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EEAL 3183


March 2021 Semester

Students’ Name:
Matric No: Name

Lecturer’s Name:

Assignment Title:
Assignment 2:
Lesson Plan (Literature in Action)
Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153


Subject : English

Location : Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Kudat 2

Date : 03/05/2021 (Monday)

Time : 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Class : Form 2 Bravo

Number of students : 12 Students

Level of proficiency : Average

Theme : People and Culture

Topic : Cheat! Short Story by Allan Baillie

Content Aspect : Moral Value

Prior Knowledge : Students have learnt Cheat! Short Story’s characters,

themes and plot

Focus : 5.0 Literature in Action

Content Standard : 5.1 Engage with, respond to and interpret a variety of

literary text types

Learning Standard : 5.1.1 Explain in simple language connections between

characters, places or events in texts and their own lives

Learning Objective : To develop students’ ability to convey moral values and


Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. Identify at least two (2) out of three (3) moral

values in Cheat! short story individually.
2. Create and present with a mimed play their
own ending of Cheat! short story in pairs.

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

Focused Skill : Writing

Integrated Skill : Speaking and Reading

Approach : Interactive Teaching Techniques, Cooperative Learning,

Teacher–centred, Discovery learning

Thinking Skills : Lower Order Thinking Skills – Remember, Understand

Higher Order Thinking Skills – Analyze Evaluate, Create

Moral Values : Able to form judgement, Understanding, Able to reason,

Dedicated to work

Multiple Intelligence : Linguistic, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Kinesthetic

Cross-Curricular Elements : Environmental Sustainability, Values, Language,

Creativity and Innovation

Materials : PowerPoint slide, YouTube video, Laptop, LCD

Projector, Question sheet

Vocabulary : Honesty, Respect, Forgiveness, Hard work

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

Induction LOTs- To recall their 1) Teacher greets students 1) Students respond to the Materials- YouTube video,
(5 minutes) prior knowledge and by saying “Good afternoon, teacher “Good afternoon too, laptop, LCD projector
introduce basic students!” teacher”.
concept upon the new MI- Intrapersonal
Rationale lesson. 2) Teacher plays a YouTube 2) Students watch the video
video. as it plays on the LCD Approach-
CCE- Environmental (Refer to Appendix 1) projector. Interactive Teaching
1) To start the lesson Sustainability Techniques
time in a proper way 3) After the video ends, the 3) Students answer teacher’s
of introduction. Example: What do teacher asks students what questions about what they Affective Domain-
you understand from they understand from the understand about the video. Receiving, Responding
2) To initiate and lead this video? video.
students’ attention on Moral Values:
target topic. Expected Answer 4) Teacher discusses the Able to form judgments
Kindness will be answers given by the
3) To briefly refresh returned/ Always be students together.
prior knowledge. generous

Presentation LOTs- To understand 1) Teacher explains the topic 1) Students listen to the Materials- PowerPoint

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

(15 minute) through explaining students will be learning: teacher’s explanation. slide
ideas or concept to moral values in short stories.
the new learning. MI- Linguistic
Rationale 2) Teacher asks students to 2) Students give a few
CCE- Language give a few examples of moral examples of moral values Approach-
1) To introduce values that they know. that they know. Teacher–centered
students with the new
topic by delivering 3) Teacher explains about 3) Students listen to the Cognitive Domain-
lesson. moral values according to teacher’s explanation about Understanding
the PowerPoint slide. moral values.
2) To expand (Refer Appendix 2) Affective Domain-
students’ existing Receiving
knowledge on the new 4) Teacher shows The Ant 4) The chosen student read
topic. and the Grasshopper short aloud the short story. Moral Values:
story and asks one student Understanding
3) To make sure to read aloud the short story.
students understand (Refer Appendix 3)
the learning context.
5) Teacher identifies and 5) Students identify and
discusses the moral values discuss the moral values in
in The Ant and the The Ant and the
Grasshopper short story with Grasshopper short story with

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

students. the teacher.

Practice HOTs- To assess the 1) Teacher asks students to 1) Students listen to the Materials- PowerPoint
(15 minute) learning into buckle up as they will do an teacher’s explanation about slide, Question Sheet
knowledge appliance activity just like the exercise the activity.
through different scale earlier. MI- Intrapersonal
Rationale of platform. Relate the
knowledge learnt and 2) Teacher explains to 2) Students ask questions Approach- Discovery
produce their ideas students the activity that they have regarding the Learning
1) To let student apply into it. instructions where students activity.
the knowledge they need to read the synopsis of Cognitive Domain-
have learnt. CCE- Values Cheat! short story and Understanding, Analyzing
identify at least 3 moral
values of the story Affective Domain-
2) To emphasize on individually. Valuing
what the topic really
means about. 3) Teacher distributes the 3) Students begin answering Learning Outcomes-
question sheet and asks the given question sheet for 1) Identify at least three (3)
students whether they have 10 minutes. moral values in Cheat!
any questions. short story individually.
3) Evaluate students’ (Refer Appendix 4) 4) After 10 minutes, students
understanding on the 4) After the Q&A session, the discuss their answer Moral Values: Able to
topic by giving them a teacher gives 10 minutes to together with the teacher. reason

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

task related to the the students to complete the

topic learned. question sheet.

5) After 10 minutes, the

teacher discusses the
student's answer together
with them.
Production HOTs- Apply the 1) After the activity ends, the 1) Students choose their Materials- PowerPoint
(20 minute) knowledge learnt to teacher asks students to pair partner to form a two-man slide
produce idea and up. team.
draw connection MI- Linguistic,
Rationale among the ideas. 2) After students pair into 2) Students listen to the Interpersonal, Kinesthetic
Evaluate it through two, the teacher explains the activity’s instruction given by
ideas or decision instructions for the next the teacher. Approach-
1) To broaden justification and activity where students need Cooperative Learning
students’ excitement create it. to work with their partner &
and knowledge about create their own ending of Cognitive Domain-
the topic through CCE- Creativity and Cheat! short story and later Analyzing, Evaluating,
activity provided. Innovation present them with a mime Creating
play. Affective Domain-
2) Develop students’ Receiving, Responding,
creativity and their 3) Teacher asks students Valuing

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

knowledge field. whether they have any 3) Students ask questions

questions and then asks that they have regarding the Psychomotor Domain-
students to begin their task activity then begin doing their Manipulation, Articulation
3) Enhance student’s for 10 minutes. task for 10 minutes.
communication Learning Outcomes-
through activities that 4) After each student 2) Create and present with
requires them to completes their task, the 4) After 10 minutes, each a mimed play their own
exchange ideas over teacher asks each pair to pair of students present and ending of Cheat! short
the task given. present in front of the class. mime their own ending of the story in pairs.
5) Teacher observes Moral Values: Dedicated
4) To assess post- students’ sentence structure to work
lesson assessment. during their presentation and 5) Students answer teacher’s
their mime acting. questions about their work.

6) Teacher asks each pair

the moral value behind their
Closure 1) The teacher encourages 1) Students thank the
(5 minute) students to practice good teacher.
morals wherever they are.

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

2) Teacher praises the 2) Students dismiss.

1) To conclude the student’s effort throughout
learning process in the learning and dismisses
proper way. the class.

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153


1. Appendix 1: YouTube video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kx4u9TwpuaI

2. Appendix 2: Lesson notes (PowerPoint Slide)

Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

3. Appendix 3: The Ant and the Grasshopper short story (PowerPoint Slide)

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Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

4. Appendix 4: Question sheet

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Drama and Theatre in Language Teaching | EEAL3153

Rubric for Writing Assessment

Criteria Ratings Pts

Content 10 to 8 to 6 to >4.0 pts 4 to >2.0 pts 2 to >0 pts
>8.0 pts >6.0 pts Average Fair Poor
Excellent Good Average Fair response Poor
Excellent Good response in in terms of response in
response in response in terms of understandin terms of
terms of terms of understandin g, understandi
understandin understandi g, interpretation ng,
g, ng, interpretation and interpretatio
interpretation interpretatio and presentation. n and 10 pts
and n and presentation. May be presentation
presentation. presentation Ideas may be repetitive, . Not
Well . Some form inadequately irrelevant or supported.
supported of logical developed or not well Lacks
with logical sequencing. unclear. supported. logical
sequencing. sequencing.

Language 5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
Excellent Good Average Fair control of Poor control
control of control of control of sentence of sentence
sentence sentence sentence construction, construction
construction, construction, construction, word choice , word
word choice word choice word choice and choice and
and and and cohesion. cohesion.
cohesion. cohesion. cohesion. Frequent Majority of
Majority of Frequent Some errors errors in the 5 pts
the error-free in sentences sentences. sentences
sentences sentences. but meaning Limited are with
are error- Minor not obscured. vocabulary errors.
free. mistakes in Average range. Meaning
Sophisticated complex vocabulary may be
vocabulary structure, range. obscured.
range. agreement,
tense etc.

Total Points: 15

14 | P a g e

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