Challengesmart Cities India PDF
Challengesmart Cities India PDF
Challengesmart Cities India PDF
Asie.Visions 87
October 2016
Center for
Asian Studies
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ISBN: 978-2-36567-631-1
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Cover: © Radiokafka/
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The Indian government has launched the Smart Cities Mission in June
2015 with the aim of providing a better quality of life to the citizens in 100
cities of the country. This paper describes the main features of the Mission
and attempts to explain the challenges in the way forward. The information
provided in the paper is presented in six sections. Section one highlights
the unique characteristics of India’s cities and establishes the need for
better urban management. The second section describes five negative
effects of urbanization to which sufficient attention has not been paid.
These include informal growth in peri-urban areas, escalating water crisis,
social exclusion, extension of slums, and mismanagement of solid waste. In
the next section, the impact of past urban reform initiatives is discussed
and attention is drawn to the difficulties being faced in overcoming some
enduring challenges. Section four provides detailed information about
India’s Smart Cities Mission including the process followed in the selection
of cities, the plan preparation and implementation strategy. Then, an
assessment of the relevance and soundness of the Mission is proposed in
the fifth section. In the concluding section, a list of propositions is put
forward for the successful achievement of the Mission goals. It is
emphasized that civic institutions should correctly understand a city’s
social, economic and physical requirements and its diversity, and respond
accordingly. At the same time, citizens should show a greater sense of civic
Table of contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................... 5
CONCLUSION ...................................................................................... 28
Notes: (i) Countries in green colour offer the best quality of life; (ii) Quality of life
index has not been computed for countries in grey colour.
Attempts have also been made to assess the quality of life in 440 cities
of the world based on similar parameters. The rankings by Mercer, a global
human resources consulting firm, show Vienna and Zurich earning the top
spots among European cities, with Singapore doing well in Asia. However,
as far as India is concerned, the cities of Hyderabad (Andhra
Pradesh/Telangana), Pune (Maharashtra) and Bangalore (Karnataka) rank
139th, 144th and 145th respectively (The Indian Express, 2016a).
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Urbanization concerns
in India
A visit to any Indian city reveals the general state of affairs. The entire
urban landscape looks rather like an unplanned sprawl with built up
residential and commercial structures mushrooming haphazardly.
Maintenance and upkeep of public places is generally lacking. A closer
assessment shows noticeable imbalances in physical development and in
the level of basic infrastructure and services within and between cities.
While the rich live in planned and well-serviced gated complexes,
households belonging to the low income group reside in informal
settlements and slums with insufficient or no access to civic services.
Mobility is severely impaired due to insufficient public facilities, and
irregularities in traffic management often result in road accidents. When it
rains, water logging happens at many places, which further restricts
As urbanization has brought together people from diverse social,
cultural, economic and religious backgrounds, the problem of stress,
violence and crime is rising. Assault on women has emerged as a major
problem. In this respect, data released by the National Crime Records
Bureau show Jodhpur (Rajasthan), Delhi and Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh)
as the top three Indian cities, which are most unsafe for women (The
Indian Express, 2016b). Another problem is the frequent occurrence of
violence between religious communities. Ahmedabad (Gujarat) is a notable
example where religious violence between the Hindus and Muslims has
erupted on numerous occasions. Such incidents have created an
environment of fear among the masses, and led to social polarization
(PRIO and ORF, 2016;, 2014). Thus, Indian cities do not
represent examples of planned, equitable, safe and sustainable
development. This current state of affairs can be attributed to the fact that
many parts of the urban setting remain completely ungoverned and
unregulated, and thus a large number of citizens/informal sector
workers/commercial establishments utilize public spaces and drive their
motor vehicles in a disorganized manner. It is pertinent to gain a deeper
and wider understanding of the difficulties that beset India’s urban sectors.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Social exclusion
The Indian government has a clear legislation and policy for protecting the
rights and welfare of poor communities living in cities. For this purpose, a
wide range of pro-poor schemes have been implemented from time to time.
Empirical studies, however, reveal that the benefits of various development
schemes are partly reaching the intended beneficiaries (Aijaz, 2015b). This
is noted in the city of Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), which is the parliamentary
constituency of the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. In this city,
the plight of handloom weavers is deplorable. Their silk weaving activity
and income are adversely affected by numerous problems, including
growth of power (electric) looms, exploitation by middle men, rising prices
of computer-generated design cards used by them to print creative designs
on the silk fabric, as well as poor working conditions within their houses
(NDTV, 2014). In the opinion of handloom workers, sufficient measures
are not being taken by the concerned government agencies to address their
The rapidly transforming and rich city of Pune (Maharashtra) presents
a case of food insecurity. This is the impression among the slum dwellers
who face difficulties in availing food grains and kerosene from fair price
shops as per their entitlements. Such problems occur not because of food
shortages in the city but due to misappropriation of food grains, which are
solely meant for public distribution (Infochange Agenda, 2014). Another
area of exclusion is housing. This is noted in Ahmedabad city (Gujarat),
where poor communities have been relocated to the city periphery because
land was needed for a river front development project (Mathur, 2012; The
Wire, 2015). With respect to one case of relocation, proper housing and
basic facilities of sanitation, as well as transport, health and streetlights
have not been provided nor any employment opportunities created due to
which the relocated families are facing great hardship.
Extension of slums
In India, as in many developing countries, urbanization has led to the
formation of slums. These are areas where the poorest of the poor live.
Their houses are worn down, basic civic amenities are usually not available,
and the environmental conditions in the area are unfit for human
habitation. Slums have come up because of migration and the city
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
storage tanks, and buy water purification systems to protect their health.
These measures have had a direct impact on their income, as observed
from the increasing private (individual) costs of inadequately provided
public services and infrastructure. As for unplanned colonies and slums,
they present a contrasting picture of major water inadequacies. Formal
systems (piped supply) have generally not been put in place and hence
illegal ground water extraction is rampant. These practices have led to
declining ground water levels.
An overall assessment of the city water situation (Aijaz, 2010) reveals
the following major deficiencies:
a huge demand and supply gap,
poor operation and maintenance of water supply systems, as well as
water losses caused by leakages in transmission and distribution lines,
excessive use/wastage by consumers resulting in part from non-
functional and defective meters,
contamination of surface water bodies and ground water, and
noteworthy intra-urban disparities.
Besides access, water poses another threat. Some Indian cities -
namely Chennai (Tamil Nadu), Mumbai (Maharashtra), Srinagar (Jammu
and Kashmir) - have experienced massive flooding as a result of either
heavy downpour and/or poor management of river dam water. The
situation worsens due to inadequate drainage and waste management
systems and illegal construction of built structures that prevent the natural
flow of water (Dolman, 2015). Lack of preparedness in dealing with water
related disasters causes loss to life, livelihood and property, with low-
income communities being the worst affected.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
points, and at the final disposal sites, sufficient space for storing waste is
not available. The heaps of waste lying at disposal sites is also a threat to
human health because during the rainy season, water dissolves toxic waste
materials and contaminates surface and ground water. As the capacity of
dumping sites in some cities (such as Delhi and Ahmedabad) is exhausted,
there are instances of waste being dumped by city governments on vacant
lands in peri-urban areas lying outside city limits.
Management and governance
constraints affecting India’s
urban sector
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Greater Financial Decision-making Decentralised
Allocations to States & (participation of Administration,
Civic Agencies women & minority Use of ICT
Service Level
Managing Benchmarks,
urbanization Indicators
Auditing of
Capacity Building
Devolution of Public-Private-
(plan, project
Powers to Civic Community
formulation &
Agencies Partnership
revenue mobilisation)
In the past two years, the BJP-led government has launched several
new programmes to improve the condition of urban areas in the country.
The impact of some programmes is now being seen (MoUD, 2016). For
instance, to attend to the problem of open defecation, 1.5 million individual
household toilets and 76,000 community and public toilets have reportedly
been constructed. Efforts are also being made to improve door-to-door
collection of solid waste and data in this respect show that 34,590 wards
across the country are now covered by this service. Furthermore, for the
protection of heritage, plans have been prepared for 12 identified cities.4
Enduring challenges
Notwithstanding these recent initiatives, the fundamental question
remains as to why Indian cities are unsustainable and inequitable. Indeed,
when compared with global cities, Indian cities continue to lag behind on
numerous development parameters despite the existence of an urban
governance machinery at the national, state and local level, as well as
democratic institutions, high GDP, availability of financial and manpower
3. Major urban initiatives include: Clean India Mission, Smart Cities Mission, Atal Mission for
Rejuvenation and and Urban Transformation, Housing for All, National Heritage City
Development and Augmentation Plan, Ease of Doing Business, etc.
4. The names of the 12 cities are: Ajmer, Amaravati, Amritsar, Badami, Dwarka, Gaya,
Kanchipuram, Mathura, Puri, Varanasi, Velankanni and Warangal.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
The Smart Cities Mission
A five-year programme
(2015-2016 to 2019-2020)
After about one year of preparatory work, the Smart Cities Mission was
launched on 25 June 2015, and its duration is for a five-year period from
2015-16 to 2019-20. Being a centrally sponsored scheme, Government of
India has committed financial support of INR 5 billion (USD 74.8 million)
per city over five years. An equal matching amount is to be contributed
jointly by the State and urban local governments. As the financial condition
of many State and local governments is weak, they have been asked to
explore other funding sources, including in partnering with the private
sector and in promoting land monetization. The Mission essentially calls
for formulating and applying smart solutions to overcome the challenges
confronting various urban sectors, such as water supply, sanitation,
electricity, mobility, housing, energy and environment (MoUD, 2015). It is
expected that in this manner, existing cities will function more efficiently,
and thus offer an improved quality of life to their citizens, attract greater
investments and generate higher GDP.
5. Settlements declared as urban by the political executive of a State based on a set of parameters,
such as population size and density, revenue generated for local administration, percentage of
employment in non-agricultural activities, and economic importance of the area, are termed as
“statutory”, and these urban centres are governed according to the provisions of a legislative Act.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
State/UT, and (ii) the number of statutory towns in the State/UT, and by
giving equal weightage (50:50) to these two criteria, the potential cities
have been identified, the number of which varies in each State/UT (Figure
3). The population size of these cities ranges between 11,201 and 12.4
million. Altogether, they have a total population of about 130 million,
which is about 35 per cent of India’s total urban population.
Figure 3: Potential Cities to be considered under India’s
Smart Cities Mission
Notes: (i) Map shows location of 98 cities. Names of one city each in the States of
Jammu and Kashmir and Uttar Pradesh are yet to be announced; Underlined cities in
the figure have been selected for transformation in the first round/phase.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Component Description
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Representatives of State
State level High Powered Provide platform for exchange of
and local government
Steering Committee ideas, review smart city plans
Representatives of
district and local
City level Smart City Advisory government Advise and enable collaboration
Forum departments, technical among stakeholders
experts, local NGOs and
Relevance and soundness
of the Mission
Indian cities are in dire need of better urban planning and administration,
and fresh ideas are urgently required. Previous efforts in this regard have
met with little success due to a number of reasons. Moreover, many ideas
have remained only on paper. Therefore, the Smart Cities Mission may be
seen as an opportunity given to State and local governments to design and
take forward smart ideas by overcoming the barriers faced in the past.
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
The present leadership of India has launched the Smart Cities Mission in
June 2015 with the aim of giving a better quality of life to the citizens in
100 existing cities covering all States and Union Territories in the country.
A five-year timeline has been kept for completing the development projects
proposed for each city. During the past one year, preparatory work has
been done at the national, state and local level to take the Mission agenda
forward. As per the current status of the Mission, some cities have
prepared their smart city plans and constituted Special Purpose Vehicles
for implementing the projects. The Union Urban Ministry is urging
governments at the State/UT/local level to take pro-active steps in
mobilising matching amount of funds, as well as in preparing and
implementing the projects on time, so that the completion deadlines are
met. The ADB and World Bank have also agreed to extend a loan for the
implementation of bankable projects.
An appraisal of India’s Smart Cities Mission attempted in this paper
reveals that after nearly one year since the launch of the Mission, the
process of physical transformation of cities is yet to begin. Hence, it may be
concluded that only when the projects begin to be implemented, it will be
clear how much and by when success is achieved. For the success of the
Mission, this study lists down the following propositions:
Government departments and residents in India will have to respond in
a proper and responsible manner if the vision is to be achieved.
Centre, State and local leadership must work together to find ways to
deal with the complicated political environment that currently hampers
urban development in a big way.
Opportunities should be created for a continuous exchange of ideas and
experiences, and the knowledge thus generated should be utilised in
refining the smart city strategy.
Smart city plans should also contain recommendations on managing
neglected problems, such as public safety and security; living and
livelihood of poor and vulnerable persons, and migrants;
unemployment; water, drainage and sanitation deficiencies; traffic
congestion and vehicular emissions; environmental degradation;
encroachments and unauthorised constructions; haphazard growth in
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
Challenge of Making Smart Cities in India Rumi Aijaz
The Financial Express. ‘The urban poor deserve their due’, by P.S.N.
Rao, 24 March 2012.
The Hindu. ‘India is set to become the youngest country by 2020’, 17
April 2013.
The Indian Express. ‘Quality of life: Which is the best Indian city to
live in’, 3 July 2016a.
The Indian Express. ‘NCRB Report: These 6 Indian cities have the
highest rate of crimes against women’, by Vishnu Varma, 1 September
The Wire. ‘Ahmedabad is no city for the poor, says study’, 12 June