II. Iii. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price ( ) Total Price ( )
II. Iii. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price ( ) Total Price ( )
II. Iii. Item Quantity Unit Unit Price ( ) Total Price ( )
I. Name of Project: Major House Repair
II. Location: Aras-asan, Tobias Fornier, Antique
III. Materials:
Item Quantity Unit Unit Price (₱) Total Price (₱)
Cement 20 bag 240.00 4 800.00
Hollow Blocks 250 piece 15.00 3 750.00
Sand and Gravel 1.5 ft 3 1 500.00 2 250.00
Steel Bar (8mm) 15 piece 110.00 1 650.00
Steel Bar (10mm) 10 piece 195.00 1 950.00
Steel Bar (12mm) 10 piece 215.00 2 150.00
Hardie Flex (4.5mm) 5 piece 510.00 2 550.00
Metal furring (0.4mm) 10 piece 115.00 1 150.00
Blind rivets ( 1/8 x 1/2) 3 box 380.00 1 140.00
Tie wire 3 kg 90.00 270.00
Plywood marine ( 1/4 ) 2 piece 420.00 840.00
Galvanize iron( 10ft ) 10 piece 385.00 3 850.00
Metal Primer 1 Gal 450.00 450.00
Paint Thinner 1 Gal 300.00 300.00
Flat white latex 2 liter 170.00 240.00
C-purlins ( 2x3x1.2 ) 3 piece 410.00 1 230.00
C-purlins ( 2x3x1.5 ) 3 piece 590.00 1 770.00
Steel screw ( 1.5) 200 piece 1.75 350.00
Snap Switch 3 piece 40.00 120.00
Classic switch 4 piece 75.00 300.00
Galvanize iron( 8ft ) 2 piece 260.00 520.00
Plain sheet (.3mm) 2 piece 190.00 380.00
Flat cord ( #16 ) 15 meter 28.00 420.00
Flexible hose ( .5 ) 15 meter 15.00 225.00
Receptacle ( “2” ) 3 piece 30.00 90.00
Junction box 4 piece 40.00 160.00
Utility box 8 piece 30.00 240.00
Safety breaker ( 30 amp. ) 1 piece 310.00 310.00
Led Bulb ( 9w ) 3 piece 105.00 315.00
Led bulb (11w ) 2 piece 130.00 260.00
TOTAL : 34 030.00
IV. Labor
Position of Worker No. of Workers Number of Days Daily Wage (₱) Total Wage (₱)
Skilled Worker 1 15 450.00 6 750.00
Laborer 1 15 365.00 5 475.00
TOTAL : 12 225.00
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