Warhammer 40,000 Rule Book Faq: General
Warhammer 40,000 Rule Book Faq: General
Warhammer 40,000 Rule Book Faq: General
Q. If the rules say that I can re-roll a 2D6 (or 3D6) roll, can I re-roll only one dice (or two out of three), or do I have to always re-roll all of the dice? A. All of the dice, unless differently specified in the special rule that confers the re-roll. Q. When a unit is being shot at and has multiple Toughness (for example a unit of Wraiths with an attached Destroyer Lord), how does the multiple Toughness rule work when the only model that can be seen or is in range is the one with a different Toughness (like the Lord in the example above)? Is the model's Toughness reduced by being part of a lower Toughness unit when the lower Toughness models aren't viable targets and may not be struck? A. Yes, its Toughness is still reduced.
Q. When a rule says once per turn (like in the case of master-crafted weapons, psychic powers, etc.), does this mean once per player turn or is it once per game turn? A. Always assume the word turn to mean player turn, unless the text specifies game turn. This is not true, however, of the Organising a battle section of the rule book, where the opposite is true (so in this section turn means game turn).
Q. In the example above, what happens if some firing models (from the same unit) can only see the Lord and others the entire unit? A. In such a complex (and thankfully rare) situation, we suggest that players resolve the shooting of the two groups of firing models from the same unit separately.
Q. Does an infantry model on a Size 3 hill count as size 3 or as size 5 (3+2) in regards to LOS into/over Area Terrain and over other models? And what about a Size 3 tank on a hill? A. The size of the hill is not added to the models size, but rather the model counts as being the same size as the hill. Both models therefore count as Size 3 for the purpose of LOS over Area Terrain and other models. Remember, however, that when working out LOS with normal terrain (not Area Terrain), real line of sight is used, so being on a hill is still an advantage for a tank.
Q. When a stationary firing unit targets an enemy unit and only some of the firing units rapid fire weapons fall in the 12" range, what happens? A. Solve them separately, as above. All firing models within 12" fire two shots (these shots can only hit members of the target unit within 12"). The firing models outside 12" fire a single shot (these can hit all members of the target unit within 24"). It is more practical to resolve the closest shots completely first (including removing casualties), and then resolve the long range ones.
Q. Does the centre of a blast marker have to be placed over the centre of a model or just so the central hole is over the model (especially important when firing large blasts at vehicles)? A. The entire hole in the blast marker can be placed anywhere over the base of a target non-vehicle model or over the hull of a target vehicle.
Q. When a single firing unit inflicts a number of unsaved wounds from both long and short ranged weapons, how are casualties removed? For example: a squad fires a lascannon and a meltagun at an enemy squad that has a single model within 12" of the meltagun. Could the controlling player remove the closest model because of the lascannon shot and claim that the meltagun is now out of range? A. No. As the shooting is simultaneous and you cannot allocate two hits on the same model before you have allocated one hit on every model in the unit, the two weapons would hit different models, and the model within 12 must be hit by the meltagun.
Q. What happens when an Ordnance balst scatters out of LOS and/or Range (possibly onto a different unit)? Do the casualties have to be within range and LOS as per normal shooting rules, or do these not apply to a scattering Ordnance shot? A. A scattering Ordnance shot can hit and kill models that are out of LOS and range. These models would of course get their cover saves for any intervening terrain.
Q. When assaulting multiple units, do you have to completely engage the primary target before moving on to secondary targets, or do you just need to engage the primary target with at least one model before moving on to the secondary target? A. Only the first charging model must engage the primary target, the other charging models must follow the rules for assaulting, which do not say anything about primary or secondary targets. This means they can engage the secondary target as long as they dont break the rules for moving chargers.
Q. In a combat involving an Independent Character that has joined a unit (or is with his retinue), once you have worked out which side has won the fight, how do you resolve their Morale tests, sweeping advances, consolidation and piling in? A. Independent Characters are treated as separate units when the models attacks are resolved (rolling to hit, to wound, taking saves). Once the result of the combat has been worked out, and before any Morale tests are taken by the losing side, Independent Characters become once again part of the squad they have joined. Q. If an independent character, monstrous creature, or any other model with multiple attacks is engaged in combat with two or more enemy units, can it split its attacks or does it have to direct all attacks against one of the units its engaged with? A. The rules for Multiple Combats, on page 45 of the rule book, say that Models in base contact with the enemy must allocate their attacks against a unit that they are in base contact with. This sentence is badly worded, because the verb allocating implies dividing the attacks, while a unit implies a single unit. The sentence can be (and is) read differently by different players, so well have to make a ruling. Models with multiple attacks (Independent Characters, Monstrous Creatures etc.) engaged in multiple fights must choose one enemy unit they are engaged with and direct all of their attacks against that one unit.
Q. If a unit charges an enemy unit that is partially in cover (i.e. some of its models are in cover whilst others arent), does it have to make a difficult terrain test, or can it choose to just engage the models outside the cover? A. The assault move should be resolved following the normal rules for moving charging models, against all of the models in the enemy unit (the chargers cannot decide to assault only the enemies outside the cover). If this means that any of the charging models has to enter difficult terrain to engage an enemy, the entire unit must take a difficult terrain test before the first charging model is moved (so the entire unit could fail to reach altogether!).
Q. If a unit in a multiple combat cannot pile-in into base contact with the enemy, does it still count as engaged? If not, does it consolidate instead? A. It is not locked in combat any more and can consolidate.
Continues overleaf...
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Q. When measuring distances to/from a skimmer vehicle, do you count the hull of the model or do you count the base it is on? A. The rules on page 6 (Bases) say that distances should be measured to/from the base, except for vehicles without a base, when you should use the hull. However, this would prove absolutely unplayable in the case of large Skimmers (like a Wave Serpent, a Devilfish or a Monolith). The ruling in this case must be that for all vehicles (except Walkers), distances are measured to/from the hull, while for all non-vehicle models (and Walkers) distances are measured to/from the base.
Engaged either. This means they cannot attack the vehicle in close combat in the vehicles player turn. In its next Movement phase a mobile vehicle may move freely as long as it has enough space to physically move away without moving enemy models it is in contact with and it does not come within 1 of other enemies, as normal (and if its a tank, it may of course Tank Shock the enemy!). NOTE: If both players agree, the best way to represent this is to move such models slightly away from the vehicle at the end of their assault (ideally 1!), much like a consolidation move. This will also allow the vehicle to move away more neatly during its Movement phase.
Q. Where are the LOS and range of a vehicle's guns measured from? A. The LOS of the guns is worked out from the gun themselves (rule book, page 64, Vehicle line of sight). Distances should be measured from the hull, but this generates some very odd and impractical situations. So, for the sake of playability, we have to state that the range of a gun fired from a vehicle (except Walkers) is measured from the muzzle of the gun itself, for all other models (including Walkers) it is measured from the models base.
Q. Can psychic powers (like Fear of the Darkness) or other special rules (Imperial Guard Officers Leadership) and pieces of wargear (like Psychic Hoods) be used from within vehicles by models that are being transported? A. As transported models are not physically on the table, they cannot do anything (unless differently specified). The only exception is firing weapons (and using psychic powers and abilities that replace firing a weapon) from one of the vehicles Fire Point or from an open-topped transport. On the positive side, transported troops cannot be targeted by the enemy (the enemy can of course target their transport, and the passengers may suffer consequences as a result).
Q. If a weapon with AP1 scores a glancing hit against a skimmer that moved more than 6 in its previous turn, does the hit count as glancing or penetrating? A. Glancing. Basically, if a skimmer that has moved more than 6 in its previous turn suffers a glancing or penetrating hit, from any kind of weapon, both in close combat and from ranged attacks, the hit always counts as a glancing hit.
Q. If a transported model fires from a Fire Point or from an open-topped transport, where do you measure the LOS and range of the shot from? A. As transported models are not physically on the table, the shot is treated as a shot from the vehicle itself. This means that the LOS and range are worked out from the Fire Point itself, or from any point of an open-topped transport.
Q. Do models that assaulted a non-WS vehicle in their player turn get to attack the vehicle again in the opponents player turn if the vehicle doesn't move away? Also, can a non-WS vehicle move away from the unit it was engaged with in the previous turn for the purpose of not going within 1" of an enemy in the Movement phase (as it is already in base contact with the unit)? A. On page 71, Results, the rule book says that during a vehicles player turn, models that assaulted it in their previous turn are not classed as Locked (e.g. they can be shot at or through). Not being Locked, they cannot be
Q. Since falling back troops can still shoot, can troops with the Fleet special rule choose not to shoot and move D6 instead? If so, in which direction can they move? A. Yes, they may use the Fleet rule, but they must move in the same direction as their normal fall back move.
Q. If a monstrous creature has the Move Through Cover special rule (maybe because it is also an independent character), what does it roll when moving through difficult terrain? A. 3D6 and picks the highest, with a re-roll.
Q. How do the Instant Death and Vulnerable to Blasts/Templates rules interact? In other words, what happens when you shoot a swarm with a plasma cannon? A. Each wound inflicted is multiplied by two and consequently every wound inflicted kills two models in the unit Vulnerable to Blast. I.e. if a plasma cannon hits and wounds against a swarm with T3 or lower, it Instantly Kills two bases.
Q. Reserves and joining units/transports. When deploying an Independent Character, on page 81 the rule book says that you may specify that it starts the game already inside a unit and place it in coherency with it. If the character and this unit are both kept in Reserve, can you roll for them together (i.e. only one roll applying to both), so that they enter the game together (particularly if they are also using a transport)? This seems to contradict the Each selection from the Force Organisation chart is diced for separately on page 84 (Reserves). Similarly, can a squad start the game in Reserve inside a transport vehicle that is not a dedicated transport, so that I roll only one dice for both? A. There is a way to use these two rules so that they do not contradict each other. If the Reserves rules are used, you must roll separately for all Force Organisation chart selections at the start of the turn (including rolling separately for Independent Characters and non-dedicated transports). Once you worked out which units are available in that turn, you are allowed to combine them in any legal way. For example, if an independent character, a squad and a nondedicated transport all become available at the beginning of turn 3, you could deploy them all separately as normal, or the character could join the unit and then the unit could enter the battlefield embarked on the transport, as long as they fit inside it. Or any other legal combination.
Q. What happens if a blast or template weapon hits a squadron of open-topped vehicles? If one vehicle is hit (and thus takes two hits), are both of these allocated to the same vehicle or are they spread around the squadron? A. They are spread around the squadron.
Q. Can a model use the Hit and Run special rule if at the end of a combat it is no longer locked in combat (e.g. if it has destroyed all enemies)? A. No.
Q. Can a model use the Hit and Run special rule after assaulting a non-WS vehicle? A. No.
Q. If a Force Organisation Chart selection includes units that have the Scout special rule and others that do not (like Tau Pathfinders and their Devilfish), what happens when playing a Mission using the Escalation special rule? A. In these cases, the units that have the Scout special rule can either be deployed on the table or left in Reserve with the rest of their Force Organisation chart selection. The units that do not have the Scout rule will follow the normal rules for Escalation (so the Devilfish in the example, being a vehicle, must be held in Reserve).