Essential Oil Reference Guide PDF
Essential Oil Reference Guide PDF
Essential Oil Reference Guide PDF
Table of Contents
New Essential Oils, properties, origins………………………………………………… Page 2-3
New Essential Oil recipes……………….……………………………………………………… Page 3-4
List of Essential Oils, properties, origins…………………………………………….. Page 4-9
Precautions of Essential Oils…………………………………………………………………. Page 9
Purity………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 10
Phototoxicity…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 10
Instructions for Using Glass Vials…………………………………………………………. Page 10
Mixing Essential Oils with Products…………………………………………………….. Page 11
FDA Guidelines………………………………………………………………………………………… Page 11-13
Recipes for Home Use and Topical Tinctures……………………………………. Page 13-18
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New Certified Organic Essential Oils:
• Eucalyptus Oil
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New Essential Oil Blend: (combinations of Organic Essential Oils)
• Energize Blend
While showering, place two drops in wet hands, place carefully over your nose, and inhale
to invigorate your senses.
Add one drop to your favorite moisturizer and apply to skin for revitalizing benefits.
Add 3 drops to a clean damp washcloth or a wool dryer ball and toss in the dryer to
freshen linens.
Combine a few drops of oil with 1 cup of lemon juice (fresh squeezed is best). Add mixture
to the bottom of your dishwasher and run just the rinse cycle to disinfect and deodorize it.
You can use the same formula to clean your sink too.
2 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil
2 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
2 drops Frankincense Essential Oil
3 tablespoons of Fractionated Coconut Oil
! 3!
Mix all of the oils together. Apply a few drops of mixture to the palm of your hands inhale
and then rub onto shoulders and neck.
Add essential oils to spray bottle; fill up the rest of the way with water to dilute. Shake
well then use it to wipe down surfaces in the bathroom, kitchen or laundry room.
Spray bottle
1 ½ cups distilled water
2 T white vinegar
6 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil
3 drops Lemon Essential Oil
1 drop Tea Tree Essential Oil
• Frankincense Oil
! 4!
• Geranium Oil
• Lavender Oil
! 5!
• Lemon Oil
• Lemongrass Oil
! 6!
• Peppermint Oil
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Essential Oil Blends: (combinations of Organic and Wildcrafted Essential Oils)
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• Pure Air Blend
• Always dilute pure essential oils prior to application therapy to avoid skin irritation
and always avoid eye area.
o Children under 2 years of age: application therapy not recommended due to
their delicate skin and precautions suggested when diffused around infants.
o Children 2 to 6 years of age: dilution rate of 0.5%, 2-3 drops of essential oil
per 1 ounce of carrier oil.
o Children 6 – 12 years of age: dilution rate of 1%, 5 drops of essential oil per 1
ounce of carrier oil.
o Children over 12 years of age and adults: 2-3% dilution rate, 10-15 drops
essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.
• Not for internal use unless they are prescribed by your health care provider and
certified aroma therapist. 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils are 70-100%
more potent than the herb itself and improperly ingesting them can burn the
esophagus, stomach and intestinal lining. Essential oils also break down during the
digestion process, making them less effective as application or inhalation therapy.
• Keep essential oils out of the reach of children and all pets.
• These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
• These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Disclaimer: Our oils are either USDA Certified Organic or Wildcrafted and therapeutic
grade quality. None of the oils have been diluted or synthetically altered. The Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has not evaluated these essential oils. These products are not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As with all essential oils keep out
of the reach of children and animals. Use precaution when using in the presence of infants.
This guide is intended to be a resource for our independent sales consultants and their
customers. It is not intended as an online advertisement; the FTC does not allow any
medical claims for essential oils.
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Purity of Essential Oils:
The FDA organic certification data is also available by request to the home office for all
the individual essential oils that we sell.
Using phototoxic essential oils in a product, such as Prebiotic Foaming Liquid Soap or
Prebiotic Body Wash (as long as you wash them off after applying) will not put you at risk
for phototoxicity. It’s only when they remain on the skin during skin exposure.
Phototoxicity is when skin becomes irritated in the presence of sunlight because of
substances applied prior to sun exposure.
Here is a list of essential oils along with the maximum number of drops allowed per ounce
of carrier oil before they will cause phototoxic reactions:
• Bergamot – 1 drop
• Bitter Orange – 8 drops
• Grapefruit – 24 drops
• Lemon (cold pressed) – 12 drops
• Lime (cold pressed) 4 drops
Instructions for using Lemongrass Spa’s glass vials to dispense oil mixtures:
Place 2-3 drops of essential oil into the glass vial. Fill vial with fractionated coconut oil. Put
roller ball onto vial, snap it tight, then shake well and apply to desired area of skin. Secure
the cap and store oil at room temperature.
Suggested blends:
Allergy relief: 1 drop Lemon + 1 drop Lavender + 1 drop Peppermint in vial; top off with
coconut oil and apply to pulse points.
Blemishes and insect bites: 2 drops Tea Tree + 2 drops Lavender, top off with coconut oil
and apply to affected area.
Headache relief: Blend 3 drops Mint Revival Blend Essential Oil with coconut oil for on-
the-go applications. For children over the age of 6, use Peppermint alone instead of Mint
Revival Blend.
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Mixing Essential Oils with Lemongrass Spa Products:
Adding essential oils to Unscented Prebiotic Foaming Liquid Soap:
• Add 5 – 6 drops of your favorite essential oil to an 8 oz. bottle of foaming soap for a
mellow, lightly scented soap. TIP: Use caution when adding oils; if you add too much
essential oil, it can discolor soap and cause it to become thin and separate. Adding
Lemon Oil will cause a substantial reduction in foaming consistency; citrus oils
naturally reduce foam in soap.
• Add about 5 drops of your favorite essential oil to a 6 oz. jar of Unscented Body
Crème or Body Icing. Blend well with spoon and apply to skin.
• Add about 6 drops of your favorite essential oil to an 8 oz. bottle of Unscented
Hand & Body Lotion. Shake well and apply to skin. TIP: Works well if the bottle of
lotion (closed lid) is warmed up in a hot water bath before blending. We don’t
recommend microwaving our products.
• Add about 6 drops of your favorite essential oil to an 8 oz. jar of Unscented Body
Polish; blend well with a spoon. We do not recommend applying Immune Boost
Blend onto skin unless diluted substantially because of the Cinnamon and Clove
contained in it.
You may see fragrance products, such as “essential oils,” marketed with “aromatherapy”
claims that they will treat health problems or improve well-being. Who regulates these
products, and how? Find answers here:
Under the law, how “aromatherapy” products are regulated depends mainly on how they
are intended to be used.
FDA determines a product’s intended use based on factors such as claims made in the
labeling, on websites, and in advertising, as well as what consumers expect it to do. We
also look at how a product is marketed, not just a word or phrase taken out of context.
Finally, we make decisions on a case-by-case basis.
Is it a cosmetic?
If a product is intended only to cleanse the body or to make a person more attractive, it’s
a cosmetic. So, if a product such as a shower gel is intended only to cleanse the body, or a
perfume or cologne is intended only to make a person smell good, it’s a cosmetic.
! 11!
The law doesn’t require cosmetics to have FDA approval before they go on the market.
But FDA can take action against a cosmetic on the market if we have reliable information
showing that it is unsafe when consumers use it according to directions on the label, or in
the customary or expected way, or if it is not labeled properly. To learn more, see “FDA
Authority Over Cosmetics.”
Is it a drug?
Such claims are sometimes made for products such as soaps, lotions, and massage oils
containing “essential oils” and marketed as “aromatherapy.” The fact that a fragrance
material or other ingredient comes from a plant doesn’t keep it from being regulated as a
Under the law, drugs must meet requirements such as FDA approval for safety and
effectiveness before they go on the market. To find out if a product marketed with drug
claims is FDA-approved, contact FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER),
at To learn more, see Drugs.
Some products are both cosmetics and drugs. For example, a baby lotion marketed with
claims that it both moisturizes the baby’s skin and relieves colic would be both a cosmetic
and a drug. Such products must meet the requirements for both cosmetics and drugs.
To learn more, see “Cosmetics Q&A: ‘Personal Care Products’” and “Is It a Cosmetic, a
Drug, or Both? (or Is It Soap?).”
Is it something else?
Some fragrance products are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission
(CPSC). These include products such as air fresheners, scented candles, laundry
detergents, and household cleansers.
If an “essential oil” or other fragrance is “natural” or “organic,” doesn’t that mean it’s safe?
Sometimes people think that if an “essential oil” or other ingredient comes from a plant, it
must be safe. But many plants contain materials that are toxic, irritating, or likely to cause
allergic reactions when applied to the skin.
For example, cumin oil is safe in food, but can cause the skin to blister. Certain citrus oils
used safely in food can also be harmful in cosmetics, particularly when applied to skin
exposed to the sun.
! 12!
FDA doesn’t have regulations defining “natural” or “organic” for cosmetics. All cosmetic
products and ingredients must meet the same safety requirement, regardless of their
source. To learn more, see “’Organic’ Cosmetics” and “FDA’s Poisonous Plant Database.”
While FDA regulates labeling for cosmetics and drugs, advertising claims are regulated by
the Federal Trade Commission.
More Resources:
Recipes Using Essential Oils in Your Home: provided by Lea Harris, Certified
Clinical Aromatherapist
Add 2 drops to a tissue and breath in the aroma before or during meditation
Add 2 drops to your face lotion and apply twice daily.
Add 5 drops per 1 TBSP of carrier oil and massage onto skin, focusing on your muscles.
“I have used this with success to clean everything from bathtubs to ovens. This is such a
popular recipe, and everyone who tries it is amazed! “ Lea Harris
Lemon Essential Oil
Peel as much of the paper top of the label off as you can. Cover the sticky, exposed part
with lemon essential oil. Let sit a few minutes. Run under hot water, rubbing the label off.
Using a flat stoneware scraper or copper scrubby can help facilitate this process, if it is a
stubborn label.
Add 5 drops to the bottom of your shower. Your whole body will be immersed in an
essential oil steam. Expect to feel uplifted, awakened, refreshed and ready to go.
NOTE: Avoid using with on/around children under age 6 due to high menthol content
which can cause slowed respiration in some children.
2-3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Pour onto cotton ball and place in locations where you have had problems with ants. The
aroma will mess up their scent trails and discourage them from coming back.
* NOTE: Avoid using with on/around children under age 6 due to high menthol content which can cause
slowed respiration in some children.
Quart mason jar
1 teaspoon (5ml) Peppermint Essential Oil
3-1/2 cups washing soda
Mix ingredients in mason jar, screw lid tight and shake well, or stir with a glass stirring rod
or spoon to thoroughly mix. Use 1 teaspoon per load or laundry, or 2 teaspoons for an
extra boost.
* NOTE: Avoid using with on/around children under age 6 due to high menthol content which can cause
slowed respiration in some children.
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2-3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Cotton Balls
Pour onto a cotton ball and place in locations where you have had problems with mice.
The aroma will mess up their scent trails and discourage tem from coming back.
* NOTE: Avoid using with on/around children under age 6 due to high menthol content which can cause
slowed respiration in some children.
2-ounce empty lotion bottle
24 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
Add essential oils to lotion bottle; fill to the shoulder with aloe vera gel. Shake well, or use
a glass-stirring rod to mix well. Apply 1-3 times per day for best results. Nail fungus takes
a while to go away- weeks for fingernails, months for toenails.
10 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil per ounce of vinegar in a spray bottle
Spritz on areas of mold or mildew. Wipe off well. Tea tree can be used in high-pressure
washers to rinse driveways and sidewalks to prevent mold accumulation; add a teaspoon
to a gallon of water in the holding tank.
Add essential oils to roller bottle; fill to the shoulder with carrier oil. Snap in the roller ball.
Roll over bug bite. NOTE: This is a 50% dilution, which may sound high in comparison to
the 1-5% dilutions we are providing. Bug bites (and stings) are one of the exceptions to
where technically you can use the essential oils in much higher concentration.
8-ounce spray bottle
30 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
40 drops Lemon Essential Oil
28 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
Add essential oils to spray bottle; fill up the rest of the way with water. Shake well before
using as a cleaning spray to be sure the oils are dispersed in the water. NOTE: It is safe to
use this cleaning spray if you have children under 6 in your home, as long as they are not
with you when you are using it.
! 15!
5ml bottle with orifice reducer or dropper cap
15 drops Lavender Essential Oil
40 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
35 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
Add all together and shake to mix well. Place your head over a bowl of steamy water,
covering your head with a towel to keep the steam in. Keeping your eyes closed, have a
friend or family member add to the bowl 2 drops of the essential oil mixture. Inhale
through your nose, breathing deeply, for 5 minutes, or until the essential oils evaporate
and you find relief.
10ml roller bottle
5 drops Geranium
3 drops Lemon
3 drops Lemongrass
Fractionated Coconut Oil
Add drops of essential oils to the roller bottle then top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Snap in the roller ball. Roll over pulse points.
Diffuse 3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
3 drops Peppermint Essential Oil*
2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
3-5 drops Lavender, Lemon, or Peppermint Essential Oil
Pour onto to a wool dryer ball, or reusable dryer sheet, to add a hint of aroma to your
10ml roller bottle
5 drops Frankincense
3 drops Geranium
Fractionated Coconut Oil
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Add drops of essential oils to the roller bottle then top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Snap in the roller ball. Roll over pulse points.
Diffuse 3 drops Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Inhale as needed. For more intense headaches, topical use may do the trick. To a 10ml
roller bottle add 4 drops Lavender and 6 drops Peppermint. Fill to the shoulder with
carrier oil. Snap in the roller ball. Roll over temples, or wherever the site of pain is. (5%
2-ounce spray bottle
8 drops Peppermint Essential Oil*
8 drops Tea Tree Essential Oil
8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
Add essential oils to spray bottle; then fill to shoulder with witch hazel. Shake well (as
witch hazel and oils do not mix) and spritz on skin as needed. (2% dilution)
*For children under age 6, replace with Tea Tree and Lavender.
10ml roller bottle
4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
2 drops Lemon Essential Oil
4 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
Add essential oils to roller bottle; fill to the shoulder with carrier oil. Snap in the roller ball.
Roll over inflamed area, and massage into the skin. (5% dilution).
4 drops Lavender Essential Oil
4 drops Lemon Essential Oil
2 drops Pure Air Blend
1 drop Tea Tree
1 drop Lemongrass
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Using the manufacturer's suggested dilutions, combine equal parts of each essential oil
with water in your favorite diffuser."
10ml roller bottle
1 drop Frankincense
1 drop Lemongrass
1 drop Geranium
3 drops Fractionated Coconut Oil
Add drops of essential oils to the roller bottle then top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Snap in the roller ball then apply to wrists and neck for a natural alternative to perfume or
2 drops Lemongrass
2 drops Peppermint
Using the manufacturer's suggested dilutions, combine equal parts Lemongrass and
Peppermint essential oils with water in your favorite diffuser."
5 drops Lavender
5 drops Geranium
5 drops Balancing Act
Fractionated Coconut Oil
While drawing your bath, drop the oils into the bath, under the running water. Then add a
small amount of Fractionated Coconut Oil for extra hydration.
Or add 5 drops each Lavender, Tea Tree, and Peppermint to a personal inhaler. Inhale as
*For kids under age 6, replace Peppermint with more drops of Lavender and Tea Tree.
Add essential oils to roller bottle; fill to the shoulder with carrier oil. Snap in the roller ball.
Roll over swollen lymph glands. (2% dilution.)
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