MBA - Case Analysis Rubric
MBA - Case Analysis Rubric
MBA - Case Analysis Rubric
Criteria A B C
Clear and
description of the
Central Problem: Clear Wrong problem
problem. When
and Concise Definition Vague or incomplete definition, describing
applicable, linking the
of the Problem in the definition of the symptoms instead of
problem to the
Situation. problem the problem, or no
symptoms the
10% problem definition
company is
reformulates available
ideas, claims,
reformulates Little or no
questions, formats,
available ideas, reformulation of
etc. in novel ways to
Connecting, claims, questions, available ideas,
create unique insights,
Synthesizing, formats, etc. in claims, formats and
Transforming novel ways to questions to create
conclusions and
10% create unique new insights,
suggestions. AND
insights, arguments,
extends them to create
arguments, conclusions and
new ideas, solutions
conclusions, and suggestions.
or knowledge that
crosses boundaries
“If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.” KG
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“If he is indeed wise he does not bid you enter the house of his wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.” KG
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