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2017 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT)

An Extensive Research Survey on Brain MRI

Enhancement, Segmentation and Classification
Harish S G.F Ali Ahammed Reshma Banu SMIEEE
Research Scholar, VTU PG-Center, Department of ISE,
VTU, Belagavi, India Mysuru, India GSSSIETW, Mysuru, India
harishsrinivasaiah@gmail.com aliahammed78@gmail.com reshma127banu@gmail.com

Abstract—The brain is considered a main important part the physician needs the tumor area quantification. The
of human body as it participate to control all the activities of trend of image processing mechanism and computer
human. Under some unhealthy conditions the abnormal and technology which gives great extent of tumor area
uncontrolled growth of tissue may take place which is un- analysis.
natural process. This kind of process taking place in human
brain is referred as “brain tumor”. The brain tumor may be The recent years has witnessed the advancement of
of cancerous (malignant) or may be of non-cancerous medical imaging techniques which are accepted in
(Benign) and its detection is a very much important to surgical planning, longitudinal (time series) analysis,
reduced the death rate of humans suffering from tumor. The surgical guidelines and computer based pathologies
detection of brain tumor can be performed by using various diagnosis. In neuroscience and neurosurgery, the brain
image processing techniques like brain magnetic resonance MRI is widely accepted imaging technique. The MRI of
imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), brain gives a perfect visualization of brain anatomic
Electroencephalography (EEG), Positron Emission structures like deep structures, brain tissues by generating
Tomography (PET), Magneto Encephalography (MEG) etc. the 3D image. But for segmentation and detection of brain
Among these techniques the brain MRI is widely adopted in tumor more number of MRI scans are need to be taken for
the world due to its significant features. But to detect tumor each patient. Thus to overcome the problem of manual
in the brain MRI, the processes like preprocessing, segmentation the computer based train tumor
segmentation and classification are must. This paper deals
segmentation and detection is required. To overcome this,
with the various aspects of the brain tumor detection. The
paper discusses the significant researches which are meant
many numbers of mechanisms were presented but there is
for brain tumor detection through MRI quality no such automated mechanism is found by doctors as per
enhancement, MRI segmentation and MRI classification (as the accuracy and robustness is concerned. The artificial
cancerous or not). The outcome of the paper discussed that intelligences mechanisms like Digital Image Processing
there were no proper researches are performed to detect the (DIP) are found cooperative with machine learning, fuzzy
brain tumor, focused on good quality of image, less logic and pattern recognition in imaging techniques.
researches on segmentation and classification of brain
The non-invasive brain imaging techniques for brain
tumor. Finally the paper gives the future research scope to
tumor diagnosis using MRI found more useful as it gives
overcome the addressed research gap.
better soft tissue contrast and which is available in clinics.
Keywords— Brain, Enhancement, Magnetic Resonance This techniques is widely used in combination with the
Imaging (MRI), Segmentation, Brain Tumor classification. other imaging mechanisms like Computed Tomography
(CT), Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) and
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) to give the exact
I. INTRODUCTION information of tumor metabolism and morphology. More
Brain is the most essential part of the body which prominently, the PET imaging gives the additional
controls the all the activities through neural system. Each information.
part of brain holds particular functionality of body but
under some circumstances the these brain parts grows This paper intended to perform the extensive survey
abnormally which leads to the improper functionality of on brain tumor MRI enhancement, segmentation and
the body. This kind of abnormality in brain is known as classification techniques. Also the paper discusses the
"brain tumor" which is group of abnormal cells growing existing researches in brain tumor detection. This paper is
within the brain or around the brain. The brain tumor planned according to the below sections: Section II
mainly of benign or malignant where benign tumor is non- discusses the background of brain , risk factor of brain
cancerous while malignant is cancerous. Generally, the tumor. Section III explains the process model of brain
brain tumor occurs in children’s as well as in adults. A tumor detection. The Section IV is illustrated to know the
research survey has addressed, in children’s the 1/4th of concept of brain imaging and its quality enhancement
brain tumors are the reason for all cancer deaths. The techniques. While the Section V idealized with brain MRI
research foundation on brain tumor has stated that the segmentation by using different techniques. The Section
most of the developed countries are facing the higher VI discusses the prominent existing researches towards
death rate due to cancer since last three decades. The early the brain tumor detection. The next, section VII gives the
investigation of brain tumor is more motivational for current research gap in brain tumor detection. The
further research. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) existing statistical studies are discussed in Section VIII by
of brain gives the better visual of tumor but for treatment

978-1-5386-2361-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE

surveying IEEE Xplore publication. The final conclusive i. Age: The risk factor of the brain tumor may increases
points of the paper are given in Section IX. with age and is of high rate in older adults. Even
the brain tumor may occur at any age. Some kind
II. BACKGROUND of tumors can also take place in children more
This section discusses the conceptual details of the
brain and tumor in brain. ii. Exposure to radiation: Some brain tumor may take
place among the peoples who are expensed to
A. Brain ionizing radiations.
The human body contains the important functional iii. Family history: Some type of tumors may take place
organ called “brain”, which is soft in nature composed of due to genetic history of family.
mass of spongy tissues [6]. The brain is protected with the
bones of skull, three thin tissue (meninges) layers,
cerebrospinal fluid (watery fluid) which flows through III. BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION
space among meninges and ventricles. The Figure.1 Nowadays, brain tumor is major cause of highest death
indicates the brain structure. The brain charges the in the world. The proper diagnosis or brain tumor can
multiple functions at a time i.e., breathing, walking, sight, make easy to save the patient life to some extent [1]. The
hearing, smell, taste etc. The nerve system of brain carries brain MRI is most commonly used techniques for brain
the messages among brain and other parts of the brain. tumor detection. There are mainly four basic steps in brain
tumor detection [9, 10, and 11] as shown in Figure. 2.
A. Pre-processing:
Preprocessing gives the finer image from raw MRI
image. So preprocessing is directly related to the quality
of segmentation result. These pre-processing operations
include de-noising, skull-stripping, image enhancement
B. Feature Extraction:
This method helps to transform an image into its set of
features [9,10, 11]. To segment the brain tumor
accurately, feature extraction is the fundamental task. For
Figure.1. Functional structure of brain [7] medical images, important features are texture, color,
shape, intensity etc.
The abnormal growth of the cells in brain tissues are
said to be “brain tumor”. The classification of brain tumor C. Segmentation:
can be mentioned as non cancerous (benign) and Segmentation is the method to differentiate the
cancerous (malignant). The benign brain tumors will have abnormal brain tissues i.e. active cells, necrotic core, and
defined border while malignant brain tumors will not have edema from normal brain tissues. Based on the
defined borders [2]. Through surgery the benign tissues
requirement of human interaction brain tumor
can be easily removed but these tissues will come back.
segmentation methods classified into three main types that
The benign tumors are not considered as major health
concern even they can cause the problem to other body includes manual, semi automatic and fully automatic
cells [5]. While the malignant tumors are the major segmentation [9,10, 11]. For tumor detection various
concern of health as it spread to other body parts. The segmentation methods available that includes intensity
brain tumor symptoms may vary as per the tumor type and based methods, region based methods, asymmetry based
it location. The different functional areas of the brain methods and machine learning techniques. The
control the different parts of the body and hence the segmentation problem can also be considered as a
symptoms vary [1-4]. Some type of the tumors will not classification problem for classifying normal tissue and
have any symptoms until the tissues of that tumor become abnormal tissue from brain MRI parts, for classification of
larger and cause serious health issues. While some kind of brain tumor various machine learning techniques can be
tumors exhibit symptom which take place very slowly. used [9, 10, 11].
Headache is the common symptom of brain tumor but
they don’t cure from usual medicine for headache. Also,
most of the headaches are not the part of brain tumor [1,3,

B. Risk factor of brain tumor

Even the cause for the tumor is not clear but the
clinicians have insisted some of the risk factors (age,
radiation exposure and family history) of brain tumor
which can be the major reason for cancer [8]. Figure.2. Basic Steps in Brain Tumor Detection

D. Post-Processing: B. Computed Tomography (CT)
This includes various post processing technique for This technique utilizes the X-ray machine and a
better result such as spatial regularization, shape computer to generate informative images of body
constraints and local constraints [9,10, 11]. This process structure and tissues. But the CT method is not much
will provide the image of brain with clear visual of tumor accurate and which cannot able to detect the 50% of low-
area. The post processed image is used for the analysis grade glimmers. Under certain condition CT scan help to
and detection of brain tumor. locate the tumor and classify the tumor type. Another
significance of the CT method also helps to check the
IV. BRAIN TUMOR IMAGING AND ITS ENHANCEMENT treatments effectiveness and watch for tumor recurrence.
C. Electroencephalography (EEG)
The medical imaging is the important procedural
method which helps in diagnosis of any disease. The This method measures the brain movement and
interest towards the use of medical imaging concept in electrical actions by placing the electrodes on the head
tumor detection has been increased in recent past. In case scalp. This method helps to find the potency, power, and
of brain cancer detection, the localization of brain electrical actions location in diverse brain areas. This
structure is the biggest challenge [12]. The localization helps to identify the brain regions and actions patterns that
process also takes more time to detect and localize the tumor exhibits.
malignant cell through 2D images. Even the 3D view of D. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
image is also difficult to localize. The use of image
This technique provides the functional concepts of the
processing technique helps to enhance the information’s
brain. Both the MRI and PET mentions the actions of
in the 2D and displayed using 3D models [13]. The brain
neurons and various movements taking place within the
imaging includes various techniques to have accurate,
diverse areas of brain as pointed via the intellectual blood
efficient imaging of brain [14]. The existing techniques of
stream level. During PET, the involved functional
brain imaging (are shown in Figure. 3) are MRI, CT,
processes are mapped through radioactive substance. The
Electroencephalography (EEG), PET, Magneto
PET measures the blood stream level by subjecting the
Encephalography (MEG), Biopsy and X-Ray.
people to the radioactive water and by observing the
modification in radiation.
E. Biopsy
This is a surgical concept where small samples of
tissue is considered from the region of suspected tumor
and analyzed by using microscope to know its
malignancy. The biopsy based method gives the
information’s about type of cancer cell. During biopsy
removing any healthy tissue may cause problem in vital
functions. Also under this case the diagnosis must relay
less accurate measures and less invasive.
F. Magneto Encephalography (MEG)
This examines the functionality of brain performed by
brain for every 1/1000 of a second. This method is highly
Figure.3. Brain imaging techniques [9-16] extreme brain analysis process. This method is linked to
EEG because both the methods perform the determination
A. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of similar neuronal current.
This is an imaging method which measures the
magnetic field vectors produced after the excitation with G. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS)
heavy magnetic field and radio frequency pulses in
hydrogen atoms nuclei exist within the water molecules of This method helps to measure the blood oxygenation
the patient’s tissues. The water content in different parts within the brain. The blood oxygenation can be measured
of the tissues differs and is possible to quantify the by using NIRS process by utilizing the infrared light. In
differences of radiated magnetic energy. Under the order to do so, the spotting light near to the infrared
controlled conditions, if the magnetic vector components, region within the spectrum is used. The light is spotted by
the different images can be acquired, tissue information. skull so that the attenuated amount of light is identified.
The major region of interest for MRI is brain. The current For soft tissue delineation, the brain MRI is best choice
medical applications, tumor boundary area in a head because it helps to classify the brain tissues. The MRI is
image are traced by hand. Hence, MRI technique is used to visualize the internal body structure which gives
manual approach and is not considered for large set of information of tissue anatomy. The signal strength of the
data. Thus there is a need of automatic tumor detection brain tumor depends on three molecules and parameters
method. anatomical (T1) and pathological (T2) which gives the
features of protons (Nabizadeh et al. [17]). The T1 scans

for best scan resolution while T1 for locating the faulty  K-Means Clustering:
region of brain. The MRI helps to analyze the brain This type of clustering means dividing the
function and identify the brain tumor. The proton density observations (n) into clusters (k) where every pixel is
(PD) scan gives entire hydrogen density per cubic mm. belongs to the clusters by minimizing an objective
Figure.4, represents the brain MRI sample. function in a way that the within cluster sum of squares is
get minimized.
 Fuzzy C-Means clustering:
This is the data clustering mechanism where the every
data point is belongs to a cluster to a degree subjected by
a membership value. Generally, Fuzzy C-means division
of n vector collections as c fuzzy groups and identifies a
cluster centre in every group like a cost function of
Figure.4 Sample of MRI images for a normal brain: (a) T1-weighted, (b) dissimilarity measure is minimized [19-22].
T2-weighted, and (c) PD- proton density Parizel et al. [18].
D. Soft-Computing
V. BRAIN TUMOR IMAGE SEGMENTATION A self-organizing map (SOM) or self-organizing
The image segmentation in DIP is a major process feature map is an artificial neural network (ANN) type
required to define the Region Of Interest (ROI) in image. used for unsupervised learning. The SOM maps a higher
The segmentation can be done manually, semi-automatic dimensional input space to a lower dimensional map
or automatically. The drawback of manual segmentation space. Here mean, energy, entropy, median, variance,
is that it consumes huge time and its acuracy is depends correlation, contrast, maximum and minimum intensity
on the operator knowledge where as automatic values are used to describe the tumor [19-22].
segmentation is apart from this [19, 20, 21]. The E. Image/Symmetry Analysis
segmentation with Key image processing techniques for
This is an interactive method with area of the region
brain MRI is divided as thresholding, region-growing, soft
and edge information uses prior information. The
computing, clustering, atlas-based, image/symmetry
symmetry analysis is more prominent under pathological
analysis, other methods etc [22].
conditions. The supervised techniques like block-based,
A. Thresholding shape, texture and content are implemented to analyze
This segmentation mechanism is oldest one where the MRI with relatively low computational requirements [19-
image must have regions exhibiting different gray scale 22].
levels. The image histogram composed of spikes (valleys F. Other Segmentation Methods
and peaks). The peaks represent the regions while the
The others segmentation methods are wavelet
valley among the peaks indicates the threshold value. The
transform, edge detection method, watershed algorithm,
histogram thresholding mechanism divides the image as
deformable models with their own limitations and
two equal halves. These histograms are compared for
significances. Based on application requirements the
tumor detection. The cropping mechanism helps to take
different segmentation methods are combined [19-22].
the exact dimension of brain tumor. The threshold
mechanism takes the decision based on the local raw pixel VI. EXISTING RESEARCH SURVEY
information. This helps to extract the basic image shape
with little unnecessary details [19-22]. This section discusses the various existing researches
in the field of brain tumor detection.
B. Region-growing The work of Liu et al. [23] presented a tomography
This technique divides the image by organizing the mechanism which used Kirchhoff migration (KM) and
similar closest pixels. This technique begins with a pixel reverse-time migration (RTM) methods. The outcome of
(seed) that exhibit similar properties. By the neighboring this mechanism was compared and analyzed with both
pixels based on homogeneity features are appended to the synthetic and experimental data. Form the analysis found
seed without tuning homogeneity features. The initial that the RTM offers significant velocity variance and
seeds control the seeded region growing technique. In imaging quality with little noise and RTM can be used for
case the regions are known and utilized for estimation of further improvement in tomography efficiency.
the corresponding parameters subjected to edge detection The collaborative work of Ogli and Rostami [24]
[19-22]. discusses a concept of simulation for tumor detection by
using Nano-Biosensors Radiation Intensity. In this the
C. Clustering nontoxic silicon or gold nano-particles are utilized as
This method organizes the objects as groups by nano-biosensors core and their functionalization is done
considering the some feature attribute and characteristic by considering antibodies and desired proteins.
by which a cluster composed of groups of similar objects.
The clustering may be of supervised or unsupervised type. The work presented by Roy et al. [25] discusses an
The supervised clustering is specified by the user while advanced brain MRI binarization mechanism as a
unsupervised clustering is decided by the clustering preprocessing to detect the abnormality and features
system itself [19-22]. extraction. This binarization mechanism was tested with a

different MRI and generates good binarization with higher interest. The framework MRI Pattern Detection
accuracy and reduced error. The comparative analysis was Framework (MIPDF) is presented to take care for the
performed other well-known methods. reduction of cited hassle and improved visual analytics to
The further work of Roy et al. [26] discussed the support medical professionals in their act of detection and
significance of the preprocessing mechanism in brain diseases diagnosis by identifying regularity and
abnormality detection. The proposed preprocessing irregularity with improved visualization and analytics
mechanism uses binarization and wavelet decomposition results.
to bring the effectiveness in brain abnormality diagnosis Author Alexander et al. [34] discussed the image
and detection and found that the proposed mechanism quality transfer and applications in diffusion MRI and
gives accurate image segmentation with less error. named the proposed technique as image quality transfer
The work of Sayed et al. [27] presented the computer- (IQT). The proposed technique implements the machine
aided diagnosis (CAD) based tumor detection by MRI. learning to send the information’s which are generated
The author has performed the experimentation on 101 from the experimentation of medical imaging to the
images having both normal (14) and abnormal (87) from abundant but lower-quality data from routine acquisitions.
brain MRI dataset. The outcomes suggest that the 99% The process utilizes the matched pairs to learn mappings
accuracy was found in classification and was significantly from low-quality to subject to high-quality images. After
good. Author has suggested for future direction of learning, these mappings then augment unseen low quality
research with further improvement in robustness. images, for example by enhancing image resolution or
The author George et al. [28] has used Cuckoo search information content. Author demonstrated the IQT using a
(CS) optimization mechanism for brain MRI simple patch-regression implementation and the uniquely
segmentation. The outcomes where suggest that the CS rich diffusion MRI data set from the human connect
algorithm profound study of its search mechanisms to project (HCP). The outcomes suggested that the
determine the tumors in brain and outcomes are compared significance of IQT in both brain microstructure imaging
with the other optimization algorithms. and connectivity mapping. The IQT in brain connectivity
mapping using standard data sets, thin connection
Singh et al. [29] presented stochastic resonance (SR) pathways which tractography needs desired data to
model based on Bat optimization to enhance MRI. The reconstruct. The IQT in microstructure imaging represents
quality of processed image depends on the choice of these the signification in estimation from standard “single-
image performance indices rather the selection of SR shell” data and maps the micro structural parameters that
parameters. The given mechanism found effective with normally require specialized multi-shell data. The
MRI enhancement by which the there is improvement in experimentation analysis suggested that the proposed
the gray-white matter differentiation and which is helpful scheme has got better generalisability, addresses the IQT's
in the better MRI diagnosis. significances even if the training set does not directly
represent the application domain. The concept stretches to
Similarly the work introduced by Havaei [30] gives the other imaging modalities and reconstruction problems.
brain tumor segmentation using deep neural networks. The work introduced in Hajje et al. [35] gives the
Author presented cascade architecture in which the output mechanism for adaptive enhancement for MRI by using
of a basic CNN is treated as an additional source of propagator sharpening. This method was made adaptive to
information for a subsequent CNN. The presented that test the data and its enhancement with scalar maps and
dataset are improved over the state-of-the-art over 30 tractography output.
times faster. The prominent towards the brain MRI is found in
A review work on MRI-based brain tumor image Kumar and Mehta [36]. The author has introduced the
segmentation using deep learning methods is found in Isin automatic segmentation method by using texture based
et al. [31]. The state-of-the-art algorithms with a focus on tumor detection mechanism by considering the seeded
recent trend of deep learning methods are discussed. region. This approach helps to identify the status of the
Finally, an assessment of the current state is presented and disease by performing quantitative analysis. The
future developments to standardize MRI-based brain drawback of this approach is that it consumes higher
tumor segmentation methods into daily clinical routine are computation time.
addressed. Another significant research to detect the brain tumor
The conceptual work of Abbasi et al. [32] gives the was given by Roy and Bandyopadhyay [37]. The author
“detection of brain tumor in 3D MRI images using local has considered the problem of segmentation in brain
binary patterns and histogram orientation gradient. The tumor and used the modular approach to overcome the
author evaluated the performance of the algorithm on problem. This approach also consumes higher
glioma images from. The experimental results and computational time.
analyses indicate that the proposed framework is superior For detection of brain tumor Meenakshi and
in detecting brain tumors in comparison with other Anandkumar [38] have provided classifiers like k-mean
techniques. Clustering, BPN classifier. The research significantly
improved the accuracy at less computation time.
Author Snehkunj et al. [33] presented the pattern In order to classify the brain MRI various supervised
detection mechanism for MRI and labeling volume of learning approaches were exist. The classification

approaches may involve different classifiers like Artificial A. Braiin Imaging: Most of the existing researches were
Neural Network (ANN) and Support Vector Machine focused on the MRI based brain imaging to detect the
(SVM). By this approaches the important features will be tumor.
extracted by means of segmentation over testing data as
per provided feature space. In that sense various authors B. MRI quality: The existing researches were only
like Nandpuru et al. [39], Singh and Parveen, Bauer et al. focused on the MRI with higher quality and most of
[40, 41] and Lee et al. [42] mentioned that the approaches the studies were ignored the MRI with poor quality
like ANN and SVM classify the each pixels of MRI like noise, brightness.
without considering the spatial correlation among the
neighborhood pixels. Thus these approaches are not C. Lack of researches in object based Segementation:
suitable to acquire the optimized result. Thus to overcome The most of the researches are focused on the basic
segmentation process for MRI. Also the existing
this regularization step can be introduced at post-
researches were not much concerned about detection
processing. In order to achieve the regularization the
of brain tumor by object based segmentation.
methods like Markov Random Field (MRF) , Conditional
Random Field(CRF) which is found in Bauer et al.[40, 41] D. Time complexity:
and Lee et al. [42].
The authors Nandpuru et al. [39] have implemented The existing neural network based consumes more
SVM to perform the classification of the brain MRI slices time during the training and testing phase.
and represent them as normal or abnormal. The author has
used gray scale, symmetry based and the texture based
features to performs the classification. V. STATISTICS OF BRAIN TUMOR DETECTION
Similarly, the authors Padma and Sukanesh [40] used
the SVM approach to perform the classification over soft This section discusses the existing statistical
tissues captured from Brain CT Images. Author focused publications in IEEE Xplore. The search for the statistics
on the CT imaging modality which is the reliable is carried out with desired keywords brain MRI
technique along with SVM. The proposed approach of enhancement, brain MRI segmentation and brain MRI
their work achieved accuracy of 98%. classification. The search statistic are considered for
The author Ubaidillah et al [41] performed the conference publications, journals and magazines, early
comparative analysis over the SVM and ANN based brain access articles. The following table.1. represents the
tumor classification methods. In this, author found that he statistics obtained.
ANN based method provides the better detection under
Table.1. Statistical details of publications (Cited on 9/9/2017 4.20Pm)
large feature matrices while the SVM offers the Brain MRI +
generalized outcomes and accuracy under smaller Brain MRI + Brain MRI +
Type Tumor +
datasets. The SVM can handle the higher features than Segmentation Enhancement
ANN. Conference
The above approaches where lags with the in- 5 7,060 1,025
capability of classifying data in multiple classes.
Journals &
The .work introduced by Huang et al. [43] discusses the 2 2,140 152
classification method based on “local independent
projection” which overcomes the issues associated with Access 0 25 5
multiclass issues of binary classifiers. The classification Articles
by this approach is done under brain tumor regions like Books &
necrosis, edema, active region etc. 0 5 0
Similarly the work of Debnath et al. [44], Platt et al.
[45] and Hsu and Lin [46] intended for multiclass The above statistical details are given in below Figure.5.
classification i.e. one-vs-all, all together, one-vs-one,
Direct Acyclic Graph SVM are discussed and from that
one-vs-one and DAGSVM are most likely methods for
multiclass classification.
The above discussed surveys help to formulate the
existing research gap in the detection of brain tumor. The
survey analysis is summarized with the following points
as “research gap”:

Figure.5: Statistics of research

VIII. CONCLUSION Resonance Imaging, Congress on, 3(s): 416-420. 5(5), 1987, Page
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studies expressed for brain MRI enhancement gives the
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necessary of image enhancement with respect to noise, and segmentation in MR images: Gabor wavelet vs. statistical
brightness adjustment. The studies of the brain MRI features." Computers & Electrical Engineering 45, pp. 286-301,
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