Course Syllabus: Serial Number: Course Title: Course Description
Course Syllabus: Serial Number: Course Title: Course Description
Course Syllabus: Serial Number: Course Title: Course Description
COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course deals with the fundamental concepts of computer programming. Program logic formulation as well as correct programming
methodology and its use in the development of applications. Topics include object-oriented design, encapsulation, object interfaces,
inheritance, aggregation, abstract classes, polymorphism, and exception handling.
OUTCOMES: After successful completion of this course, the students should be able to:
CREDIT: 3 lec 1 lab (3 hours lecture per week, 3 hrs. laboratory per week)
1. Savitch, W.J. (2011). Java: An Introduction to Problem Solving & Programming. Pearson
2. Farrell, J. (2012). Java Programming (6th Edition). Cengage Learning
3. Niemeyer, P. and Leuck, D. (2013) Learning Java (4th Edition). O’Reilly Media
The following are the recommended periodical grade components for this course: