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Lesson Plan Language Testing Lecturer: Dr. Ayu Istiana Sari, S.PD., M.PD

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Lecturer: Dr. Ayu Istiana Sari, S.Pd., M.Pd

Isnaen Hertanti Febriana (18520022)




LESSON PLAN ..........................................................................................

School Identity ......................................................................................

Learning Objectives ..............................................................................

Learning Materials ................................................................................

Learning Method ….…………………………………………………..

Leaning Media ………………………………………………………..

Learning Activity ..................................................................................

Assessment Rubric ……………………………………………………

Literature Review …….………………………………………………


A. School Identity
Name : Angkasa Junior High School

Subject : English

Class : VIII

Skill : Speaking

Topic : At the Campus

Time allocation : 1 x 60 minutes

B. Standard Competence
KI. 1 Living and practicing the religious teaching it embraces.
KI. 2 Living and practicing honesty, discipline, responsibility, caring behaviour
(polite, cooperative, tolerant, peaceful), responsive and pro-active and
showing attitude as part of solution to a problem in interacting effectively
with the social environment and nature and placing ourselves as a reflection
of the nation in the association of the world.
KI. 3 Understanding, applying, and analysing factual, conceptual procedure, and
meta cognitive knowledge based on curiosity about science, technology, art,
culture, and humanity with the insight of humanity, nationality, state, and
civilization on the causes of phenomena and events, procedural, knowledge,
specific field of the study according on their talents and interests to solve a
KI. 4 Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the concrete and abstract real related
to the development of self-learning in school independently, acting
effectively and creatively, and capable of using method according to
scientific rules.
C. Basic Competence
1.1 Grateful for the opportunity to learn English as the language of instruction
for international communication, which is manifested in the spirit of
2.3 Demonstrate responsible, caring, cooperative, and peace-loving behaviour,
in carrying out functional communication.
3.7 Analysing social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements in simple
descriptive texts about people, tourist attractions, and famous historical
buildings, according to the context of their use.
4.8 Capturing meaning in simple oral and written descriptive texts.
4.9 Editing oral and written descriptive texts, simple, about people, tourist
attractions, and famous historical buildings, considering social functions,
text structures, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.
4.10 Editing oral and written descriptive texts, simple, about people, tourist
attractions, and famous historical buildings, considering social functions,
text structures, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.

D. Learning Objectives
1. Students can identify social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements in
simple descriptive texts about places with the context of their use.
2. Students can describe the meaning in simple oral and written descriptive texts.
3. Students can identify simple, oral, and written descriptive texts about places by
paying attention to social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements that are
correct and in context.
4. Students can describe simple, oral, and written descriptive texts about places by
paying attention to social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements that are
correct and in context.
5. Students can do monologues and simple descriptive text dialogues about places by
paying attention to the purpose, text structure, and linguistic elements correctly and
in context.
6. Students can write monologues and dialogues of simple oral and written descriptive
texts about places by paying attention to the purpose, text structure, and linguistic
elements correctly and in context.
E. Learning Materials
a. Social Function
To Describe something /someone /some place in specific way.
b. Text Structure
1. Title
2. Identification
3. Description
c. Language Elements
1. Nouns related to place
2. Adjectives related to place
3. Clear and neat spelling and handwriting and print
4. Speech, word stress, intonation, when presenting orally
5. Word reference
d. Vocabulary At the Campus
Students can learn new vocabulary related to campus
1. Canteen
2. Campus hall
3. Campus lobby
4. Laboratory
5. Employee office
6. Chancellor's Office
7. Lecturer room
8. Classroom
9. Bathroom
10. Head of study program
11. Rector
12. Dean
F. Learning Method
Approach : Scientific Approach
Model : Project Based learning
Strategy : Discussion
G. Learning Media
1. Teacher/lecturer's voice
2. Dictionary
3. Notebook

H. Learning Activities
Learning Steps Teacher Activities Student Activities Time
Pre-Activity 1. The teacher greets the 1. The students giving 10 Minutes
students. response.
2. The teacher leads the class 2. The students follow the
to pray together. teacher’s instruction.

3. The teacher checks the 3. The students giving

students’ attendance. response.
Example: Good morning! Example: Good morning! I’m
How are you today? fine.
Main Activity Observing 40 Minutes
1. The teacher shows photos 1. Students pay close attention
and videos about the to the photos and videos.
2. The teacher asks students 2. Students describe the
to describe the photos and photos and videos in easy-
videos in their own to-understand language.
1. The teacher asks some 1. The students giving
questions related to the response.
a. What can be found in
the campus
b. Is the faculty room part
of the campus?
1. The teacher gives a photo 1. Students look at the photos
and video to students, and videos carefully.
students are asked to look
at and understand the
photo and then answer the
questions that are already
there properly and
2. The teacher asks students 2. Students discuss with their
to discuss the photos and classmates.
(Exercise II)
3. The teacher gives 3. Students pay attention to the
feedback to the students. teacher.
1. The teacher asks students 1. Students answer the
to fill in the blanks with question correctly.
the words provided.
(Exercise III)
2. The teacher gives 2. Students listen to the video
feedbacks to students. carefully.

1. The teacher gives question 1. Students answer the
about “University of question correctly.
Semarang”, students are
asked to answer the
question by filling in true
or false according to the
(Exercise IV)
2. The teacher asks each 2. Students present the result of
group to present their the discussion with their
result in front of class. partners.
3. The teacher gives 3. Students pay attention to the
comment or feedback teacher explanation.
about the result that they
have presented.
Post Activity 1. The teacher reviews the 1. The students pay attention to 10 Minutes
material that has been the teacher and ask some
studied and asks students questions to the teacher.
to ask questions about
things that have not been
2. The teacher asks the 2. The students write a resume.
students to write a resume
about some important
points that appear in
learning activities related
to the material.
3. The teachers and the 3. The students pay attention to
students conclude the the teacher.
material that has been
studied on that day.
4. The teacher ends the class 4. The students say, “Thank
by saying "Thank you and you”.
see you later".
Assessment aspect Score Note
Great Enough Less

The level of
understanding of the
social function of
descriptive text.
The level of
completeness and
coherence of
understanding the
content of descriptive
text messages.
The level of accuracy of
linguistic elements
(grammar, vocabulary,
speech, word stress,
intonation, spelling,
handwriting neatness)
The attitude of
cooperation, love of
peace, and self-
confidence that
accompanies the act of
understanding the
content of the messages
descriptive text.
a. Performance (Practice)

Assessment Aspect Score Note

Great Enough Less
Structure of language

b. Observation:

Assessment Aspect Score Note

1 2 3

Observe and observe the videos and photos below, then make a short paragraph related to
the photos and videos!
Video link
1. https://youtu.be/j9vSq-HRJjs

1. ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. ………………………………………………………………………………………………
Look at the following photos, then answer the questions correctly!

1. What are they doing?

2. Are there many people in the room?
3. Who do you think is sitting at the front of the room?
4. Are their activities carried out in the hall or in the classroom?
5. Who was in that room?
Complete the dialogue below with correct pronouns!
Fatma is a transfer student. Today is her first day at her new school.
Mother : “Hi, Fatma. How do you like your new school?”
Fatma : “Yeah, Mom. …. (1) are very nice.”
Mother : “Do you have any new friends at your new school?”
Fatma : “Of course. Arsini is my new friend. Do you know …. (2), Mom? She is also a
new student. …. (3) is from Bali.”
Mother : “No, I do not know …. (4). Is she a good girl?”
Fatma : “Yes, she is a kind girl, Mom. She even gave me her pencil when I forgot to
bring my pencil …. (5) are close friends now, Mom. I want to invite her to our
house, Mom.”
Mother : “Yes, you should.”

a. Her
b. They
c. We
d. Her
e. She
f. Us

Semarang State University

Semarang State University is one of three state universities in the city of Semarang. The
campus, which is located in the Sekaran Gunung Pati sub-district, is a conservation university.
Not only that, it is also very difficult to find fuel-fueled vehicles passing around the campus
area during lecture hours. Semarang State University has a number of lecture buildings that
have been divided into each faculty. In addition, Semarang State University also has lecture-
supporting buildings such as the auditorium building, the Rectorate, the UKM building, the
central library, the GSG building, and so on.

The Faculty of Languages and Arts is an area with a lecture building that accommodates
students and students studying in the language department or in the arts. In the Faculty, there
are six lecture buildings that already have their own names and codes. In addition to the lecture
building, the faculty also has one hall, one music building and one dean's building. Not only
that, in the area there are also many gazebos that are commonly used by students to do
assignments or just relax.

The Indonesian Language and Literature Building is a building located in the northern
part of the Language and Arts Faculty. This building is usually called the BSI building or the
B1 building. The building is used for student learning activities or students majoring in
Indonesian Language and Literature. Both those who take the Indonesian Language and
Literature Education study program and the Indonesian Literature study program.
Answer the following questions by filling True or False according to the text provided.

No Statement True False Evidence

1. Semarang State University

is the only public
university in the city of

2. At the State University of

Semarang, there are many
fueled vehicles.

3. In the language and arts

faculty there are six lecture
buildings named.

4. There are a total of four

buildings in the language
and arts faculties.

5. The BSI or BI building is

to the north of the language
and arts faculty.

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