Master Summary Avg Rates
Master Summary Avg Rates
Master Summary Avg Rates
Mantri Celestia Mantri Pinnacle Mantri Escom Mantri Glades Mantri DSK-3 Mantri Serenity
Residential Commercial Station
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Description Unit
1 Substructure
a) Concrete Cum 0.017 4592.95 5328 0.019 4237.00 4259.00 0.020 4079.85 0.014 5819 0.021 4650 0.104 4255 0.017 4050
Included in
Included in Super
b) Shuttering Sft 0.380 27.83 27.24 0.65 27.85 33.19 1.180 28.82 0.38 24.80 0.66 26.11 3.23 28.32 Super 0.74 28.89
c) Steel Kg 2.76 41.77 47.10 2.52 40.00 40.00 1.570 40.00 1.79 41 2 41 15.88 41 2.10 40.41
2 Superstructure
a) Concrete Cum 0.043 4220.78 3920 0.032 5430.21 6762 0.023 4244.80 4251.00 0.018 4222.90 0.034 5364 0.034 5407 0.054 4255 0.031 4186 0.023 4246
b) Shuttering Sft 3.070 34.50 34.19 2.17 34.52 37.22 1.06 29.44 33.93 1.950 31.21 1.83 37.53 1.93 36.32 2.6 30.65 2.88 29.23 2.17 33.14
c) Steel Kg 5.700 41.47 41.467 4.23 41.77 39.37 2.38 40.00 40.00 2.510 40.38 5.88 46 3.48 44.27 11.56 41 3.13 40 2.65 40.97
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
3 Masonary
Not Available
a) 200 mm Sft 0.840 58.44 62.15 0.38 136.57 139.91 0.55 64.33 62.70 0.920 65.23 - - 0.570 70.33 0.95 62.06 1.05 63.08 0.83 66.94
b) 150 mm Sft - 1.087 105.01 106.26 0.36 53.84 57.32 0.080 54.45 1.00 62.34 - - - - 0.065 52.77 0.068 58
c) 100 mm Sft 0.740 40.69 44.59 0.01 84.23 82.65 0.037 47.94 50.53 0.560 48.47 0.24 55.46 - - 0.02 46.54 0.5 47.84 0.52 51.67
4 Plastering
a) Internal Sft 4.750 13.43 16.56 4.4 21.65 20.48 1.41 14.24 17.37 4.080 14.34 4.43 17.56 1.27 19.42 2.11 15.89 4.3 13.42 3.74 15.45
b) External Sft 1.000 22.95 32.33 0.97 50.08 24.95 0.33 22.62 21.83 0.760 34.33 0.51 55.18 0.22 31.40 0.52 19.04 1.24 21.18 0.97 37.09
5 Flooring
*** All rates shall be without tax and same basic rates
For Pinnacle, The awarded rates have been increased by preliminary percentage
for celestia, Concrete rates are without adjustment in cement content
Swastik Metro
Sl.No Description Unit Navaratna Escom Pinnacle Celestia Glades
Residential Commercial Station
New New
JMC Nagarjuna
Nagarjuna Consolidated Consolidated
Coromandel Simplex BLK SPCL ( Podium,ABC EMAS
( D,E,F) Construction Construction
& Club ( Commercial) ( Commercial)
( D,E,F) ( Commercial)
1 Substructure
a) Concrete Cum NIL 5,922.00 4,983.00 4,609.00 4,263.54 4,993.00 3,729.00 3,729.46 3,564.50 3,626.88 - - 4,864.00
b) Shuttering Sft NIL 26.32 26.57 36.60 33.23 25.46 34.19 34.79 33.64 34.23 - - 30.67
c) Steel Kg NIL 42.66 41.92 41.97 40.40 45.83 41.46 42.19 41.90 42.64 - - 41.76
2 Superstructure
a) Concrete Cum 3,936.30 5,395.00 5,232.00 4,669.00 4,255.41 6,335.00 3,729.00 3,729.46 3,564.50 3,626.88 - - 4,864.00
b) Shuttering Sft 30.42 45.74 40.36 41.16 33.97 36.88 34.19 34.79 33.64 34.23 - - 30.67
c) Steel Kg 42.98 44.33 43.09 42.23 40.40 45.83 41.46 42.19 41.90 42.64 - - 41.76
3 Masonary
a) 200 mm Sft 73.51 - 59.50 52.20 62.77 59.83 62.15 63.24 - - 71.09 76.24 70.35
b) 150 mm Sft 62.85 50.77 - - 57.38 54.63 52.21 53.13 - - 61.59 66.52 61.80
c) 100 mm Sft 51.21 52.17 - 44.26 - 52.58 44.59 44.63 - - 58.06 63.96 56.69
4 Plastering
a) Internal Sft 15.98 17.09 15.19 12.59 18.05 18.67 14.71 14.93 - - 18.13 20.35 17.94
b) External Sft 22.89 33.35 31.10 21.94 - 23.41 32.33 32.90 - - 38.09 40.93 16.91
5 Flooring
a) Dadoing Sft
b) Flooring Sft
Basic Rates
Cement 200.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 180.00
Steel 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 32,000.00 - - 32,000.00
Note :
1) The above rates is excluding VAT & ST
2) All the above mentioned Contractors have furnished the acceptance statement.