Activity 16: Analyzing Influential Factors
Activity 16: Analyzing Influential Factors
Activity 16: Analyzing Influential Factors
For each factor listed below, provide examples of how this factor affects your sexual attitudes and
1. Family. Family values oftentimes determine your own values. Describe how your family affects your
values regarding human sexuality.
2. Culture. Filipinos living in different regions have diverse cultures and beliefs. Your cultural background
can affect your values regarding sexuality, along with the norms and standards set by society. Describe
how your culture affects your human sexuality.
=> All societies have faced the problem of reconciling the need of controlling sex with that of giving it
adequate expression, and all have solved it by some combination of cultural taboos, permissions, and
injunctions. Prohibitory regulations curb the socially more disruptive forms of sexual competition.
Permissive regulations allow at least the minimum impulse gratification required for individual well-being.
Very commonly, moreover, sex behavior is specifically enjoined by obligatory regulations where it appears
directly to subserve the interests of society.
3. Peers. Like your family, your friends can also have a significant impact on your views on human
sexuality. Describe how your friends affect your human sexuality.
=> They will remind me about what to do all about sexuality and about having safe sex.
1. Media. The media plays a significant role in our lives as we regularly watch televisions, listen to radio,
search the internet, read newspapers, etc.Describe how media affects your human sexuality.
=> They tell us a lot of knowledge on how to prevent danger/risk sex to one person on another.
Think of a commercial and write how men and women are being portrayed. Then, respond to the
The most powerful commerciaIthat I have ever seen illustrating how when women and men do the same
things, they are seen in completely different ways.
A man is a “boss,” a woman is seen as “bossy.” Men are “persuasive,” while women are “pushy.” If a guy
works late, he’s “dedicated,” but a woman is “selfish.” A man who struts down the street is “smooth,” but
his female counterpart is “showy.”
Abstinence is the best decision one can make in safeguarding sexual health. In this activity, list five items
that you value most in life and will help you say no to unhealthful practices. Explain how this item can
encourage you to make right decisions..
1.Putting some of my old photo in the abstinence bag so that I can recall the things that I do a lot when I
was young and to have some memories to my younger life.
2.Putting some of my medals and certificate to the abstinence bag so that I can tell to my self that you
make the right decision that you studied hard when you are in school so that you can have a medal and
certificate that serve as your prize.
4.Putting some of my favorite things to the abstinence bag so I can value it most.
Activity 20
1. Do you believe that virginity is important for both boys and girls? Why?
=> Yes, .I believe the boys are girl virginity is important because it just should safeguard our resources
and do not give out anyone who can not afford it to handle .
2. What are your attitudes and standards towards virginity? Compare it with the norms and standards set
by society. Does it confirm?
=>My attitudes to that is very high and strict wiht my manners together with my standards. well the
standards given by the society was a bit close to my standards though
=> 1: It’s a gift that I will give to the person that I will spend the rest of my life with, in a committed
relationship (marriage or otherwise). Sex will be a part of the bond that we will have, given that my future
relationship partner will be the only person that I have ever had sex with, as I will be the only person that
my relationship partner has had sex with - so that would tend to give it meaning and special value.
2: It’s an embarrassing condition that I want to get rid of ASAP, but I don’t knowof anyone that I would
want to have sex with, or I’m too shy to broach the subject to the person(s) that I would like to have sex
3: I’m a virgin because I’ve never encountered anyone that I would want to have sex with. It’s neither a
blessing nor a curse, but a condition of no particular significance to myself.
After completing this survey, what observations can you make about your values?
Visualize a scenario of a typical Filipino family. Analyze and enumerate the roles being played by the male
members of the family (grandfather, father, male siblings) and the female members of the family
(grandmother, mother, female siblings). Does it conform to the norms set by the society?
* Be a friend to your grandchildren. Spend time separately with each child. Be slow to criticize and quick
to praise.
* Take an active part in the lives of your extended family. The average American family is smaller than in
years past. This gives grandfathers greater opportunity to be involved in the growth and development of
grandchildren. Grandfathers can be part of the family by corresponding through mail or email, calling on
the phone, visiting when possible and by recognizing special occasions and accomplishments. Take time
to know and relate to each grandchild. Research clearly shows the positive and lasting impact that
another adult, in addition to parents, can have on a child. This is especially true in situations where
divorce or death has removed a parent.
Male siblings
As the family historian/living ancestor, grandparents share the stories of the past. These stories may be
about relatives, important events, family traditions, the grandparent's own childhood or the grandchild's
parent growing up. As the stories of the family are passed on, the grandchild gains a positive image of
aging and their place within the family. Grandparents and their stories can be the "glue" which keeps the
family together and contributes to family identity.
Female siblings
Wash clothes
This is your opportunity to show your understanding of gender role in the media.
Choose a movie or a television show which you believe has gender role labels in it and you must
deconstruct and analyze.
Pantene Philippines
According to the 2013 Global Gender Gap Report, the Philippines ranks number 5 in gender equality. But
a survey by the social news network, Rappler, revealed that gender bias is still very much prevalent. One
thought-provoking statistic showed that 77% of males and 66% of females believe that men deserve
employment more than women -- clearly reinforcing that bias exists in the workplace. Research findings
show that both genders have prejudices and are prejudiced against.
Recreate one of the scenes of the film by submitting a script of your own for this scene.
Write a reflection on why you think the gender role depiction in media must be addressed.