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Design of Masonry Structures

Prof. Arun Menon

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Module - 03
Lecture - 11
Strength and Behaviour of Masonry Part – I

We start with our third module, where we examine different actions and a combination
of these actions. The primary purpose of the third module is to examine Behavior of
Masonry in a detailed manner and be able to arrive at a closed-form solution/ closed-
form analytical expression for masonry under different actions and combinations of
actions. That becomes important because we are then able to establish the strength under
different actions of different sizes of masonry components; maybe you are interested in
looking at slender walls, squat walls, beams, columns and so on.

Starting with compression- concentric compression, eccentric compression; bending- out

of plane bending and then finally in-plane bending or shear acting on a masonry wall and
then of course we are interested in understanding how they interact with each other-
Axial load with moment, axial force with shear force and have our failure surfaces under
these actions ready and understood as far as the behavior of masonry is concerned. This
becomes the analytical basis for design, right. So, the next module which will deal with
design is going to be really feeding into the behavior of masonry under different actions.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:58)

So, I begin with the mechanical behavior- the mechanics of masonry in compression, this
is something we have already seen quite carefully, particularly the co-action between the
unit and the mortar. However, the intention is if you were, if you had with you the
strengths of the constituents and the properties of the constituents - the unit and the
mortar, will you be able to estimate the compressive strength of masonry?

It is not often that you will be able to carry out a an experiment in the laboratory and say
this is the failure strength of the masonry that I am going to be working with, you need to
have an understanding analytically how this is performing and the unit strength and the
mortar strength is something that you can establish quite easily even in practical
situations. So, with that knowledge is it possible to be able to arrive at, for a complex
behavior as we have seen, because of the coaction what is the failure strength of masonry
itself in compression, ok.

So, we are examining in today’s class, we are going to be examining uniaxial

compression only- concentric. We have still not, we would not be going into strain
gradients due to eccentricities of the compression and we are looking at the strength in
compression of the masonry. It is not the strength of a wall; we are not bringing in the
slenderness of the masonry wall where second order effects can come into the picture.
So, we are still examining the masonry as a material under compression. So, we have
studied this carefully and we discussed that the strength of the masonry is going to lie
somewhere between the strength of the unit and the strength of the mortar and this is
because of the co-action that occurs between the two; between the unit and the mortar.

The unit is going to be the stronger of the two, but the more brittle of the two, less
deformable of the two; the mortar is more deformable, weaker in strength, but what you
get as the combination of the two because of the bond that is established between the two
constituents is something in between and we have also examined how the state of stress,
in the multiaxial state of state of stress in the unit characterized by the uniaxial
compression and the bilateral tension forms and how the triaxial state of compression in
the mortar, because of the confinement offered by the unit itself.

So, let us keep that in mind and use this as a basis for the formulations. So, I am going to
be examining the formulation under an assumption of linear elastic behavior of the unit
and the mortar which is of course not true as you know. We are dealing with materials
which have different strengths and can enter nonlinearity/inelasticity quite early and
therefore we will examine a second theory which accounts for the inelastic behavior of
both the mortar and the unit in arriving at the failure strength of the masonry itself.

(Refer Slide Time: 05:25)

So, to begin with the linear elastic theory- this is a well-established theoretical
framework; it comes from the work of Haller-Francis several decades ago. Assumption
the fundamental assumption here is the entire assembly is working in an elastic manner,
right and that is where the problem arises for us, ok. So, we were talking about the
Poisson’s effect being fundamental in creating the states of multiaxial stress in the unit
and the mortar.

So, if I were to examine the brick unit, just to get the know the notations familiarized.
We are looking at the z-axis, the stress acting in the vertical direction-uniaxial
compressive. The axial compression as σz, the lateral bilateral tension in the brick unit in
the two directions σbx and σby. Whereas the multiaxial state of stress of compression in
the unit in the mortar σz as the axial compression and the other two directions which are
also in compression σjx and σjy. Here the subscript b is used to refer to the brick unit and j
is referring to the joint itself. So, we have σbx and σby, σjx and σjy.

So, in terms of the dimensions of the unit and the mortar joint, we are looking at the
thickness of the brick unit as tb and tj as the thickness of the mortar joint, ok. Now based
on an understanding that under the state of triaxial stress, Poisson’s effect comes into the
picture, we can write down the deformation in the brick unit and the deformation in the
mortar with respect to the states of stress in the different directions. So, if you look at the
deformation in the brick unit, we can write down the strain in the brick unit in the x

 bx =  bx +  b (z −  by )
Eb 

So, εbx in terms of the triaxial state of stress, Eb here refers to the modulus of elasticity of
the brick σbx is the direct stress in the direction bx, νb here is the Poisson’s ratio of the
brick unit and the other two directions and the stress in the other two directions σz
compression and σby.

So, you are looking at the Poisson’s effect with respect to the triaxial state of stress.
Similarly, εby is written down.

 by =   by +  b ( z −  bx )
Eb 

We have the states of stress σby which is going to be the direct contributor to εby and the
Poisson’s effect in the other two directions causing changes in the strain in the direction
by. Similarly, we write down the deformation of the mortar joint itself; mortar joint is in
triaxial compression.
 jx =  − jx +  j (z +  jy )
Ej 
 jy =  − jy +  j (z −  jx )
Ej 

So, you have εjx, so the compressive strain in the joint in the x direction and the
compressive strain in the joint in the y direction where Ej is the modulus of elasticity of
the mortar joint; again the strain caused by the stress which is in direct correlation to the
direction. So, σjx and σjy for εjx and εjy and the other two directions caused because of the
Poisson’s effect and νb here refers to the Poisson’s ratio of the mortar or the joint
material itself.

However, we know that a bond exists between the two materials and therefore there is
compatibility of lateral deformations that will occur; there is going to be a compatibility
of the strains, a compatibility of the lateral deformations because of the existence of the
bond, which means that the strain in the x direction in the brick unit is going to be the
same as a strain in the x direction in the mortar material as well. So, εbx should be equal
to εjx and εby should be equal to εjy. That is basically, the lateral strains at the interface
should be same as long as equilibrium is maintained- till you do not have failure. This is
acceptable, right.

We also have to consider equilibrium of forces, so if you are going to be looking at an

equilibrium of internal forces in both the x and the y directions, the lateral directions; we
can examine the thickness of the mortar joint, the thickness of the brick unit over which
these stresses are acting and write down the equilibrium in these two directions.

bx =    jx
by =    jy

So, this is the basic set of assumptions that we are working with and the force
equilibrium and the compatibility of deformations is what is helping us write down this
set of expressions.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:41)

If we were to combine the previous set of expressions, the final output we have, what we
are interested in arriving at, is can we get an expression for the stress at which the
masonry will fail under σz ; σz is the vertical compression. We want an expression for σz
which is a function of the constituents- The modulus of elasticity of the brick, the
modulus of elasticity of the mortar, the geometry of the unit and the mortar, particularly
the joint thickness and the Poisson’s ratio of these materials. So, knowing the constituent
materials and their constituent strengths- the tensile strength of the brick unit, the
compressive strength of the mortar, will we be able to arrive at σz or the failure value of
σz itself ?

So, in the previous expression that we have seen, α is representing the joint thickness
ratio. Similarly, if we were to use β as the ratio between the modulus of elasticity of the
mortar material to the brick unit, we are writing down σbx is equal to σby in terms of σz.
So, it is a mere rearrangement of the previous set of expressions which are based on the
deformation, now those were expressed in terms of the strains; we are writing them in
terms of σbx and σby. Eliminating the different stresses in the unit and the mortar with
aspects that we are able to measure and know- the geometry and the individual values of
Poisson’s ratio - of the mortar, of the brick and the the moduli of elasticity of the two
bx = by =
  j −  b )  z
1 +  −  j −  b

So, the expression that you see here basically eliminates the unknown states of stress. So,
we have an expression of the local stress here, which is the tensile stress that the brick
unit is subjected to σbx and σby. It is important to be able to write it in terms of that stress
because we know that the brick unit will fail in tension right. So, we have an idea of the
mechanism since the brick unit is expected to fail in tension, we now have an expression
that relates the stress in the brick unit, the tensile stress in the brick unit to this overall
stress - vertical compressive stress that you are actually applying and under which the
prism is going to fail. This is the generic expression.

We now need to be able to plug in strength values and the reason why it is in this form is
you already have the stress in tension of the brick unit right, σbx and σby are actually
tensile stresses. But we know that the brick unit is going to split; it is going to split at it is
tensile strength. So, if I have an estimate of the tensile strength of the brick unit, I can
plug it in here to be able to get an expression in σz so that is the way it is designed.

So, you need a criterion for the failure of the brick unit, if you remember the graph that
we had looked at- the figure that we had looked at in terms of the behavior, the stress
path in the unit, the stress path in the mortar will come to that in a moment we were
assuming and it is a fairly reasonable assumption that the failure plane in the brick unit
under compression and tension is a straight line right. So, that forms a criterion for us
you have a straight-line interaction between the compressive strength of the unit and a
tensile strength of the unit- that is a straight line failure plane. So, if fbc is the
compressive strength of the unit; the uniaxial compressive strength of the unit and fbt. So,
fbt is the uniaxial tensile strength of the unit. If you were to do a direct tension test and
get the tensile strength of the unit, you do a uniaxial compression test flat wise
compression test on the brick unit you get fbc.

So, with fbc and fbt available a straight line interaction between the compressive stress in
the brick unit,
z t
+ = 1;
fbc fbc
 = bt

And it is only to make things a little simpler that we are looking at a ratio such as lambda
here, we have discussed that the tensile strength of brick would be about ten percent of
the compressive strength.

So, you could you could work with if you do not have the exact value coming out of
direct tension test, you could still use this relationship between the tensile strength of the
unit and the compressive strength of the unit itself. So, you have this straight line failure
surface of the brick in tension-compression which is what we will feed into to be able to
establish the criterion.

So, if we now substitute in the expression, we have been using σbx and σby which are
nothing but tensile stresses in the unit. So, we have an expression here in σt, so σbx and
σby are being substituted by σt in the failure criterion and rewriting in terms of σz, we get
an expression for σz since we are now bringing in the failure strength in compression of
the unit the σz is going to be referring to the failure in compression of the masonry
assembly itself.

z = fu =  fbc
  j −  b )
 1 +  −  j −  b )
So, we have an expression now which is the failure strength of masonry under uniaxial
concentric compression, where the parameters that you require are the Poisson’s ratio of
the unit, the Poisson’s ratio of the mortar, the modulus of elasticity of the unit, the
modulus of elasticity of mortar. You have the term alpha which is nothing but
geometrical parameter-joint thickness versus the brick thickness and finally lambda
which is nothing but the ratio of the strengths fbt by fbc. So, this is an expression that is
fairly good, but linear analysis is the basis; linear elastic analysis is the basis of this
expression itself.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:54)

So, the fundamental limitation of this theory which is often referred to as the two people
who propounded this initially Haller-Francis theory, is the fact that we are assuming
linear elastic behavior and we know that the mortar and the unit to an extent much more
the mortar, is not going to behave in a linear elastic manner. And the problem of
considering this sort of a basis for the behavior of the masonry composite is that you
remember this picture where you have axial compression which is the load that is being
applied the stress caused by the load.

The compression load that is being applied against the lateral compression lateral
tension. The point is the stress path in the unit is assumed to be linear and then, it hits the
failure criterion that we have used which is the straight line in compression and tension
envelope for the unit. We are again assuming that the stress path in mortar is the stress
path of the mortar in the prism, is also linear elastic, we would not be able to explain
how the unit and the mortar failed together in reality.

In reality, you expect a simultaneous occurrence of the tensile cracking in the unit and
loss of confinement and the crushing failure of the mortar. If you go by this theory,
depending on what the mortar strength and the unit strengths are you will get a disparity
between the points of failure. So, according to this theory brick will fail and then after
some time you increase the load and then the mortar will fail which does not happen
there is a simultaneous failure of the two.
So, I will stop here, we will come back and examine the same situation, but with mortar
strengths different from the unit strengths as shown here and then examine how we go
into a situation where inelastic behavior of the mortar can give us a much better
prediction of the mechanical behavior under compression.

Thank you.

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