WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: (Common To Eee, Ece, Cse, Eie, It, MCT)
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: (Common To Eee, Ece, Cse, Eie, It, MCT)
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: (Common To Eee, Ece, Cse, Eie, It, MCT)
(25 Marks)
1.a) For what voltage will the reverse current in p-n junction Germanium diode reach 90%
of its saturation value at room temperature? [2]
b) Write a short note on Varactor diode. [3]
c) Derive the ripple factor for full wave rectifier. [2]
d) Explain voltage regulation using zener diode. [3]
e) Explain how transistor acts as an amplifier. [2]
f) Give the Comparisons between CB, CE, CC configurations. [3]
g) Define thermal runaway. [2]
h) Compare all the three biasing circuits. [3]
i) For a p-channel Silicon FET, with effective width ‘a’=2×10 cm and channel
resistivity ρ =10 Ω. Find the pinch off voltage. [2]
j) Draw the circuit diagram of fixed bias arrangement of a JFET. [3]
(50 Marks)
2.a) Explain PN diode characteristics in forward bias and reverse bias regions.
b) Find the width of the depletion layer in a germanium junction diode which has the
following specifications: Area A = 0.001 cm2, σn = 1 mhos / cm, µn = 3800 cm2/sec,
µp = 1800 cm2/sec. [5+5]
3.a) Explain tunnel diode operation with the help of energy band diagrams.
b) Explain the static characteristics of SCR. [5+5]
4.a) A full wave rectifier circuit with C-type capacitor filter is to supply a D.C. Current of
20 mA at 16V. If frequency is 50 Hz ripple allowed is 5%. Calculate:
i) Required secondary voltage of the transformer.
ii) Ratio of I peak/ Imax through diodes and the value of C required.
b) With a neat circuit diagram and necessary wave forms explain the operation of half
wave rectifier. [5+5]
5.a) An ac supply of 220V is applied to a half wave rectifier circuit through a transformer
with a turns ratio of 10:1. Assume the ideal diode. Find:
i) dc output voltage ii) PIV.
b) Compare half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier circuits. [5+5]
6.a) Explain CE configuration with the help of input and output characteristics.
b) A transistor is operated at a forward current of 2µA and with the collector open
circuited. Calculate the junction voltages VC and VE, the collector to emitter voltage
VCE assuming ICO = 2µA, IEO = 1.6µA and αN = 0.98. [5+5]
7.a) Draw and explain h-parameter model of BJT.
b) Qualitatively explain the static V-I characteristics of UJT. [5+5]
8.a) Explain the need for biasing in electronic circuits. What are the factors affecting the
stability factor.
b) A transistor with β = 100 is to be used in Common Emitter Configuration with
collector to base bias. The collector circuit resistance is RC = 1kΩ and VCC = 10V.
Assume VBE = 0.
i) Choose RB so that the quiescent collector to emitter voltage is 4V.
ii) Find the stability factor. [5+5]
9.a) Determine the quiescent currents and the collector to emitter voltage for a Ge
transistor with β = 50 in the self biasing arrangements. The circuit component values
are VCC = 20V, RC = 2kΩ, Re = 0.1 kΩ, R1 = 100 kΩ and R2 = 5 kΩ. Find the stability
factor S.
b) Explain the terms Bias Stabilization and Bias Compensation. [5+5]
10.a) Derive the expression for the width of depletion region ‘W’ in the case of p-channel
b) Explain the working of a depletion type MOSFET with a neat construction diagram
and its characteristics. [5+5]
11. Draw the circuit of source follower Amplifier and derive the expressions for AI, AV,
Ri and Ro. [10]