40K FAQ 5th Ed.
40K FAQ 5th Ed.
40K FAQ 5th Ed.
Official Update Version 1.1
Although we strive to ensure that our books are perfect, Page 46 – Morale while falling back.
sometimes mistakes do creep in. In addition, we The paragraph should be changed to:
occasionally print new versions of our rules, that require Units that are falling back automatically fail all Morale
amendments to be made in older versions of our army checks.
books. When such issues arise we feel that it is important
to deal with them as promptly as we can, and we therefore Page 71 – Ramming a skimmer.
produce regular updates for all of our army books. When The first sentence should be changed to:
changes are made, the version number will be updated,
Skimmers that are not immobilised or stunned may try to
and any changes from the previous version will be dodge […].
highlighted in Magenta. Where a version number has a
letter, E.g. 1.1a, this means it has had a local update, only Page 92 – Pitched Battle, second paragraph.
in that language, to clarify a translation issue or other Change “His opponent then deploys in the opposite half.”
minor correction. To “His opponent then deploys in the opposite half and
more than 12” from the table’s middle line.”
Each update is split into three sections: Errata,
Amendments, and ‘Frequently Asked Questions’. The Page 93 – Spearhead, second paragraph.
Errata corrects any mistakes in the book, while the Change “His opponent then deploys in the diagonally
Amendments bring the book up to date with the latest opposite quarter.” To “His opponent then deploys in the
version of the rules. The Frequently Asked Questions (or diagonally opposite quarter and more than 12" from the
‘FAQ’) section answers commonly asked questions about centre of the table.”
the rules. Although you can mark corrections directly in
your army book, this is by no means necessary – just keep AMENDMENTS
a copy of the update with your army book. None.
Page 41 – Multiple Combats, Attacking. Q: Can models move off the table? (p11)
A third bullet point should be added, as follows: A: Not unless a rule or the mission being played clearly
• Models that at the beginning of the combat (before any specify that they can. All good wargamers know that the
model attacked) were engaged with more than one enemy edge of the table is the end of the world!
unit, but were in base contact with just one of the enemy
units, must attack that unit.
Q: What happens if an out of coherency unit is able to
move, but not able to restore unit coherency in a single
Page 41 – Multiple Combats, Attacking. movement phase? (p12)
In all three bullet points, the word ‘combat’ will be changed A: They must attempt to restore unit coherency as soon as
to ‘round of combat’. possible, including having to Run! in the Shooting phase if
Page 42 – ‘A normal and a special weapon’, first
paragraph. The second sentence should be changed to: Q: What happens when a unit that moves a random
All of their attacks, including the bonus attack, use the distance enters or moves through difficult terrain? (p14)
special weapon’s bonuses and penalties. A: Unless stated otherwise they are not slowed down and
will move the full distance rolled. However they must still
take Dangerous Terrain tests as normal.
Q: If a unit of multiple wound models has already suffered Q: When a model that can move outside of the Movement
phase, for example jet pack infantry, is falling back, can it
a wound, must the next wound taken be allocated to a
use this move? (page 45)
model armed the same or can it be allocated to a A: Yes, though it must follow the Fall Back! rules to
differently armed model? (p26) determine the direction it will move in.
A: It can be allocated to a differently armed model. Note
that this can potentially leave multiple differently armed Q: Is a Regroup test a Morale check? For example, I have
models wounded at the same time. a falling back unit within range of a banner that allows
units to reroll failed Morale checks – can I use the banner
Q: How many Pinning tests can a squad firing multiple for a failed Regroup test? (p46)
A: No and No. A Regroup test is a special type of
Pinning weapons cause on the enemy it is shooting? (p31)
Leadership test, not a Morale check (which are taken in
A: Each unit can only cause a maximum of one Pinning the three situations described on p44).
test on each enemy unit wounded, per turn, regardless of
the number of wounds caused, unless specifically stated
Q: How do Independent Characters that have joined a
otherwise. squad effect working out if a squad is below half strength
or not? (p48)
A: Independent Characters are not counted when working
out if a squad is below half strength or not. The exception
to this is if an Independent Character is with a Retinue (in
Q: If a transport vehicle is destroyed in the same turn as it Q: If a unit with the Scouts special rule is embarked in a
moved flat out what happens to any embarked models? (p70) vehicle, also with the Scouts special rule, can they
A: They are removed as casualties. disembark after the vehicle has moved as part of their
Scouts move? (p76)
A: Yes, as long as disembarking would be allowed during a
Q: If a skimmer ends its move over impassable terrain, normal Movement phase. For example if the vehicle has
may any passengers disembark onto the impassable moved flat out they would not be allowed to disembark
terrain? (p71) (unless specifically stated otherwise).
A: No, you may never disembark into impassable terrain.
Q: If a skimmer is immobilised in its own Movement phase Q: If only some of the models in a unit have the Stealth
whilst moving flat out is it still destroyed? (p71) special rule, does the whole unit benefit from the +1 cover
A: Yes. save? (p76)
A: Yes. In effect the ones with the Stealth special rule
ensure their colleagues also find good places to hide.
Q: Does a skimmer that is moving flat out whilst
performing a tank shock get the 4+ obscured save against
the Death or Glory! Attack? (p71) Q: Can an unoccupied building be assaulted or shot at?
A: No. (p79)
A: No. You cannot target an unoccupied building. However
if any weapons scatter onto an unoccupied building then
Q: Does a unit that successfully passes its counter-attack resolve the hit as normal.
Leadership test count as charging for all purposes? (p74)
A: No. They just gain the +1 assault bonus to their Attacks.
Q: Can you ram a building? (p79)
A: No. The vehicle will simply stop if it contacts a building.
Q: Can a unit with the Fleet special rule assault after
disembarking from a transport? (p75)
A: No, it cannot. The Fleet rule simply removes the Q: Can the same unit control several objectives, providing
prohibition of assaulting after running. it is large enough to be within 3" of each one of them ?
Q: Does the Furious Charge special rule give +1 Strength A: Yes, absolutely, but we find this does not happen that
to attacks made with a close combat weapon that strikes often when enemies are around...
at a specific strength value? For example are hits from
Gabriel Seth’s Blood Reaver resolved at Strength 8 or 9 Q: Do units off of the table at the end of a game count as
when he has Furious Charge? (p75) destroyed for kill point purposes? (p91)
A: No. Hits from Gabriel Seth’s Blood Reaver would still be A: Yes.
resolved at Strength 8.
Q: Can a unit deploy in impassable terrain? (p92) Q: Am I able to gain the benefits of any of my opponent’s
A: Not unless it is specifically allowed to move through wargear or special rules, such as Teleport Homers, Chaos
impassable terrain. Icons, Tyranid Synapse, Necron Resurrection Orbs etc?
A: In most occasions this is clear, as the rules use the
words ‘friendly’ or ‘own’ to indicate your units, and ‘enemy’
Q: If a unit is in reserve, and it has an ability that occurs at for the opponent’s. On the other hand, some rules clearly
the start of a turn can they use that ability on the turn they specify that they affect ‘friend and foe’. A few rules are,
arrive? (p94) however, slightly ambiguous as they don’t clearly specify
A: No. Unless specifically stated otherwise. this distinction. As a general principle, we recommend that
you cannot use or gain the benefits from any of the
Q: What happens when a unit arrives from reserves but is wargear or special rules of your opponent’s army, unless
unable to completely move onto the board? (p94) specifically stated in the rule itself (‘friend or foe’) or in an
A: The unit is destroyed and removed from play. official FAQ.
Q: If an independent Character is joined to a unit that is Last updated 16th November 2010
outflanking, when can he leave the unit? (p94)
A: If an independent character is arriving from reserve
together with a unit, whether it is outflanking or not, he
cannot leave the unit during the turn it arrives. He can, of
course, leave it as normal from the following turn.