Name: - Sec: - Date
Name: - Sec: - Date
Name: - Sec: - Date
word 2016
Name: _______________ Sec:_____ Date: _______
B. Lab Exercises:-
B. Lab Exercises:-
Project 1: Make a table entering the Roll number, Name, Date of Birth and
House of 6 children of your section –
a) Merge the columns of first row and give heading as Records of
Grade 5
b) Shade the table rows with the respective house color and give
border to the table of your choice.
c) Make 2 more copies of the table, Sort the first table on Roll
number, second table on Name and third one on Date of Birth.
Project 2: Open Word and do the following.
1. Show Life cycle of a butterfly using Cycle SmartArt and format it
using Design and Format tabs.
Adult Lava
Vegetable group
Project 4: In Word 2016 create a column chart showing distance of each planet
from sun.
Chart title: Planets Distance from sun
Axis title: horizontal- Planets, Vertical- distance
Legend : At the bottom
Project 5: Open Word 2016 and type the following paragraph and apply the
features given below.
Harry Potter In the past couple years, there has been a growing phenomenon in
the world of children's literature, this phenomenon is Harry Potter. J.K.
Rowling’s series of novels about a young wizard and his years at "Hogwarts
School of Wizarding and Witchcraft," has become one of the most
successful children's book series of all time.