Is A Wearable, Voice and Motion-Controlled Android Device That Resembles A Pair of Eyeglasses and Displays Information Directly in The User's Field
Is A Wearable, Voice and Motion-Controlled Android Device That Resembles A Pair of Eyeglasses and Displays Information Directly in The User's Field
Is A Wearable, Voice and Motion-Controlled Android Device That Resembles A Pair of Eyeglasses and Displays Information Directly in The User's Field
and experience they applied to future related behavior. Consumers acquire knowledge and experience
is of immense importance to marketers because marketers want to track the consumer about products,
services and their attributes, qualities, benefits in using them. There are some successful products and
failure product examples are given below based on consumer preference:
1. Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola first launched at 1903. From that time till now Coca-Cola holds its
position. Consumers also prefer this product because its proper application of market
generalization. Marketers can serve different categories of Coca-Cola through juice, water tea,
coffee etc. In addition, it provides zero calorie, low calorie, caffeine free categories based on
consumer’s demand. Consumers attention easily diverted into their specific category of
product. So, they never feel repetitive rather feel motivated to buy Coca-Cola for several
2. Toyota Corolla: Toyota Corolla has dominated automobile industry since its introduction in
1966. Marketers use stimulus generalization so nicely that in 2016 the company launched it 11 th
design generation. It is still attractive to consumers because consistent quality and continuous
improvement. It has very few reported problems. For this reason, consumers observation
always positive about the product. They feel safe and reliable to use this brand. So, it is a very
successful example of consumer learning for marketers.
3. Google Glass: Google developed this device for the future. Google Glass is a wearable, voice
and motion-controlled Android device that resembles a pair of eyeglasses and displays
information directly in the user's field. It was first unveiled in 2014 but it was discontinued from
2015.It was failed because its unfashionable design, high cost and it recorded video without
anyone noticing. It shows consumers had more negative feedback about the product. These
drawbacks ultimately make the product obsolete.
4. Facebook Home: In 2013, Facebook Home turned the home screen of a user’s phone into their
Facebook newsfeed. That design was clunky and could not be customized. Customers
complained that it was used more data which increase the cost of them. Facebook subscription
cost dropped dramatically from$99 to $0.99 within a month. It shows that Consumers negative
feelings can lead to a product failure.