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Course Syllabus: Serial Number: Course Title: Course Description

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Course Syllabus


COURSE TITLE: Computer Programming 2

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the fundamental concepts of computer programming. Program logic formulation as well as correct programming
methodology and its use in the development of applications. Topics include object-oriented design, encapsulation, object interfaces,
inheritance, aggregation, abstract classes, polymorphism, and exception handling.
OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1. write programs that exhibit OOP concepts;

2. apply encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism in programs;
3. use interfaces and threads in program development; and
4. create programs that react correctly when certain exceptions occur.

CREDIT: 3 lec 1 lab (3 hours lecture per week, 3 hrs. laboratory per week)

PRE-REQUISITE: COPRO-1 – Computer Programming 1

1. Savitch, W.J. (2011). Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming. Pearson
2. Farrell, J. (2012). Java Programming (6th Edition). Cengage Learning
3. Niemeyer, P. and Leuck, D. (2013) Learning Java (4th Edition). O’Reilly Media


APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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1. Class Participation
2. Laboratory Exercises
3. Major Examination (Written and Practical)
4. Task Performance

GRADING SYSTEM: The following percentage distribution shall be followed:

Prelim 20%
Midterm 20%
Pre-final 20%
Final 40%

The following are the recommended periodical grade components for this course:


Class Participation (SW, Quiz, etc.) 20%

Task Performance 50%
Major Examination 30%
Total 100%


Laboratory Exercises 50%

Practical Examination 50%
Total 100%

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 2 of 8
Course Outline
Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1 Familiarize with the 1 1 3 Course Orientation 5 4 Discussion/ Awareness of The students must
course, its Orientation the course be able to:
objectives, requirements
requirements, and lab rules Meet the
grading criteria, etc. and regulations requirements to get a
passing grade
1 3 01 Laboratory Exercise
Laboratory Overview Adhere to the policies
2 Recognize the 2 2 3 Object-Oriented Programming 16 9 Game Participation in Actively participate in
benefits of OOP Concepts the game the game
approach Lecture
Mastery of Differentiate OOP
3 Describe the basic distinguishing concepts
techniques of Class one concept
program design in Inheritance from the other Cite examples of
object-oriented Interface each concept
programming Package

4 Create a simple 2 3 02 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on JAVA program Submit a Java

program that exhibits Activity that exhibits program with
the different OOP concepts comments that
concepts in OOP describe the different
parts and syntax
5 Explain the concepts 3 3 Classes and Methods 33 12 Lecture Participation in Apply the learned
of a class and an the discussion concepts by
object of a class Class and Method Definitions Demonstration practicing written
of Writing programming
6 Apply the concepts Code
of information hiding Information Hiding and UML Class Draw a simple UML
and encapsulation Encapsulation Diagram Class diagram

7 Use variables of a Objects and References Written Program Distinguish variables

class type to name (based on of a class type from
objects discussion) variables of a
primitive type

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

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Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

8 Create a program 3 3 03 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on JAVA program Submit a Java
that uses methods Activity that showcases program based on a
and objects a variety of UML Class diagram
objects and
9 Use the constructor 4 3 3 Object and Methods 23 10 Game Participation in Determine the
of a class the game constructor in a class
Constructors Lecture
Written Program Write programs using
10 Write and use static Demonstration (based on static variables and
variables and Static Variables and Static Methods of Writing discussion) static methods
methods Code
Inheritance, Polymorphism, and 20 11

11 Identify the role of Inheritance Knowledge on

inheritance to the concepts and Use derived classes
produce interfaces usage of in Java
within application inheritance,
programs polymorphism, Differentiate
and interfaces superclass and
12 Describe Polymorphism subclass
polymorphism in
general Write a program that
Interfaces and Abstract Classes
13 Define interfaces to polymorphism
specify methods
Compare an interface
and an abstract class
14 Create a program 4 3 05 Task Performance 1 Hands-on Simple Payroll Create a program that
that meets the Activity Program exhibits inheritance
specified and polymorphism

PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION Pen and Grade of at least Acquire at least a

Written Exam Paper Test 75% in Written grade of 75% in
and Practical Written and Practical
Practical Exam (Faculty

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 4 of 8
Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

15 Recognize the 6-7 6-7 6 Exception Handling 34 18 Game Participation in
importance of the game
exception handling Basic Exception Handling Lecture Distinguish one
Written Program exception type from
16 Write programs that Demonstration (based on the other
handle exceptions try, catch, and finally of Writing discussion)
correctly Code Determine the output
User-Defined Exceptions of a given program
17 Create their own
Exception classes
18 Write programs that 6-7 6 06 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on Guessing Game Create programs that
handle exceptions Activity Program use the try-catch
correctly 06 Laboratory Exercise 2 structure
Hands-on Quiz Bee
Activity Program
19 Differentiate text files 8-9 8-9 6 File Input and Output 48 27 Lecture Compare text files
from binary files and binary files
Computer Files Demonstration
20 Use the Path and of Writing Create programs that
Files classes Code use IO classes
The Path and Files Classes
21 Describe file Write a program that
organization, File Organization, Streams, and work with sequential
streams, and buffers Buffers data files

22 Use the IO classes The IO Classes

to write to and read
from a file

23 Create and use Sequential Data Files

sequential data files
24 Write programs that 8-9 6 07 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on Guessing Game Create programs that
exhibit file input and Activity Program (New) use IO classes
output 07 Task Performance 1
Hands-on Quiz Bee
Activity Program
10 MIDTERM EXAMINATION Pen and Grade of at least Acquire at least a
Written Exam Paper Test 75% in Written grade of 75% in
and Practical Written and Practical

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 5 of 8
Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

Practical Exam (Faculty
25 Compare different 11- 11- 9 User Interface 40 25 Lecture Create Swing
Swing components 13 13 components
Swing Components Demonstration
26 Use a layout of Writing Apply events to
manager to position Code Swing components
Swing components JLabel
Layout Manager
27 Add events to a JTextField
program JButton
28 Create programs 11- 9 08 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on Number Finder
with various 13 Activities Program
Checker and
08 Laboratory Exercise 2
29 Add events to a Swapper
program Program

08 Task Performance 1 Game

14 PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION Pen and Grade of at least Acquire at least a
Written Exam Paper Test 75% in Written grade of 75% in
and Practical Written and Practical
Practical Exam (Faculty
30 Use content panes 15 15 3 User Interface 2 22 29 Lecture Use the various
layout managers
31 Apply color to UI Content Pane Demonstration
components of Writing
32 Compare different
layout managers Layout Manager Classes

33 Use the JPanel class JPanel

34 Create a JScrollPane JScrollPane

Event Handling

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 6 of 8
Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

Describe the event
handling process AWTEvent Class Methods
Identify the functions
of the methods of the
AWTEvent class Mouse Events
37 Apply events to menu
Add mouse events Menus items
Create menus
39 Create a menu bar 15 3 09 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on Party Planner
with multiple options Activity Program

40 Use the paint() and 16 16 3 Graphics 22 24 Lecture Create lines and

repaint() methods shapes using various
The paint() and repaint() Methods Demonstration methods
41 Create a String using of Writing
the drawString() Code
method The drawString() Method

42 Draw lines and Lines and Shapes

Java 2D Graphics
43 Draw with Java 2D
44 Create a program 16 3 10 Laboratory Exercise 1 Hands-on My Drawing
with lines and shapes Activity Program

45 Compare an applet 17 17 3 Applets 19 20 Lecture Describe the JApplet

with an application life cycle
JApplet Demonstration
46 Use the components of Writing
from the JApplet Code Apply images and
class JApplet Components sounds to a JApplet

47 Compare the JApplet Life Cycle

methods involved in
the life cycle of a Images
48 Add images and
sound to a JApplet

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 7 of 8
Learning Outcomes Lec Lab Strategy/ Evaluation of
Wk TOPICS Slides I-Guide Student Output
Ses Hrs Ses Hrs Handouts Methodology Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

49 Create a game that 11 Task Performance 1 Hands-on Arcade Game
has images that Activity Program
respond to events
18 FINAL EXAMINATION Pen and Acquire at least a
Written Exam Paper Test grade of 75% in
Written and Practical
Practical Exam (Faculty

APPROVED BY: Sibbaluca, Brandon G.

*Property of STI PAGE: 8 of 8

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