Ieee Paper
Ieee Paper
Ieee Paper
ABSTRACT: Brain tumor is considered as one of the various diagnostic methods are computed tomography,
aggressive diseases, among children and adults. Brain tumors magnetic resonance imaging, tissue biopsy etc.
grow very fast and if not treated well, the survival chances of
the patient are very less. Early detection of brain tumors is Better treatments are now available for brain tumors.
very important. Proper treatment planning and accurate There is a chance of focal neurological deficits, such as
diagnostics is at the topmost priority to improve life motor deficit, aphasia or visual field defects in the
expectancy of the patients. The abnormal growths of cells in treatment. Side effects can be avoided by measuring
the brain are called tumors and cancer is a term used to tumor size and time to tumor progression (TTP)[4] .
represent malignant tumors. The best technique to detect Estimation of density of affected areas can give a better
brain tumor is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The MRI images measurement in therapy.
are examined by the radiologist. MRI scan images are taken to
analyze the disease condition. Hence an automated brain Deep learning is a machine learning technique that
tumor detection system is required to detect tumors at its early instructs computers what to do as a human think and do in
stage. Density of the tumor can be estimated from the a scenario. In deep learning, a computer model is able to
segmented mask and it will help in therapy. Deep learning do classification tasks from images, sound or text.
technique is employed to detect abnormality from MRI Sometimes human level performance is being exceeded
images. Multi-level thresholding is applied to segment the by deep learning techniques. One of the most popular
tumor region. Number of malignant pixels gives the density of neural networks is an artificial neural network that has a
the affected region. collection of simulated neurons. Each neuron acts as a
node and by links each node is connected to other
Index Terms: Medical Image Processing, Brain tumor, MRI, nodes[5].
Artificial neural network, CNN.
The aim of this paper is to build a system that would
I. INTRODUCTION help in cancer detection from MRI images through the
The early detection and treatment of brain tumor helps convolution neural network. The proposed method was
in early diagnosis which aids in reducing mortality rate. tested and compared with the existing classification
Image processing has been widespread in recent years techniques to determine the accuracy of the proposed
and it has been an inevitable part in the medical field method.
also. Human body is made up of many organs and brain is
vital of all. The abnormal growth of cells in the brain
causes brain tumor. Brain tumor is also referred to as
intracranial neoplasm. The two types of tumors are
malignant and benign tumors. Standard MRI sequences
are generally used to differentiate between different types
of brain tumors based on visual qualities and contrast
texture analysis of the soft tissue. More than 120 classes
of brain tumors are known to be classified in four levels
according to the level malignancy by the World Health
Organization (WHO) [1].
All types of brain tumors evoke some symptoms based
on the affected region of the brain. The major symptoms
may include headaches, seizures, vision problems, Figure 1: MRI image
vomiting, mental changes, memory lapses, balance losing
etc [2]. Incidence of brain tumors are due to genetics, II. RELATED WORKS
ionizing radiation mobile phones, extremely low Image segmentation and classification is one of the
frequency magnetic fields, chemicals, head trauma and major tasks in machine learning and it is widespread in
injury, immune factors like viruses, allergies, infections, clinical diagnosis also. Mircea Gurbin, Mihaela Lascu,
etc[3]. The malignant tumors, also known as cancerous and Dan Lascu et al. [6] proposed a method consisting of
tumors, are of two types - primary tumors, which start Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Discrete Wavelet
from the brain, and secondary tumors, which originate Transform (DWT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).
somewhere and spread to the brain. The risk factors for
brain tumor are exposure to vinyl chloride,
neurofibromatosis, ionizing radiations and so on. The
It uses different levels of wavelets, and by training, the III. PROPOSED METHOD
cancerous and non-cancerous tumors can be identified. System architecture of the proposed system is shown
The computation time is longer for the proposed method. in figure 1. The components are image acquisition, pre-
Somasundaram S. and Gobinath R. et al. [7] processing, segmentation, Training and Splitting and
explains the present status of detection and segmentation classification.
of tumour through deep learning models. For deeper A. Image Acquisition
segmentation, 3D based CNN, ANN and SVM is used. Different bio-medical image records are available for
Damodharan S. and Raghavan D. et al.[8] address the study of brain tumour detection. Conventional
segmentation of pathological tissues (Tumor), normal methods are Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic
tissues (White Matter (WM) and Gray Matter (GM)) and Resonance Imaging (MRI). Positron Emission
fluid (Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)), extraction of the Tomography, Cerebral Arteriogram, Lumbar Puncture,
relevant features from each segmented tissues and Molecular testing are also used for brain tumour
classification of the tumor images with Neural Network detection. But these are expensive. MRI is working with
(NN). the principle that both the magnetic field and radio waves
can create an image of the interior of the human body by
detecting the water molecule present. Portable and
miniaturised MRI machines are developed now to avoid
the complexity of conventional scanning methods. MRI
has a better resolution and contains rich information. The
MRI dataset from the kaggle uploaded by Navoneel
Chakrabarty has been used here[12].It contains 98 normal
brain images and 155 abnormal images. In this dataset,
‘yes’ means tumour images and ‘no’ means healthy
images. The augmentation process is also applied here to
increase the number of samples. Augmentation step
contains a rotation range of 10 degrees, width shift range
of 0.1, height shift range of 0.1, brightness range of
(0.3,1.0), horizontal and vertical flip. A total of 2530
images were selected from the augmented data. The final
dataset contains 980 normal and 1550 abnormal images.
Image Image Pre- Classificat
Acquition Processing ion
The train-test procedure is appropriate when there is a
sufficiently large dataset available.
D. Classification
Many machine learning approaches are being
implemented in disease detection from brain images.
Artificial neural networks can be used here to classify, if
the features are extracted in an order[16].An ANN
classifier assumes one feature that is not related to any
other feature.
Deep learning techniques will be effective here
to classify tumour image without segmentation. A deep
neural network can be created with Convolutional nueral
network algorithm[17]. General architecture of
convolutional neural networks is shown in figure 6. In
deep learning , the feature is extracted from the entire
image automatically. Convolution in the CNN
architecture performs this operation. Number of feature
maps increases with the increase in CONV layer.
Reduction of dimension is required to initiate
training.Pooling layer down samples the feature
dimension. Fully connected layers manipulate the score of
each label. Softmax layers prepare the model with feature
and class score. The CNN architecture is slightly modified
in its dimension for training the brain tumor images.
The modified model architecture is listed in Table 1: Modified Model architecture
table 1.
The model is compiled in Keras with ‘Adam’
optimizer and ‘Binary cross entropy’ loss. Default
learning rate of 0.001 is used. The model is trained with
batch size of 32 for 24 epochs. For the test images our
trained model gives an accuracy of 95.6%.
For those images classified as having brain tumour,
the tumour location is detected using a combination of
multilevel thresholding, morphological operations and
contour extraction.
…… (1)
Morphological Open function is used to segment the images were collected from Kaggle dataset. The count of
regions. Contours of all regions are plotted and the region the data is insufficient for modelling a deep neural
with maximum area contains tumour region. network. So 2530 images have been created with
augmentation technique. The extracted cropped images
The Density of the tumour area can be estimated using are then resized to (240, 240) resolution. Keras (with
Gaussian kernel distribution.
Tensorflow backend) framework is chosen creating the
model. Two types of segmentation at different level are
implemented to analyse the performance of the system.
Segmentation was done before and after classification.
………. (2) From the performance analysis, segmentation after the
classification gives better result.
This algorithm is faster in execution for normal MRI
images. If it identifies the abnormal images, it goes to the
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS next step ,ie : segmentation.
ROC curve shows the relation between sensitivity and
specificity .
𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = (𝑇𝑃+𝑇𝑁)
= 0.98
𝑆e𝑛𝑠i𝑡𝑣i𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑃
= 0.97
𝑆𝑝e𝑐ifi𝑐i𝑡𝑦 = 𝑇𝑁
= 0.99
Nandpuru[18] 96.77%
El-Dahshan[19] 97%
(a) (b) (c) (d) Ibrahim[20] 96.33%
Figure 8 : Tumour detection results : (a) Input Image Rajini[21] 90%
(b) Abnormality Detection (c) Tumour region detection
(d) tumour mask for density estimation
Proposed Method 98%
Objective of the proposed system is to classify
malignant brain tumour from the MRI images. 253 MRI
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