Lesson Plan Teaching Media Narrative Text (Legend) With Rainbow Spin
Lesson Plan Teaching Media Narrative Text (Legend) With Rainbow Spin
Lesson Plan Teaching Media Narrative Text (Legend) With Rainbow Spin
By :
Puji Jayanti
A. Identity
Subject : English
Class :X/2
Topic : Narrative Text ( Legend )
Skill : Speaking
Duration : 1 x 45 ( 2x meeting)
B. Standart Competence
K.I 1 : Living and practicing the religious teaching it embraces
K.I 2 : Living and practicing honestly, discipline, responibility, caring
behavior ( polite, cooperative, tolerant,peaceful), responsive and
showing attitude as part of solution to a problem in interacting
effectively with the social environment and nature and placing
ourselves as a reflection on the nation in the asociation of the
K.I 3 : Understanding, apllying, and analyzing, factual, conceptual,
procedural and metacognitive knowledge based on curiousity about
science,technology, art, culture,and humanity, nationality, state and
civilization on the cause of phenomena and events, procedural,
knowledge in a specific field of study according to their talents,
and interest to solve a problem.
K.I 4 : Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the concrete and abstract
realm related to the development of self learning in school
independently acting effectivelyand creatively and capable of using
methodaccording to scientific rules.
C. Basic Competence and indicator
4. 4.18 Getting the meaning of oral and 4.18.1 Get the meaning and the moral value of a
written narrative text in form of simple text in form of fable.
short and simple fable.
4.18.2 Express the meaning and the moral value
of a simple text in form of fable
D. Lesson Material
1. Social function of narrative text shaped of short and simple legend:
• To tell a story about something or someone.
• To entertain or amuse, stimulate emotions, motivate, give and teach
the readers. • A narrative story usually has moral value.
2. Generic structure about narrative text shaped of short and simple
a) Orientation: Introduce the participants and informing the time and
the place. It also introduces some characters involved in this genre.
b) Complication: Describe the rising crises which the participants have
to do with or among participants relationship in a process of social
c) Resolution: Show the way of participant to solve the crises, better or
worse. The end can be open ended or close ended. Open ended is a
conclusion that depends on the perception of the readers. Whereas,
close ended is an end of a story in which the conclusion is early stated.
d) Re-orientation: The ending of the story. (Optional) e) Coda: This
summarizes the point of the story.
3. Language feature about narrative text shaped of short and simple
4. What tense they used
E. Method of Study
G. Learning Activity
1.Cut cardboard into 2 large circle 2. Divide the circle into 6 parts paper
3.Stick it the origami paper on those 4. Give a hole in the middle of the circle
6 parts
5. Attach the topic to a large circle 6. Post the arrow to the large and small circle
2. I ask the leader of the group to come forward and spin the big roullet to
find the topic to discuss.
3. After they get the text student discuss and divide the text.
5. The other group pay attention and after they finish the presentation one of
the student from other group spin the small roullete and answer the
question based on thenumber they get.