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Essential Oils Reference

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miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i table of contents 2

i the information pack ii about miessence essential oils


An A-Z guide to miessence essential oils__________________9-33

About oils
Bergamot _ _______________ 9 Myrrh____________________ 22
What is aromatherapy_____________________________________3 Cedarwood_ _____________ 10 Neroli ___________________ 23
Aromatherapy in history____________________________________3 Chamomile German_ ______ 11 Orange__________________ 24
Science endorses ancient wisdom_ _________________________3 Chamomile Roman________ 12 Oregano_________________ 25
What are certified organic oils?_____________________________4 Eucalyptus_______________ 13 Patchouli_________________ 26
How do oils work in the body_______________________________4 Frankincense_____________ 14 Peppermint ______________ 27
How do I start?___________________________________________4 Geranium________________ 15 Rose____________________ 28
Helichrysum _ ____________ 16 Rosemary________________ 29
Jasmine_ ________________ 17 Sandalwood______________ 30
Lavender_________________ 18 Spearmint________________ 31
How to use essential oils Lemon___________________ 19 Tea Tree_ ________________ 32
Vaporiser________________________________________________5 Lime_ ___________________ 20 Ylang Ylang_ _____________ 33
Inhalation________________________________________________5 Mandarin_ _______________ 21
Baths___________________________________________________6 iii using aromatherapy in day-to-day life
Massage________________________________________________6 Vaporiser/Electric Diffuser Blends_________________________ 34
Do NOT massage if … ____________________________________6 Steam Inhalation Blends_________________________________ 34
Bath Blends_ __________________________________________ 35
Room Freshener Blends_________________________________ 36
Household Use Blends________________________________36-37
Cautions Compress Blends_______________________________________ 38
Caring for your oils________________________________________7 Topical Blends_ ________________________________________ 38
Storage instructions and shelf life____________________________7 Foot Baths_ ___________________________________________ 38
What to do if things go wrong_ _____________________________8 Hair Treatment Blends___________________________________ 39
Oil in eyes, genital areas, swallowed_________________________8 Massage Blends______________________________________39-40
Weights & measures inc. children’s doses_ ___________________8 Relaxation Blends______________________________________ 41
Points to observe_________________________________________8 Health Care____________________________________________ 42
When to consult a professional_ ____________________________8
Disclaimer_______________________________________________8 iv references and reading list ________ 43
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i what is aromatherapy? 3

what is aromatherapy? aromatherapy in history

Aromatic plants have been used medicinally and We know that the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, Druids, Celts and many
therapeutically throughout history. Many common other tribes in Africa, America and Australia have made use of various aromatic
plants have medicinal properties that have been plants in the ritual, medicinal, scientific and personal aspects of their lives over a
applied in folk medicine since ancient times and are long period, dating back to beyond 2000BC.
still widely used today. We are now just beginning Yet it wasn’t until the dawn of the twentieth century when the French perfumer and
to research and document the properties of the chemist Gattefosse published results of his experiments with essential oils and coined
substances contained within aromatic plants, as the term ‘aromatherapy’ that the movement as we know it today, really began.
well as recognising their abilities to aid in the healing
It was taken up by the physician Jean Valnet MD and biochemist Marguerite Maury
and gained momentum during World War 1 when essential oils provided ready
But unlike herbalism, aromatherapy draws on the solutions for healing burned and wounded soldiers.
healing powers of plants that are found only in their
Almost a century on, as the world wide web speeds information around the globe
essential oils. Depending on the plant involved, these
and science puts proof to old beliefs, aromatherapy as a practice is growing rapidly
aromatic, dynamic, healing essential oils may be found
in reality and stature.
inside the roots, wood, leaves, flowers or fruit.
Essential oils are extracted from plants chiefly through
steam distillation (roots, wood, leaves and flowers) or ‘Essential oils are one of the great untapped resources of the
cold-pressing/expression (citrus oils from peel). You can world. Here we have a system of natural help that is far more
make your own orange essential oil by squeezing the than a system of medicine, that can prevent illness and alleviate
peel. Try it! It’s smells fresh and delicious. Orange peel symptoms.’
contains large quantities of oil, and is easy to extract, ‘These extremely complex precious liquids are extracted from
making it one the cheapest oils to buy. In contrast to this very specific species of plant life and are in harmony with people
is the rose, which has very little oil in the flowers, making and planet alike’.
it the most expensive oil. It takes between 3,000 and ‘By taking essential oils into our lives, we find a way to provide
5,000 kg of flowers (more than one million flowers!) to family and home with … protection and pleasure... without
produce a single kilogram of rose oil. A collector usually polluting ourselves or our environment with chemicals.’
gathers 25 kg of blossoms a day. Lavender flowers have The Fragrant Pharmacy - Valerie Ann Worwood
a more accessible oil; 3 kilograms of essential oil can be
harvested from 100 kilograms of flowers.
Essential oils have been described as the blood of plants,
or the vital energy. They are very complex compounds that science endorses ancient wisdom
may contain several hundred different natural chemicals.
Essential oils are often so deliciously fragrant that it is hard to believe they number
These are very powerful and concentrated and need
among the most powerful disinfectants and germicides in the world.
only be used sparingly and in small quantities.
But, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic,
In many countries, essential oils are included in the national
anti-neuralgic, anti depressant and antioxidant properties are all found in various
pharmacopoeia. In France aromatherapy is incorporated
essential oils – many in far more powerful efficacies than in chemical and synthetic
into mainstream medicine, and some essential oils are
versions. The essential oil of oregano for example is more than 25 times more
regulated as prescription drugs, and thus administered
powerful as an antiseptic than phenol.
by a physician. There, the use of the antiseptic, antiviral,
antifungal, and antibacterial properties of oils in the This is no longer simply hearsay or traditional folk wisdom, but clearly documented
control of infections is emphasised. by contemporary medical research.
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i certified organic essential oils 4

what are certified organic oils? how do oils work in the body?
Organic systems work in harmony with nature, keeping harmful chemicals out of Tiny molecules of essential oils are taken into the body in two ways – by osmosis
our land, water and air, creating a healthy environment rich in wildlife, woodlands (through the skin) and by olfaction (breathing them in).
and nutrients.
Organic standards place great emphasis on building and maintaining healthy soil Essential oils and osmosis (external application)
and high vitality crops.
When essential oils (dissolved in a carrier oil) are applied externally via massage, the
Simply stated, organic products are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic tiny molecules are absorbed through the skin and reach small blood vessels. They
fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. are then carried to the muscle tissue and joint via the blood stream to reach all the
tissues and organs. The oils are then excreted through the kidneys and bladder,
The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as skin, and exhaled through the lungs.
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the Essential oils and olfaction (inhalation)
use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and
When essential oils are inhaled, the molecules are absorbed directly into the
water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
bloodstream via the lungs, which affects the entire respiratory system, and are
Organic plants are produced without using most conventional
absorbed by the olfactory nerves through the nose, where they travel directly to
pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage
the limbic system that deals with integration and expression of feelings, learning,
sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product
memory, emotions and physical drives. Once they reach the limbic system, they
can be labelled “organic,” a Government-approved certifier
trigger the release of neuro-chemicals which may be sedative, relaxing, stimulating
inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the
or euphoric in effect.
farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic

Only certified organic products can bear the seal of approval.

where do I start?
The organic seal assures consumers of the quality and integrity of organic products. Today, there are about 300 oils in professional use around the world.
Organic-certified operations must have an organic system plan and records that Increasingly, commercial enterprises such as hospitals and medical centres,
verify compliance with that plan. Operators are inspected annually in addition there departments and retail stores, aged care facilities, airlines and other organisations
are random checks to assure standards are being met. are realising the many of benefits to be gained through judiciously dispersed
essential oil blends like lemon (proven to reduce clerical errors) and vanilla (proven
to make shoppers linger longer).
Why does organic cost more? For the ‘ordinary’ user, essential oils open up a plethora of safer, ‘green’ choices in
a world that’s daily becoming more chemically threatening.
Consider these facts: Most experts recommend that you start with three or four common oils, learning all
1. Organic farmers don’t receive federal subsidies like conventional farmers do. you can about them, using them and noting their effects until you become completely
Therefore, the price of organic food reflects the true cost of growing. familiar with what they can do for you. And ‘for you’ is an important point since the
2. The price of conventional food does not reflect the cost of environmental effects of essential oils must always be intensely personal and subjective.
cleanups that we pay for through our tax dollars. Then, move forward in increments of – say - two new essential oils until you have
3. Organic farming is more labour and management intensive. command and a thorough knowledge of all the oils that you need to make your
family happy and healthy.
4. Organic farms are usually smaller than conventional farms and so do not
benefit from the economies of scale that larger growers get.
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i how to use essential oils 5

how to use essential oils

Essential oils are used in a number of ways that have developed over time in different Bath
areas around the world. Some oils have a recorded use of more than 4,000 years. Baths are one of the easiest and most pleasurable ways of using essential oils. An
The modes of application of aromatherapy include: aromatic bath can refresh you – body, mind and spirit. Add 10 drops in a tablespoon
Aerial diffusion: for environmental fragrance or disinfection. of carrier oil into your warm to very warm bath, swish the water around to mix the
oils in. For maximum benefit soak for at least 10 minutes.
Direct inhalation: for respiratory disinfection, decongestion, expectoration as well
as psychological effect. After your bath make up a lovely massage blend and massage all over your body to
prolong the benefits of the bath and nourish and moisturise your skin.
Topical applications: for general massage, baths, compresses, and therapeutic
skin care.
Room and Linen Freshener
Vaporiser/Room Burners/Electric Diffusers Essential oil are an ideal way to disinfect or fragrance any room. Your whole house
doesn’t have to smell like bathroom spray. Not only will your room be fragranced
The most common way to create a beautiful atmosphere or disinfect a room is
beautifully but you will also benefit from the therapeutic properties of the oils. Add
to add essential oils to a vaporiser which can be made from different materials -
equal amounts of purified water and high proof vodka to a MiEnviron spray bottle,
ceramic, terra-cotta, metal or glass - with two separate parts - the top one for water
leaving enough space to shake, then add 20-40 drops of essential oils and shake
and essential oils and the bottom part for housing a tea-light candle to provide the
vigorously before each use. Can be used to spray on bedsheets and pillows but
gentle heat.
make sure not to spray on polished furniture, as some essential oils can damage
When purchasing a vaporiser opt for one with a large top reservoir so you don’t the polished surface.
need to constantly top it up. The general rule is about 8-15 drops of essential oil in
the water in the top reservoir, depending on the size of reservoir and the size of the
room. Ensure your vaporiser is placed on a heatproof stand away from draughts. Household
As the water heats, the essential oils will be diffused. Keep an eye on the bowl to There are lots of ways to germ proof and fragrance your home with essential oils. A
ensure the water doesn’t totally evaporate. If it evaporates before the essential oil few drops of something you love in the bag (or on the filter) of your vacuum cleaner
has been vaporised, you could end up with a spatter. And never leave the house will diffuse fragrance as you clean. Similarly, you can add a trace of scent to dusting
with a candle burning! cloths, clothes washers, carpet deodorisers, potpourri and the list goes on. To find
If the idea of burning candles is a worry to you, use electrically powered aromatherapy out more CLICK HERE.
Steam Inhalation Fill a bowl with warm water and add 2-6 drops of the required essential oil. Stir well.
To inhale steam directly, you need a large heatproof bowl and a thick bath towel. Then take a soft, clean cloth, soak it thoroughly, wring and place gently but firmly
Place your bowl onto a solid surface such as a table and fill it with boiling or almost on the affected body part. Repeat the procedure until the discomfort is relieved. Be
boiling water. Begin by adding 3-6 drops of your chosen essential oil. As that very careful not to allow the fluid into the eyes, nose or mouth.
dissolves, add two more drops – and then again to a total of 6 drops.
Seat yourself safely and comfortably; lean over the bowl and use the towel to seal Skin Care
off the vapours. Breathe in slowly and quietly for between 1-5 minutes. You may Many essential oils have lots of uses when applied directly to the body. But oils are
want to shut your eyes. This process of taking the essential oil directly into your very highly concentrated, so it’s never wise to put them on the skin without first mixing
nose, throat and chest has strong antibacterial, antiviral and soothing effects. into a moisturiser or oil. This is one case where a heavier oil will come into its own. If
If you’d like to gain an extra benefit from this procedure, splash your face with cold you’re caught short, explore your pantry for olive, grapeseed or safflower oils. Use 6-8
water afterwards for a skin tingling mini-sauna. drops of your selected essential oil into two teaspoons of your carrier oil.
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i cautions 6

how to use essential oils (ContinueD) cautions

There are two exceptions to the rule of ‘don’t apply direct.’ These are lavender General aromatherapy cautions
which can be used for cuts and minor burns and tea tree oil which can be applied The Miessence certified organic essential oils have been carefully selected for
topically to insect bites, cuts and scrapes. maximum therapeutic benefit, and are all certified organic, which means you don’t
have to worry about chemical contaminants such as pesticide residues. They
Bath Salts present no risk to you, provided you adhere closely to the dosage instructions and
follow any cautionary advice and stated contra-indications.
Add 15 drops to a cup of epsom salts or any other mixed salts (sea salt, himalayan
salt, bicarb soda. Because of their concentrated nature, essential oils generally should not be
applied directly to the skin in their undiluted or “neat” form. Used to excess and/
or inappropriately, these may cause severe irritation or provoke an allergic reaction.
Hair Treatment Instead, essential oils should be blended with a vegetable-based “carrier” oil (a.k.a.,
Add 8-10 drops of essential oil per shampoo for a therapeutic treatment. Add only a base, or “fixed” oil) before being applied. The exceptions are lavender and tea tree
2 drops per shampoo or rinse to simply perfume the hair. oils. Common carrier oils include olive, almond, hazelnut and grapeseed. A common
ratio of essential oil disbursed in a carrier oil is 0.5–3%, depending on its purpose.
Some essential oils, including many of the citrus peel oils, are photosensitisers,
increasing the skin’s vulnerability to sunlight.
Massage with the use of essential oils is deeply relaxing, invigorating and improves You should not take essential oils internally unless specifically directed by a qualified
your well being. health care professional.
Add 10-15 drops of essential oil to about 30ml (~2 tablespoons) of carrier oil for a
full body massage. You can use a single essential oil or mix two or more together,
Existing health conditions
to suit your condition. It’s recommended to blend massage oils at half strength
for children and, pregnant women and the elderly. And only 2-4 drops in 20ml for If you suffer from epilepsy, high blood pressure, alcoholism or a progressive neural
babies. disorder, please consult a qualified natural health provider before using any essential
or essential oil product.
Do NOT massage if …
The following are important safety warnings:
• The person is suffering cancer, a serious heart complaint, epilepsy, a fever or
an acute infection. Epilepsy: Avoid fennel, hyssop and sage.
• He/she has just eaten a big meal. High blood pressure: Avoid hyssop, rosemary, sage (all types) and thyme.
• You’re tired and tense. Massage is a gift you make to another person and to Alcoholics or anyone who is drinking alcohol: do not use Clary Sage.
do that you need to be in top spirits and full of energy.
• The area you are intending to massage covers varicose veins or a deep vein Allergies?
thrombosis. This would be potentially very dangerous.
People who are allergy-prone should try this test before using a new oil.
• You are intending an intimate massage but have not checked that the diluted
Step 1: Put one drop of carrier oil onto your breastbone or behind your ear and
oils you are using are safe for the genital area.
leave for 12 hours. If you have no adverse reaction to this, continue on to Step 2.
Step 2: Dilute one drop of the essential oil you want to test in half a teaspoon (5ml.)
For more information on massages and massage blends, CLICK HERE of that same carrier oil you’ve tested and put that blend behind your ear or on your
breastbone. If you have no reaction after 12 hours, you can assume it’s safe to use
that essential oil.
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i caring for your oils 7

cautions (ContinueD) caring for your oils

Pregnancy Storage instructions and shelf life
Opinions vary. Some experts believe you should not use oils at all when you’re Essential oils are precious gifts from nature, and can be a substantial financial
carrying: others say there a few problems. But the consensus from the majority investment. To ensure their therapeutic properties are maintained for the life of
of experts is that you should use your essentials oils only at half strength during the oils, please treat them with care and thoughtful handling. Proper storage is
pregnancy and completely avoid the emmenagogues (medicines that can increase the key.
menstrual flow and therefore may prompt contractions). Sunlight, heat and oxygen are the main culprits of oxidation and degradation of
These emmmenagogic oils are best avoided during the first five months. essential oils. Essential oils are best kept tightly sealed, in amber glass bottles, in
• Clary Sage a dark, cool place where temperature fluctuations are kept to a minimum. Always
keep them safely locked away from children.
• Rosemary
When stored under proper conditions essential oils will last from 6 months (citrus
• Juniper
oils) to several years. The shortest shelf life oils are the citrus oils, which are the
• Melissa most prone to oxidation. To avoid the damage caused by temperature variations
Note: Although lavender and Roman chamomile are very gentle emmenagogues citrus oils can be stored in the refrigerator. Once citrus oils start to turn cloudy or
and lavender is a mild diuretic, you can actually use these two throughout your smell rancid they should be disposed of.
pregnancy UNLESS you have had a previous miscarriage. If in doubt, don’t! Most essential oils will keep for approximately 1-2 years, if stored correctly. When
stored at low temperatures, some oils, like rose, will solidify. They will liquefy again
Photosensitisation once they reach room temperature, which you can do quickly by holding them in
your palm to melt the waxes gently. Some oils like myrrh, sandalwood, frankincense
Sometimes you’ll read a direction on an essential oil (generally a citrus) that says
and patchouli improve or “mature” with age.
something like; ‘This oil can cause skin photosensitization when exposed to the
sun’. What that actually means is that this oil can/will make the area of skin on Ideally, you should store your oils upright, tightly sealed, away from direct light and
which it’s applied become very sensitive to sunlight for up to 12 hours. protected from damp and humidity. The beautiful Miessence aromatherapy storage
chest is ideal for this purpose. Sustainably harvested and hand-made by local
If left exposed that spot will be prone to sunburn and it can become red and itchy.
craftsmen (by friends of Julie in the R&D department :-), each storage chest features
Cover it and you should have no problem. Those with extremely sensitive skins
wooden dividers to hold the bottles in place, and is finished with brass fittings.
should also beware and do an allergy test as a matter of course.
If you don’t have a storage chest, a cool, dark, dry place out of reach of children is
Photo sensitising oils include:
best. The high shelf in a pantry or closet is a good start.
• Bergamot
Ideal storage conditions are more difficult to achieve when travelling in the car
• Lemon with our oils. That’s when they can be inadvertently exposed to sunlight and high
• Lime temperatures and become very tempting to small children who discover those
• Mandarin delicious smelling little bottles.
• Sweet Orange The best method is to transport them in your storage chest, inside an insulated bag
aided by a fridge pack in hot weather. It’s easy enough to seal the zip from against
small exploratory fingers and your oils will stay cool and out of sight.
Oils to avoid
Being volatile, essential oils will evaporate if the bottle is left open for long periods.
Not all essential oils are beneficial to humans. Here are some which you should Be sure to replace the cap tightly when you have finished with them. When using
definitely avoid: essential oils from the bottle, to avoid contaminating the oil, don’t touch the top of
• Bitter almond • Boldo leaf • Calamus • Camphor (yellow) • Horseradish the bottle or the inside of the lid.
• Jaborandi leaf • Mugwort • Mustard • Pennyroyal • Rue • Sassafras • Savin • Essential oils are flammable. Never leave open bottles near sources of ignition such
Southernwood • Tansy • Thuju • Wintergreen • Wormseed • Wormwood as cookers, fires, candles or any naked flame.
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils i children 8

what to do if things go wrong children

Keep essential oils away from the eyes. Massage
If you do get some essential oil in the eyes, rinse immediately and for a long time Because baby’s skin is so delicate and protective mantle not yet fully formed, it’s
with clean, cool water. essential you use oils that are known to be safe and gentle.
Put a couple of drops of Sweet Almond Oil into the eye to soothe. This same Those recommended are: rose, orange, Roman chamomile and clary sage.
remedy should also be applied if incorrect oils used in an intimate massage cause Most aromatherapists suggest that no oil at all should be used on an infant for the
extreme discomfort to the genital areas. first 24 hours.
After that, it’s a rule of thumb that you should halve the amounts of essential oils used
Never take essential oils internally. in any blend that is going to be used to massage children and use just quarter the
recommended number of drops of essential oil until the baby is 2-3 months of age.
Do not swallow them. If they are accidentally swallowed, drink plenty of milk and
Good base oils to use with children are Jojoba and Sweet Almond Oils or a mixture
consult your doctor.
of 80% hazelnut + wheat germ and light virgin olive oil.
For day-to-day blends for use with babies and children, CLICK HERE.
weights & measures
Drops vaporisers
1ml of essential oil is 40 drops from our dripolators. Many experts suggest that vaporisers should not be used in the same room with
A 2% concentration of essential oil in carrier oil is a commonly used rule to apply babies under two months.
when you’re mixing your own oils. It’s suggested instead that you give your little one all the fragrant benefits of gentle
Essential oils Carrier oils essential oils by adding 1 drop of essential oil to 1 pint of steaming water (2 drops
to a litre). Place this on the floor so that the steam can rise and waft gently towards
8 drops 10ml (2 teaspoons) or 1/3 fl.oz
the baby. Lavender is a lovely oil often used for this purpose since it gently cleanses
12 drops 15ml (3 teaspoons) or ½ fl.oz the room as it fragrances.
24 drops 30ml (6 teaspoons) or 1 fl.oz
48 drops 60 ml (10 teaspoons) or 2 fl.oz
If you’re making a mixture for repeated use, you should use the 60ml or 30ml bottle. The information contained in this booklet is for educational purposes only, and as
Measure your carrier oil into the bottle then add the oil, drop by drop. Don’t be such is not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe or administer in any manner
tempted to think ‘a little more would be better’. Oils are very strong and should only to any physical ailments. In any matter relating to health, please always contact
be used in these minute, recommended portions. Fasten securely, shake and label a qualified health practitioner. Essential oils are not a replacement for orthodox
clearly. Store out of reach of children. medicine.

For a bath blend

It’s tempting to use more, but do not add more than10-15 drops of essential oil to references & suggested reading
a well-filled bath. If you want more fragrance, you can burn a candle or vaporiser
as well. Aromatherapy and Common Ailments, Shirley Price
The Aromatherapy Book, Jeanne Rose
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®

Bergamot Citrus aurantium var. Bergamia

Country of origin: Italy
Part of plant: Peel of fruit
Method of extraction: Cold expression
Fragrance: Sweet and warm; sharp and citrusy. A slightly floral blend of orange and lemon.
Principal constituents: Monoterpenes: Dipentene, Limonene
Esters: Linalyl acetate
Alcohols: Linalool, Nerol, Terpinol
Lactones: Bergaptene

History and Traditional uses: Body:

Bergamot is named after a small town in Italy, Bergamot in Lombardy, where the Has wide applications in common use countering infections and skin complaints
tree was originally cultivated and used in folk medicine for the treatment of fever such as acne and psoriasis. Bergamot fights several viruses, including those
and worms. Bergamot is perhaps best known today for the delicate fragrance that cause flu, herpes, shingles, and chicken pox. Due to its versatile antibiotic
and taste it contributes to the popular Earl Grey tea blend. According to legend, properties, it also treats bacterial infections of the urinary system, mouth, and throat
Christopher Columbus brought the tree to the Caribbean, where it was popularly plus a variety of skin conditions, including eczema. The best way to use it is diluted
used in voodoo practices as a protection against misfortune. Columbus may have in a salve or massage oil that is applied externally over the afflicted area.
had his own reasons for travelling with bergamot. Carrying the dried fruit in your
pocket was thought to keep travellers safe on their journeys and soothe the stress
of travelling. Modern aromatherapists suggest placing a few drops of bergamot on
a cloth and carrying it in your pocket or travel bag. Sniff the scented cloth while Use in vapouriser for a pleasing, uplifting fragrance and to prevent the spread of
travelling to reduce stress, depression, anxiety, or insomnia. germs.

Energetic: Safety precautions:

Affinity with the heart chakra, use when feeling grief, fear or rage. Since this is the certified, organic, non-photo-toxic oil, it can be used diluted to 8%
in sunlight.
Therapeutic properties:
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, antiviral, antibiotic.

Reportedly, helps vanquish negative thoughts and depression. Its sedative yet
uplifting character is said to be excellent for anxiety, depression and nervous tension.
Almost everyone likes bergamot’s fresh, and lively but gentle, flowery fragrance.
Bergamot is second only to lavender in its ability to relax brain waves when sniffed.
Use in the bath for stress, depression, grief, anxiety and PMT.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®

Cedarwood (Atlas) Cedrus Atlantica

Country of origin: France
Part of plant: Wood, stumps or sawdust
Method of extraction: Steam-distilled
Fragrance: Strongly and uniquely aromatic – a memorable rich woody, smoky-sweet fragrance that’s especially appealing
to men.
Principal constituents: Sesquiterpenes: Himachalenes, Bisabolene
Ketones: Atlantones
Oxides: Himachalene oxide

History and Traditional uses: blends for stress. Vaporise as incense for meditation, yoga or prayer. Clears the
This majestic tree was used to build King Solomon’s temple: it was thought its head and deepens breathing.
fragrance would lead worshipers to prayer and thus closer to God. The tree grows Body
to 100 feet (around 30 metres) in height, lives more than 1,000 years, and resists Indications for acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughing, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis,
insect damage. Cedar comes from the Semitic word signifying ‘power’ or ‘strength.’ stress. Helps balance the body, eases respiratory complaints. Inhale the steam of
A clay tablet from 1800 B.C. Babylon mentions the trade of cedarwood essential cedarwood essential oil to treat respiratory infections and clear congestion. Add a
oil. The Egyptians believed that cedarwood extended the life. The ancient Egyptians few drops to a bath to help ease the pain and irritation of urinary infections. Applied
used cedar as a preservative and for embalming, in cosmetics, and as incense. A to oily skin, cedarwood essential oil is an astringent that dries and helps clear acne.
Byzantine legend is of cedarwood being one of the three symbolic trees that grow Incorporate it into a facial wash, spritzer, or other cosmetic (10 drops of essential oil
at the gates of the ‘Symbolic garden’, alongside the cypress and the pine. All are per 30ml (1 ounce) of preparation.
said to teach us moderation.
Added to a moisturiser (15 drops of essential oil per 30 ml (1 ounce), it may relieve
dermatitis and, in some cases, eczema and psoriasis. For bites and itching, mix
Energetic: cedarwood and an equal part of or vegetable oil, and dab directly on the area. Add
Instils courage, fortifies and strengthens the mind. two drops of essential oil to every ounce of shampoo or hair conditioner to ease
dandruff and possibly slow hair loss.

Therapeutic properties:
Antiseptic, astringent; brings on menstruation, clears mucus, sedates nerves, and
stimulates circulation. The aroma repels ants, moths and insects. Use in linen closet to protect against

Safety precautions:
With its strengthening and opening effect on the mind and psyche, the strong
life-essence in Cedarwood is said to help defeat negativity and promote courage. Preferably not while pregnant
Users report that by mitigating anger and alleviating anxiety, it can help establish
a receptive, sensual mood. Its soothing, grounding and centering effect may help
with anxiety and stress, making it an ideal oil for meditation. Use in the bath for
nervous tension, exhaustion, anger and stress related complaints. Use in massage
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®

Chamomile German Matricaria chamomilla

Country of origin Egypt
Part of plant Flowering tops
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance A delicious aromatic fragrance that is rich, warm and slightly fruity - although somewhat sharp in contrast
with Roman Chamomile which is reminiscent of apples.
Principal constituents Terpenes: Chamazulene, Farnasene
Alcohols: Bisabolol, Farnesol, Thujanol

History and Traditional uses: Body

Held sacred by the Ancient Eyptians who dedicated it to the Sun God Ra. Named Indications for abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis,
‘Maythen’ by the Saxons, it was later dedicated to St Anne, mother of the Virgin dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites,
Mary. The herb has long been grown for its healing properties. Its smell was thought insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress,
to relieve depression and to encourage relaxation. Medieval monks planted raised wounds. Relaxing and warming, German Chamomile may help promote a calm
garden beds of chamomile, and those who were sad or depressed lay on them as mood in children and adults without being unduly depressive.
therapy. Chamomile also was once a strewing herb, spread on bare floors so that Renowned as an analgesic and restorative, it is recognized as an aid to sweet
the scent was released when people walked on it. The genus name, Matricaria, sleep and may offer comfort from menstrual pain. It also helps control the pain
given to the German chamomile species means ‘matrix’ (womb), and this was the of bruises, stiff joints, headaches, sore muscles, menstrual and digestive system
nature that the herb was used by the ancients; as a woman’s herb for relieving cramping, as well as the pain and swelling of sprains and some allergic reactions.
female conditions and aiding childbirth. Chamomile is mild enough to ease a baby’s colic and calm the child for sleep. It
is especially soothing in a massage oil, as a compress, or in a bath. Chamomile is
Energetic: suitable for most complexion types or skin problems, from burns and eczema to
varicose veins. It is especially useful for sensitive, puffy, or inflamed conditions. Use
Counteracts agitation and anger. in massage blends as an anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory, and to help ease
menstrual pain.
Therapeutic properties:
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic; promotes digestion, relieves gas and nausea, Home
encourages menstruation, soothes nervous tension, and promotes sleep. Make a chamomile room spray by diluting 12 drops of the essential oil per ounce
of distilled water.
Soothing, comforting and balancing, German Chamomile is a gentle sedative that Safety precautions:
is believed to calm the emotions. It may be exceptionally helpful to people who none
end to be over-anxious or drive themselves too hard. It eases the emotional ups
and downs of PMS, menopause, and hyperactivity in children. Use in the bath for
nervous afflictions, irritability, insomnia and anxiety.
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Chamomile Roman Chamaemelum anthemic nobile

Country of origin England
Part of plant Flowering tops
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Imparts an attractive, sweet and fruity aroma that is reminiscent of the evocative fragrance of ripe, sun-
warmed apples.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Pinene
Esters: Pinocarvone, Bisabolol, Farnesol, Pinocarveol, Cineole, Azulene,
Beta-caryophyllene, Camphene, Myrcene, nerolidol, chamazulene, pinocarvone, and cineol

History and Traditional uses: Body

One of the Saxons’ ‘nine sacred herbs’, Roman Chamomile was also used widely by Indications for abscesses, allergies, arthritis, boils, colic, cuts, cystitis, dermatitis,
the Egyptians and Moors and is still a favourite in the Mediterranean regions some dysmenorrhea, earache, flatulence, hair, headache, inflamed skin, insect bites,
2,000 years on. The Romans also dedicated chamomile to their gods. Chamomile insomnia, nausea, neuralgia, PMS, rheumatism, sores, sprains, strains, stress,
was also used by India’s ancient Ayurvedic physicians. The Vikings added chamomile wounds. May ease headaches, migraine and insomnia, PMT, restlessness, anxiety
to hair shampoos to aid the lightening of blond hair. Chamomile was taken to the and in fact most manifestations of a troubled spirit. Good for nervous exhaustion,
Americas by the Pilgrim Fathers of both British and German descent. The herb is so weariness, anxiety and over excitement in both adults and children.
popular to the Germans that they have given it the exaggerated label of herb ‘alles Use as steam inhalation for headaches. Put a few drops on a hanky to combat
zutraut’, meaning ‘capable of anything.’ anxiety and tension associated with asthma, hayfever and allergies. Chamomile
is mild enough to ease a baby’s colic and calm the child for sleep. It is especially
Energetic: soothing in a massage oil, as a compress, or in a bath. Chamomile is suitable for
most complexion types or skin problems, from burns and eczema to varicose veins.
Affinity with the throat chakra – helps express highest truth It is especially useful for sensitive, puffy, or inflamed conditions. Add it to shampoos
to lighten and brighten hair.
Therapeutic properties:
Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic; promotes digestion, relieves gas and nausea, Home
encourages menstruation, soothes nervous tension, and promotes sleep Use in vaporiser to calm, relax and sweeten the atmosphere. Sprinkle on pillows for
a deep slumber. Make a chamomile room spray by diluting 12 drops of the essential
Mind oil per ounce (30 ml) of distilled water.
Inhaling chamomile’s aroma relaxes both mind and body. Profoundly soothing and
helpful in overcoming all forms of tension and weariness, it may be of special use to Safety precautions:
soothe upsets in pregnant women and to help pacify distressed children. Research none
studies show that chamomile relaxes emotions, muscles, and even brain waves.
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Eucalyptus Eucalyptus radiata

Country of origin Australia
Part of plant Leaves & branches
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Fresh, sharp and hauntingly sweet, this ‘spirit of the Australian bush’.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Pinene, Limonene
Oxides: Cineol (Eucalyptol)

History and Traditional uses: Body

Highly antiseptic, eucalyptus has long been a household remedy in Australia for Indications for arthritis, bronchitis, catarhh, cold sores, colds, coughing, fever, flu,
treating everything from flu, fever, and sore throat to skin and muscle pain. Sydney’s poor circulation, sinusitis. One of the most robust of the antiseptic oils, eucalyptus
Blue Mountains are named for the haze produced by the tree’s essential oil. When also has been proven to have a cooling effect on the body which can help lower
you walk through the groves, the blue mist that mutes the surrounding scenery can temperature. It is said to aid concentration and to be valuable in treating fevers,
be almost intoxicating. One can’t help but take deep breaths of its refreshing scent, wounds and sores, head lice and sore muscles.
which is perhaps why aromatherapists use it to ‘clear the air,’ and help resolve It is the most popular essential oil steam for relieving sinus and lung congestion
disagreements in interpersonal conflicts. Eucalyptus Oil has now been scientifically such as asthma. Inhale the steam, add one or two drops of oil to a compress, or
proven to have such extraordinary strength as an antiseptic oil that it is used in put three or four drops in your bath. Especially appropriate for skin eruptions and
hospitals and first aid care worldwide. oily complexions, it is also used for acne, herpes, and chicken pox.
For a homemade preparation, mix eucalyptus essential oil with an equal amount
Energetic: of apple cider vinegar and dab on problem areas. This mix can also be used as an
Use to cleanse a space where there has been conflict or negativity. antiseptic on wounds, boils, and insect bites. Use in the bath for convalescence,
and congestion headaches. Apply a few drops to a hanky to use throughout the
day to ease congestion.
Therapeutic properties:
Antibacterial, antiviral, deodorant; clears mucous from the lungs; as a liniment, Home
relieves rheumatic, arthritic, and other types of pain
Use in a vaporiser to prevent spread of infection and clear the energy.

Safety precautions:
The powerful and refreshing fragrance of this essential oil is a surefire pick-up for
both physical and nervous exhaustion. Strong and refreshing, it revitalises and Do not use if you suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy. Do not store near
stimulates while bringing the essence of sunshine to a sad or weary spirit. The homeopathic remedies. Poisonous if ingested. Do not use in an asthma attack.
scent increases brain wave activity and counters physical and mental fatigue. Carry
eucalyptus with you on long car trips, or smell it to help you study. International
Flavors and Fragrances, Inc., a research and development corporation in New
Jersey, found that sniffing eucalyptus increases your energy.
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Frankincense Boswellia carteri

Country of origin Somalia
Part of plant Gum
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Fresh, woody, balsamic, slightly spicy and fruity.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene, Pinene, Borneol, Phellandrene, Myrcene
Sesquiterpenes: Farnesol
Esters: Octyl Acetate, Incensyl Acetate
Alcohols: Octanol

History and Traditional uses: meditation, ritual, yoga or prayer.

The earliest known use of frankincense dates back over 5000 years when it was Valued for its tonic effect on the nervous system, frankincense is used by people
used as incense. The fragrance of frankincense is thought to ascend and perfume to counter depression and aid memory. Users report that as it brings clarity to the
the heavens. Frankincense is also known as ‘Olibanum’, which was its original name mind, the breath deepens, the body relaxes and the spirit soars.
before it was renamed frankincense in the 10th century. The name olibanum derives
from ‘oil of Lebanon’ as frankincense is native to the Middle East. The frankincense Body
burned as church incense today is the same as that used by ancient peoples who
inhabited the Middle East and North Africa. In Christian lore, it features in the Bible Historically, it has been utilized for treating syphilis, infections, and all kinds of skin
some 22 times! The name frankincense is derived from the old French word, franc, disorders. Ayurvedic medicine from India has long suggested its use on inflamed
meaning free, pure or abundant, and Latin incensum, meaning to smoke. Charred skin conditions. Its antiseptic and skin-healing properties fight bacterial and fungal
and powdered, frankincense was the major ingredient in the traditional black kohl skin infections and boils. Since it’s quite expensive, however, it is usually reserved
that Egyptian women still wear as eyeliner. It was believed to help women see a for the most difficult cases, such as unsightly scars that remain after an infection
more spiritual aspect of the world, to avoid ill-fate, and to prevent eye infection. Of has healed, and hard-to-heal wounds. For problem skin areas, use a couple drops
course, it has been, and still is, used in expensive perfume. of frankincense in an equal amount of vegetable oil. Frankincense is excellent on
mature skin and acne. It is especially good when middle-aged women experience
those conditions and also want to prevent wrinkles.
Make a compress or massage oil with frankincense for breast cysts or for infection
Cuts ties to the past, that are blocking personal growth. Stills the mind. of the lungs, reproductive organs, or urinary tract. It also increases menstrual flow.
Use in the bath for anxiety and depression.
Therapeutic properties Use in a vaporiser for meditation, yoga or prayer.
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, astringent, sedative; clears lung congestion, Use in massage blend with orange and neroli for the deep relaxation.
decreases gas and indigestion, brings on menstruation Add to pot-pourris for its rich, long lasting scent.

Mind Safety precautions

Burned, frankincense reportedly releases a psycho-active substance that expands none
consciousness. Soothing, elevating, protective and restorative, its beautiful
fragrance helps calm down body, mind and spirit to create a perfect ambience for
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Geranium Pelargonium graveolens

Country of origin Egypt
Part of plant Flowering plant
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Floral, fresh, sweet, with a fruity note.
Principal constituents Alcohols: Citronellol, Geraniol, Linalool
Esters: Citronellyl formate

History and Traditional uses Body

Geranium is a small, tender, South African perennial whose essential oil was not Used as an anti depressant, that’s useful in bringing relief from PMT, menopausal
distilled until the nineteenth century. Since it is a veritable medicine cabinet with a problems, moodiness, hangover, anxiety and tension, geranium is also welcomed
lovely scent, it became an instant hit. It is also an insect repellent, and one that is for the benefits it can bring to ageing skin.
certainly more aromatically pleasing than the commonly used citronella. It was once A popular skin therapy, the essential oil treats a host of problems including
known as ‘a herb of Venus the god of love’ and used in sweetheart sachets and inflammation, eczema, acne, burns, infected wounds, fungus (like ringworm), lice,
potions. Geranium was also seen as a protective herb by many ancient races and shingles, and herpes. It also decreases scarring and stretch marks. Use it in the
used as a talisman to ward off evil snakes and spirits. Its main medicinal use in the form of a salve, cream, lotion, or massage/body oil, whichever is most appropriate.
past was the treatment of diarrhoea and dysentery. It balances all complexion types and is said to delay wrinkling. It is beneficial for
treating cellulite, fluid retention and oedema of the ankles.
Ideal for the workaholic perfectionist. Helps inspire imagination and intuition. Home
Use in pot-pourri for a sweet, fresh aroma. Use in vapouriser for an uplifting,
Therapeutic properties: refreshing fragrance.
Antidepressant, antiseptic, astringent; stops bleeding, possibly gently stimulates
the adrenals and normalizes hormones Safety precautions
Calms the mind, relaxes the body, and eases frustration and irritability. Users report
that this is a lovely oil that seems to boost the psyche and cheer the spirit. Geranium
essential oil is also said to have strong regenerative themes and gently helps to
balance, uplift, refresh and restore the harmony of the soul. Inhale this pleasant scent
to treat PMS, menopause, fluid retention, and other hormone-related problems, or
include it in body rubs and baths. Use in the bath for PMT, stress, moodiness and
hangover. Use in massage blend with rose and lavender for restorative relaxation.
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Helichrysum Helichrysum angustifolia

Country of origin Corsica
Part of plant Flowering plant
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Sweet-fruity tea-like odour.
Principal constituents Esters: Neryl Acetate
Sesquiterpenes: Curcumene
Monoterpenes: Limonene

History and Traditional uses Body

Also called Immortelle and Everlasting. The name comes from the Greek word The oil is effective in physical trauma. Helichrysum can be used as an emergency
helios (sun) and chrysos (gold) because the flowers look like little golden suns. first aid treatment of injuries. It can be applied drop by drop to bleeding wounds,
Teas made from the flowering tops of Italian helichrysum were traditionally used for even large ones, if medical help is not available. It is said to reduce and even stop
skin complaints, asthma, coughs, arthritis, poor digestion and headaches. They hemorrhage until medical treatment is available. It has been found to be extremely
were also taken to dispel worms. Most trials on various species have confirmed useful in severe burns and in the regeneration of tissue during wound healing.
the antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-haematomic and antibacterial properties of When applied regularly on a closed wound, it has been found that almost any wound
helichrysums in general. will heal without a visible scar. It is therefore strongly recommended as a treatment
after surgery. The oil has been found to increase the body’s ability to ward off infectious
Energetic illness such as coughs, colds and flu. For such purposes, it may be used in the bath,
in steam inhalations or diluted in a carrier oil and applied as a chest rub.
Said to increase dream activity and stimulate the right-brain. Aromatherapists use it
for those considered too cerebral and ungrounded. The ketone content may provide anti-inflammatory properties that rival the effectiveness
of German chamomile for treating inflammation. Not only can musculoskeletal
inflammation be addressed with helichrysum, but couperose, rosacea and sensitive
Therapeutic properties skin can be greatly improved and hematomas virtually eliminated. Used to stimulate the
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiseptic, expectorant, cicatrisant. endocrine system, it’s understood to cleanse the blood and purify the body. Stimulates
liver, gall bladder, kidney, spleen and pancreas – the detoxification organs.
Use steam inhalation for sinus infections, bronchitis and coughs. It’s analgesic
and anti-inflammatory properties make it good for massage blends for rheumatoid
Helps alleviate anxiety, stress and nervous exhaustion. It is used to soothe and arthritis. Recommended for excema and allergies. Its anticoagulant properties make
fortify a depleted nervous system. Also helpful for mild depression and the emotional it useful in the treatment of severe bruising.
symptoms associated with PMS. Helichrysum oil is valued in aromatherapy for it
psychological effects. If the aroma is liked, its warming sensation can be helpful for Home
people who feel cold or who may have received too little warmth and affection in
Vaporise to induce compassion and creativity.
their lives. Added to the bath water or made into a massage oil, it relaxes yet also
fortifies an overwrought system. Opening and inspirational, relaxing and elevating,
Safety precautions:
helichrysum is thought to increase dream activity and awareness and to stimulate
the right (intuitive) side of the brain. none
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Jasmine Jasminium grandiflorum

Country of origin Egypt
Part of plant Flowers
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Sweet, floral and heady
Principal constituents Esters: Benzyl Acetate, Methyl Jasmonate, Phytyl Acetate
Alcohols: Benzyl Alcohol, Phytol, Linalool

History and Traditional uses: Mind

Native to the Himalayas and Asia, jasmine is considered to be a sacred flower to Jasmine is known as a romantic and powerfully relaxing oil that will uplift and soothe.
the people of these areas. The Hindus strung jasmine flowers together to form Users swear that it floats away any worries or anger, nervousness or irritability.
garlands and presented then to their most honoured guests. Jasmine is the sacred Jasmine sedates the nervous system, so it is good for jangled nerves, headaches,
flower of the Hindu love god, Kama. A fragrant emblem of love, jasmine flowers insomnia, depression and for taking the emotional edge off PMS and menopause
are often entwined into bridal flowers at Indian weddings. This custom is said to - although keep in mind its age-old reputation as an aphrodisiac! Studies at Toho
promise the bridal couple a deep and lasting affection for eternity. An ancient Indian University School of Medicine in Tokyo show that jasmine also enhances mental
myth of a princess who fell in love with the sun god Surya-Deva attempts to explain alertness and stimulates brain waves. In another study, it was able to help computer
why the jasmine flower will only open its petals at night. According to the myth, the operators reduce by one-third the number of mistakes they made.
sun god rejected the princess’s love and she was so heartbroken that she killed
herself. Her ashes were scattered to the ground, and from the ashes the beautiful
jasmine grew. Since the sun god was responsible for her death, the jasmine flower
would only open and release her perfume at night. Throughout history, jasmine has Used as an aid to calm the mind, jasmine has high value in skin care where it is used
been revered for its aphrodisiac qualities, and known as a plant of love with a great for the treatment of dry or sensitive skin and to reduce wrinkling and rejuvenate an
influence on both males and females. ageing complexion. It also eases muscle cramping, such as menstrual cramps.
Cosmetically, the oil is wonderful for sensitive or mature skin. In its native India,
jasmine flowers infused into sesame oil are applied to abscesses and sores that are
Energetic difficult to heal. A similar preparation can be made by adding 2 drops of jasmine
Releases inhibition, liberates imagination, develops playfulness. Transcends physical essential oil to 1 ounce vegetable oil.
love, releasing male and female sexual energy.
Safety precautions
Therapeutic properties Due to its emmenagogue properties it should not be used in pregnancy. Using too
Antidepressant; relaxes nerves, relieves muscle spasms and cramping much of this oil could impede concentration, as it is a deeply relaxing oil.
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Lavender Lavandula angustifolia

Country of origin France
Part of plant Flower
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Fresh, herbal, sweet and floral
Principal constituents Esters: Linalyl Acetate
Alcohols: Linalool
Oxides: Cineole
Sequisterpenes: Caryophyllene

History and Traditional uses: Mind

Native to the Mediterranean, Lavender is responsible for the birth of aromatherapy Ideal for soothing people affected by PMT, menopausal issues, palpitations,
in our modern culture. Lavender has been used for centuries to freshen the air of grief, mood swings and depression. Strengthening yet calming, the self-nurturing
sick rooms and used as a carminative, disinfectant, sedative, tonic and a healing properties of lavender are said to help soothe away anxieties, induce sweet sleep and
agent.Cultivated since early times, lavender was one of the herbs dedicated to still an overactive mind. Of several fragrances tested by aromatherapy researchers,
Hecate – god of witches and sorcerers – and was thought to avert ‘the evil eye’. lavender was most effective at relaxing brain waves and reducing stress. It also
Its name means ‘to wash’ and refers to the Roman custom of washing with reduced computer errors by almost one-fourth when used to scent the office.
water infused with aromatic flowers. The Egyptian pharaohs used lavender as a
perfume and fragrance. The Greeks used lavender to scent their bathwater. The Body
name lavender was possibly derived from the Latin word ‘lavare’, which means ‘to
wash.’ During the middle Ages, lavender gained a reputation as an aphrodisiac that Lavender is among the safest and most widely used of all aromatherapy oils. It
attracted a lover. Sprinkling lavender water onto your lover’s head was said to keep relieves muscle pain, migraines and other headaches, and inflammation. It is also
your lover faithful. This belief fuelled a great demand for lavender. one of the most antiseptic essential oils, treating many types of infection, including
lung, sinus, vaginal, and especially candida infections. Lavender is suitable for all
Lavender was also one of the ingredients of the Middle Age’s ‘Vinegar of Four skin types.
Thieves’, which was used by grave robbers to ward off the plague. It was also
burned to keep the evil spirits away. Lavender was used right up until World War I Cosmetically, it appears to be a cell regenerator. It prevents scarring and stretch
as an infusion to treat and disinfect wounds. marks and reputedly slows the development of wrinkles. It is used on burns, sun-
damaged skin, wounds, rashes, and, of course, skin infections.
Home Vaporise lavender to lift depression, help in crisis situations, sooth irritability
Energetic and relieve stress thereby helping with tense muscles and muscle spasms.
Used to integrate spirituality into everyday lift. Brings together higher and lower chakras.
Safety precautions
Therapeutic properties: none
Antiseptic, analgesic, anti-convulsant, anti-depressant, anti-rheumatic, anti-
spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, bactericide, carminative, cholagogue,
cicatrisant (tissue healing), cordial, cytophylactic, decongestant, deodorant, diuretic,
emmenagogue, hypotensive, nervine, rubefacient, sedative, sudorific and vulnerary.
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Lemon Citrus limonium

Country of origin Italy
Part of plant Peel
Method of extraction Cold pressed
Fragrance Uniquely clean-smelling, fresh, light and citrus-sharp.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene

History and Traditional uses Body

The lemon tree hails from Asia, but has been cultivated in Italy since at least the Known to stimulate the body’s defences and boost the immune system – lemon
fourth century. It is now grown throughout the Mediterranean, Australia, Central and has long been used to alleviate cold symptoms. Proven as an effective sickroom
South America, California, and Florida. disinfectant that can also be beneficial in countering listlessness and mental
In Japan the essential oil is diffused through the air systems of offices and factories fatigue.
because it increases concentration and the ability to memorize and noticeably Lemon oil can be very beneficial to the circulatory system and aids with blood flow,
reduces mistakes. Research confirms that the aroma of lemon is relaxing to brain reducing blood pressure and helping with nosebleeds. It can help bring down fever,
waves, which improves concentration. It was the most effective essential oil tested relieve throat infections, bronchitis, asthma and flu. It boosts the immune system
in reducing computer errors; those working in a lemon-scented room made less and cleanses the body, improves the functions of the digestive system, and it is
than half the mistakes of those working in unscented rooms. Because it seems helpful with constipation, dyspepsia and cellulite. It is also used for clearing acne,
to stimulate the mind while calming emotions, sniffing lemon can be helpful when cleaning greasy skin and hair, as well as removing dead skin cells, easing painful
making decisions. cold sores, mouth ulcers, herpes and insect bites.
Lemon oil can be used in blended massage oils or diluted in the bath to assist
Energetic with digestive problems, lack of energy, fatigue, infections, flu, obesity, overweight,
rheumatism, depression, stress and as a general tonic.
Opens the heart by alleviating fears of emotional involvement.

Therapeutic properties
Frequently vaporised for colds, voice loss, flu, depression, stress, lack of energy
Antiseptic, antidepressant, antiviral; decreases indigestion, stops bleeding and fatigue, lemon is also reputed to relieve irritation, improve concentration, lift the
spirits, clear the mind and help in decision making.
Lemon conjures up images of freshness and cleanliness: its tangy, bright fragrance Safety precautions
is refreshing and uplifting to the spirit. Recent research suggests that it actually Do not use directly on skin exposed to sunlight
enhances concentration, revives the spirits and brings alertness and mental clarity.
Lemon oil soothes and relieves headaches and migraines.
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Lime Citrus aurantifolia

Country of origin West Indies
Part of plant Peel
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Clean, fresh, light, sharp and bitter-sweet floral
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene, Pinene, Terpinene

History and Traditional uses: Body

Lime Essential Oil is well known in folklore for its ability to cleanse, purify and renew This oil is used in calming teas and to ease headaches, palpitations and hypertension.
the spirit and the mind. It is also said to be effective in cleansing the aura. Known Sheets scented with lime are said to induce the sweetest sleep. Lime oil is useful to
back as far as Roman times, the lime (or linden) tree - cherished for its attraction cool fevers associated with colds, sore throats and flu and aids the immune system
to honey bees - was the ancient emblem of German villages and still grows in while easing coughs, bronchitis and sinusitis, as well as helping asthma.
profusion today. It can be helpful for arthritis, rheumatism and poor circulation, as well as for obesity
Originally from Asia, it is now cultivated in most warm countries, especially Italy, the and cellulite and has an astringent and toning action to clear oily skin and acne, and
West Indies and the Americas. It was introduced into Europe by the Moors and from also helps with herpes, insect bites and cuts.
there it migrated to the Americas. Ships transporting it were called ‘lime juicers’
and ship crews depended on it to prevent scurvy, because of the high vitamin C
When diffused, it may help with mental fatigue, depression and apathy.
Safety precautions:
Clears any heated emotions and returns you to a place of calm and ease.
Spoils easily when exposed to light. Store carefully. Can cause photosensitivity in
strong sunshine and can irritate the skin.
Therapeutic properties
Antiseptic, antiviral, astringent, aperitif, bactericidal, disinfectant, febrifuge,
haemostatic, restorative and tonic.

A gentle astringent oil, the sharp fragrance of lime may help to calm and soothe but
it is claimed to also bring the dual benefits of refreshing the mind and uplifting and
warming jaded spirits. Lime oil can stimulate and refresh a tired mind and is said to
help with depression.
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Mandarin Citrus reticulata

Country of origin Italy
Part of plant Peel
Method of extraction Cold pressed
Fragrance Fresh, warm, tangy and intensely sweet citrus fragrance
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene, Terpineolene, Pinene

History and Traditional uses: Body

This sweet, fresh oil is cold-pressed from the peel of the mandarin orange. Mandarin With its safe, sedative effect, this is a lovely massage oil for pregnancy and
is a member of the orange family, smelling like tangerines. Native to China, precious, developing girls. It may also bring many benefits to people who suffer digestive
sunny mandarin fruits were feted for generations as a traditional gift to the ruling problems, depression and lack of energy and is also good for colic, gas, indigestion
class Mandarins of China. and hiccups.
It is also useful for the skin and is used to help with stretch marks, increasing
Energetic circulation and reducing fluid retention. As a blended massage oil or diluted in the
bath, mandarin oil can assist the nervous system, reduce flatulence, diarrhoea,
Breathe happiness. Helps us get in touch with our inner child. constipation, and other digestive complaints, but also increase circulation to the
skin, reduce fluid retention and help prevent stretch marks.
Therapeutic properties
Antiseptic, antispasmodic, cytophylactic, depurative, sedative, stomachic and Home
tonic. Vaporise to create a happy atmosphere in the home or classroom. Use in the car to
relieve travel fatigue and calm down restless children.
Long believed to be calming, soothing and gentle enough for children and the Safety precautions
elderly, mandarin is a good-hearted oil that people swear will comfort, refresh and Photosensitising – do not apply to skin before going out in the sun
uplift then - body, mind and spirit. This oil is gentle and mild, making it very useful
for children and the elderly. It is soothing, calming, refreshing and uplifting.
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Myrrh Commiphora myrrha

Country of origin Africa
Part of plant Resin
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Spicy, pungent, warm, sweet and long-lasting.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene, Pinene
Sequisterpenes: cadinene
Aldehydes: cuminaldehyde, cinnamaldehyde
Phenols: eugenol

History and Traditional uses: Mind

Myrrh has long been valued both in religious ceremonies and medicinally. This Stimulates the mind and fortifies the nerves. With its opening character, the fragrance
warm, rich, spicy, camphoraceous scent is distilled from the resin of a Middle of myrrh may be useful for people who want to move forward spiritually. In helping to
Eastern shrub. The Egyptians used Myrrh for embalming. They also used it to make soothe nerves and cool emotions, this joyous oil may restore, uplift and mollify. It is
healing unguents and burned it as incense. The ancient Hebrews drank it with their often used to set a tranquil and peaceful mood, conducive to meditation, prayer and
wine to raise consciousness. The Romans and Greeks put it in healing salves and yoga. It is also great for enhancing spirituality and is most useful when meditating.
ointments. Myrrh is a native of Africa and Asia.
The use of myrrh is discussed in the world’s oldest surviving text- the Ebers Papyrus Body
(1500 B.C.) The name myrrh was derived from an Arabic word for ‘murr’, which
means ‘bitter.’ First mentioned almost 4,000 years ago, in eastern and western With a significant history in wound care and respiratory problems, today Myrrh is
medicine and mythology, myrrh was a luxury commodity and one of the three more likely to be used cosmetically to revitalize ageing skin.Myrrh is an expensive
precious gifts carried by the Magi. but effective treatment for chapped, cracked, or aged skin, eczema, bruises,
infection, varicose veins, ringworm, and athlete’s foot. It is very helpful applied on
herpes sores and blisters.
Energetic Myrrh oil is effective against excessive mucus in the lungs and helps to clear ailments
Unites the physical with the spiritual. Promotes inner stillness and peace. such as colds, catarrh, coughs, sore throats and bronchitis. It is used for diarrhoea,
dyspepsia, flatulence and haemorrhoids. It is very good for mouth and gum disorders,
such as mouth ulcers, pyorrhea, gingivitis, spongy gums and sore throats.
Therapeutic properties
It is of great help to promote menstruation and for relieving painful periods and
Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal, decongestant, astringent; to ease difficult labour in childbirth. Bedsores, deeply chapped and cracked skin,
heals wounds, brings on menstruation boils, carbuncles, acne and all other skin ailments show dramatic results when
myrrh oil is used to treat them, and it can also be applied with a cotton bud directly
on sores, wounds and other skin infections.

Safety precautions
Not during pregnancy. Due to a possible increase of thyroid activity, do not use
myrrh if you have an overactive thyroid.
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Neroli Citrus aurantium ssp amara

Country of origin Italy
Part of plant Flowering tops
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Warm, rich, bittersweet, intensely floral
Principal constituents Alcohols: Linalol, Nerolidol, Geraniol
Monoterpenes: Limonene, Pinenes, Camphene, Terpinene
Esters: Linalyl Acetate, Geranyul Acetate, Neryl Acetate

History and Traditional uses Mind

Named after Anna Maria de la Tremoille, Princess of Neroli (Italy) who loved the Soothing, tranquillising and slightly hypnotic, neroli has earned a reputation as an
exquisite orange blossom fragrance so much she used it to perfume everything in exquisite aphrodisiac. It is extremely valuable for soothing a troubled spirit and
her life. Neroli is derived from the orange blossom. Orange blossoms were woven easing away anxiety. It brings joyful calmness and the quiet confidence to trust your
into a bride’s bouquet for 100’s of years to ensure good luck, happiness and fertility choices.
to the bridal couple. A bride who wore orange blossoms in her hair was proclaiming For the ultimate luxury, add it to your bath to ease tension from PMS, menopause,
her virginity. Orange blossoms were also placed on the bridal bed to calm nervous or life in general. Neroli oil is very relaxing. It also helps insomnia. As one of the
apprehension before the bridal couple retired to the marriage bed. essential oils with the most sedative effects, neroli is useful for treating depression,
On the other hand, Madrid’s ‘women of the night’ wore neroli as a perfume to anxiety and shock and is also effective in calming heart palpitations, treating
seduce and lure clients. For these reasons, neroli symbolises both seduction and headaches, neuralgia and vertigo. Useful when a patient is convalescing, neroli is a
sexual purity. good general tonic.

Energetic Body
Fosters empowered choices from a quiet contemplation A very safe oil that is often used in pregnancy and labour to ease tensions and
soothe the body. With a purifying and uplifting fragrance, it has been proven an
effective aid to meditation, prayer and the search for inner truth.
Therapeutic properties
Neroli’s favoured use is for circulation problems, especially hemorrhoids and high
Sedative; can help relieve muscle spasms and cramping and stimulate circulation. blood pressure. It makes a wonderfully fragrant and effective cosmetic for mature,
A proven anti-depressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, cicatrisant. dry, and sensitive skin and is also one of the best essential oils to add to a vaginal
cream during menopause. It reputedly regenerates skin cells and has anti-aging
properties. When used in a cream or lotion is not only fights stretch marks and
broken capillaries on the skin, but also prevents ugly scarring. Its action of stimulating
cell growth and cellular activity helps it to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.

Safety precautions
Not suitable when a clear head is essential.
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Orange Sweet Citrus sinensis

Country of origin Italy
Part of plant Peel
Method of extraction Cold pressed
Fragrance Radiant, tangy and zesty; sensual, sweet and warm
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Limonene

History and Traditional uses: treatment for irregular heartbeat.

Mysteriously, although oranges were cultivated by the Chinese since 2500 BC, they Research at International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc., in New Jersey found that
don’t actually feature in written history until they arrived in Rome in the first century orange also reduces anxiety. You don’t even need to buy the essential oil; simply peel
AD after an arduous shipboard journey from India. an orange and inhale its aroma. It is a sunny and radiant oil, bringing happiness and
The orange, like the orange blossom, is a symbol of innocence and fertility. Both the warmth to the mind, it helps people to relax and helps children to sleep at night.
orange and neroli share their common history, neroli being the flower and orange
being the fruit of the same tree. According to folklore, the exchange of an orange Body
between unmarried men and women was a simple charm to invite love to blossom
Although not as antibiotic as lemon, orange essential oil still has some value in
between the two. In European courts they were stuck with cloves and carried as
fighting flu, colds, and breaking up congested lymph, especially when added to
a pomander to dispel disagreeable odours and emotions such as depression and
massage oil. The aroma of oranges is a favourite of children, and they will usually be
nervousness, as well as to bring more cheer into dreary winter days.
more enthusiastic about an aromatherapy treatment when it is included. Using it as
a massage oil can ease a bout of indigestion or overcome a light case of insomnia
Energetic or depression.
For those that are too serious. Lighten up and laugh with joy. Cosmetically, orange is good for oily complexions, although essential oils with more
sophisticated fragrances are preferred. Orange oil can be used effectively on the
immune system, as well as for colds and flu and to eliminate toxins from the body.
Therapeutic properties It is a good diuretic and is most useful in balancing water retention and obesity. Its
lymphatic stimulant action may help to balance water processes, detoxification,
Sedative reputed to relieve muscle spasms, cramping, and indigestion
aiding the immune system and general well-being.

Mind Home
The aroma of orange essential oil is comforting and refreshing, joyful, tangy, sunny Vaporise to help with colds and flu, nervous tension and stress and to create a feeling
and soothing. Orange is always a favourite with children and adults. It is a happy of happiness and warmth. Orange may assist children to fall asleep at night.
scent, promoting ease in the family by soothing irritability, moodiness and frustration
and increasing joy, harmony and creativity. Orange’s greatest claim to aromatherapy
fame is its ability to affect moods and to lower high blood pressure. In fact, just Safety precautions
sniffing it can lower blood pressure by a couple of points. It is also a good adjunct Orange essential oil may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
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Oregano Origanum vulgare

Country of origin USA
Part of plant Leaves
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Strong and spicy, camphor-like aroma.
Principal constituents Alcohols: Linalool
Sesquiterpenes: Caryophyllene, Bisabolene
Phenols: Carvacrol, Thymol

History and Traditional uses: Home

Oregano essential oil is steam distilled from the dried flowers of a plant growing Vaporise to help ease conditions of the upper and lower respiratory tract, as well
in the Mediterranean area. The Ancient Greeks gave oregano its name – a word as influenza.
that translates approximately as ‘delight of the mountains’. They recognised the
disinfectant and anti bacterial properties of this oil and they used oregano for
Safety precautions
treating bacterial infections on skin, wounds and otherwise and also to protect food
stuff from bacteria. It is on record that Hippocrates, now known as ‘The Father of People with allergies, illness and
Medicine’ used oregano widely in his cures for respiratory and digestive troubles. women who are pregnant or
nursing should consult with a
medical professional prior to using
Therapeutic properties: oregano. Skin irritant, mucous
Antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, membrane irritant, can cause
digestive, emenagogue and anti-allergenic. skin irritation.

Research has confirmed what Hippocrates obviously intuited all those years ago.
Oregano is a powerful germ killer. In fact it’s a powerhouse – anti-bacterial, anti-
inflammatory, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and antiseptic. It’s also valued as
a strong analgesic and anti rheumatic. It is a very strong oil and can irritate the
skin, but when diluted it can be used to heal skin conditions and massage painful
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Patchouli Pogostemon cablin

Country of origin Indonesia
Part of plant Dried leaves
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Sweet, rich, exotic and earthy
Principal constituents Alcohol: patchoulol
Aldehydes: benzoic, cinnamic
Phenol: eugenol
Sequisterpenes: cadinene, patchoulene

History and Traditional uses Body

The plant is native to Malaysia and India. It was placed between Indian cashmere shawls Patchouli is most often used in a sensual body massage blend or diffusion that is
en route to Victorian England, to protect the merchandise from moths, and without this believed to ease mental and emotional tension and help create an aphrodisiacal,
signature smell of dried patchouli leaves the shawls could not be sold in England. seductive mood.
In the East, it is used in potpourri and sachets and placed between linen, to keep Cosmetically, the essential oil is a cell rejuvenator and antiseptic that treats a number
bedbugs away. It is the smell of patchouli oil, mixed with that of camphor, that gives of skin problems, including eczema and inflamed, cracked, and mature skin. Add
Indian ink its characteristic smell. In the 1960’s, patchouli became the evocative 4 drops to hair conditioner to help eliminate dandruff. It is effective for fungal and
signature perfume for the flower children of the hippy generation. bacterial infection and is of great help for insect bites. As an anti-fungal, it counters
To some people the scent of patchouli is exotic, sensual, and luxurious, but to others athlete’s foot.
it’s too forceful and repellent. Patchouli also has a reputation as an aphrodisiac, a With its excellent diuretic properties, it is effective in fighting water retention and to
notion that probably originated in India, where it is used as an anointing oil in Tantric break up cellulite, easing constipation and helping to reduce overweight. Patchouli
sexual practices. Perfumers must think that it works since minute quantities of high oil is a superb tissue regenerator, which helps to stimulate the growth of new skin
quality oil scent such famous perfumes as Tabu and Shocking. cells. In wound healing, it promotes faster healing, and helps prevent ugly scarring
when the wound heals. Patchouli is effective for acne, eczema, weeping sores,
Energetic ulcers, slow healing wounds, scalp disorders, as well as other fungal infections,
such as athlete’s foot.
For the spiritually focussed who get out of touch with their body and sensuality

Therapeutic properties
The oil of patchouli is widely used in Asia for incense, body and garment perfumes
Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal; reduces fluid
and insect repellents. It is also sprinkled in temples. Arabs used it to perfume

Safety precautions
A grounding oil, patchouli is used widely to soothe anxiety, refresh the spirit,
increase objectivity and is thought to create a sensual and peaceful mood, ideal for Be careful of overuse: Patchouli can become a sedative and result in loss of appetite,
meditation or prayer. The aroma reduces appetite and helps to relieve headaches - insomnia and nervous attacks.
unless the patient doesn’t like it!
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Peppermint Mentha piperita

Country of origin South Africa
Part of plant Flowering herb
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Bright, fresh, clean, sharp and quite penetrating.
Principal constituents Alcohols: Menthol
Ketones: Menthone
Oxides: Cineol
Monoterpenes: Limonene

History and Traditional uses Mind

Peppermint is a native of the Mediterranean region. The world’s oldest surviving A delightful, multi-purpose oil, it can help restore the spirit, revive a tired body, calm
text the ‘Ebers Papyrus,’ mentions the use of peppermint as a stomach soother. hysteria, stimulate the mind and encourage clear thinking.
Peppermint was one of the plants mentioned in recipes for liturgical perfumes found
on the walls of the Temple of Horus at Edfou in Egypt.
Mint spread from Egypt to Palestine, where it was accepted as payment for taxes.
This particular use for mint is recorded in the Bible in Luke (11.39), which says: Used throughout history as an aphrodisiac by men and women, peppermint is said
‘you pay tithes of mint and rue… but you have no care for justice and love of God.’ to stimulate virility and be helpful for impotence and sexual frigidity.
Cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, dried peppermint leaves have been found in Peppermint helps the digestion of heavy foods and relieves flatulence and intestinal
a tomb dated at 370BC. Greek and Roman housewives added mint to milk to cramping, actually relaxing the digestive muscles so they operate more efficiently.
prevent it from spoiling. They served mint after meals as an aid to digestion. Both A massage over the abdomen with an oil containing peppermint can greatly aid
the Chinese and the Ayurvedic physicians of India used mint as a digestive aid, as a intestinal spasms, indigestion, nausea, and irritable bowel syndrome.
tonic and as a treatment for coughs, colds and fevers. In both ancient Greece and Peppermint essential oil is included in most liniments, where it warms by increasing
Rome, peppermint adorned the tables of feasts and people crowned themselves blood flow, relieving muscle spasms and arthritis. Peppermint relieves the itching of
with peppermint. ringworm, herpes simplex, scabies, and poison oak. It also clears sinus and lung
Peppermint was also used to flavour wine and was added to bathwater for its congestion when inhaled directly or when a vapour balm is rubbed on the chest. It
restorative properties. In Victorian times, peppermint was added to hot water for also destroys many bacteria and viruses.
mopping floors in order to remove negativity.
Energetic Peppermint oil is vaporised for sinus congestion and infections and at the onset of
Become sharper, clearer, more focused. Reconnect to your purpose. a cold. Considered great for helping with mental fatigue and concentration.

Therapeutic properties Safety precautions

Anti-inflammatory; relieves pain, muscle spasms, and cramping; relaxes the nerves; Do not use in combination with homeopathy. Can inhibit sleep in strong doses. Too
kills viral infections; decreases gas and indigestion; clears lung congestion; reduces much topically can burn the skin.
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Rose Rosa damascena

Country of origin Bulgaria
Part of plant Flower
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Floral, rich, sweet, tender and warm
Principal constituents Alcohols: Geraniol, Citronellol, Nerol, Phenyl Ethanol
Monoterpenes: Linalool
Sesquiterpenes: Farnesol
Phenols: Eugenol, Methyl Eugenol
Ketones: Damascenone
Oxides: Rose Oxide

History and traditional uses Mind

In ancient art and literature, the rose was the predominant flower symbol. The ‘Queen Loved through the ages as a calming, releasing and restorative, soothing and
of the Flowers’ and its fragrance have been associated with love and feminine uplifting essence, people believe that the rose soothes tension, brings comfort,
beauty in many cultures since time immemorial. The rose is native to central Asia wellbeing, happiness and sensuality. The aroma of rose essential oil restores and
and is an ancient flower. Fossils from the Tertiary era (dating back forty million years) refreshes the spirit and is a gentle aphrodisiac for women. As a massage oil, rose
confirm that the rose was flourishing in that time. can help various types of female problems, including menstrual cramps, PMS
The word ‘rosa’ is derived from the Greek word ‘rodon’, meaning ‘red.’ The word symptoms, and moodiness during menopause. Sniffing the oil or using a massage
‘centifolia’ means ‘100 petals.’ In Roman mythology, it is said that the goddess oil containing rose has even been suggested to help reverse impotency.
Venus gave the rose its colour with the blood of Adonis, after he was killed by a Rose oil soothes and harmonizes the mind to help with depression, anger, grief,
boar. The rose is also a symbol of Venus, the goddess of love, and it is thought that fear, nervous tension and stress and at the same time addresses sexuality, self-
the planet Venus governs the rose. No love potion was considered potent unless nurturing, self esteem and dealing with emotional problems.
it contained a few drops of rose oil or rosewater. Rose petals were scattered at
ancient Roman and Egyptian weddings to ensure a happy marriage.
It is said that the first century A.D. Egyptian Queen Cleopatra first made love to Mark
Anthony on a carpet buried under 1 inch of rose petals. As a further reminder of her A cell rejuvenator and powerful antiseptic, rose essential oil soothes and heals skin
love to Mark Anthony, Cleopatra had the sails of her ships soaked in rosewater so conditions, including cuts and burns. For the respiratory system rose oil assists
that the scent of the rose on the breeze alerted her lover of her impending arrival- in cases of asthma, coughs and hay fever, and in the digestive system for liver
well before she could be seen. congestion and nausea.
Rose oil has a balancing, cleansing, regulating and purifying effect on the female sex
organs. On the skin it is most effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin, while
Energetic having a general stimulant and antiseptic action, which is good for all skin types, but
The oil of the heart chakra – open ones heart and know that when even alone we especially so for dry, mature and irritated skin. It is used to repair broken capillaries,
are all one. inflammation as well as skin redness and is useful in eczema and herpes.

Therapeutic properties Safety precautions

Antidepressant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antibacterial, and antiviral; Best avoided in during first trimester of pregnancy.
increases menstruation, calms nervous tension.
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Rosemary Rosemarinus officinalis

Country of origin Spain
Part of plant Flowering tops
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Fresh, herbaceous, camphorous.
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Pinenes, Camphene, Limonene
Oxides: Cineole
Ketones: Camphor

History and traditional uses: a heightened sensitivity to situations and surroundings. Rosemary helps prepare
Regarded as sacred in many civilizations rosemary has variously been used for the body and mind for meditation and prayer.
driving away evil spirits, as a fumigant, as protection against plague, at weddings, Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain and the central nervous system.
feasts and funerals - and as both a remembrance and an aid to joyful memories. It is thought wonderful for clearing the mind, fostering mental awareness and
The word ‘rosmarinus’ comes from the Latin word ‘rosmaris’ which means ‘dew of the improving the memory.
sea’, in reference to its refreshing effects and its natural habitat. The ancients also used
rosemary as a respiratory ailment treatment and as sacred incense in some religious
ceremonies. Sprigs of rosemary have been found in Egyptian Tombs (3000 BC.) The benefits of rosemary essential oil in treating respiratory problems are unmatched.
The oil is used in treating respiratory allergies, cold, sore throat and flu. Since rosemary
Rosemary is one of the ingredients in the ‘Vinegar of Four Thieves’ which was a
oil is antiseptic it is effective for respiratory infections as well.
potion used by grave robbers for protection against the plague. It was believed that
placing a sprig of rosemary under a pillow before sleep would repel nightmares, and The oil is antispasmodic and is used in bronchial asthma.
if placed outside the home it would repel witches. As an ingredient in a massage oil, compress or bath, rosemary essential oil is
The folklore developed from this practice says the woman rules the household in considered excellent for increasing poor circulation and easing muscle and rheumatic
homes and gardens where rosemary grows abundantly. By the 16th century this pain. It is especially penetrating when used in a liniment.
became a bone of contention and men were known to rip up rosemary bushes to Added to shampoos, rosemary has a pronounced positive effect on the health of the
show that they ruled the roost. hair and scalp. It increases the circulation to the scalp and is therefore also effective for
promoting hair growth. The diuretic properties of rosemary oil are useful with reducing
Energetic water retention during menstruation, and also with obesity and cellulite.
Associated with the third eye (brow chakra), rosemary is a psychic protector
Safety precautions
Therapeutic properties Not to be used when pregnant nor by epileptics or people with a history of heart
An antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant, rosemary is said to relieve rheumatic and problems.
muscle pain, relax nerves, improve digestion and appetite and increase sweating.
Home use
Mind The oil is used in room fresheners, candles and perfumes due to its aroma. The oil,
Rosemary’s invigorating fragrance stimulates alertness and strength in the senses. It when inhaled brings mental energy and also clears the respiratory tract. Spray a
encourages clarity and creativity, rekindles energies and nourishes intuition through mixture of rosemary essential oil and water to remove bad odour from a room.
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Sandalwood Santalum spicata

Country of origin Australia
Part of plant Heartwood
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance A deep, soft, sweet-woody aroma
Principal constituents Sequisterpene Alcohols: Santalols, Farnesol, Alpha–Bisabolol

History and traditional uses: Mind

Recorded in the oldest Vedic works from the 5th century BC, mythical sandalwood With its mystical and euphoric fragrance, sandalwood, is renowned as an aphrodisiac
has featured in ancient eastern and western religious observances and in medicine and said to have elevating, grounding and opening properties. Soothing and
for the past 3,000 years. Sandalwood (S.album) originates from India. S.spicatum warming, sandalwood creates an exotic ambience for sensuality, transcendental
is native to Australia. meditation and contemplative reflection.
Sandalwood has been used in India as a temple incense to worship the gods since Sandalwood oil is inhaled to relieve nervous tension, calm the mind and help slow
antiquity. Disciples of the Tantra tradition smear sandalwood onto their bodies while down breathing and heart rate. It is connected with the ancient spirit of Australia.
celebrating the divinity of sexual ecstasy. Sandalwood is mentioned in the Hindu Deep inhalation of sandalwood oil vapour creates a series of positive physiological
love scripture the ‘Kama Sutra.’ changes to the body. Most promising is its positive effect on the health of our
Sandalwood is used in Ayurveda for treating skin conditions such as acne, poisonous nervous system. A remarkable aspect of this relaxant ability is that our mind remains
stings and external bleeding; in massage oils and as a blood purifier. The indigenous clear and focussed, allowing the oil to be used without fear of drowsiness or when
people of Australia used sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) for centuries as a high levels of concentration are important.
medicine. They boiled the bark for a cough syrup and used the seed kernels in a
liniment for muscular stiffness. Western Australian sandalwood oil is included in the Body
pharmacopoeias of several countries, including Britain, France, Japan and Belgium. Suitable for all complexion types, it is especially useful on rashes, inflammation,
Australian sandalwood oil was used as an internal antiseptic in the 1920’s and acne, and dry, dehydrated, or chapped skin. Chronic chest infections, sore throats
determined to be ‘of equal therapeutic value to the oil of Santalum album’. In the and dry coughs as well as bronchitis and asthma can benefit greatly from this oil, as
early 1920’s clinical trials were undertaken on the Australian oil at several public well as cystitis and bladder infections. It may also be helpful with sexual problems
hospitals. These trials were very successful, and Australian sandalwood oil was such as frigidity and impotence. Sandalwood oil also counters inflammation, so it
used continuously from this time until being superseded by antibiotics. can be used on hemorrhoids. A syrup or chest balm containing sandalwood may
help relieve persistent coughs and sore throat.
Links the root and crown chakra – the oil of choice for meditation. Home
A long lasting fragrance that attracts humans as strongly as it repels insects.
Therapeutic properties:
Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, astringent, sedative, insecticide, urinary Safety precautions
and lung antiseptic therefore helpful in relieving lung congestion and nausea. none
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Spearmint Mentha spicata

Country of origin South Africa
Part of plant Flowers and leaves
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Warm, spicy-herbaceous, clean, penetrating
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Carvone, Pinenes,
Oxides: Cineole

History and traditional uses Mind

According to Greek mythology, mint is named after Mintha, a lover of Pluto who The zingy, penetrating, light hearted fragrance of spearmint is said to encourage you
was ground into the ground by a jealous Persephone. The ancient Greeks used to think happily and simply as you revisit the precious memories of your childhood.
it to scent their bath water and it had a reputation for curing sexually transmitted A helpful oil to use when the mind is tired and in need of stimulating and uplifting.
diseases like gonorrhea. Spearmint contains only small amounts of menthol. This means it is far less harsh
During the medieval times it was used to heal sore gums and also to whiten teeth. on the skin and is better to use for children than peppermint.
The Romans introduced it to Britain, where it was used to stop milk curdling. Unlike
peppermint, spearmint does not contain high amounts of menthol. Body
The spearmint plant is native to Europe but is now common in North America and Spearmint is prized as a energizer for virility – in men and animals - and has long
Asia. The U.S. is the major producer of spearmint essential oil, which is steam been a popular aid to cure frigidity in women. It can help to stem the flow of heavy
distilled from the fresh flowering tops. Spearmint has traditionally been used as an periods and releases urine retention. A restorative massage oil that may be beneficial
aromatic, stomachic, stimulant, antiseptic and local anaesthetic. It has an uplifting for impotence, fatigue, exhaustion and shock.
effect on the nervous system and is used to treat acne and congested skin. Its most
common use at this time is as a flavouring in toothpastes, chewing gum, candy and Spearmint is very useful to deal with digestive problems including flatulence,
mouthwashes. constipation, diarrhoea and nausea, as it relaxes the stomach muscles and also
relieves hiccups. It can help with headaches, migraines, fatigue and stress. It is also
useful with asthma, bronchitis, catarrh and sinusitis. On the skin it can relieve the
Energetic itching of pruritus and helps with acne, dermatitis, congested skin and sore gums.
Aligns your energy and your intentions – invigorates the weary.
Safety precautions
Therapeutic properties none
Antiseptic, antispasmodic, carminative, cephalic, emmenagogue, insecticide,
restorative and stimulant.
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Tea Tree Melaleuca alternifolia

Country of origin Australia
Part of plant Whole plant
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Strong, clean, powerful, fresh
Principal constituents Monoterpenes: Terpinen-4-ol, Terpinene, Cymene, Terpinolene
Alcohols: Terpineol

History and traditional uses Body

Known since the dawn of time by indigenous Australians, today this oil has been Called a ‘medicine cabinet in a bottle’, tea tree is effective against bacteria, fungi, and
scientifically proven to be resistant to bacteria, fungi and viruses at a rate five times viruses and stimulates the immune system. It is used in compresses, salves, massage
better than normal household antiseptics. No medicine cabinet should be without oil, and washes to fight all sorts of infections, including herpes, shingles, chicken pox,
this essential oil, as it is one of the most powerful immune system stimulants. candida, thrush, flu, cold, and those of the urinary tract. Studies show that the presence
It is a small tree from New South Wales in Australia, with needle-like leaves and of blood and pus from infection only increase tea tree’s antiseptic powers.
heads of sessile yellow or purplish flowers. Even when this tree is cut down, it It heals wounds, protects skin from radiation burns from cancer therapy, and
flourishes and is ready for cutting again in two years. In World War II, the producers encourages scar tissue to regenerate. Tea tree also treats nappy rash, acne,
and the cutters were exempt from military service until enough essential oil had wounds, and insect bites. Adding just one drop to dish and nappy washing rinses
been accumulated. Each soldier and sailor was issued with some as part of his kit, gets rid of bacteria. Tea tree may be used without dilution topically to treat bacteria,
to treat tropical infections and infected wounds. viruses and fungi, as well as to wash wounds, ulcers and burns.
It’s only recently, however, that essential oil companies have begun touting tea Massage with tea tree oil before an operation to fortify the body and reduce post-
tree’s healing properties. Medical journal articles support reports of its ability to heal operative shock. It also helps clear bronchial congestion, asthma, coughs, sinusitis,
mouth infections, and its primary use is in products for gum infection and canker whooping cough and tuberculosis. Tea tree can be used to help clear vaginal thrush,
sores, germicidal soaps, and deodorants. cystitis and genital infections in general.
On the skin, it clears abscesses, acne, burns, herpes, oily skin, athlete’s foot, cold
Energetic sores, blemishes, diaper rash, warts, sunburn and infected wounds, while fighting
For delicate individuals who struggle with feelings of victimisation. Increases dandruff on the scalp.
tolerance, physically and emotionally.
Therapeutic properties
It helps purify the environment, prevent the spread of infection and bring the clear,
Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal; destroys parasitic infections, clean smell of the Australian bush to your home.
encourages the healing of wounds, clears lung and sinus congestion, stimulates
immune system.
Safety precautions
Mind Possibly sensitising to some individuals.
Tea tree revives the mind and the spirits. Builds confidence, patience and understanding.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®

Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata

Country of origin Madagascar
Part of plant Flower
Method of extraction Steam-distilled
Fragrance Intoxicating, heady, and floral
Principal constituents Alcohols: Linalool
Esters: Benzyl Acetate, Geranyl Acetate

History and traditional uses Mind

With a venerable reputation as a potent aphrodisiac, sweet, floral ylang ylang The powerfully exotic, yet soothing scent of ylang ylang may help overcome fear,
embellishes the wedding rituals of cultures across the world. Originating in the anxiety and impatience and usher in a more balanced state of soft mindfulness.
Philippines, ylang ylang means ‘flower of flowers’ The euphoric qualities of this exquisite scent may make it valuable in overcoming
This fragrance is traditionally used in aromatherapy to sharpen the senses and to depression, apathy, anxiety, tension, PMT, menopausal problems, shock, fear and
temper depression, fear, anger, and jealousy. For these reasons, and also because panic while the aphrodisiac qualities make it useful for impotence and frigidity.
of its reputation as an aphrodisiac, the flowers are spread on the beds of the newly
married in Indonesia. People throughout the tropics mix coconut oil with ylang ylang Body
to use as a cosmetic and to protect their hair from salt water damage.
Ylang ylang is also believed to be an excellent aid for those suffering high blood
Today, as one of the most abundant and least expensive of the true floral-smelling pressure and insomnia. Of all the essential oils, ylang ylang is one of the best at
essential oils, it is a favourite in perfumes and cosmetics and is even added to some relaxing the mind and the body. Simply sniffing it can slightly lower blood pressure,
beverages and desserts. although taking a bath with the oil or using it in a massage oil greatly enhances the
relaxation experience. It can be helpful in cases of stress, shock, or anxiety.
Energetic When used as a hair tonic, it balances oil production. Add about 3 drops in hair
Dispels anger and creates a feeling of peace conditioner.
It is particularly useful with rapid breathing and rapid heartbeat and may also help
with reducing high blood pressure and useful for intestinal infections.
Therapeutic properties
On the skin, ylang-ylang oil has a soothing effect and its balancing action sorts out
Known to be an antidepressant that can stimulate circulation, relieve muscle over-dry as well as overly-oily skin by balancing the secretion of sebum, and has a
spasms, lower blood pressure and relax nerves. stimulating effect on the scalp which promotes more luxurious hair growth.

Safety precautions
Excessive use can cause headaches and nausea
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 34

vaporiser/diffuser blends steam inhalation blends

Environmental Purifier – coughs and colds To inhale steam directly, you need a large
4 drops eucalyptus heatproof bowl and a thick bath towel. Place your
4 drops sandalwood bowl onto a solid surface such as a table and fill
3 drops lemon it with boiling or almost boiling water. Begin by
adding 3-6 drops of your chosen essential oil. As
Insomnia that dissolves, add two more drops – and then
again to a total of 6 drops.
3 drops lavender
Seat yourself safely and comfortably; lean over
3 drops Roman chamomile
the bowl and use the towel to seal off the vapours.
2 drops ylang ylang
Breathe in slowly and quietly for between 1-5
minutes. You may want to shut your eyes.
This process of taking the essential oil directly
17 drops rosemary into your nose, throat and chest has strong
8 drops peppermint antibacterial, antiviral and soothing effects.
If you’d like to gain an extra benefit from this
Relaxing procedure, splash your face with cold water
7 drops lavender afterwards for a skin tingling mini-sauna.
3 drops ylang ylang
5 drops frankincense
Cold and flu ease
5 drops sandalwood
5 drops myrrh 4 drops eucalyptus
4 drops sandalwood
Sensual 3 drops lemon
7 drops orange
Cough ease
8 drops sandalwood
5 drops ylang ylang 2 drops eucalyptus
5 drops cedarwood 2 drops lavender

Studying for exams memory retention Headache remedy

2 drops basil 2 drops oregano
2 drops rosemary 2 drops lavender
2 drops lemon 2 drops peppermint

Studying for exams – de-stress Sinus congestion ease

3 drops bergamot 4 drops eucalyptus
2 drops geranium 3 drops peppermint
1 drop lavender 2 drops teatree
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 35

bath blends
Beat the winter blues bath Cough and colds relief Insomnia help Summer cool-down bath
3 drops bergamot 5 drops lavender 6 drops Roman chamomile 4 drops lemon
3 drops sandalwood 5 drops rosemary 3 drops lavender 4 drops rosemary
2 drops lemon oil 5 drops eucalyptus 6 drops neroli 4 drops peppermint
Halve the number of drops for children
Bedtime sleepy bath Cystitis relief Jetlag bath under 12.
10 drops lavender 3 drops lavender 3 drops rosemary
5 drops oregano 3 drops sandalwood 2 drops lemon Urinary Tract Infection bath
2 drops cedarwood 2 drops frankincense
Bedtime sexy bath for women 10 drops eucalyptus
Sip on cranberry juice while in the
10 drops sandalwood
3 drops jasmine bath. Men’s favourite bath
3 drops sandalwood 5 drops geranium Varicose Vein relief
3 drops ylang ylang Daydream bath 5 drops cedarwood
10 drops cedarwood
2 drops bergamot 5 drops lemon
Bedtime sexy bath for men 10 drops geranium
4 drops patchouli
3 drops cedarwood 6 drops frankincense Pick-me-up bath
Tension breaker
2 drops frankincense 4 drops orange
2 drops lime Detoxifying bath 4 drops myrrh
4 drops frankincense
4 drops geranium
2 drops geranium 4 drops geranium
Calming bath 4 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
2 drops lavender 2 drops juniper Shock and upset alleviator
2 drops bergamot 2 drops lavender 7 drops geranium
2 drops cedarwood 4 drops cedarwood
Use half the number of drops for Hangover bath 4 drops sandalwood
children under 12. 3 drops rose essential oil
8 drops lavender
Concentration and memory bath 2 drops peppermint
6 drops peppermint Also try an ice pillow on your forehead
9 drops lemon or the Hangover compress blend.
And sip on an iced Berry Radical. Blend
Cold/flu relief bath up Berry Radical, ice, honey, and milk.
5 drops eucalyptus
5 drops peppermint
4 drops lavender
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 36

room freshener blends household use blends

Essential oil are an ideal way to disinfect or fragrance any room. Your whole house Clothes-eating moths
doesn’t have to smell like bathroom spray. Not only will your room be fragranced Sandalwood has been used since time immemorial to repel the clothes eating type
beautifully but you will also benefit from the therapeutic properties of the oils. of moth. A couple of drops on a cotton ball, in an open plastic bag means no stains
Simply add 20 drops of your favourite essential oils into a MiEnviron spray bottle but no moths!
half-filled with water, shake vigorously and you’re away! Cedarwood oil can also be soaked into a small piece of timber that’s is attached to
Can be used to spray on bedsheets and pillows but make sure not to spray on the drawer – under the lining paper. Refresh each month for an effective deterrent.
polished furniture, as some essential oils can damage the polished surface.
Store the bottle in the fridge. Laundry – washing machine blend
3 drops lavender For a germ-free wash, add these neat to your final rinse or
No more cigarette smells Sensuality blend 3 drops geranium mix with the softener in the special compartment in your
5 drops rosemary 10 drops lime washing machine.
5 drops cedarwood 15 drops bergamot
5 drops tea tree 5 drops ylang ylang Carpet deodoriser
5 drops eucalyptus.
Box of bicarb soda Add the baking soda and essential oils to a bowl and mix
10 drops eucalyptus well. It is essential the oils are blended well into the baking
No more cooking smells Energy blend
10 drops lemon soda so that no undiluted oils stains your carpet. Store in
5 drops peppermint 16 drops mandarin 20 drops lavender a glass jar or airtight container. Sprinkle onto carpet. Leave
5 drops lavender 8 drops peppermint on carpet for 20 minutes and then vacuum as usual.
5 drops lemon 4 drops spearmint
5 drops orange.
If you use cloth nappies:
Calming bedtime spray for children Calming blend Disinfect by soaking in a bucket of cold water to which you’ve added 8 drops of
5 drops Roman chamomile 8 drops lavender tea tree oil.
7 drops lavender 8 drops bergamot Lavender oil can also help heal nappy rash if you add 2 drops to your final rinse or
8 drops orange 8 drops mandarin 6 drops to the softening agent.
Dryer sheets
Luxurious blend
Scatter 5 drops of essential oil of choice onto natural fabric scraps (even an old
10 drops sandalwood t-shirt cut into pieces). Place the sheet into the dryer with your laundry and dry your
10 drops bergamot clothes as usual. Make sure you use clear or pale coloured essential oils.
1 drops rose
1 drops jasmine Fabric softener
combine 1 cup white vinegar with a few drops of essential oil of choice. Mix and
pour into final rinse of washing machine cycle.

Scented greeting cards

Put a few drops of the blend onto a cotton ball. Place cards and cotton ball in a
ziplock bag, close and let sit for at least 24 hours. Don’t let the oil come in contact
with cards or envelopes as the oil could stain.
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 37

household use blends (ContinueD) household use blends (ContinueD)

Potpourri Winter celebrations - fragrance your fire
Purchase or dry your own unscented plant materials such as whole flowers, petals, 4 drops frankincense Sprinkle mixture onto logs 15 minutes before starting
leaves, pine cones, and wood chips. Choose a bowl for the display (glass or glazed 4 drops sandalwood fire.
ceramic bowls work best as the essential oils can absorb into porous surfaces). 4 drops orange
Sprinkle 5-8 drops of your blend onto your potpourri. When the aroma weakens,
add more drops of the blend to refreshen the aroma. Pest control
Your blends should include fixative essential oils that increase the longevity
of the aroma. Such oils are cedarwood, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, and Mice hate peppermint oil. Put a few drops into some water and spray or smear
sandalwood. it sparingly around entry to your pantry or wherever the problem is and presto –
the mice will vanish. You can use the same mixture to get rid of unwanted ants
Woody citrus blend Citrus floral blend Christmas blend as well.
10 drops sandalwood 10 drops bergamot 10 drops orange Flies and moths particularly dislike lavender oil.
10 drops cedarwood 10 drops lemon 10 drops lime Mozzies and midges hate tea tree and eucalyptus.
10 drops bergamot 10 drops lime 5 drops patchouli They all hate lemon oil. Here are two blends that are harmless to humans and very
10 drops lemon 10 drops ylang ylang 10 drops geranium off-putting to pests. These can be sprayed around the room.
10 drops mandarin 10 drops cedarwood 5 drop myrrh
5 drops frankincense
Anti-pest spray– for the air
Fleas blend 10 drops lemon Put this into 60 ml. water and shake well. Spray with a
4 drops geranium Put water into a spray bottle and then add the essential 3 drops peppermint pump action mister.
2 drops lavender oils. Shake well and label. Rub well into the animals skin
2 drops tea tree below the fur and be careful to avoid the eyes! Anti-pest spray – for the surfaces
2 drops eucalyptus 5 drops lavender Put this into 60 ml. water and shake well. Spray with a
30 ml (1 fl.oz.) water 5 drops tea tree pump action mister.

Flea collar Vet’s special spray

1 drop lavender Soak a soft fabric collar in the mixture. 5 drops lavender Spray the room or area the distressed animal is in –
1 drop cedarwood *Garlic oil you can squeeze out of a clove of garlic - 5 drops chamomile not the pet itself. Good for spraying a bathroom or
1 drop citronella mixed into half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. It should last 2 drops mandarin oil laundry where you’ve shut away the cat after moving
1 drop oregano about one month. To make it more effective, get into the house.
1 drop garlic oil* habit of adding garlic to your pet’s dinner in flea season.
Fleas hate garlic: dogs are often quite partial to it.
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 38

compress blends topical blends

Disperse the oils into a small amount (100ml) of warm water. Wet a cloth, wring and Boils
use to bathe the affected area several times a day until relieved. 2 drops lavender Disperse these into a small amount of water that is as
2 drops tea tree hot as your skin will bear. Use this to gently bathe the
Abscesses 1 drop German chamomile affected area at least twice per day.
2 drops Roman chamomile
2 drops tea tree Headache remedy
2 drops lavender
1 drop peppermint Mix into 0.5 teaspoon of carrier oil. Using fingertip
Boils massage, dot this blend onto both temples and to the
central forehead. Rub in gently using a circular motion.
3 drops lavender Good for stopping the onset of a headache.
2 drops tea tree
2 drops oregano
Insect bites
Burns (minor household - run cold water over a burn for at least 10 minutes)
You can rub in neat tea tree oil or lavender oil to take the sting out of most bites
5 drops lavender Soak clean gauze or similar in this mixture, wrap the from flying insects – including mosquitoes. It’s a good idea to wash the site first to
1 drop peppermint burn, cover it with cling wrap and chill the site with an remove the poison if you can.
icepack. Repeat the application every 2 hours for 24
hours (12 times) without removing the gauze.
Cuts and scrapes
5 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree
foot baths
Fevers Athlete’s Foot
3 drops tea tree Add oils to iced water wet a cloth, wring and apply 12 drops lavender Shake vigorously to disperse into 1 pint (0.5. litre) of
2 drops bergamot to forehead or back of neck. Re-apply each time the 8 drops tea tree hot water. Soak foot in water for at least 15 minutes.
cloth warms up to body temperature. Eucalyptus oil may be substituted for tea tree oil.

Hangover Sweaty feet soaker

1 drop peppermint Apply cloth to forehead for 10 minutes.
3 drops lemon
1 drop lavender
3 drops lavender
1 drop Roman chamomile
2 drops eucalyptus
Headache remedy
1 drop peppermint Place the compress over the forehead and temples
3 drops lavender and lie flat in a darkened room for 30 minutes.

Sprained ankle
2 drops Roman chamomile Use this blend as a cold compress and hold that onto
2 drops peppermint the damaged ankle with the help of an ice pack.
2 drops helichrysum
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 39

hair treatment blends massage blends

Head Lice 1 The following blends are for 30ml (1 fl.oz.) of carrier oil. You should be adding 20 –
8 drops eucalyptus Add to 20ml. (4 teaspoons) of carrier oil. Massage into 25 drops of essential oils to this base.
8 drops tea tree the head and cover with a shower cap or clingwrap
4 drops lavender for approx 30 mins. Wash with organic shampoo. Fine Aching muscles
4 drops geranium comb then dry. Wash - then rinse with the following
Antiseptic Rinse blend. Repeat after 3 days and again 10 drops lavender
after 5 days to remove all lice and eggs. 10 drops rosemary

Aches and pains, general

Antiseptic Rinse
4 drops cedarwood
2 drops eucalyptus Blend the oils with the vinegar and shake vigorously. 4 drops lavender
2 drops tea tree Add to the water and shake again. Soak the child’s 6 drops oregano
2 drops lavender hair with this rinse. Watch the eyes! Pat dry – don’t 8 drops peppermint
2 drops geranium rub. Sunshine dry if possible. Repeat this double wash
15ml vinegar (0.5 fl.oz.) until all lice and eggs are gone. Asthma - Massage formula for children aged 2-12
5 drops lavender
3 drops geranium
Dandruff hair care 3 drops frankincense
2 drops cedarwood Add to each shampoo. Massage scalp as long as
2 drops lavender possible. Follow with Miessence Clarifying Hair Rinse Asthma - Massage formula for teenagers to adults
2 drops patchouli
10 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
10 drops cedarwood
2 drops tea tree oil
5 drops frankincense

Dark hair rinse Arthritis relief

2 drops rosemary Add the oils to 1 litre (2 pints) of water. Shake very 10 drops Roman chamomile Ask permission from your medical advisor to massage
1 drop geranium vigorously to dissolve the mixture. Shake again before 10 drops helichrysum directly into the joint area. He/she may suggest you
pouring the lotion onto your hair as a final rinse. Watch work around it. Massage legs towards the heart.
your eyes! Leave in.
Fair hair rinse Back pain
2 drops Roman chamomile Add the oils to 1 litre (2 pints) of water. Shake very 10 drops lavender
1 drop lemon vigorously to dissolve the mixture. Shake again before 6 drops rosemary
pouring the lotion onto your hair as a final rinse. Watch 6 drops sandalwood
your eyes! Leave in. 3 drops geranium
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 40

massage blends (ContinueD) massage blends (ContinueD)

Cellulite Menopause - hot flushes
20 drops geranium Dry skin brush before shower for 5 minutes. Massage 5 drops mandarin
20 drops lemon blend into affected areas after shower. Massage again 5 drops lime
20 drops cedarwood into affected areas before bed. Do this for 30 days. 3 drops sweet orange
20 drops rosemary 2 drops oregano

Chest congestion Menstrual cramps

8 drops eucalyptus Use as a massage for upper chest and back. You can 15 drops peppermint
4 drops rosemary also place a couple of drops of this blend onto a tissue 10 drops cedarwood
4 drops lavender and inhale. Do this a couple of time each hour but 5 drops lavender
4 drops tea tree don’t overdo it.
Children – growing pains/achey legs 10 drops rose Rub gently onto abdomen, using clockwise strokes.
8 drops ylang ylang
15 drops lavender 5 drops bergamot
10 drops rosemary 5 drops geranium

10 drops rosemary Massage the abdomen and gut in a clockwise circular
10 drops lemon motion.
5 drops peppermint

3 drops neroli
3 drop geranium
6 drops German chamomile
3 drops lavender

Feet aching
8 drops lavender
8 drops eucalyptus
4 drop peppermint

Immune boosting
5 drops geranium
5 drops tea tree
4 drops lemon
4 drops thyme
3 drops myrrh
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 41

relaxation blends
Sport: Pre and/or Post

12 drops lavender 14 drops sweet orange
3 drop bergamot
3 drop frankincense 3 7 drops lemon
4 drops patchouli
8 drops rosemary
4 drops lavender
4 drops eucalyptus
Massage to the body before and after exercising.

7 drops bergamot 4 drops cedarwood

2 5 drops frankincense
8 drops rose
5 drops myrrh
8 drops lavender
5 drop ylang ylang
8 drops lemon
Study – tension reliever
3 drops bergamot Blend into 2 teaspoons (10ml.) carrier oil and use to
2 drops geranium oil massage the back of the neck and the shoulders. Do
1 drop Roman chamomile this each morning.
7 drops bergamot Study - memory aid
5 drops jasmine
2 drops cedarwood Blend into 2 teaspoons (10ml.) carrier oil and use to
5 drops rose
1 drop peppermint massage the back of the neck and the shoulders. Do
8 drops sandalwood
3 drops rosemary this each morning.
7 drops geranium
4 drops ylang ylang
7 drops orange
5 drops patchouli
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 42

health care
Abdominal pain – lower abdomen Insomnia
2 drops patchouli Add to 1 teaspoon (5mls) carrier oil and rub the affected 2 drops lavender Put these two oils onto a hanky or tissue and breathe
2 drops eucalyptus area, working clockwise. 2 drops Roman chamomile deeply at least 3 times. Lie on your back, relax and
Refer to other solutions listed under menstruation. See inhale.
your health care provider if pain persists.
Black eye 1 drops peppermint Drop oils onto a hanky or tissue and breathe deeply
1 drop Roman chamomile Mix the oils and add the blend to 15ml. of witch 1 drops rosemary whilst travelling.
1 drop German chamomile hazel. Mix all of this into 15ml. of icy cold water and 1 drops lemon
soak a couple of cotton balls in it. Close your eye
and apply these mini-compresses to the eyelid and Nausea relief
bruised areas. 1 drop lavender For speedy relief put onto a hanky or tissue and breathe
1 drop peppermint deeply several times.
Blood nose
3 drops lemon Mix these oils onto a tissue or similar. Put your head
1 drop lavender back (or lie down) and inhale the fragrance from the

1 drop tea tree Blend and apply gently.
1 drop lemon

Breasts – tender nipples

Mix 1 drop of lavender into 1 teaspoon (5ml) of blending oil, preferably apricot kernel
or calendula and massage into nipples immediately after feeding. Wash carefully
and thoroughly before next feed. Also useful for young developing girls.

2 drops helichrysum Blend into 1 teaspoon (5ml) and rub gently into the
2 drops mandarin affected area.

Chilblains – fingers and toes

2 drops rosemary Blend into 1 teaspoon (5ml) and rub vigorously into the
1 drop lavender affected area.
5 drops geranium
miessence ®
100% PURE Essential Oils iv references & reading list 43

Battaglia, Salvatore (2003) “The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy” 2nd edition

Davis, Patricia (1995) “Aromatherapy: an a to z” new revised and enlarged edition

Devereux, Charla (1993) “The Aromatherapy Kit. Australia”

Fischer-Rizzi, Susanne (1992) “The Complete Book of Aromatherapy”

Keller, Erich (1992) “Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair and Skin Care”

Lacroix, Nitya & Bowhay, Sakina (1995) “The Art of Sensual Aromatherapy”

Lawless, Julia (1998) “Aromatherapy and the Mind”

Lawless, Julia (1994) “The Encyclopedia of Essential Oils”

Mojay, Gabriel (1999) “Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit – Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils”

Penoel, Daniel & Rose-Marie (2000) “Life Helping Life – Unleash Your Mind/Body Potential with Essential Oils”

Penoel, Daniel & Rose-Marie (1998) “Natural Home and Health Care Using Essential Oils”

Price, Shirley (1991) “Aromatherapy for Common Ailments”

Rose, Jeanne (1992) “The Aromatherapy Book – Applications and Inhalations”

Sheppard-Hanger, Sylla (2008) “The Aromatherapy Practitioner Reference Manual”

Tisserand, Maggie (1993) “Aromatherapy for Woman” 3rd edition

Tisserand, Robert (1987) “Aromatherapy for Everyone”

Worwood, Valerie Ann (1996) “Fragrant Sensuality”

Zeck, Robbie ND (2003) “The Blossoming Heart – Aromatherapy for Healing and Transformation”

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