Boq R2 - 290914
Boq R2 - 290914
Boq R2 - 290914
1 INTERIORS 53,285,440.00
3 DOORS 1,582,116.00
4 CEILING 1,212,978.00
TOTAL 57,493,676.00
VAT @ 14.5% on 75% 6,252,437.27
ST @ 12.36% on 25% 1,776,554.59
Page 2 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
1 Breaking of wall
Demolishing existing masonry work inclusive of RCC Patlis, cutting reinforcement bars,
stacking of serviceable materials as directed and carting away, spreading and levelling
materials outside Owner's premises including all labour, tools required, scaffolding all lead
& lifts,etc complete for all locations and levels as directed and instructed by PMC. Note:- Sqm 14 728.00 10,192.00
No extra payment to be made for removing plaster works from the demolished masonry.
3 POP punning
Providing and applying punning of average thickness 12mm of super fine Plaster of Paris
applied over selected existing plastered surface on walls and columns finished
smooth, inclusive of surface preparation, necessary scaffolding, including all incidentals,
making grooves 6mm wide in the POP at the junction/end of walls or as directed, pattas,
Sqm 465 318.00 147,870.00
sills, etc. complete. The finished surface should be smooth and in perfect level so as to
avoid unevenness and ready to take on paint. Cost to include removal of POP debris and
carting away the same to a suitable place as directed by the PMC.
4 Cinder Filling
Providing & laying of Cinder ( without Iron content, sample needs to be submit and get
formal approval from builder) of average weight less than 15Kg / CFT of height mentioned
below above the water proofing. On above cinder laying of PCC Mix of1:11/2 : 3 of
thickness 50 to 75mm with stone aggregate and above thick slurry plastering needs to be
done of thickness 10mm. Cost to include cinder filling, PCC and above slurry plastering,
lead & lifts, scaffoldings etc., as per instruction given by PMC.
Kitchen, Stalls ,
Upto 200mm Trash, Pot wash, Sqm 1440 2,582.00 3,718,080.00
Dish wash etc.
Water proofing-Considered before filling and after filling of the area and for Outdoor
5 Sqm 3809 1,257.00 4,787,913.00
PART A :- Prior to start the treatment.
PREPARATION OF SURFACE: All loose Mortar, dirt, dropping debris will be cleaned and,
surface will be cleaned by mechanically wire brush as well as abrated with carbondium
stone and wash with plenty of water.
Pressure grouting with cement slurry admix with CEEBEX 100 @ 450 gm/bag of cement by
fixing of PVC nozzle 12mm dia of holes of 25% thickness of slab by pneumatic drill 20mm
dia for fixing of PVC nipple with help of Rendroc plug quick setting cement where find
necessary by us. Hand operated grouting machine of 40 psi pressure will be applied for
grouting slurry and after grouting is over then mouth will be plugged with Rendroc plug
paste, exceed size of pipe will be cut/removed.
Page 3 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
Over the filled sunken area a layer of plaster will be done using 1:3 cement mortar admixed
with Conplast x 421 IC @ 125ml/bag of cement and finishes smooth help of cement slurry
admixed with waterproofing Conplast x 421 IC @ 125ml/bag.
Over the cleaned and wet surface Brush Bond slurry will be painted with brush of 2 coats in
interval of 4 hours..
Over the Polymer applied surface a layer of thick cement slurry prepare by ratio of 1:10 by
Volume (1 part cement: 10 part water) admixed with CONPLAST X 421 IC at the ratio of
125ml per bag to be laid on the surface and layer of plaster to floor and peripheral side wall
will be done using 1:3 cement mortar admixed with Conplast x 421 IC @ 125ml/bag of
cement and finishes smooth help of cement slurry admixed with waterproofing Conplast x
421 IC @ 125ml/bag.
All cement works will be cured for seven days as per normal practise.
Masonry works
Providing and constructing of Aerocon block masonry wall partition from FFL till structural
ceiling lvl/lvls as mentioned for stalls in cement mortar 1:6 and 450mm thk RCC band @
2.4M and 3.2m as per details, including necessary scaffolding, staging, curing, raking of
joints for all lead and lifts etc. complete and as directed by the engineer in charge.etc., all
complete and fixing chicken mesh at the junction of masonry and RCC members at least
150mm wide as directed. Height of the true ceiling is 4.2 m high.
Providing and applying 12mm-19mm thick plaster on internal surface of RCC / brick/block
walls in cement mortar 1:4, finished rough to receive dado tiles. Rate shall include for
necessary scaffolding to any height, making grooves, sills, pattas, curing, surface
preparation before the application of plaster, providing galvanized chicken mesh to a width
6 Sqm 3401 371.00 1,261,771.00
of 150 mm at the junctions of masonry and concrete works including tying in position by
using suitable nails / clamps / screws and as directed etc. complete at all levels. The
contractor shall make good the grooves, pockets etc.
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
Providing, compacting & laying in position RCC lintels of the following sizes cast in situ in
1:2:4 cement concrete with 4 Nos of 8mm TOR steel reinforcement with stirrups of
8mm dia TOR steel at 200mm c/c , including 12mm cover, necessary shuttering, de-
shuttering, curing, compacting, bending of steel reinforcement etc. complete.
The rate to include all mirror machine polishing for granite and wax mirror polishing or
Titanium polishing for Kota stone. The final decision will be as per Architects instructions.
For staircase treads and risers, the stone shall be in one piece. The contractor to measure
the dimensions at site before ordering the materials.
All bull nosing, polishing etc. for sills, frames and staircase treads should be factory
For all flooring items rate to be inclusive of taping all the joints and covering the entire
flooring with good quality plastic with 8mm thick POP sheet above and removing the same
before final cleaning.
All the flooring material shall be free from any cracks / deformities / damages colour
All proper protection to be done over the finished area till handing over
Contractor to ensure that all tile cladding on wall and flooring should be done with minimum
of 2mm spacer or as per recommendation of the interior designer.
11.01 Granite flooring for Ramp and steps All Ramps/Steps As approved Basic rate Rs.175/Sft Sqm 40 4,725.00 189,000.00
Providing and Laying flooring of approved 19mm thick machine cut granite, granite of
approved sample and shade in pattern as per drawings on up to 35mm thick bed of cement
mortar 1:4, including surface preparation, applying neat white cement float, grouting joints
with neat white cement paste with pigmented additives to match shade of the granite etc.
complete as per the direction of the Engineer In charge.
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
11.02 Tiles for flooring
A TL-01/02 - 200mmx200mm Stall 1, Stall 2 As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 262 4,526.00 1,185,812.00
B TL-03 - 300mmx150mm Stall 3 As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 4,526.00
C TL-03A - 150mmx150mm Stall 3 As approved Basic rate Rs.300/Sft Sqm 5,254.00 977,244.00
D TL-04 - 150mmx600mm General areas As approved Basic rate Rs.120/Sft Sqm 761 2,634.00 2,004,474.00
E TL-05 - 150mmx600mm Stall 1A & 2A As approved Basic rate Rs.120/Sft Sqm 27 2,634.00 71,118.00
F TL-07 - 600mmx600mm Stall 3A As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm 16 3,070.00 49,120.00
G TL-08 - 600mmx600mm Stall 4 As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm 178 3,070.00 546,460.00
H TL-09 - 600mmx600mm Stall 5 As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm 103 3,070.00 316,210.00
I TL-10 - 300mmx300mm Stall 6 As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm 70 3,070.00 214,900.00
J TL-11 - 600mmx600mm Stall 7 & 8 As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm Rate only 3,070.00
K TL-12 - 450mmx450mm Outdoor As approved Basic rate Rs.150/Sft Sqm 615 3,070.00 1,888,050.00
This is not operated,
please mention the basic Considered Basic
TL-13 - 300mmx300mm with Nosing tile Steps As approved Sqm Rate only 4,526.00
cost the vendor has Rate 250/- Sft
L considered
M TL-15 - 300mmx300mm anti skid Inside the stalls As approved Basic rate Rs.100/Sft Sqm 188 2,343.00 440,484.00
Providing and Laying of ceramic tiles as aper sample approved in pattern as per detailed
drawings on up to 25mm thick bed of cement mortar, 1:4, including surface
preparation, applying neat cement float, giving necessary slopes, cleaning joints. Grout
shall be proprietary two part epoxy resin based compound with water imprevious,and
chemical resistant adhesive as white, or similar approved. The joints should be a minimum
of 5mm deep and free from dust and debris. All joints should be completely filled, tooled to
an approved profile and wipe down to leave free from blemishes. Grouting compound
should be approved by the tile manufacturer as per designer's approval. Sealant
movement joints should be provided when necessary, colour to match cladding.
Preparation and application to follow specification, contractor shall supply compatible,
materials of contract quality and suitable for commercial use.
TL-05 - 150mmx600mm Counter front As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 19 4,526.00 85,994.00
TL-06 - 300mmx600mm Stall 1A As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 12 4,526.00 54,312.00
TL-14 - 200mmx600mm Stall 3A As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 28 4,526.00 126,728.00
TL-16/17 - Mosaic tiles - 300mmx300mm Stall 4 &5 As approved Basic rate Rs.300/Sft Sqm 43 5,823.00 250,389.00
TL-18/19 - 100mm x100mm Stall 6 As approved Basic rate Rs.160/Sft Sqm 23 3,110.00 71,530.00
TL-20 - 200mm x200mm Stall 7 As approved Basic rate Rs.250/Sft Sqm 10 4,526.00 45,260.00
TL-21 - 300mmx300mm BOH+Kitchen As approved Basic rate Rs.100/Sft Sqm 930 2,316.00 2,153,880.00
Providing and laying flooring with machine cut machine polished Kota stone flooring 550 x
550 x 25mm of approved quality/sample on up to 25 mm thick bed of cement mortar 1:6, Back of house &
Rs. 50/sft Sqm 762 1,681.00 1,280,922.00
including surface preparation, applying cement float, filling joints with neat grey cement kitchen
slurry, curing, polishing etc as directed. Kota shall be free from colour variation.
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
14.2 Skirting
Providing and fixing of 100mm high aluminium skirting on 12mm thick ply backing as per
Rmt Rate Only 606.00
design and details.
Providing and application of shera fibre cement plank size of 150mm x 3000mm x8mm
thick with 32 mm self tacking screws and PVC plugs, countering and leveling, covering the Shera Board-
same with exterior grade putty's, finished with 2 coats of exterior grade emulsion, 2 coats of Wash area Contact - Chetan jain -9886354733 Sqm 186 2,634.00 489,924.00
bare coat,2 coats of top coat and 1 coat of PU as per manufacturer's specifications and
details. All necessary lead and lifts to be considered.
Partition Frame work made of 2" X 1"/50mm x 25mm Aluminum spaced at 2'0"/600mm c/c
vertically & horizontally. Aluminum section (1.2mm thk). Additional member shall be
Sqm 186 1,006.00 187,116.00
provided at skirting, top band, grooves & at places where two different materials are
combined. This shall be from roof slab to suspend the cabinets/storages/baffle ceiling etc.
19 Stalls
19.01 Stall 1
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Stall 1 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 17 15,986.00 271,762.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Saphire- ST-03
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 17 606.00 10,302.00
Page 7 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
c Counter front
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm Green ply
Sqm 19 1,907.00 36,233.00
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail. LA-01-5085 Natural nautical
Providing and constructing overhead storage of width 700mm and 600mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 19mm thick Marine ply finsihed with laminate
of approved shade. This shall consist of Shutters in 19mm thick marine ply finsihed with
Sqm 12 11,911.00 142,932.00
laminate. All external & Internal surfaces to be finished in approved laminate. All exposed
edges to be finished in approved PVC edge binding. Rate to include hardware such as
approved locks, auto closing hinges for shutters, approved handles,bolt, etc. complete.
f Cove light
Providing and fixing of cove light 150mm high and 150mm deep made using 19mm thick
Rmt 17 485.00 8,245.00
ply finished with lamiante as approved.
19.02 Stall 1A
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 8 17,183.00 137,464.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche- ST 05
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 8 606.00 4,848.00
c Counter front
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm Merinolam ply
Sqm 10 1,907.00 19,070.00
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail. LA-04-10682 SF
Page 8 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
d Over head storage
Providing and constructing overhead storage of width 700mm and 600mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 19mm thick Marine ply finsihed with laminate
of approved shade. This shall consist of Shutters in 19mm thick marine ply finsihed with Merinolam ply
Sqm 5 11,911.00 59,555.00
laminate. All external & Internal surfaces to be finished in approved laminate. All exposed LA-04-10682 SF
edges to be finished in approved PVC edge binding. Rate to include hardware such as
approved locks, auto closing hinges for shutters, approved handles,bolt, etc. complete.
19.03 Stall 2
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Stall 2 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 16 15,133.00 242,128.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Amarilo Gold -ST-04
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 16 606.00 9,696.00
19.04 Stall 2A
a Counter top Rmt 7 18,092.00 126,644.00
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall LG Hi MAC
Basic Price Rs.500/sft
be cladded with 12mm thick Solid Acrylic surface of approved shade. Cost to include all Shade - Cocoa Brown
lead and lifts as required.
b Skirting Rmt 7 606.00 4,242.00
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for
Page 9 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
c Counter front Sqm 8 1,907.00 15,256.00
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm LA-05, Ventura,
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail. Copper plain antique 490
Providing and fixing of ply boxing to the counter front made of 19mm thick marine ply LA-05, Ventura,
finished with lamiante as approved. Copper plain antique 490
d Counter entry shutter
Providing and fixing of counter entry shutter 900mmx1100mm made using 19mm thick ply
finished with laminate as approved. Cost to include all necessary haedware, like hinges,
Nos 1 17,432.00 17,432.00
screws etc complete as per design and detail. The exposed edges shall be finished with
edges bading to match the lamiante shade.
19.05 Stall 3
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 16 15,986.00 255,776.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche-ST-05
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 16 606.00 9,696.00
c Counter front
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm LA-02, Merinolam
Sqm 19 1,907.00 36,233.00
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail. 10189 WV
Providing and constructing overhead storage of width 700mm and 600mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 19mm thick Marine ply finsihed with laminate
of approved shade. This shall consist of Shutters in 19mm thick marine ply finsihed with LA-03, Merinolam
Rmt 31 11,911.00 369,241.00
laminate. All external & Internal surfaces to be finished in approved laminate. All exposed 10680 WV
edges to be finished in approved PVC edge binding. Rate to include hardware such as
approved locks, auto closing hinges for shutters, approved handles,bolt, etc. complete.
19.06 Stall 3A
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall LG Hi MAC
Basic Price Rs.500/sft Rmt 10 17,183.00 171,830.00
be cladded with 12mm thick Solid Acrylic surface of approved shade. Cost to include all Shade - Cocoa Brown
lead and lifts as required.
Page 10 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 10 606.00 6,060.00
c Open shelves
Providing and fixing of MS box section frame work 25mm x25mm for a depth of 450mm
and a height of 2400mm. This shall also consist of intermediate shelves made using MS
Sqm 10 23,369.00 233,690.00
box sections as per design and details. The horizontal MS frame work shall be covered
with 19mm thick marine ply finished with paint as approved
d Counter entry shutter
Providing and fixing of counter entry shutter 900mmx1100mm made using 19mm thick ply
finished with approved tile. Cost to include all necessary haedware, like hinges, screws etc
Nos 1 17,432.00 17,432.00
complete as per design and detail. The exposed edges shall be finished with paint to match
the tile colour
19.07 Stall 4
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Stall 4 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 19 15,133.00 287,527.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Gres- ST-06
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 19 606.00 11,514.00
c Open Shelves
Providing and constructing circular open shelves of width 600mm and 1300mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 12mm thick flexi ply finished with Duco paint
PT-01 Sqm 14 23,369.00 327,166.00
as approved. All Internal surfaces stall to be finished in approved paint. Rate to include all
necessary adhesives, glue tape etc. as required.
Providing and fixing of circular boxing made of 12mm thick flexi ply finished with 12mm PT-02,Asian Paints, Grey Matter
Sqm 19 4,396.00 83,524.00
thick MDF finished with paint as approved. 8304
19.08 Stall 5
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Stall 5 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 19 15,780.00 299,820.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Ginger Tan
and lifts as required.
Page 11 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 19 606.00 11,514.00
c Open Shelves
Providing and constructing circular open shelves of width 600mm and 600mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 12mm thick flexi ply finished with Duco paint as
PT-07 Sqm 14 23,369.00 327,166.00
approved. All Internal surfaces stall to be finished in approved paint. Rate to include all
necessary adhesives, glue tape etc. as required.
Providing and fixing of circular boxing made of 12mm thick flexi ply finished with 12mm PT-07,Asian Paints, Fennel seed
Sqm 19 4,396.00 83,524.00
thick MDF finished with paint as approved. 8538
19.09 Stall 6
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Stall 6 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 9 15,133.00 136,197.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 9 606.00 5,454.00
c Open shelves in Teak wood
Providing and fixing of Open shelf 450mm deep, height of 900mm and 50mm thick made
Rmt 31 23,369.00 724,439.00
using first class seasoned teak wood polished as approved.
Providing and constructing overhead storage of width 700mm and 600mm high as per
drawings, with top, sides and bottom in 19mm thick Marine ply finsihed with laminate
of approved shade. This shall consist of Shutters in 19mm thick marine ply finished with LA-07, Ventura,
Rmt 9 13,235.00 119,115.00
laminate. All external & Internal surfaces to be finished in approved laminate. All exposed Copper plain antique 490
edges to be finished in approved PVC edge binding. Rate to include hardware such as
approved locks, auto closing hinges for shutters, approved handles,bolt, etc. complete.
e Wall Cladding
Providing and fixing of laminate cladding on to 12mm thick marine ply backing on to the LA-07, Ventura,
Sqm 38 1,323.00 50,274.00
masonry walls as per design and details. Copper plain antique 490
Page 12 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
f Counter entry shutter
Providing and fixing of counter entry shutter 900mmx1100mm made using 19mm thick ply
finished with approved tile. Cost to include all necessary haedware, like hinges, screws etc
Nos 1 17,432.00 17,432.00
complete as per design and detail. The exposed edges shall be finished with paint to match
the tile colour
19.10 Stall 7
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 8 15,780.00 126,240.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 8 606.00 4,848.00
19.11 Stall 8
a Counter top
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 8 15,780.00 126,240.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 8 606.00 4,848.00
c Counter front
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm LA-08, Merinolam
Sqm 10 1,907.00 19,070.00
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail. CMT 44757
Page 13 of 25
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
d Aluminium Frame work
Providing and fixing of aluminium box section frame work of size 150mmx150mm as the
main member and intermediate members of size 50mm x150mm finsihed with powder Powder coating to match PT-
Sqm 24 993.00 23,832.00
coating as approved. This is to consist of 10mm thick toughned glass panels as per 02,Asian Paints, Grey Matter 8304
designa nd drawings.
20 Kiosks
20.1 Indoor
a Counter tops
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall HMG
Kiosk 3 & 10 Basic Price Rs.350/sft Rmt 22 15,780.00 347,160.00
be cladded with 19mm thick composite marble of approved shade. Cost to include all lead Shade - Avalanche
and lifts as required.
b Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Rmt 22 606.00 13,332.00
c Counter front
Providing and fixing of clay tiles on to the masonry walls of size 9"x3" painted white as
approved, application inclusive of tile spacers,mortar, slurry, protective coating, edge 70 Sqm 24 1,907.00 45,768.00
beadings wherever specified as per details & drawings etc, complete as per specification.
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 325mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall
Ivory brown granite/ as per sample Basic Price Rs.175sft Rmt 83 13,459.00 1,117,097.00
be cladded with 19mm thick Granite of approved shade. Cost to include all lead and lifts as
LA-09, Merinolam
b Counter front Sqm 101 1,907.00 192,607.00
10659 Novoceno Pine(Suede)
Providing and fixing of 12mm thick marine ply on to the masonry wall finished with 1mm
thick laminate of approved shade as per design and detail.
Providing and fixing of 150mm high granite skirting on to the Masonry walls. Ivory brown granite/ as per sample Basic Price Rs.175/sft Rmt 83 833.00 69,139.00
c Counter entry shutter
Providing and fixing of counter entry shutter 900mmx1100mm made using 19mm thick ply
finished with laminate as approved. Cost to include all necessary haedware, like hinges, LA-09, Merinolam
Nos 8 11,897.00 95,176.00
screws etc complete as per design and detail. The exposed edges shall be finished with 10659 Novoceno Pine(Suede)
edges bading to match the lamiante shade.
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
Providing and application of shera fibre cement plank size of 1200mm x 2400mm x15mm
thick with 32 mm self tacking screws and PVC plugs, countering and leveling, covering the Shera Board-
same with exterior grade putty's, finished with 2 coats of exterior grade emulsion, 2 coats of Out door kiosks Contact - Chetan jain -9886354733 Sqm 214 5,016.00 1,073,424.00
bare coat,2 coats of top coat and 1 coat of PU as per manufacturer's specifications and
details. All necessary lead and lifts to be considered.
Providing and fixing of counter tops of width 700mm made using 19mm thick marine ply
backing as per design and details. This shall also include 150mm high facia. The ply shall
be cladded with 12mm thick Solid Acrylic surface of approved shade. Cost to include all LG Hi MAC
Handwash Basic Price Rs.500/sft Rmt 31 17,830.00 552,730.00
lead and lifts as required. Shade - Cocoa Brown
Cost to include MS supports for facia all round as required Rate should include Anodised
Aluminum cleat/ angle of 25x25 as additional support for facia
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
25.00 Glass Railing
Supply of Glassline Make Balardo Alu Glass Railing system suitable for building and
outdoors Using System profile Top 3 for the floors and Side 1 for the lateral sides with all
accessories. Finish to be Natural Untreated. Supply of Glass for the railing as 13.52mm Rmt 49 21,468.00 1,051,932.00
Normal Laminated glass (6mm+4layers clear PVB+6mm). Height considered as
1200mm.Cost to include installation of glass railing too.
26.00 SS Railing
Providing and fixing of SS hand rail 50mm dia anchored to the wall/partition with
Rmt 46 4144 190,624.00
necessary anchor plates and other accessories as required
27.00 Painting
Providing and applying three coats of Plastic emulsion paint of approved make to all
internal walls/ceilings, of approved colour over a coat of water based primer including
preparation of surface by thorough cleaning and wetting and applying ready made putty
of approved make as per manufacturer specification fully to give a smooth and even
surface before painting and curing as per manufacturers specifications and as directed. Sqm 1394 212.00 295,528.00
plain Roller finish or lustre finish (recommended)
Providing and applying of enamel matt finish black/grey paint to true ceiling with two coats
8294 Dark Shadow, For general
of putty to have smooth finish of true ceiling and paints to have minimum 5 coats to get
Ceiling, Sqm 3717 371.00 1,379,007.00
even colour at all areas and tendon line red paints needs to be done (Matt or Glossy finish
Soft silk L160 for Hand wash area
in spray painting)
29.00 Skirting
100mm high anodised aluminium skirting with silver finish surface suitably anchored to the
wall/partition. Corner pieces shall be provided. Samples to be submitted to architects for Bottom line Rmt 915 606.00 554,490.00
SL.NO DESCRIPTION Location Recommended make Basic price UNIT QTY RATE AMOUNT Remarks
34.00 Bunker bed
Supply and install Bunker bed two tier of MS multi tubular section & frame work formed out
Make of bed/Pillow: Kurlon/Equivalent,
of 18 guage sheet. finished in approved powder coating, with clinical foam bedding
Bed/Bed sheet: as approved by the Nos 2 55350 110,700.00
upholstred in approved Fabric, complete with bed spread ,pillow etc. as per approval
35.00 Storages
Supply and installation of three tiered slotted angle racks 60 mm x 40 mm x 2 mm as per
a Sqm 81 3706 300,186.00
manufacturer's standards.Length 26mX750mm x 2400mm high
Providing storage shutters made of 19mm thick ply finsihed with with 1.0mm laminate with
edge banding as per design & detail cost to include necessary boxing finished with 1.5mm
Basic cost of lamiante
b laminate on the external surface up to the false Ceiling and all necessary hardwares as Sqm 81 11117 900,477.00
required. The length of the door handle to be 1200mm 'C' shaped recessed in the shutter Rs.40/sft
Supplying and fixing of 20m thk polished granite jambs over wall.Rate should include base
Basic rate Rs.175/Sft
materials and necessary supports.Width of the Jamb is 100mm thick.
Providing and fixing of 19mm thick BWR MDF on to the Plate feature wall. The cost shall
40.00 include painting the MDF and placing the plates as supplied by PMC/Engineer in Charge in Sqm 33 7,544.00 248,952.00
position using 3m double sided tape.
TOTAL 53,285,440.00
General Note;
All the basic cost of materials mentioned in the BOQ include local taxes.
1/2" groove to be provided wherever 2 different materials meet
All specifications to be read in conjunction with the drawing & vice versa. Any missing
description in the drawing which is present in the BOQ shall have to be taken in to the
account & vice versa. In case of discrepancy in specifications between drawings & BOQ
higher specifications is to be considered.
All beading & mouldings done using beechwood unless otherwise specified. The sizes of
these are as per specs above
The final total shall include all taxes & over heads, wherever applicable.
3.00 Providing and laying Plain cement concrete flooring 1:3:6 to proper level and slope Sqm Rate only 993.0
including compaction as directed etc. and curing etc. complete. The rate to include
necessary form work required to complete the work and to the utmost satisfation of
Engineer in charge.(Avg thk 100mm)
6.00 Providing & applying Acrylic Emulsion Paint of approved brand and colour as per Sqm Rate only 212.0
manufacturer's specifications, on new work, with two coats until the required even shade
obtained and including providing and applying two coats of Birla wall care putty over
plastered surface to prepare the surface even and smooth, one coat of priming coat
with approved primer (oil based cement primer or water thinnable cement primer), etc,
complete, as per manufacturer's specifications and as directed by engineer - in - charge.
8.00 Water proofing(Considered before raising of the toilet area,after raising the area
and 2' high on the walls)
Providing waterproofing and filling for Toilet (as per the specifications listed below and
as approved by the PMC with a guarantee of 15 years :
1. Cleaning the surface thoroughly with wire brush water application in two coat of brush
bond(FOSROC) acrylic polymer chemical 5:1:1(5kg brush bond : 1ltr water : 1ltr to the
slab and walls upto minimum 2' height, complete.
2. Providing and laying water proofing plastering in CM1:4, 30mm thickness for floor,
25mm wall for tiptop slab with FOSROC X4211C water proofing admixture ,to the slab
and walls upto minimum 2' height, complete.
General Note: 1. Rate should include Anodised Aluminum cleat/ angle of 25x25 as
additional support for granite facia
12.00 Providing and fixing of 8mm mirror. This is to be held in position using ss studs on Sqm 6 4804.0 28,824.00
12mm marine ply backing.This is to consist of hardwood lipping finished with
polyurethene coat as per design and detail.
General Note: 1. Rate should include Anodised Aluminum cleat/ angle of 25x25 as
additional support to wrap around mirror at the periphery.
15.00 Granite Ledge: Providing and Fixing 300mm wide 19mm thick Granite Ledge complete Rmt 7 1710 11,970.00
with bull nosing for the edges.Basic cost of granite Rs.150/Sft
16.00 Providing and fixing of 19mm thick, 150mm wide granite door jambs as per design and Rmt 11 2866.0 31,526.00
details.Basic cost of granite Rs.150/Sft
Grand total
Note: vendors to visit site and check the site conditions and to quote accordingly.
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Hardware : DORMA
Hinges - 4 nos Dorma Fire rated Hinges
Lockset - Dorma Fire rated Lockset
Door Handle: Dorma Fire rated Door handle
Door Closer: Surface mounted Fire rated Door Closer
Seals: Fire Seals as applicable
This shall also consist of providing and fixing of SS 306 grade kick plate 900mm high on the doors as per
Size of Door - 1500x2100mm - double leaf Nos 6.00 54194.00 325164.00
3 Solid flush doors
Door- Fixing of door on frame of size 50 x 200 first class seasoned teakwood frame work polished. The
below mentioned specifications shall be considered
Size: 1200 x 2100mm Green Ply Basic cost of Veneer
Stall/kitchen Nos 14.00 50644.00 709016.00
Red elm Veneer is Rs.100/sft
Action: Single
Shutter: 38mm thick solid core flush shutter.
Finish : Approved 4mm veneer in PU matt finish on both sides
Hardware : DORMA
Lever handle : EN 1906
Mortise lock : EN 12209
Hinge : 4 nos of DORMA BB 4330, 5 knuckle, 2 ball bearing butt hinges
Size 4" x 3" x 3 mm, in SS 304 and in satin stainless steel
finish. Suitable for door weights upto 120kgs. Template drilled.
1 set of TH 126 type 2 package with pair of TH 126 design lever handle on roses & euro profile cylinder with
one side key and other side knob 60 mm length, including 271a mortise lock with 72 mm,CTC,
55mmbackset 20mmsquare forend with strike plate.
1 each DORMA floor stop half dome with 45 mm dia with fixing accessories, in satin stainless steel finish.
Door- Fixing of door on frame of size 50 x 200 first class seasoned teakwood frame work polished. The
below mentioned specifications shall be considered
Size: 1200 x 2100mm Nos 2.00 42870.00 85740.00
Size: 750 x 2100mm Nos 2.00 38572.00 77144.00
Action: Single
Shutter: 38mm thick solid core flush shutter.
Finish : Approved 1.5mm laminate on both sides
Hardware : DORMA
Lever handle : EN 1906
Mortise lock : EN 12209
Air vent grill size 1'0"x6"
Hinge : 4 nos of DORMA BB 4330, 5 knuckle, 2 ball bearing butt hinges
Size 4" x 3" x 3 mm, in SS 304 and in satin stainless steel
finish. Suitable for door weights upto 120kgs. Template drilled.
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1 set of TH 126 type 2 package with pair of TH 126 design lever handle on roses & euro profile cylinder with
one side key and other side knob 60 mm length, including 271a mortise lock with 72 mm,CTC,
55mmbackset 20mmsquare forend with strike plate.
1 each DORMA floor stop half dome with 45 mm dia with fixing accessories, in satin stainless steel finish.
Door - Providing & fixing in position glazed entrance door which is frameless using 10mm toughened glass
with edge polish. Cost to include silicon sealant Door to be fixed to the glass partition using suitable
5 hardware. All necessary hardware to be taken into consideration as per the manufacturer's standards. The Side Entrance
same is mentioned below. If any hardware is missed the same shall be brought to the notice of the Architect/
PMC before release of PO.
Size 1500x2350mm Nos 1.00 83562.00 83562.00
Top Pivot PT 24
Top patch PT 20 with SS Covers
Bottom patch PT 10 with SS Covers
Corner lock US 10 with SS Covers
Euro Profile Cylinder for US 10
Lock keeper plate US 10
Floor Spring BTS 75
TGDIH 450 X 25, SSS
Total Length: 450mm, CTC: 350mm
General Note:
1. The item should read as providing and fixing single/double shutter door with construction, framework,
finishes, hardware, architrave and iron mongery all inclusive.
2. Cost of laminate(1.5mm thick)/veneer mentioned is the maximum cost. It should be inclusive of all
materials, taxes, transportation to site, storage, loading-unloading and all taxes, Octroi, duties as applicable.
3. Cost should be inclusive of pre-finished door jamb/ frame as per drawing / specification, profile to the full
width of the partition thickness made out of either veneer wood or rough wood wrap with veneer / laminate
with all edges sealed with matching wood
4. All internal wooden framework to be treated with 1 coat of anti-termite coat/paint of approved make as per
manufacturer's specifications
5. The rate for doors to include shutter, finishes, all hardware like exposed / concealed door closer or
floorspring, locks, hinges 4 nos., vision panel (if applicable), door stopper , kick plate (if applicable) etc. all as
per drawings. Each door shutter to be inclusive of fire / acoustic seal at bottom & sides.
6. All the hardware for the doors to be as per the manufacturers recommendation for the size and application
of the door. Patches and floor spring to be as per manufacturers specs. for the type, size and location of
All the hardware used shall be Dorma make. The vendor should submit hardware schedule which is
compatible with height, width, thickness and weight of the doors. All fittings should be finished in SS except
for the fire rated doors.
TOTAL 1,582,116.00
TOTAL 1,212,978.00
General Notes:
a Scope of Work shall include furnishing of all materials, equipment and labour to install the complete ceiling system.
b It is the contractors/suppliers responsibilty to ensure that materails delivered to the installation site as safegaurd from the time of His purchase until he hands over the finished ceiling. It is desirable
to store materials in a flat, clean and dry surface.
c It is the contractor's responsibility to store the material as per manufacturer's installation guidelines to avoide any kind of damage to the men, material, building.
d Ceiling system shall be installed by a sub contractor throughly experienced with this type of installation and approved by the manufacturer. The contractor to inspect premises prior to
commencement of work and verify that the building is ready for installation.
e Spot lights and other luminaries should not be supported by or on the ceiling tiles.
f Suspension wire must be Galvanised of diameter not be less than 2mm. The wire shall always be mechanically pre- straightened.
g All the supports to be considered from the structural ceiling only, if in case ducts/cable trayes are passing by engineered supports formed out of necessary galvanised section.
h Flat area measured in length & breadth only shall be considered for payment, any verticals formed shall be accounted in the quoted rates.
i For billing, tile cost will be deducted from the total cost where ever diffusers and light fixtures are installed.
k Quoted rate shall include making cutout for light fixture, diffuser or any other service cutouts.
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