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Syllabus in Programming 2

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Second Semester, SY 2020-2021

I. Course Code : IT 121

II. Course Title : Computer  
Programming 2 IFSU’s recognition that the essence of its existence is to
serve its clienteles and stakeholders for the common
A globally recognized University upholding excellence
amidst rich cultural heritage.
  III. Credit Units : 3 units (2
MISSION hours lecture, 3 hours laboratory)  
IFSU’s commitment to create and nurture a teaching and
Produce employable graduates who are morally upright,
learning environment that encourages innovation,
socially and culturally responsible professionals through IV. Course Description : dynamism and resourcefulness in the pursuit to be globally
quality, relevant, and innovative INSTRUCTION,
recognized amidst rich cultural heritage. This includes
RESEARCH, EXTENSION, AND RESOURCE The basics of programming languages provision of opportunities for critical thinking, problem-
require a lot of patience with considerable solving, communication and collaboration.
CORE VALUES intellectual ability. Naturally this 6. CULTURAL-SENSITIVITY
intelligence makes people better and  
IFSU’s commitment to preserve the rich cultural heritage of
  skillful in computer programming and the province and the region.
IFSU’s strong commitment to achieve superior quality
outputs and services in the areas of instruction, development. This course uses concepts
research, extension, resource generation and of structured programming, apply basic
language syntax and basic principles and Goal 1: Academic Excellence
2. FAITH debugging techniques for solving errors Objectives:
IFSU’s strong belief and faith that there is GOD and inhibiting program acceptance. 1. To assure quality of programs
2. To ensure effective student lifecycle management
Almighty who guides the University in all its
V. Course Outcomes : and career development
undertakings and endeavours. This also mirrors the
3. To provide unique and lifelong learning experience
University’s community member’s trust and confidence
The students: in the entire student lifecycle
for each other toward harmonious living.
4. To integrate internationalization perspective
  1. use variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, objects, and functions correctly; towards global connectedness
3. INTEGRITY 2. craft well-structured, working programs in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. 5. To strengthen student welfare services for a
IFSU’s adherence to moral and ethical values; 3. recognize and avoid common programming mistakes; successful academic formation of students
conformity to principle-driven service in the pursuit of 4. work effectively with groups to create efficient applications; and 6. To integrate Indigenous Knowledge, System and
the University vision, mission and goals. 5. defend their output to a set of panel members; Practices (IKSP) in the academic programs to
  intensify conservation of the rich cultural heritage.

Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)
VI. Grading System:

Goal 2: Strong research leadership and culture 1 1 1

Midterm Grade = x Class Standing + x Laboratory + X Midterm Exam
3 3 3
1. To establish a strong brand and strengthen image
building of IFSU as a research leader in the academic
1 1 1 VISION
Tentative FG = x Class Standing + x Laboratory + X Midterm Exam
sector 3 3 3
2. To intensify conduct of research and dissemination of An Academic Centers of Excellence in Computing
RD outputs Sciences
3. To intensify conservation of the rich cultural heritage
2 1
Final Grade = x TFG + x MG
Goal 3: Sustainable extension and community
engagement To provide quality education towards professional
development and global competitiveness of graduates in
Objectives: Computing Sciences
1. To package and transfer knowledge and technologies
relevant to the needs of the clientele GOAL OF THE COLLEGE
2. To create a widely shared organizational culture that
encourages, promotes and rewards extension and The graduates are globally competitive, morally upright,
innovative and socially responsible professionals engaged
community engagements in research, extension and resource generation activities.
3. To establish/Strengthen/Sustain linkages with LGUs,
industries and other organizations OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAM:

Goal 4: Excellent public service and good governance: Graduates of Information Technology:

Objectives: 1. analyse complex problems, identify and define

1. To ensure efficient, transparent and accountable the computing requirements needed to design
delivery of administrative services an appropriate solution;
2. To forge strong network system and resource sharing
2. apply computing and other knowledge domains
through collaborative activities conducted regularly
to address real-world problems;
3. To strengthen the university’s local and international
visibility 3. design and develop computing solutions using a
4. To enhance efficiency in resource generation and system-level perspective;
5. To upgrade competencies of human resources 4. manipulate modern computing tools;
6. To technologize front line services and other services
5. work effectively in multi-disciplinary and
of the University
multicultural teams; and
7. To ensure a clean, green, safe and GAD-responsive
University environment 6. conduct research, extension and resource
8. To intensify conservation of the rich cultural heritage generation activities
integrating culture in the administrative and support

Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)
Teaching &
Learning Outcomes Assessment
Course Content Learning Resources References
The students Tasks
Week 1: Preliminaries: Introduction to the
Course www.ifsu.edu.ph
1. Reflect on the VMGO of
IFSU and the College a. VMGO of the University and of the Discussion Reflection Multimedia IFSU CODE
2. Appraise themselves vis-à- College Paper with
vis the requirements of the b. Overview of the Course Rubrics Course Laboratory Manual and Policies
course. Substance-20 Syllabus
Week 1 to Week 3: CHAPTER I. STRUCTURED Farrell, J. (2018). Comprehensive Programming Logic
COMPUTER PROGRAMMING and Design Ninth Edition. 20 Channel Center Street
CONCEPTS Boston, MA 02210 USA: Cengage Learning
1. Demonstrate awareness A. What is Structured Programming Quiz on Multimedia EzEd Channel. (2018, January 18). Introduction to
regarding Structured (SP) Structured Devices Structured Programming. Retrieved from
Programming and its three B. Three Phases of Structured Programming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmtyFcLWXwo
phases. Programming Concepts Video Clips
2. Differentiate the three basic C. Understanding the Three Basic on SP Programming Logic and Design. (2016, April 18). 3_2
structures. Structures Concepts The three basic structures—sequence, selection, and
C.A.1. Sequence loop. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?
C.A.2. Selection Handout in v=OoShU65HemA
C.A.3. Loop Chapter I
Home and Learn. (N.D.). Visual Basic .NET. Retrieved
Laboratory: from https://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/vbNet.html
1. Design a user-friendly A. Review on VB.Net Application Computer- Performance-
graphical user interface i. Creating a Dashboard User Assisted based Tasks Job sheets
through a dashboard Interface Learning with Rubrics
2. Work with multiple forms in ii. Creating a Log-In Form
VB .NET Submission (5)
B. Creating Menus and Toolbars
3. Add menu with submenu File Mngt. (5)
C. Working with Multiple Document Simulation Design (10)
and toolbars to a VB .NET Interface (MDI) Forms Visual Appeal (5)
project Output (25)
4. Add code to menus and

Week 4 to Week 8 CHAPTER II. STRUCTURED CODING Farrell, J. (2018). Comprehensive Programming Logic
Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)
Lecture: and Design Ninth Edition. 20 Channel Center Street
Boston, MA 02210 USA: Cengage Learning
Discussion Quiz on
1. Evaluate expressions to Making Multimedia thenewboston. (2011, June 4). Visual Basic Tutorial - 43
determine outcomes using Interactive Decisions Devices – Functions. Retrieved from
AND, OR and NOT logic. Learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTXBCvEJdlc
2. Make selections within
ranges Seatwork/ Handout in TeachMeComputer. (2010, November 1). VB.NET
3. Implement precedence Laboratory: Work by Pair Performance- Chapter II Tutorial 55 - Modules (Visual Basic 2008/2010).
when combining AND and Based Tasks Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?
A. Working with Modules in VB.Net
OR operators Simulation using Rubrics v=JmZWIJHAfg8
B. Functions and Subroutines
4. Test single variable against Submission
C. Working with Selection and Loop
multiple values using CASE Computer- (5) Home and Learn. (N.D.). Visual Basic .NET. Retrieved
Structure Assisted File Mngt. (5) from https://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/vbNet.html
D. Develop a simple e-learning Learning Design (10) Job Sheets
material Visual Appeal
1. Declare variables and (5)
constants. Output (25)
2. Use VB .NET functions.
3. Determine the level of scope
of a variable/constant.
4. Create VB .NET functions
5. Create programs using the
if, nested if and case
Week 9: March ___, 2019 Midterm Examination

Week 13 to Week 18 CHAPTER IV. APPLICATION OF Discussion Quiz on Multimedia Coder Baba. (2018, February 20). VB.NET Student
STRUCTURED PROGRAMMING Database Devices Information System | Login Form & Registration Form |
1. Navigate MySQL Interactive Connections using MS Access DB #1. Retrieved from
environment with ease. Lecture: Learning Handout in https://www.youtube.com/watch?
2. Create databases in MS A. Database Concepts Chapter IV v=PgSSEGomTR4&t=203s
Access 2013 i. Creating Databases and
3. Connect created databases Tables using MySQL ProgrammingKnowledge. (2014, June 16). Beginners
to VB .NET ii. Creating Simple Queries MS Access Database Tutorial 1 - Introduction and
4. Manipulate records using B. Connecting MySQL with VB.NET Simulation Group Project Job Sheets Creating Database. Retrieved from
VB .NET methods. 2010 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUE-
5. Compose queries using D. Inserting, Adding, Updating, Deleting Computer- Defense using Dummy Data XJEHp7g&pbjreload=10
VB .NET and MS ACCESS and Searching Records from/to a Assisted Rubrics (to be
2013 syntax. database Learning decided by Home and Learn. (N.D.). Visual Basic .NET. Retrieved
E. Creating Simple Queries the class) from https://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/vbNet.html
F. Creating Reports Group
1. Create a functional Discussion Tamayo, J. et. al. (2014). VB.Net Programming. #16
information system. Concha St. Tinajeros Malabon City: JIMCZYVILLLE
Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)
2. Work effectively with group Laboratory: Brainstorming Publications
in crafting IS Project. A. Creating Simple Computer
3. Defend created IS to a set of Application using VB .NET and
panel members. MySQL
4. Design reports using Crystal
Week 18: May ___, 2019 FINAL EXAMINATION

VIII. References


Farrell, J. (2018). Comprehensive Programming Logic and Design Ninth Edition. 20 Channel Center Street Boston, MA 02210 USA: Cengage Learning

Tamayo, J. et. al. (2014). VB.Net Programming. #16 Concha St. Tinajeros Malabon City: JIMCZYVILLLE Publications

Online Resources
Coder Baba. (2018, February 20). VB.NET Student Information System | Login Form & Registration Form |using MS Access DB #1. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?

EzEd Channel. (2018, January 18). Introduction to Structured Programming. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmtyFcLWXwo

DJ Oamen. (2017, August 13). How to Create Windows 10 Style Calculator in Visual Basic.Net. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmC6_waG99w

Programming Logic and Design. (2016, April 18). 3_2 The three basic structures—sequence, selection, and loop. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoShU65HemA

DJ Oamen. (2015, June 6). How to Create Scientific Calculator in Visual Basic.Net. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AuDq36Rswg

ProgrammingKnowledge. (2014, June 16). Beginners MS Access Database Tutorial 1 - Introduction and Creating Database. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUE-

Nicholas Dingle. (2014, April 8). VB.NET 2013 – Arrays. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luROYtHYK7o

VB Toolbox. (2013, December 2). VB.NET Tutorial For Beginners - Using Arrays (Visual Basic .NET). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKiNGZMuqI0

thenewboston. (2011, June 4). Visual Basic Tutorial - 59 - Introduction To Arrays. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eG_eUsqaPtk

Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)
thenewboston. (2011, June 4). Visual Basic Tutorial - 43 – Functions. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTXBCvEJdlc

TeachMeComputer. (2010, November 1). VB.NET Tutorial 55 - Modules (Visual Basic 2008/2010). Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmZWIJHAfg8

Home and Learn. (N.D.). Visual Basic .NET. Retrieved from https://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/vbNet.html

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Instructor Instructor Chairperson, ACT/BSIT Dean, CCS

Rev.00 (Feb.04, 2019)

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