Linguistic Varieties and Multilingual Nations
Linguistic Varieties and Multilingual Nations
Linguistic Varieties and Multilingual Nations
Over half the world’s population is bilingual and many people are multilingual. They acquire a number of
languages because they need them for different purpose in their everyday interaction.
Example: like Balinese people have many languages or “logat” to talk with other Balinese people. And
they know about another language like Indonesian language English language and so on. So the
Balinese people have multiple languages.
Vernacular languages
The term vernacular is used in numbers of ways. It generally refers to a language which has not been
standardized and which does not have official status. Vernacular are usually the first language learned
by people in multilingual language communities, and they are often used for a relatively narrow range of
informal functions.
Ex: like a children are talking with their friends used informal language from his places.
Standard languages
The term standard is even more slippery then vernacular because it too is used in many deferent ways
by linguists. Here is one definition which can serve as a useful starting point. A standard variety is
generally one which is written, and which has undergone some degree of regularization or codification it
is recognized as a prestigious variety by a community.
Lingua francas
A lingua franca is a language used for a communication between people whose first languages differ.
Between the Colombians Indians, Tukano is the main lingua franca, and it can be used with Indians who
live in the Vaupes area of the North West Amazon on both side of border between Colombia and brazil.
Ex: Like in Bali, many people want to talk with other people use Balinese language.
Most people have a predictable reaction to pidgin languages. They find them amusing. If you read
children story in variety of Pidgin English, it is easy to understand why – it sounds a lot like baby talk. But
even if we take a serious article from the news paper, many speakers of English still find pidgin
languages humorous or babyish.
A pidgin is a language which has no native speakers. Pidgins develop as a means of communication
between people who do not have a common language. So a pidgin is no one’s native language. Pidgins
seem particularly likely to arise when two groups with different languages are communication in a
situation where there is also third dominant language.
Like People from Kintamani talk with someone from Gianyar in the street their pronunciation will be
What kind of linguistic structure does a pidgin language have?
I have a friend. He is from Kayuambua. He his high Balinese and his brother married with Kristen people
and his brother Balinese people. She is can speak high Balinese language with other people because
everyday in the “griya” all people there used high Balinese language when he or she speaking. So, she is
can speak high Balinese language because that situation each day.
Pidgin languages are created from the combined efforts of people who speak different languages. All
languages involved may contribute to the sounds, the vocabulary, and the grammatical features, but to
different extents, and some additional features may emerge which are unique to the new variety.
Pidgin languages do not have high status or prestige and, to those who do not speak them, they often
seem ridiculous. Because of the large number of pidgin words which derive from a European language in
a pidgin such as Tok Pisin, many Europeans considers pidgins to be a debased from of their own
Like someone long time stay in the foreign to work there and suddenly his or her return to the village
and someone ask that people with high Balinese language and he or she said “punapi gatrene?” And he
or she can’t give the answer and that people didn’t understand with the meaning of the question
because he or she often used English language in the foreign so, that someone forget will mother
language self when he or she return to the village again.
To sum up, a pidgin language has three identifying characteristics:
It generally has low prestige and attracts negative attitudes – especially from outsiders.
A creole is a pidgin which has acquired native speakers. Many of the languages which are called pidgins
are in fact now creole languages. They are learned by children as their first language and used in a wide
range of domains.
Like Balinese children talk with her mother in the house she or he used low Balinese language when he
or she want request something to her mother. Example: that children request money to her mother to
pay book in the school.
Structural features
(c) Andi sedang membuat sebuah surat he is making a letter [present continuous]
(d) Andi sedang membuat sebuah surat he was making a letter [past continuous]
The linguistic complexity of creole languages is often not appreciated by outsider. I mentioned above
that pidgin languages do not use affixes to signal meanings such as the tense of a verb or the number of
a noun.
Though outsider’ attitudes to creoles are often as negative as their attitudes to pidgins, this is not always
the case for those who speak the language.
Like from Batur said something used Balinese language with someone in the street and she or he said
bee “kar ije” and that someone confuse with the meaning of bee, then that people from Batur explain if
the sentence bee that and bee in the sentence has the meaning you (kamu).