Class 8-Interlanguage or Learner Language
Class 8-Interlanguage or Learner Language
Class 8-Interlanguage or Learner Language
Stage 2
‘No’ and ‘not’ may alternate with ‘don’t’, which
is not marked for person, number, or tense
and may even be used before modals:
He don’t like it – I don’t can sing.
Stage 3
The negative element is placed after auxiliary
verbs like ‘are’, ‘is’, and ‘can’. The ‘don’t’ form
is still not fully analized:
You can not go there – He was not happy –
She don’t like rice.
Stage 4
‘Do’ is marked for tense, person, and number,
and most interlanguage sentences appear to be
like those of the L2:
It doesn’t work – We didn’t have supper.
Tense, person, and number are still sometimes
marked on both the auxiliary and the verb:
I didn’t went there.
Stage 1
Single words, formulae, or sentence fragments:
Dog? – Four children?
Stage 2
Declarative word order, no inversion, no fronting:
It’s a monster in the right corner? – The boys throw
the shoes?
Stage 3
Fronting: do-fronting; wh-fronting; no
inversion; other fronting:
Do you have a shoes on your picture?
Where the children are playing?
Does in this picture there is four astronauts?
Is the picture has two planets on top?
Stage 4
Inversion in wh+copula; yes/no questions with
other auxiliaries:
Where is the sun? - Is there a fish in the water?
Stage 5
Inversion in wh-questions with both an
auxiliary and a main verb: