Guidelines For Use of Bubble-CPAP Concentrators
Guidelines For Use of Bubble-CPAP Concentrators
Guidelines For Use of Bubble-CPAP Concentrators
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
CPAP is usually effective for children with pneumonia and bronchioitis. If children have other
comorbidities, such as anaemia, or pneumonia, or TB, or meningitis, these need to be treated
also, or CPAP alone will not be useful.
CPAP is contraindicated if a child has pneumothorax as it can make the air leak worse. In some
conditions like staphylococcal pneumonia with pneumatocoeles on chest xray, CPAP can
increase the risk of pneumothorax, so caution is needed.
CPAP will not be effective in an unconscious child who is not taking breaths of their own.
CPAP is not usually useful for children with congenital heart disease with pulmonary
hypertension, or severe chronic lung disease with pulmonary hypertension.
1. Check that oxygen is flowing (put the end of the tube under water in a beaker and watch
for bubbles, or hold the end close to your hand to feel the air flow);
3. Check the nasal prongs or nasal catheter are fitted correctly and not blocked; and
5. Check for pleural effusion: listen with a stethoscope for breathing sounds on both sides
of the chest; do a chest X-ray;
6. Check for pneumothorax: listen with a stethoscope for breathing sounds on both sides of
the chest; do a chest X-ray;
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
7. Check for bronchospasm (e.g. severe asthma): listen with a stethoscope for wheeze;
9. Check if there is ventilatory failure: the child’s respiratory effort is inadequate, or the
child has slow or shallow breathing and is lethargic.
10. Increase oxygen through nasal prongs to maximum flow (4 L/min for infants and up to 8
L/min for older children)
If the child is still hypoxaemic or has severe respiratory distress then it is right to
use CPAP
What is CPAP?
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) consists of delivery of mild air pressure to keep the
airways open. CPAP delivers positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) with a variable amount of
oxygen to the airway of a spontaneously breathing patient to maintain lung volume during
expiration. CPAP decreases atelectasis (alveolar and lung segmental collapse) and respiratory
fatigue and improves oxygenation. It is indicated for infants with severe respiratory distress,
hypoxaemia or apnoea despite receiving oxygen.
CPAP requires a source of continuous airflow (often an air compressor) and usually requires an
oxygen blender connected to an oxygen source. A CPAP system is available in some hospitals
but should be used only when it is reliable, when oxygen systems are in place, where staff are
adequately trained and when close monitoring is assured.
1. Continuous oxygen and air flow into the circuit: The gas flow rate required to generate CPAP
is usually 5–10 L/min. All children with severe pneumonia and many neonates weith RDS
require supplemental oxygen. Therefore, the system requires an oxygen blender, which
connects an oxygen source (cylinder or concentrator) to the continuous airflow to increase
the FiO2.
2. A nasal interface connecting the infant’s airway with the circuit: short nasal prongs are
generally used to deliver nasal CPAP. They must be carefully fitted to minimize leakage of air
(otherwise, CPAP will not be achieved) and to reduce nasal trauma.
3. An expiratory limb with the distal end submerged in water to generate end-expiratory
pressure; in bubble CPAP, the positive pressure is maintained by placing the far end of the
expiratory tubing in water. The pressure is adjusted by altering the depth of the tube under
the surface of the water.
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
A gas (oxygen) flow rate of 5–10 L/min is required for older children with pneumonia, while 3–4
L/min may be sufficient to generate CPAP in small neonates. In premature neonates < 32 weeks’
gestation, pure oxygen is not safe as a high concentration can cause retinopathy of prematurity.
Start button
Expiratory limb
Oxygen concentrators are machines that extract nitrogen from atmospheric air, resulting in an
output of almost pure oxygen. CPAP is continuous positive airway pressure, which can assist
children with severe respiratory distress. The bubble-CPAP concentrator delivers both oxygen
and continuous positive airway pressure, the level of which depends on the distance the tubing
is under the water in the bottle.
1. Position the concentrator so that it is at least 30 cm away from walls or curtains, so that the
inlet opening at the back is not obstructed.
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
2. Plug the power cord into the mains electricity supply, and turn on the concentrator.
3. Turn on the concentrator (switch on the console). Always have the oxygen flow dial turned
on when you turn the concentrator on, this prevents a build-up of pressure inside the
concentrator. Gas should flow immediately from the gas outlet. An orange light will go off
when sufficient oxygen concentration is reached, usually within 10 minutes.
4. Fill the bottle to the level indicated with boiled water that has been allowed to cool to the
level indicated, and screw back on the lid.
5. Connect the inspiratory limb of the circuit to the main gas outlet
Expiratory limb
8. Connect the nasal prongs to the child as with normal oxygen prongs
9. Dial the flows of air and oxygen required to see a constant stream of bubbles in the water.
Start with 5 L/min of oxygen and 5 L/min of air for a 5kg child, and 3 L/min of oxygen and 3
L/min of air for a neonate. Check and record the flows dialled and the oxygen concentration
this provides. A total flow of 10 L/min is sufficient in most cases to deliver CPAP, which you
can see by continuous bubbling in the bottle. In smaller infants and neonates often a much
lower flow will still deliver CPAP (continuous bubbles); often a total flow of 5 L/min will be
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
10. Use the lowest total flow that provides bubbling (will depend on the size of the patient, the
CPAP level required and nasal leak). Usually a flow of about 2L per kg per min is maximal
(e.g. for a 6 kg child a total maximal flow of 12L).
11. Check the child for signs of respiratory distress, check the SpO2, and check if there are
bubbles in the bottle.
a. If the SpO2 is below 90% or the child has severe respiratory distress, first increase
the CPAP level to 8 or 10cmH2O and then, if no response the oxygen flow meter
to as much as 8 L/min.
b. If there are not continuous bubbles, check the nasal prongs are attached
properly, and reposition them so they fit snugly inside the nostrils.
c. If there are still not continuous bubbles, check for leaks along the circuit, and
adjust the oxygen or air flows according to the chart below.
No bubbles Check nasal prongs and Check nasal prongs Check nasal prongs
check to see that there is and check to see that and check to see that
no leak in the circuit there is no leak in the there is no leak in the
circuit Increase air circuit
Wean CPAP level and flow, check for
check if child still needs bubbles Increase oxygen flow,
CPAP check for bubbles
Increase CPAP level
Increase CPAP level
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
6 <40 40-60 >60
When children who are clinically stable (have a low respiratory distress score and SpO2 >92%)
CPAP should be disconnected for 10–15 minutes, put on standard flow oxygen, and carefully
examined for changes in clinical signs and SpO2, to assess whether CPAP is still required.
Trials off CPAP are best done first thing in the morning, when there is likely to be adequate staff
to observe the child throughout the day. If trials off CPAP are started in the late afternoon, low
staff numbers overnight and the oxygen desaturation that sometimes occurs during sleep mean
that there is a risk of hypoxaemia developing unrecognized overnight.
Children who have SpO2 <90% or a high RDS (>10) while still on CPAP or who are unstable or
very unwell should not be given trials on room air.
Some children will become hypoxaemic rapidly when they are taken off CPAP, and this is a
marker of very severe disease, increase their oxygen or put them back on CPAP immediately.
You should be by the bedside, monitor the SpO2 and watch the child to see if he/she develops
cyanosis or severe respiratory distress. Instruct parents and nursing staff of what to observe
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
If the child on CPAP is clinically stable (have a low respiratory distress score and SpO2 >92%)
disconnect from CPAP as described below for 10–15 minutes, and carefully examined for
changes in clinical signs and SpO2, to assess whether CPAP is still required:
1. Wean the bubble CPAP level to off, wean air flow to off, and reduce concentrator oxygen
flow to 2L/min (do not turn oxygen to 0 as the concentrator needs to have some gas
flowing whenever it is running)
2. Check child after 15-30 minutes, record respiratory score. If <10 and SpO2 > 95% wean
off oxygen and turn off concentrator
2. If SpO2 >95% on room air, stay off CPAP and off oxygen
3. If SpO2 90-95% and RDS <7: put on standard oxygen using wall or cylinder oxygen and
normal nasal oxygen prongs
4. If SpO2 <90% or RDS >10 put back on CPAP: neonates bubbling CPAP level at 5cmH2O,
oxygen 5L/min, air 5L/min. More than 1 year start CPAP level at 7cmH2O, oxygen 7
L/min, air 7L/min. Dial up if not bubbling or saturation steady or desaturate.
6. Continue careful monitoring and care till full recovery and discharge
1. their SpO2 has been stable at >90% while breathing room air for at least 24 hours
4. the parents or guardian understand the danger signs to look for, when to return if the
child becomes sicker, and when to return for a planned review
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
This is essential to reduce the risk of cross-infection. This should be done after every patient
has used the CPAP, and weekly if the same child is on CPAP for over a week. A spare circuit is
essential to replace the one that is being cleaned without interruption to the child’s treatment.
The CPAP circuit (inspiratory and expiratory limb, bottle and lid and connections) must be
thoroughly cleaned as follows:
1. Wipe off any gross soiling. Clean first with detergent (soap) to remove gross
contamination (e.g. blood, sputum);
2. Rinse with water that has been boiled and allowed to cool to tepid. Let it dry
• Staff cleaning the equipment must wear protective clothing to avoid splash exposure
or contact with dirty equipment: wear apron, gloves and glasses.
• Good ventilation of the area is needed where you are cleaning the equipment
• Brush to clean both inside and outside of circuit. All brushes and cleaning
implements must be properly cleaned after use – soap water and drip dry
• Drying rack
1. Wash hands
Bubble-CPAP guidelines
3. Wash first in soapy water, to remove blood and respiratory secretions. In clean sink
or bucket brush the equipment under water to prevent splash and ensure all visible
soiling is removed, rinse with water that has been boiled but allowed to cool to tepid
4. Let dry
5. Wash next in diluted bleach or disinfectant. Bleach needs one hour of soaking. Soak
all items together, do not keep putting one in and taking one out. Once used bleach
should not be re-used or kept in storage, discard after use.
6. Rinse with water that has been boiled and cooled to tepid (rinse also inside, for
example, using a sterile syringe), let it drip dry over the sink, do not leave it coiled on
the sink.
7. Remove all protective gear (apron, gloves, mask) and wash hands thoroughly
8. Check that there is no pooled water in the circuit. Store the circuit and bottle in a
clean plastic bag (labeled and dated). Store in the dry and clean area (separate from
a soiled equipment area)
Each week the oxygen concentrator will require approximately 30 minutes of attention.
Concentrators have a large particulate filter over the air inlet opening (usually at the back of
freestanding or portable models). This filter stops dust and other airborne particles from
entering the unit. The filter should be removed and cleaned in warm soapy water, completely
dried with an absorbent towel and replaced. Have a spare dry filter to replace with so there are
minimal interruptions to the concentrator function.
The exterior of the oxygen concentrator should be cleaned with a mild disinfecting cleaning
agent or a diluted solution of bleach (usually 5.25% sodium hypochlorite). A solution in the
range of 1:100 to 1:10 of bleach to water can be used effectively. Allow the solution to remain
on the surface for 10 minutes and then rinse off and dry.