Source: Company, Daiwa estimates
Source: Company
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Store count
Japan 120
China 13
Thailand 10
Taiwan 8
Singapore 7 China sotre count
Shanghai 6
Hong Kong 7
Beijijng 2
Australia 6 Guangzhou 2
Malaysia 4 Shenzhen 1
US 3 Chengdu 1
Chongqing 1
UK 3
Indonesia 2
Phillippines 1
France 1
Total 185
NF: collaborative cup-type noodles with global ramen chains – Ippudo (left) and Butao (right)
Source: Company
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Hong Kong: retail sales value of premium instant noodles Hong Kong: retail sales volume of premium Instant noodle
market market
(HKDm) (mn servings) CAGR 2.2%
CAGR 5.1%
1,200 160 148
1,053 CAGR 4.0% 142 145
1,002 136 139
CAGR 6.0% 954 140 127 132
1,000 910 122 123
820 113
768 120
800 703 725
649 100
600 80
400 60
0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E
Source: Frost & Sullivan Source: Frost & Sullivan
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Hong Kong: RSV (value) of instant noodles market NF: Hong Kong instant noodles sales revenue by type
(HKDm) 12/16 CAGR 16/21E CAGR (HKDm) 17-20E CAGR
Bags -2.1% Bags -2.6% 1,600 Bag +11.4%
1,400 1260 1314 1265 Bowls 5.9%
1218 Bowls 7.5% Bowl +7.7%
1159 1,400
1,200 1109 1070 1042 1024 1015 1,200
1,000 949
1,000 821 880
800 745
893 800 635
600 778 589 566 532
720 600
566 565 604
400 526 400
542 580 610
200 200 386 488
352 365
0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E
Bags Bowls/Cups Bowls/Cups Bags
Source: Frost & Sullivan Source: Company, Daiwa estimates
China: retail sales value of premium instant noodle market China: retail sales volume of premium instant noodle market
(2012-21E) (2012-21E)
(CNY bn) (bn servings)
14 CAGR 11.7% 13 2.5 CAGR 6.1%
12 2
10.4 1.9
2.0 CAGR 6.3% 1.8
CAGR 11.2% 9.3 1.7
10 1.6
8.2 1.5
7.5 1.4 1.4
8 6.8 6.9 1.5 1.3
6 4.9
0 0.0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E
Source: Frost & Sullivan Source: Frost & Sullivan
China: retail sales value of instant noodle market (2012-21E) China: retail sales volume of instant noodle market (2012-21E)
(CNY bn) 12/16 CAGR 16/21E CAGR (bn servings) 12/16 CAGR 16/21E CAGR
Bags -0.2% Bags 2.3% 35 Bags -4.1% Bags -1.7%
60 31 30
Bowls 1.0% Bowls 3.6% 29 Bowls -3.4% Bowls -1.0%
47 47 48 30 26
50 44 46 46 24
43 44 43 43 43 23
25 23 23 23 22
41 43 20
41 41 39 40
37 38 38 15 15 14
30 13 13
15 13 12 12 12 12
20 10
10 5
0 0
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017E 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E
Bags Bowls/Cups Bags Bowls/Cups
Source: Frost & Sullivan Source: Frost & Sullivan
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
We believe NF stands to benefit from this trend given its larger proportion of products in
the premium segment, and despite an overall decline in the instant noodle market in China,
as the premium segment (cup >CNY5) grew in value by 39% YoY in 2017, representing
7.3% of the entire market. In 1Q18, the segment continued to outgrow the industry and
increased by 0.8pp to 8.1% of the broader market. Meanwhile, the mass noodle segment
recorded a decline of 2.2pp, representing 35.9% of the China instant noodle market, down
from 38.1%.
Premium NF is well-placed
7.3% 8.1% +39% Cup > CNY 5 to
Bag > CNY 3 capture
upgrade trends as
move up from
High -end mass products to
54.6% 56.0% +2.7% Cup < CNY 5 premium products
Bag CNY 2 -3
38.1% 35.9% -7.7%
bag < CNY 2
Source: AC Nielsen
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Historically, in China the top-selling flavoured noodles have been roast beef flavoured.
While remaining popular among consumers, younger consumers appear keen to try new
flavours, like seafood, tonkatsu and spicy, which are gaining popularity. To align with its
parent company’s strategy for global expansion, NF has also developed Southeast Asian
flavours like Thai Tom Yum Kung and Singaporean Laksa to target other Asian markets.
Apart from catering to regional tastes, the cup containers also have different designs, eg,
noodles in the Philippines are smaller in size in order to meet local preferences.
Given NF’s higher market share in terms of value in 2016 of 19.8% vs UPCH’s 17.4%, and
as we estimate there was no significant movement in premium market positions in 2017,
NF looks set to ride the consumption upgrade trend in China to further capture market
share in the premium market. In this context, the launch of its Ippudo (一風堂) cup-type
noodles adds to NF’s premium collection of instant noodles.
China: 2016-20E instant noodle revenue CAGR and gross margin (2017) comparison
We forecast NF to (%) (%)
14 34
achieve the fastest 33.5 33.2
12 33
growth among peers in 32
the China instant 10
noodles space with a 8
29.8 30
13% revenue CAGR over 6 28.8 29
2016-20E 4
2 26
0 25
Nissin UPCH Tingyi Nongshim Indofood
2016-2020E CAGR Gross margin in 2017 (RHS)
Source: Bloomberg, Daiwa estimates
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
We see NF’s gross margin gradually widening in both Hong Kong and mainland China
through product-mix upgrades as higher-priced products and collaborative items are added
to its product portfolio. Although initially a drag on its gross margin in Hong Kong in 2017
given the transition post-acquisition of MCMS, the Hong Kong distributor of Demae Iccho,
we look for an uptrend in NF’s gross margin in Hong Kong and mainland China over our
forecast horizon as MCMS fully ramps up its operations and NF continues to produce its
own packaging materials at its Dongguan production plant, which commenced operation in
NF: Hong Kong gross-margin trends by product NF: China gross-margin trends
(%) (%)
55 40
45 40.1 35.8
42.9 38.4 39.2 35.4 35.4
37.4 36 35.0
40 44.3 34.6
39.2 34.2
37.6 41.4 36.7 37.9
35 35.5 34 35.1
37.0 35.0 35.1
36.6 36.0 32.0 34.5
30 34.0 35.0 34.2
32 33.5
20 30
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E
Instant noodles Hong Kong Hong Kong (ex-MCMS) Instant noodles PRC
Source: Company, Daiwa forecasts Source: Company, Daiwa forecasts
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Best-selling flavors
Doll Brand
Rice noodles
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Revenue growth likely to be driven by volume and product-mix upgrades
Benefiting from increasing demand for cup and bowl-type noodles
We see faster growth in NF’s overall revenue increased by 10% YoY for 2017 to HKD2.9bn, with Hong Kong
China than Hong Kong contributing 48%. Revenue from Macau, Taiwan and others targeting Chinese customers
and the revenue mix reached HKD1.4bn (+19% YoY), while China contributed HKD1.5bn, up 4% YoY. Hong
shifting towards China Kong and overseas markets saw a robust recovery from 2H17 as consumer spending
over 2018-20E; we picked up, driving volume growth. In China, cup noodles remained the key revenue driver,
forecast China to along with the cup-type Ippudo noodles, which were exclusively rolled out in 7-11s in Hong
account for 52% of total Kong and mainland China. NF has no plans to raise retail prices at this time, and expects
revenue in 2018E revenue to be driven by product-mix upgrades and volume expansion. We forecast
revenue from Hong Kong and China to increase by 13% YoY and 16% YoY for 2018E,
respectively, with contributions from China continuing to outgrow Hong Kong as NF further
expands its distribution network. We expect China to contribute 53% to NF’s revenue in
2018E, increasing to 56% in 2020E with >90% of revenue contributed by cup-type noodles.
NF: revenue breakdown by region (2014-20E) NF: revenue breakdown by product in China (2017-20E)
(HKD m) (%) (HKD m) (%)
14.9 16.5
4,500 16.0 2,500 15.4 18.0
4,000 12.1 14.0 16.0
2,000 12.8
3,500 10.2 12.0 14.0
3,000 12.0
10.0 1,500
2,500 10.0
8.0 6.4
2,000 8.0
6.0 1,000
1,500 3.7 6.0
1,000 4.0 4.0
500 0.0 2.0 0.4 2.0
0 0.0 0 0.0
2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2015 2016 2017 2018E 2019E 2020E
Hong Kong PRC Overall YoY growth Instant noodles Frozen food Overall YoY growth
Source: Company, Daiwa estimates Source: Company, Daiwa estimates
67.8 66.2 65.7 68.0 64.2
60 19.9 21.0 25.0 26.6 25.4 51.7
40 18.8
20.8 19.2 13.2 13.6 12.9
20 8.1 8.4 10.2 11.0 9.4
5.8 5.1 5.4 5.2 4.8 8.2
13.2 12.5 11.9 11.7 11.6 9.4
2014 2015 2016 2017 1H16 1H17
Wheat flour Palm oil Seasoning
Packaging Others ingredients Other cost
Raw material and packaging
Source: Company
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Nov 08
Sep 10
Dec 15
Nov 16
Sep 17
Aug 18
Jan 08
Jul 11
Jun 12
Jan 15
Oct 09
Apr 13
Mar 14
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Initiating with a Buy (1) and 12-month TP of HKD4.13
Valuation appears inexpensive compared with peers
We initiate with a Buy (1) We initiate coverage of NF with a TP of HKD4.13, based on a 19x PER on our average
rating and 12-month TP 2018-19E EPS, representing a 27% discount to its peer average of 26x. While we believe
of HKD4.13, based on a the stock serves as a benchmark for our China food and beverage universe, our TP is at a
19x 2018-19E PER 28% discount to Tingyi and 24% to UPCH, which are NF’s direct competitors and are
trading currently at PERs of 27x and 25x, respectively, on our average 2018-19E EPS. We
believe these discounts are warranted to reflect Tingyi’s 20x and UPCH’s 8x higher
revenue than that of NF in 2017.
Both competitors have diversified product ranges and strong beverage profiles, which we
believe warrant a valuation premium given our positive view on the long-term growth
prospects of the beverage market. NF is currently moving into the beverage market, and
we believe it will catch up on valuation in the future as it further expands into the snacks
and beverage segments. NF was in a net-cash position of HKD2.1bn as of 2017; on
comparing their PERs excluding net cash, NF is trading at a PER of 12x on average 2018-
19E earnings which we view as inexpensive vs. Tingyi’s 27x and UPC’s 25x.
NF’s share price had declined by >30% from its May 2018 peak before the 1H18 results,
following the release of disappointing 2Q18 China results by the parent company, including
a 35% YoY drop in 2Q18 operating profit, a week prior to the reporting date of the Hong
Kong-listed entity. However, NF’s 1H18 results were not as disappointing as indicated by
the parent company, with its operating profit declining by only 2% YoY.
We believe the impact of the shock of the disappointing 1H18 numbers released by the
parent company has already been priced in. Management indicated that the vast gap
between the parent’s numbers and its own was due to accounting differences in the
reporting of: 1) R&D expenses, 2) accrual expenses, and 3) forex translation. We expect
NF’s share price to recover on likely higher operating leverage in 2019E as its utilisation
rate at the Zhejiang plant increases and the number of salespersons grows after its
expansion in 2018.
We initiate with a Buy (1) rating on NF on the back of: 1) its strong position in the fast-
growing premium instant noodles segment in China, 2) its expanding distribution network
in China, which we expect will provide potential upside via future product penetration, 3)
likely future strategic partnerships with established global brands in different food or
beverage product segments, and 4) its R&D capabilities in product and flavour
development, which we have not yet factored into its valuation.
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
When we look at NF’s expansion in China from its dominant position in Hong Kong, we
believe the best comparable stock is Vitasoy (345 HK, NR) with a market cap of
USD3.3bn. Vitasoy is a protein beverage company based in Hong Kong with a dominant
local market share. Vitasoy’s strong brand recognition in Hong Kong has helped it rapidly
increase its product penetration in China. Vitasoy’s China revenue contributed more than
50% to its total FY17 revenue, and its share price has increased by 16% so far in FY18,
with the stock trading currently at a 34x FY19E PER, according to the Bloomberg
consensus, having rerated to a c.34x 12-month-forward PER currently from 22x in 2012.
When comparing Vitasoy with mainland China dairy leaders Mengniu (2319 HK,
HKD24.75, Buy [1]) and Yili (600619 CH, not rated), we note that Vitasoy trades at a 62%
premium to Mengniu’s 20x 2018-19E PER and Yili’s 21x consensus 2018-19E PER
(market caps are 3.5x and 7x that of Vitasoy, respectively).
Increasing focus in NF shares a similar expansion story and competitive landscape with Vitasoy, except NF
mainland China offers a largely focuses on instant noodles and Vitasoy operates in the beverage segment. As
potential rerating discussed previously, we believe NF has a strong brand position in Hong Kong, driven by
catalyst its Japanese heritage and historical presence in Hong Kong; this allows it to differentiate
itself from domestic peers and gain market share. We believe its increasing focus on China
offers a potential rerating catalyst. We look for its organic revenue from China to expand at
a 15% CAGR over 2017-20E (vs. 10% CAGR in Hong Kong, ex. the MCMS acquisition).
NF has increased its salesforce by 100 so far in 2018, with >90% of these new hires based
in mainland China as NF seeks to tap into more regions to expand its China presence. We
see scope for new strategic partnerships and JVs to enable NF to launch new products
and tap new markets, offering a further potential rerating catalysts.
China food and beverage sector: valuation comparison (closing prices as of 24 September 2018)
EPS growth YoY EV/EBITDA Sales growth EBIT margin FCF yield
PER (x) (%) (x) YoY (%) (%) (%)
Company Ticker Rating USDm
HKD 18E 19E 20E 18E 19E 20E 18E 19E 18E 19E 17 18E 19E 18E 19E 20E
Major China food and beverage players
Nissin Foods 1475 HK Buy 548 3.42 17.2 14.5 13.5 -17 19 8 3.3 2.6 15 12 10 9.5 9.9 7.4 7.7 8.3
Want Want China 151 HK Buy 9,239 6.57 23.3 20.2 18.0 -8 15 12 12.9 11.2 -3 6 8 24.0 20.7 22.2 4.4 5.8
Tingyi 322 HK Hold 8,896 14.06 28.5 24.7 22.0 37 15 12 9.3 8.1 6 7 4 6.3 6.6 7.5 7.1 8.4
Uni-President China 220 HK Outperform 3,998 8.20 27.6 22.7 20.0 29 21 13 9.9 8.4 1 3 3 5.6 6.5 7.8 2.7 4.4
Dali Food 3799HK Buy 8,702 5.63 17.7 15.5 13.4 12 14 16 10.4 8.7 11 13 12 22.0 22.3 23.4 5.0 6.1
CR Beer 291 HK Buy 11,681 31.90 44.6 26.5 20.7 74 68 28 16.6 12.4 4 12 16 6.5 8.7 12.4 2.5 3.0
Tsingtao Brewery 168 HK Hold 5,429 35.60 28.8 25.6 24.6 17 13 4 12.2 10.1 1 1 3 5.0 5.3 6.8 1.7 2.1
China Mengniu 2319HK Buy 10,971 24.75 26.5 17.8 15.8 56 48 13 13.9 10.1 12 15 10 4.9 5.9 7.8 1.8 4.6
Health & Happiness 1112HK Buy 3,449 48.50 20.0 15.2 11.2 -5 32 35 10.8 8.6 24 29 18 26.2 24.1 24.7 6.0 7.5
Yili Industries 600887 CH NR 22,549 25.49 22.8 19.2 16.2 13 19 18 16.1 13.6 17 12 10.5 9.6 10.3 3.1 3.4 n.a.
Vitasoy 345 HK NR 3,551 26.10 40.2 34.4 29.4 17 17 17 22.1 19.2 13 15 12.6 13.1 13.4 2.3 2.9 n.a.
Market-cap weighted average 28.0 23.2 20.7 24 45 22 16.7 13.2 6 9 10.4 11.8 12.6 6.3 4.2 3.7
Source: Bloomberg forecasts for non-rated stocks, Daiwa forecasts
Food safety and reputational risk
Failure to detect Failure to detect defective products and other quality control issues could damage the
defective products and reputation of NF’s products and impact sales, and is the key downside risk to our call.
quality control issues is Shortcomings in this regard may also lead to liability claims and adverse publicity for the
the key risk to our call company.
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Company background
NF was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in December 2017. It has 2 core
corporate brands (Nissin and Doll) and is a subsidiary of Japan-listed Nissin Foods
Holdings, which owns 74% of the company. NF has 9 plants that produce instant noodles,
frozen foods (dim sum) and other food products in Hong Kong and China under 5 flagship
product brands – Damae Iccho (出前一丁), Cup noodles, Fuku, Doll instant noodles and
Doll frozen foods – with over 540 SKUs. The current CEO is the grandson of the founder of
Nissin Foods Holdings, Momofuku Ando, who is also credited with inventing instant
noodles in the 1950s. NF has a very experienced management team with several years of
experience in the firm across departments, in addition to industry experience and those
garnered from the Japanese parent company.
Winner Food Nissin Koikeya Nissin Foods Nissin China
Management MCMS (HK) (4)
(HK) (1) Foods (2) HK (3) Holding(PRC)
100% 66% 100% 100% 100% 51%
Gangyongnan Zhuhai Winner Zhejiang Nissin Shanghai Fujian Nissin Guangdong Dongguan
(PRC) (PRC) (PRC) Nissin (PRC) (PRC) Nissin (PRC) Nissin (PRC)
100% 70.5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
(*) Executive Director, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Source: Company
Production capabilities
Pinghu plant, which NF has 6 production plants in China and 3 production plants in Hong Kong, which are
commenced production divided by product categories and packaging. The company categorises production plants
in May 2017, will in terms of oil-fried and non-oil friend noodle plants as they require completely different
increase distribution to production equipment and technology. A cup noodle production line can generally produce
northern and eastern 400 cups per minute, requiring 45 workers on the line. NF’s non-oil fried instant noodle
China plant in Xiamen currently has a utilisation rate of 86.8%, producing the 3 non-oil fried
products (Ippudo, ROAH and light cup noodles).
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
Chief Strategist for Asia Pacific; Strategy (Regional) SK KIM (82) 2 787 9173
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Head of Hong Kong and China Property Banking; Property and REITs
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Custom Products Group Transportation – Road and Rail; Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare; Consumer (Singapore)
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Custom Products Group JAPAN
Yukino YAMADA (81) 3 5555 7295
Nissin Foods (1475 HK): 26 September 2018
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The following explains the rating system in the report as compared to relevant local indices, unless otherwise stated, based on the beliefs of the author of the report.
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"4": the security is expected to underperform the local index by 5-15% over the next 12 months.
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Financial instruments firm: chief of Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Kin-sho) No.108
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