SHS 21st Century Module 1
SHS 21st Century Module 1
SHS 21st Century Module 1
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any work of the
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
understand 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World. The scope
of this module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you
read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
Use the module with care especially in turning each page. Please
be reminded to ask the student to answer the Pre-Test before
moving on to the Lesson Proper. Read and make sure that the
students understand the directions in every exercise. Encourage
the student to observe honesty in answering the tests and
activities and in checking the answers. Do not put unnecessary
mark/s on any part of this module. And answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
What I Know
Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate
sheet of paper.
1. During this period, Jose Rizal’s works such as Noli Me Tangere and El
Filibusterismo were written to awake the mind of our countrymen.
a. Spanish Period
b. American Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. Period of Enlightenment
2. The Philippines had literature such as legends, folktakes, folksongs, and the
a. Spanish Period
b. Japanese Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. Period of Enlightenment
3. In this period, religious books were written, such as Doctrina Cristiana and
Urbana and Felisa, to support or contradict the Catholic Church.
a. Spanish Period
b. American Period
c. 21st Century Period
d. Period of Enlightenment
4. Filipino writers went into all forms of literature like news, reporting, poetry,
stories play, essays, and novels which clearly depicted their love of country
and their longings for independence.
a. Edsa I Period
b. American Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. The 3rd Republic Period
5. Filipino literature was given a break during this period for the Filipino
literature was prohibited from using. Many wrote plays, poems, short
stories, etc. Topics and themes were often about life in the provinces.
a. Japanese Period
b. American Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. American Period
8. This literary period witnessed newspapers which were once branded crony
newspapers become instant opposition papers.
a. Japanese Period
b. American Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. Edsa I Period
9. Poetry during this period were during this period were romantic and
a. The 3rd Republic Period
b. Edsa I Period
c. 21st Century Period
d. Pre-Spanish Period
10. Poetry during this period were dealt with patience, regard for native culture
and customs.
a. The 3rd Republic Period
b. 21st Century Period
c. Edsa I Period
d. New Society Period
13. The use of the vernacular in regional literature is ___________
a. discouraged because many people do not understand a piece not
written in either English or Tagalog
b. encouraged so that the culture and tradition of a people are upheld
despite effects of modernity
c. opposed for the reason that it constraints the expression of thoughts,
feelings, and ideas of a writer
d. affirmed by many for it allows free flow of feelings and in-sights not
understandable to readers
Lesson Geographic, Linguistic and Ethnic
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World Module aims to
engage students in appreciation and critical study of 21st Century
Literature from the Philippines and the World, encompassing their various
dimensions, genres, elements, structures, contexts, and traditions.
What’s In
What’s New
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
a. Japanese Period f. 21st Century
b. Rebirth of Freedom g. Spanish
c. Post EDSA h. Period of Enlightenment
d. American Period i. Period of Activism & New Society
e. Pre-Spanish Period j. Period of Literature in English
What is It
• The Epic Age. Epics are long narrative poems in which a series of
heroic achievements or events, usually of a hero, are dealt with
at length.
• Folk Songs. These are one of the oldest forms of Philippine literature that
emerged in the pre-Spanish period. These songs mirrored
the early forms of culture. Many of these have 12 syllables.
Examples of which are Kundiman, Kumintang o Tagumpay,
Ang Dalit o Imno, Ang Oyayi o Hele, Diana, Soliraning and
Understanding Literary History
Literature in this period may be classified as religious prose and poetry and secular
prose and poetry.
• Folk Songs
It manifests the artistic feelings of the Filipinos and shows their innate
appreciation for and love of beauty. The examples are Leron-Leron Sinta,
Pamulinawen, Dandansoy, Sarong Banggi, and Atin Cu Pung Sing-sing.
• Recreational Plays
There were many recreational plays performed by Filipinos during the
Spanish times. Almost all of them were in a poetic form such Cenaculo,
Panunuluyan, Salubong and Zarzuela.
Linguistically, Americans influenced Filipino writers to write using English
language. Jose Garcia Villa became famous for his free verse.
In the New Filipino Literature, Philippine literature in Tagalog was revived during
this period. Most themes in the writings dealt with Japanese brutalities, the
poverty of life under the Japanese government, and the brave guerilla exploits.
According to Pociano Pineda, youth activism in 1970-72 was due to domestic and
worldwide causes. Because of the ills of society, the youth moved to seek reforms.
News on economic progress, discipline, culture, tourism, and the like were favored
more than the sensationalized reporting of killings, rape, and robberies. Filipinos
before were hooked in reading magazines and comics.
The new trends have been used and introduced to meet the needs and tastes of the
new generation. 21st Century learners are demanded to be ICT inclined to compete
with the style and format of writing as well. New codes or lingos are used to add
flavor in the literary pieces produced nowadays.
What’s More
Assessment 1. Characterize Me!
Directions: Complete the table below by writing the characteristics of the
following literature during the Pre-Spanish Period
Assessment 2. Closer Look
Directions: Write three words that will highlight the message of the excerpt
from one of the most famous literary pieces during Spanish time,
1. 2. 3.
Ang Bayan Ko
I. II. II. AtAsa kanyang yumi at ganda
ng bayan kong Pilipinas Dayuhan ay nahalina
Lupain ng ginto't bulaklak Bayan ko, binihag ka
Pag-ibig na sa kanyang palad Nasadlak sa dusa
Nag-alay ng ganda't dilag
Ibon mang may layang lumipad kulungin mo at
umiiyak bayan pa kayang sakdal-dilag
ang 'di magnasang makaalpas,
Pilipinas kong minumutya pugad ng luha at dalita
aking adhika makita kang sakdal laya
What I Have Learned
5. Period of the New Society poems dealt with patience, regard for native
culture, customs, and the beauties of nature and surroundings.
7. Post EDSA I noticed in the new Filipino songs, in the newspapers, in the
speeches, and even in the television programs.
What I Can Do
Task 1. As a grade 11 Filipino learner, in what way you can show a sense of
adaptability to the diverse Philippines Literary History? State your
answer in a 3 -5 paragraph essay.
Lesson Identifying Representative Texts
2 from the Regions
The country’s rich repertoire of literary masterpieces may be rooted in the diverse
cultural heritage of the Filipino people. They have produced varied texts because of
differences. The mighty roar of the North and the fiery temperament of the South
blended well. The Filipinos speak of the collective experiences from the people who
have gone through difficulties, triumphs, struggles, successes, armed conflicts,
bloodless revolutions, and others. It is the reason why these masterpieces
resonated loud and clear in the Philippine archipelago.
What’s In
What’s New
Imagery is a poetic element that tries to create a picture in the mind of the
reader or a mental image through the use of figural language. It represents
objects, places, ideas, or even actions that appeal to the senses of the
by Carlos A. Angeles
The battering restlessness of the sea And neutral where the sea has
Insists a tidal fury upon the beach beached its brine,
At Gabu, and its pure consistency Where the spilt salt of its heart lies
Havos the wasteland hard within its spread
reach. Among the dark habiliments of Time.
Brutal the daylong bashing of its heart The vital splendor misses. For here,
Against the seascape where, for miles here
around, At Gabu where the ageless tide recurs
Farther than sight itself, the rock- All things forfeited are most loved and
stones part dear.
And drop into the elemental wound. It is the sea pursues a habit of shores.
The waste of centuries is grey and dead
2. Which word or group of words from the poem help you form this
image? Draw this on a separate sheet of paper.
What is It
The region, then, takes pride in long stretches of white sand and clear waters
alongside its rich cultural heritage. What you are about to read is a poem written
by a Carlos Palanca Memorial Awardee in Poetry in 1964, Carlos A. Angeles. His
collection of poems entitled, Stun of Jewels, also bagged him the Republic Cultural
Heritage Award in Literature in the same year.
A Moment of Silence
Gabu depicts a coastline in Ilocos that is constantly experiencing the battering
restlessness of the sea. The water that comes back to the shore seems furious and
ruthless with its daylong bashing, which havocs the wasteland. Being an
archipelagic country, the Philippines knows the importance of water and the sea.
The dwelling place of many festivals such as the Ati-Atihan, Di-nagyang, Sinulog,
Pintados, and Maskara, the Visayas may indeed be considered as one of the cradles
of Philippine civilization.
What’s More
Who is the voice behind the text?
What is known about him or her?
Assessment 1. Reflect On Me
Direction: Read and answer the questions.
Activity 2. Outline
What does the writer want to say about the use of Filipino especially in awakening
the social and moral consciousness of the masses? Outline the main points of the
essay through the graphic organizer below.
Assessment 2. Theme’s Up
What I Have Learned
1. Imagery is a poetic element that tries to create a picture in the mind of the
reader or a mental image through the use of figurative language.
What I Can Do
The text you are about to encounter is written by a native Visayan who was born in
Maribojoc, Bohol. Considered by many as a feminist Filipina who strongly promotes
women’s rights, Marjorie Evasco is not only a Don Carlos Palanca Memorial
Awardee but also recipient to several accolades here and abroad. Give the meaning
of the following verses: 1, 6, & 7
Marjorie Evasco
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
2. Lagaylay was used in a special occasion for the Pilareños of Sorsogon during
May time to get together.
a. Spanish Period
b. New Society Period
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. Period of 3rd Republic
4. Tagalog Zarzuela, Cenaculo and the Embayoka of the Muslims were presented
in the rebuilt Metropolitan Theater, the Folk Arts Theater and the Cultural
Center of the Philippines.
a. New Society Period
b. American Period
c. 21st Century Period
d. Period of 3rd Republic
6. English as medium of instruction was introduced in the schools as
intellectual language of education in this period.
a. New Society Period
b. American Period
c. 21st Century Period
d. Period of 3rd Republic
7. This is the period wherein the youth became vocal with their sentiments
and demanded change in the government.
a. Spanish Period
b. Period of Activism
c. Pre-Spanish Period
d. Period of 3rd Republic
8. Filipinos during this period were hooked in reading magazines and comics.
a. New Society Period
b. American Period
c. Period of 3rd Republic
d. 21st Century Period
10. This period is notable in the reawakening of the Filipino spirit when the 3
priests Gomez, Burgos and Zamora were guillotined without sufficient evidence
of guilt.
a. Post-EDSA 1 Period
b. Period of 3rd Republic
c. Period of Enlightenment
d. Period of Activism
12. An element in poetry that refers to the image or picture created in the minds
of readers that helps give light to the main idea is _______.
a. form
b. imagery
c. rhythm
d. sound pattern
13. Many Filipino authors, writers, or poets are encouraged to use the mother
tongue as the medium of expression in their craft because _______.
a. Readers fail to comprehend a piece not written in either English or
b. Our people’s culture and tradition are upheld through this despite
effects of colonization or even modernity.
c. The expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas of a writer are
emphasized in the personalized codes that they use.
d. The continuous flow of feelings and insights are inhibited when a
foreign language is used instead.
15. Philippine regional literature has become rich and varied because of
a. the contributions of numerous artists who patterned after the
Western literary masters.
b. the nationalistic fervor of texts written in various stages of our
history as a nation.
c. various topics used as themes by the writers and their alignment to
world events.
d. the archipelagic nature of the Philippines, its geographical features,
and the presence of various ethno-linguistic groups in the country.
Additional Activities
Answer Key
Chua, R. G. (2016). 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World.
Makati City: DIWA Learning Systems
Fosdick, Carolyn, and Tarrosa (1954). Literature for Philippine High Schools. New
York: Macmillan Company.
SIGLIWA, “Salubungin ang (bagong) Daluyong ng mga Agos sa Disyerto, Agosto 20,
2019, ang-
Velasco, Nel, “CNF Figures of Speech and Literary Devices, February 26, 2020,
Zaide, Gregorio F. (1970). Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings. Manila: Villanueva
Book Store. Retrieved from
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