CLP - BiochemEng July 2020
CLP - BiochemEng July 2020
CLP - BiochemEng July 2020
To be shared with students.
1 Course Name Biochemical Engineering
2 Course Code CPB 30103
3 Academic Dr. Law Jeng Yih (Course Leader)
Staff Name(s) (Lecturer Room 7)
4 Rationale for This course introduces the fundamental biochemical engineering concepts primarily to
inclusion of chemical engineers. To accommodate those who do not have the biological
Course in the background, the course will first introduce the basic ideas from microbiology,
Programme biochemistry, and biology.
5 Semester & Semester: 7
Year Offered Year: 4
6 Student Independent
Learning Face to Face (F2F) TOTAL
Time (SLT) learning
Lecture Tutorial Practical Other TOTAL
34 - 18 5 57 63 120
7 Credit Value 3
8 Prerequisite NIL
9 Learning Upon completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. Analyse different biochemical engineering concepts and ways of thinking. (C4)
2. Perform laboratory works related to the enzyme activity and microbial growth
according to standard operating procedure and safety working procedure. (P2)
10 Transferable Skills
Skills Development of the skills
skills assessment
Students are required to work in team
during lab sessions, mini project and
tutorial sessions.
&Teamwork Peer evaluation
Participation also includes students’
time management, punctuality and
Written skills via written reports and
Communication evaluation –
Students participation and
Skills Rubric
communication skills via presentation.
11 Strategies Teaching & learning Assessment
Teaching and learning will be via Students will be assessed via written
lecture, practice tutorial sessions, test, mini project, lab test, lab report,
oral discussion, group dissussion and final exam.
and laboratory experiments.
Students will also be required to do CLO 1-PLO 1
their own self-study either through Written Test, Final Exam
guided questions or assignments.
Laboratory Report (Group work written
report and psychomotor assessment),
Lab Test
CLO 3-PLO 3 & 4:
Mini Project (Group work written report
and peer evaluation).
12 Synopsis This course focuses on the interaction of chemical engineering, biochemistry, and
microbiology. This course covers the principles and applications of biochemical
engineering components and methods for the analysis, design, operation, and
monitoring of biochemical engineering processes and reactors. Enzyme kinetics and
enzymology, cell growth and metabolism, industrial fermentation, agitation, and
sterilization round out the subject material.
13 Mode of Lecture and Practical
14 Assessment Written Test 20%
Methods Laboratory reports 20%
Lab Test 10%
Mini Project 10%
Final Examination (Written) 40%
TOTAL 100%
15 Mapping of PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4 PEO 5
Course to
✓ ✓
(PEOs) (✓)
16 Mapping of PLOs ()
Course to CLOs
Programme 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 ✓
(PLOs) 2 ✓
3 ✓ ✓
17 References Main Additional
1. Presson, J.C. (2012), Biology Dimension of 4. Scott, F. (2015), Biological Science, 2nd Edition,
Life, Boston: Mc Graw Hill. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.
2. Shuler, M.L., and Kargi, F., (2012), 5. Martin, S. (2012), Biology Inquiries, Standard
Bioprocess Engineering, 3rd Edition, Based Labs, Assessments and Discussion
Prentice-Hall. Lessons, San Francisco: John Wiley.
3. Blanch H. W., and Clark, D.S., (1996), 6. Sandra, A. & Brian, A. (2008). Biology.
Biochemical Engineering, Marcel Deller, Inc. Understanding Life. New York: John Wiley &
7. George, H. (2014), Biology, 2nd Edition,
Canada: Schaum’s Outlines.
8. Stephen, R., Jeremy S., Elizabeth A., Hugh A. &
Claudia G. (2007). Cell Biology. (2nd Ed). United
Kingdom: Wiley-Liss.
9. Bailey, J.E., and Ollis, D.F., (1986), Biochemical
Engineering Fundamentals, 2nd Edition.
McGraw-Hill Book Company.
To be shared with students.
Delivery Relevant
When Topic
Method Assessments
Chapter 1 (Basic Biology) Lecture TEST 1
Week 1
Practical Preparation
2.1 Chemical requirements for growth – C, N, O, work of buffer
P, S, vitamins and minerals solution
2.2 Effect of temperature and pH on microbial Experiment:
Chapter 3 (Microbial Growth Kinetics) Lecture TEST 1
Week 5 -
Week 6
Week 8
4.1 Nature of enzyme action work assays and
4.2 Kinetics of enzyme action factors
4.3 Enzyme inhibitions; competitive and non- affecting
Chapter inhibitions
5 (Sterilization) Lecture enzyme
Week 9 -
Week 10
Practical Direct
5.1 Sterilization methods work measureme
5.2 Thermal sterilization of liquid nts of
5.3 Sterilization of heat-labile materials microbial
Chapter 6 (Theory and Design of Aerobic Lecture MINI
Week 11 -
Week 13
Fermentation) PROJECT
6.1 Types of fermentation evaluation
6.2 Nutrient requirements TEST 2
Chapter 7 (Scaling up Operations) Lecture
Week 14 -
Week 15
Scaling up criteria
7.1 Constant volumetric mass transfer coefficient
Chapter 8 (Downstream Processing) Lecture MINI
Week 16 -
Week 17
8.1 Solid-liquid separation Peer
8.2 Liquid- liquid separation evaluation
8.3 Cell disruption techniques
Final exam Written final
exam (all