What Is Market Report
What Is Market Report
What Is Market Report
Title: A market report must have an appropriate title. From the title, the reader can
easily understand the subject matter of the report.
Name and address of the market: Market report must mention the name and
address of the market on which the report is prepared. Dhaka Stock Exchange,
Chittagong Stock Exchange, Kawran Bazaar Vegetable market etc. are the
examples of the name of market reports.
Time or period of the report: Market report should specify the time period for
which it is prepared. It is generally prepared for daily, weekly monthly etc.
Date of preparing and publishing report: Market report must clearly specify the
date on which it is prepared and the date on which it is published.
Description of the product traded: A short description of the traded product like
product name, symbol, features, uses etc. should be included in the market report.
For example, in a market report on jute expresses the quality and features of jute as
A bottom, B bottom, C bottom.
Quantity of the product traded: Market report should reveal the total volume of
the products traded during the market period. The information helps the readers to
understand the buying and selling trends.
Price index: Market report also indicates the changes in price levels during the
market period. This change in price level is generally mentioned in the form of
price index.
This market report takes a look at the carrier billing landscape in the Nordic
region: Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway.
Unlike credit cards, carrier billing does not require the user to share any personal
(financial) data to complete transactions. This the primary reason for the popularity
of carrier billing in the Nordics.
Due to less data being gathered, checkout flows for carrier billing are much
shorter, leading to increased conversion for merchants; this also means consumers
do not need to worry about their data getting leaked or used for fraudulent
In the report below, we have profiled the digital ecosystem and demographics of
each of the Nordic countries. We have additionally included internal data from
Fortumo, sharing information on what carrier billing solutions look like in the
country, as well as data on user spending behavior.