Sgot Test
Sgot Test
Sgot Test
Reagent Set
3. Add 0.100ml (100ul) of sample reagent, mix and incubate at 37°C for Expected Values13
one minute. 8 to 22 IU/L (30°C)
4. After one minute, read and record absorbance at 340nm against a 5 to 34 IU/L (37°C)
water blank. Return tube to 37°C. Repeat readings every minute for Since the expected values are affected by age, sex, diet, and geographical
the next two minutes. location, each laboratory is strongly urged to establish its own reference range for
5. Calculate the average absorbance difference/minute (ΔAbs/Min.). this procedure.
6. The ΔAbs./Min. multiplied by the factor 1768 (See Calculation) will yield
results in IU/L. Performance
1. Linearity: 0-500 IU/L.
Procedure Notes 2. Comparison: Studies between the present method and a similar method
1. If the spectrophotometer being used is equipped with a temperature- yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.999 and a regression equation of
controlled cuvette, the reaction mixture may be left in the cuvette while y=0.98x + 1.6. (n=125, range=15-659 IU/L)
the absorbance readings are taken. 3. Precision:
2. Turbid or highly icteric samples may give readings whose initial
absorbance exceeds the capabilities of the spectrophotometer. More Within Day Day to Day
accurate results may be obtained by using 0.05ml (50 ul) of sample and Mean S.D. C.V.% Mean S.D. C.V.%
multiplying the final answer by two. 43 1.2 2.7 44 1.3 4.9
186 1.7 1.4 183 4.0 2.5
4. Sensitivity: The sensitivity for this reagent was investigated by reading the
1. Samples with values above 500 IU/L should be diluted 1:1 with saline,
change in absorbance at 340nm for a saline sample and samples with known
re-assayed and the results multiplied by two.
concentrations. Ten replicates were performed. The results of this
2. Patients with severe vitamin B6 deficiency could have a decreased
investigation indicated that, on the analyzer used, the AST (SGOT) reagent
recovery of AST, presumably due to a lack of pyridoxal phosphate.13
showed little or no reagent drift on a zero sample. Under the reaction
conditions described, 1 U/L AST activity gives a ΔAbs/Min. of 0.0004.
The procedure is standardized by means of the millimolar absorptivity of
NADH taken as 6.22 at 340nm under the test conditions described. References
1. Tietz, N.W., Fundamentals of Clinical Chemistry, W.B. Saunders co., p 674
Calculation 2. Karmen, A., et al, J. Clin. Invest 34:126 (1955).
One international Unit (IU/L) is defined as the amount of enzyme that
3. Henry, R.J., et al, Am. J. Clin. Path. 34:381 (1960).
catalyzes the transformation of one micromole of substrate per minute under
4. Amador, E., Wacker, W., Clin. Chem. 8:343 (1962).
specified conditions.
5. The Committee on Enzymes of the Scandinavian Society for Clinical
Chemistry and Clinical Physiology, Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest 32:291 (1974).
AST (IU/L) = ΔAbs./Min. x 1.10 x 1000 = ΔAbs./min. x 1768
6. Expert Panel of Enzymes of the International Federation of Clinical
6.22 x 0.10 x 1.0
Chemistry, Clin. Chem. Acta. 70:F19 (1976).
Where ΔAbs./Min. = Average absorbance change per minute 7. Expert Panel of Enzymes of the International Federation of Clinical
1000 = Conversion of IU/ml to IU/L Chemistry, Clin. Chem. 24:720 (1978).
1.10 = Total reaction volume (ml) 8. Jung, K., Bohm, M., Enzyme 23:201 (1978).
6.22 = Millimolar absorptivity of NADH 9. Hafkenscheid, J.C.M., Dijit, C.C.M., Clin. Chem. 25/1:55 (1979).
0.10 = Sample Volume (ml) 10. Horder, M., Bowers, G.N., Jr., Clin. Chem. 23:551 (1977).
1.0 = Light path in cm 11. Henry, R.J., Clinical Chemistry: Principles and Technics, 2nd Ed.,
Hagerstown (MD), Harper & Row, P882 (1974).
Example: If the average absorbance change per minute = 0.12 then 0.12 x 12. Young, D.S., et al, Clin. Chem. 21:1D (1975).
1768 = 212 IU/L 13. Kaplan, L.A., Pesce, A.J., Clinical Chemistry, St. Louis, C.V. Mosby, p.911-
912 (1989).
NOTE: If test parameters are altered the factor has to be recalculated using
the above formula. Manufactured by Pointe Scientific, Inc.
5449 Research Drive, Canton, MI 48188
SI Units: To convert to SI Units (nkat/L) multiply IU/L by 16.67.
European Authorized Representative:
Quality Control Obelis s.a.
The validity of the reaction should be monitored using control sera with Boulevard Général Wahis 53
known normal and abnormal AST (SGOT) values. These controls should be 1030 Brussels, BELGIUM
run at least with every shift in which AST (SGOT) assays are performed. It is Tel: (32)2.732.59.54 Fax:(32)2.732.60.03 email:
recommended that each laboratory establish their own frequency of control
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