Calalas V Court of Appeals & Eliza Sunga Facts
Calalas V Court of Appeals & Eliza Sunga Facts
Calalas V Court of Appeals & Eliza Sunga Facts
Presumption of Negligence
Upon the happening of the accident, the presumption of negligence at once arises, and it
becomes the duty of a common carrier to prove that he observed extraordinary diligence in
the care of his passengers.
Bad faith
The common carrier’s admission in open court that his driver failed to assist the injured
passenger in going to a nearby hospital cannot be construed as an admission of bad faith.
While the driver of an improperly parked vehicle may be liable in case of collision, the driver
of a moving vehicle who had no opportunity to avoid the collision due to his own making is not
relieved of liability, such as when his negligence is the immediate and proximate cause of the
collision. (Austria vs. Court of Appeals, 327 SCRA 668 [2000])
G.V. FLORIDA TRANSPORT, INC. vs. HEIRS OF BATTUNG to himself, as well as his co-passengers, unless there is something that will indicate that a
more stringent inspection should be made.
Common carriers should be given sufficient leeway in assuming that the passengers they
take in will not brig anything that would prove dangerous to himself, as well as his co-
passengers, unless there is something that will indicate that a more stringent inspection
should be made.
Respondent alleged that Battung boarded petitioner’s bus bound to Manila. When the bus
driver stopped the bus and alighted to check the tires, a man who was seated at the fourth
row of the bus stood up, shot Battung at his head, and then left with a companion. The bus
conductor notified the driver of the incident and thereafter brought Battung at the hospital, but
the latter was pronounced dead on arrival. Hence, respondents filed a complaint for damages
based on a breach of contract of carriage against petitioner before the RTC. Respondents
contended that as a common carrier, petitioner and its employees are bound to observe
extraordinary diligence in ensuring the safety of the passengers; and in case of injuries and/or
death on the part of a passenger, they are presumed to be at fault. Petitioner maintained that
they had exercised extraordinary diligence and they claimed that a common carrier is not an
absolute insurer of its passengers and that Battung’s death should be properly deemed a
fortuitous event. The RTC found that the petitioner were unable to rebut the presumed liability
of common carriers in case of injuries/death to its passenger due to their failure to show that
they implemented the proper security measures to prevent passengers from carrying deadly
weapons inside the bus which resulted to the killing of Battung. The CA affirmed the RTC’s
Decision in toto.
Whether or not the CA correctly affirmed the ruling of the RTC finding petitioner liable for
damages to respondent arising from culpa contractual.
The complaint should be dismissed. Court clarified that where the injury sustained by the
passenger was in no way due (1) to any defect in the means of transport or in the method of
transporting, or (2) to the negligent or willful acts of the common carrier’s employees with
respect to the foregoing – such as when the injury arises wholly from causes created by
strangers which the carrier had no control of or prior knowledge to prevent – there would be
no issue regarding the common carrier’s negligence in its duty to provide safe and suitable
care, as well as competent employees in relation to its transport business, as such, the
presumption of fault or negligence foisted under Article 1756 of the Civil Code should not
apply.Battung’s death was neither caused by any defect in the means of transport or in the
method of transporting, or to the negligent or willful acts of petitioners. Instead, the case
involves the death of Battung wholly caused by the surreptitious act of a co-passenger who
hurriedly alighted from the vehicle. Common carriers should be given sufficient leeway in
assuming that the passengers they take in will not brig anything that would prove dangerous
Facts: despite the fact that the space available was not big enough therefor, in view of which the
Caguimbal who was a paying pasenger of Batangas Transportation Company (BTCO) bus Biñan bus hit the left side of the BTCO bus and then the calesa.
died when the bus
of the Biñan Transportation Company (Binan) which was coming from the opposite direction Article 1733 of the Civil Code provides the general rule that extraordinary diligence must be
and a calesa managed by Makahiya, which was then ahead of the Biñan bus met an exercised by the driver of a bus in the vigilance for the safety of his passengers.
The record shows that, in order to permit one of them to disembark, the BTCO bus driver
A passenger requested the conductor of BTCO to stop as he was going to alight, and when drove partly to the right
he heard the signal of the conductor, the driver slowed down his bus swerving it farther to the shoulder of the road and partly on the asphalted portion thereof. Yet, he could have and
right in order to stop; at this juncture, a calesa, then driven by Makahiya was at a distance of should have seen to it — had he exercised "extraordinary diligence" — that his bus was
several meters facing the BTCO bus coming from the opposite direction; that at the same completely outside the asphalted portion of the road, and fully within the shoulder thereof, the
time the Biñan bus was about 100 meters away likewise going northward and following the width of which being more than sufficient to accommodate the bus. When the BTCO bus
direction of the calesa; that upon seeing the Biñan bus the driver of the BTCO bus dimmed driver slowed down his BTCO bus to permit said passenger to disembark, he must have
his light; that as the calesa and the BTCO bus were passing each other from the opposite known, therefore, that the Biñan bus would overtake the calesa at about the time when the
directions, the Biñan bus following the calesa swerved to its left in an attempt to pass latter and BTCO bus would probably be on the same line, on opposite sides of the asphalted
between the BTCO bus and the calesa; that without diminishing its speed of about seventy portions of the road, and that the space between the BTCO bus new Civil Code). By the
(70) kilometers an hour, the Biñan bus passed through the space between the BTCO bus and contract of carriage.
the calesa hitting first the left side of the BTCO bus with the left front corner of its body and
then bumped and struck the calesa which was completely wrecked; that the driver was It is true that the driver of the Biñan bus should have slowed down or stopped. Perez was
seriously injured and the horse was killed; that the second and all other posts supporting the thus under obligation to avoid a situation which would be hazardous for his passengers. This
top of the left side of the BTCO bus were completely smashed and half of the back wall to the is an exception to the general rule that negligence must be proved. was reckless in not doing
left was ripped open. The BTCO bus suffered damages for the repair of its damaged so. and. but.and the "calesa" would not be enough to allow the Biñan bus to go through.
portion.As a consequence of this occurrence, Caguimbal and Tolentino died, apart from make their safety dependent upon the diligence of the Biñan driver. In an action based on a
others who were injured. contract of carriage. and. and it is therefore incumbent upon the carrier to prove that it has
exercised extraordinary diligence as prescribed in Articles 1733 and 1755 of the new Civil
The widow and children of Caguimbal sued to recover damages from the BTCO. The latter, in Code . the court need not make an express finding of fault or negligence on the part of the
turn, filed a third-party complaint against the Biñan and its driver, Ilagan. Subsequently, the carrier in order to hold it responsible to pay the damages sought for by the passenger. hence.
Caguimbals amended their complaint, to include therein, as defendants, said Biñan and he had no especial obligations toward the passengers of the BTCO unlike the BTCO bus
Ilagan. driver whose duty was to exercise "utmost" or "extraordinary" diligence for their safety. the
carrier assumes the express obligation to transport the passenger to his destination safely
CFI dismissed the complaint insofar as the BTCO is concerned, without prejudice to plaintiff's and to observe extraordinary diligence with a due regard for all the circumstances. and any
right to sue Biñan and Ilagan. CA reversed said decision and rendered judgment for injury that might be suffered by the passenger is right away attributable to the fault or
Caguimbal. BTCO appealed to SC. negligence of the carrier (Article 1756.
Whether BTCO is liable to pay damages for failure to exercise extraordinary diligence?
YES. BTCO has not proven the exercise of extraordinary diligence on its part.
The recklessness of the driver of Binan was, manifestly, a major factor in the occurrence of
the accident which
resultedin the death of Pedro Caguimbal. Indeed, as driver of the Biñan bus, he overtook
Makahiya's horse-driven rig or calesa and passed between the same and the BTCO bus