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Code No: R09220402


Set No. 2

II B.Tech II Semester Examinations,Dec/Jan -2011/2012

Common to ICE, E.COMP.E, ETM, EIE, ECE
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) Draw the circuit of a voltage series feedback circuit and explain it.
(b) What are the possible amplifiers circuits in any feedback system? Discuss.
2. Obtain the expressions for the voltage gain in the low frequency, medium frequency
and high frequency ranges in the case of single stage amplifier.
3. (a) Give the two Barkhausen conditions required in order for sinusoidal oscillations
to be sustained.
(b) Draw the circuit diagram of RC phase - shift oscillator and derive the expression for frequency of Oscillations & condition for sustained Oscillations.
4. (a) Consider an emitter follower and show that as Re Ri = hie +

1+hf e

(b) State
is the theorem
of Rs for which Ro differs by no more than 10
its dual.
percent of its value for RS = 0 the transistor parameters are hf e = 50, hie =
1.1k hre = 2.5104 , hoe = 24A/V.
5. (a) Why two tuned circuits are used in double tuned amplifier?
(b) What are the advantages of stagger tuned amplifier?
(c) Why parallel resonance circuits are used in tuned amplifiers?


6. (a) Draw the FET amplifier equivalent circuit looking into the drain and find its
gain & o/p impedance?
(b) Starting with the definition of gm and rd , show that if two identical FETs are
connected in parallel, gm is doubled and rd is halved since = rd gm , then
remains unchanged.
7. (a) Derive the expression for the bandwidth of multistage amplifier.
(b) What are the problems of Direct coupled amplifiers?
(c) Why RC coupling is popular?
(d) Why transformer coupling is not used in the initial stage of a multistage
8. (a) A single ended class A power amplifier is coupled to an 8 load, using a
transformer with a turn ratio of 5:1 with a 50V supply the transistor is biased
to have a quiscent collector current of 250mA. When a sinusoidal signal is

Code No: R09220402


Set No. 2

applied to the base, the collector voltage varies between a maximum of 5V and
maximum of 90V. Estimate the efficiency, power output & second - harmonic
distortion of this stage.
(b) Discuss how rectification may takes place in a power amplifier?



Code No: R09220402

Set No. 4

II B.Tech II Semester Examinations,Dec/Jan -2011/2012

Common to ICE, E.COMP.E, ETM, EIE, ECE
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) In a colpitts oscillator, C1 = 0.2F and C2 = 0.04F. If the frequency of
oscillation is 10KHz, find the value if Inductor. Also, find the required gain
for oscillation.
(b) Determine the frequency of oscillations in a wien bridge oscillator? [8+7]
2. (a) Explain the Principle of opeartion of direct coupled amplifier and mention its
(b) What is the use of transformer coupling in the output stage of multi stage
(c) Why RC coupling is mostly used for voltage amplifier.


3. For the circuit shown in figure 1, show that


(a) (AV S )max = hi ho h
if RL = & RS = 0
r hf

(b) Ri =

hi ho hr hf

if RL =


Figure 1:
4. (a) Draw a feedback amplifier in block diagram form and explain each block giving
its function.

(b) Distinguish between regenerative and degenerative feedback in amplifiers.[10+5]

5. (a) The hybrid - parameters of the transistor at room temperature & for Ic = 1.3
mA are gm = 50 mA/V, rb0 e = 1K, rbb0 = 100 , rb0 c = 4 M, rce = 80K, Cc
= 3PF & Ce = 100 PF. Using Millers theorem and the approximate analysis
compute the upper 3dB frequency of the current gain and magnitude of the
voltage gain at that frequency.

Code No: R09220402


Set No. 4

(b) Consider a single - stage CE transistor amplifier with the load resistance RL
shunted by a capacitance CL . Prove that the internal voltage gain K is
gm RL
K 1+j(C


. shown in figure 2 FET parameters are

hre =of the circuit
6. (a) Find
a) theShow
the gain
be voltage
= 24, rd = 4K and also find
gain if the output impedance of the signal
source is 50K.
Draw and explain a simplified high frequency model

Figure 2:
(b) Derive an expression for voltage gain of common drain configuration & give
the expression for voltage of the amplifoer.
7. (a) Compare neutralisation and unilaterlisation methods of tuned amplifiers.
(b) What are the limitations of stagger tuned amplifiers?
(c) What happen when no. of stages is increased in single tuned cascaded amplifiers?
8. (a) Show that the maximum conversion efficiency of the idealized class B pus pull circuit is 78.5%.
(b) For an ideal class B transistor amplifier the collector supply voltage Vcc and
1 2
the effective load resistance RL1 = ( N
) RL are fixed as the base current
excitation is varied. Show that the collector dissipation Pc is zero at no signal,
rises as Vm increses and passes through a maximum at Vm = 2Vcc /.

Code No: R09220402


Set No. 1

II B.Tech II Semester Examinations,Dec/Jan -2011/2012

Common to ICE, E.COMP.E, ETM, EIE, ECE
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) A transistor in CB circuit has the following set of h parameters. hib = 20,
hf b = 0.98, hrb = 3104 , hob = 0.5106 . Find the values if Ri , Ro , Ai & Av
if Rs = 600 and RL = 1.5 k.
(b) Draw the CE amplifier with un by passed emitter resistance and derive expression for its Ri & Av ?
2. (a) Draw the small signal high frequency equivalent circuit for the source follower
and find its voltage gain input and outputimpedances?
(b) The amplifier stage shown in figure 3 having IDSS = 1mA, VP = -1V. If the
quiescent drain- to - ground voltage is 10V, find R1 ?

Figure 3:
3. (a) A transistor amplifier in CE configuration is operating at high frequency with
the following specifications:
fT = 6 MHz, gm = 0.04 mhos, hf e = 50, rbb0 = 100, Rs = 500, CC = 10
pF, RL = 100. Compute the voltage gain, upper 3 dB cut off frequency and
gain bandwidth product.
(b) Define unity gain frequency. Obtain the necessary relation using transistor
frequency response.
4. (a) For the circuit shown in figure 4, find the Vf /Vo & the frequency of oscillations.

Code No: R09220402


Set No. 1

Figure 4:
(b) Draw the colpilts oscillator circuit and explain its working.


5. (a) How the frequency response of doubled tuned amplifier depends on degree of
coupling between two tank circuits?
(b) Why the reproducibility of signal is poor at high Q values?


6. (a) Explain the origin of crossover distortion. Describe a method to minimize this
(b) The power transistor used in the class-B push-pull circuit with R2 = 0 and
-Vcc = -20V and R1L = 15. If the base voltage is sinusoidal with a peak value
of 0.4V. Plot the output collector current.
7. (a) Derive the expression for current gain for Darligton pair.
(b) With a neat sketch explain the principle of operation of cascode amplifier and
also expressions for its performance measure.
8. (a) Draw the equivalent circuit for a current amplifier and what are the values of
Ri & Ro for ideal amplifier?
(b) For the circuit shown in figure 5, prove that Avf =


= RR

1+ RR


Ri +R0
+ Ri



Figure 5:


Code No: R09220402


Set No. 3

II B.Tech II Semester Examinations,Dec/Jan -2011/2012

Common to ICE, E.COMP.E, ETM, EIE, ECE
Time: 3 hours
Max Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
1. (a) The open loop gain of an amplifier is 100. What will be the overall gain when
a negative feed back of 0.5 is applied to the amplifier?
(b) What are the different mixing techniques used in any feed back system? Explain.
(c) State the condition in terms of (1 + A) which a feed back amplifier must
satisfy in order to be stable.
2. (a) How the need of high input impedance can be fullfilted using two CC configuration?
(b) Find the voltage gain AV S of the amplifier shown in figure 6. Assume hie =1k,
hre =104 , hf e =50, hoe =104 A/V.


Figure 6:
3. (a) Derive the equation for the lower 3dB frequency of CE configuration.
(b) Draw the hybrid- model of common emitter configuration and describe each
component in the -model.

Code No: R09220402


Set No. 3

4. (a) What is class B amplifier? Why is it employed? Give its circuits, design
equations, characteristics & limitations.
(b) A transformer coupled class A large signal amplifier has maximum and minimum values of collector to emitter voltage of 25V and 2.5V. Determine its
collector efficiency.
5. (a) Draw the equivalent circuit of double tuned amplifier and derive the expression
for gain at resonance.
(b) Derive the expression for effective bandwidth of cascaded tuned amplifier.
6. (a) Derive an expression for voltage gain of a common source FET amplifier with
and without source resistance included in the circuit.
(b) Calculate the voltage gain of the FET amplifier shown in the figure 7, assuming
blocking capacitor to be large gm = 4 mA/V and rd = 5K.

Figure 7:
7. (a) For a common Emitter configuration, what is the maximum value of RL for
which Ri differs by not more than 10% of its value at RL = 0?
(b) For the circuit shown in figure 8, estimate AV and Ri . Assume h1oe is large
compared with load seen by the transistor. All capacitors have negiligible
reactance at the test frequency, hie = 1k, hf e = 99, hre is negligible. [7+8]
8. Design a phase - shift oscillator to operate at a frequency of 5KHz. use a MOSFET
with = 55 and rd = 5.5K. The phase - shift network is not to load down the
(a) Find the minimum value of the drain - circuit resistance for which the circuit
will oscillate?
(b) Choose reasonable value of R and find C.


Code No: R09220402


Figure 8:

Set No. 3

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