Essential Oils Reference
Essential Oils Reference
Essential Oils Reference
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100% PURE Essential Oils i table of contents 2
what are certified organic oils? how do oils work in the body?
Organic systems work in harmony with nature, keeping harmful chemicals out of Tiny molecules of essential oils are taken into the body in two ways – by osmosis
our land, water and air, creating a healthy environment rich in wildlife, woodlands (through the skin) and by olfaction (breathing them in).
and nutrients.
Organic standards place great emphasis on building and maintaining healthy soil Essential oils and osmosis (external application)
and high vitality crops.
When essential oils (dissolved in a carrier oil) are applied externally via massage, the
Simply stated, organic products are grown without the use of pesticides, synthetic tiny molecules are absorbed through the skin and reach small blood vessels. They
fertilizers, sewage sludge, genetically modified organisms, or ionizing radiation. are then carried to the muscle tissue and joint via the blood stream to reach all the
tissues and organs. The oils are then excreted through the kidneys and bladder,
The USDA National Organic Program (NOP) defines organic as skin, and exhaled through the lungs.
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the Essential oils and olfaction (inhalation)
use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and
When essential oils are inhaled, the molecules are absorbed directly into the
water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
bloodstream via the lungs, which affects the entire respiratory system, and are
Organic plants are produced without using most conventional
absorbed by the olfactory nerves through the nose, where they travel directly to
pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage
the limbic system that deals with integration and expression of feelings, learning,
sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product
memory, emotions and physical drives. Once they reach the limbic system, they
can be labelled “organic,” a Government-approved certifier
trigger the release of neuro-chemicals which may be sedative, relaxing, stimulating
inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the
or euphoric in effect.
farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic
Reportedly, helps vanquish negative thoughts and depression. Its sedative yet
uplifting character is said to be excellent for anxiety, depression and nervous tension.
Almost everyone likes bergamot’s fresh, and lively but gentle, flowery fragrance.
Bergamot is second only to lavender in its ability to relax brain waves when sniffed.
Use in the bath for stress, depression, grief, anxiety and PMT.
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History and Traditional uses: blends for stress. Vaporise as incense for meditation, yoga or prayer. Clears the
This majestic tree was used to build King Solomon’s temple: it was thought its head and deepens breathing.
fragrance would lead worshipers to prayer and thus closer to God. The tree grows Body
to 100 feet (around 30 metres) in height, lives more than 1,000 years, and resists Indications for acne, arthritis, bronchitis, coughing, cystitis, dandruff, dermatitis,
insect damage. Cedar comes from the Semitic word signifying ‘power’ or ‘strength.’ stress. Helps balance the body, eases respiratory complaints. Inhale the steam of
A clay tablet from 1800 B.C. Babylon mentions the trade of cedarwood essential cedarwood essential oil to treat respiratory infections and clear congestion. Add a
oil. The Egyptians believed that cedarwood extended the life. The ancient Egyptians few drops to a bath to help ease the pain and irritation of urinary infections. Applied
used cedar as a preservative and for embalming, in cosmetics, and as incense. A to oily skin, cedarwood essential oil is an astringent that dries and helps clear acne.
Byzantine legend is of cedarwood being one of the three symbolic trees that grow Incorporate it into a facial wash, spritzer, or other cosmetic (10 drops of essential oil
at the gates of the ‘Symbolic garden’, alongside the cypress and the pine. All are per 30ml (1 ounce) of preparation.
said to teach us moderation.
Added to a moisturiser (15 drops of essential oil per 30 ml (1 ounce), it may relieve
dermatitis and, in some cases, eczema and psoriasis. For bites and itching, mix
Energetic: cedarwood and an equal part of or vegetable oil, and dab directly on the area. Add
Instils courage, fortifies and strengthens the mind. two drops of essential oil to every ounce of shampoo or hair conditioner to ease
dandruff and possibly slow hair loss.
Therapeutic properties:
Antiseptic, astringent; brings on menstruation, clears mucus, sedates nerves, and
stimulates circulation. The aroma repels ants, moths and insects. Use in linen closet to protect against
Safety precautions:
With its strengthening and opening effect on the mind and psyche, the strong
life-essence in Cedarwood is said to help defeat negativity and promote courage. Preferably not while pregnant
Users report that by mitigating anger and alleviating anxiety, it can help establish
a receptive, sensual mood. Its soothing, grounding and centering effect may help
with anxiety and stress, making it an ideal oil for meditation. Use in the bath for
nervous tension, exhaustion, anger and stress related complaints. Use in massage
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Safety precautions:
The powerful and refreshing fragrance of this essential oil is a surefire pick-up for
both physical and nervous exhaustion. Strong and refreshing, it revitalises and Do not use if you suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy. Do not store near
stimulates while bringing the essence of sunshine to a sad or weary spirit. The homeopathic remedies. Poisonous if ingested. Do not use in an asthma attack.
scent increases brain wave activity and counters physical and mental fatigue. Carry
eucalyptus with you on long car trips, or smell it to help you study. International
Flavors and Fragrances, Inc., a research and development corporation in New
Jersey, found that sniffing eucalyptus increases your energy.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Therapeutic properties
Frequently vaporised for colds, voice loss, flu, depression, stress, lack of energy
Antiseptic, antidepressant, antiviral; decreases indigestion, stops bleeding and fatigue, lemon is also reputed to relieve irritation, improve concentration, lift the
spirits, clear the mind and help in decision making.
Lemon conjures up images of freshness and cleanliness: its tangy, bright fragrance Safety precautions
is refreshing and uplifting to the spirit. Recent research suggests that it actually Do not use directly on skin exposed to sunlight
enhances concentration, revives the spirits and brings alertness and mental clarity.
Lemon oil soothes and relieves headaches and migraines.
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A gentle astringent oil, the sharp fragrance of lime may help to calm and soothe but
it is claimed to also bring the dual benefits of refreshing the mind and uplifting and
warming jaded spirits. Lime oil can stimulate and refresh a tired mind and is said to
help with depression.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Safety precautions
Not during pregnancy. Due to a possible increase of thyroid activity, do not use
myrrh if you have an overactive thyroid.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Energetic Body
Fosters empowered choices from a quiet contemplation A very safe oil that is often used in pregnancy and labour to ease tensions and
soothe the body. With a purifying and uplifting fragrance, it has been proven an
effective aid to meditation, prayer and the search for inner truth.
Therapeutic properties
Neroli’s favoured use is for circulation problems, especially hemorrhoids and high
Sedative; can help relieve muscle spasms and cramping and stimulate circulation. blood pressure. It makes a wonderfully fragrant and effective cosmetic for mature,
A proven anti-depressant, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, bactericidal, cicatrisant. dry, and sensitive skin and is also one of the best essential oils to add to a vaginal
cream during menopause. It reputedly regenerates skin cells and has anti-aging
properties. When used in a cream or lotion is not only fights stretch marks and
broken capillaries on the skin, but also prevents ugly scarring. Its action of stimulating
cell growth and cellular activity helps it to rejuvenate and regenerate the skin.
Safety precautions
Not suitable when a clear head is essential.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Mind Home
The aroma of orange essential oil is comforting and refreshing, joyful, tangy, sunny Vaporise to help with colds and flu, nervous tension and stress and to create a feeling
and soothing. Orange is always a favourite with children and adults. It is a happy of happiness and warmth. Orange may assist children to fall asleep at night.
scent, promoting ease in the family by soothing irritability, moodiness and frustration
and increasing joy, harmony and creativity. Orange’s greatest claim to aromatherapy
fame is its ability to affect moods and to lower high blood pressure. In fact, just Safety precautions
sniffing it can lower blood pressure by a couple of points. It is also a good adjunct Orange essential oil may cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Research has confirmed what Hippocrates obviously intuited all those years ago.
Oregano is a powerful germ killer. In fact it’s a powerhouse – anti-bacterial, anti-
inflammatory, antiviral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and antiseptic. It’s also valued as
a strong analgesic and anti rheumatic. It is a very strong oil and can irritate the
skin, but when diluted it can be used to heal skin conditions and massage painful
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
Therapeutic properties
The oil of patchouli is widely used in Asia for incense, body and garment perfumes
Antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral, and antifungal; reduces fluid
and insect repellents. It is also sprinkled in temples. Arabs used it to perfume
Safety precautions
A grounding oil, patchouli is used widely to soothe anxiety, refresh the spirit,
increase objectivity and is thought to create a sensual and peaceful mood, ideal for Be careful of overuse: Patchouli can become a sedative and result in loss of appetite,
meditation or prayer. The aroma reduces appetite and helps to relieve headaches - insomnia and nervous attacks.
unless the patient doesn’t like it!
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100% PURE Essential Oils ii about miessence essential oils ®
History and traditional uses: a heightened sensitivity to situations and surroundings. Rosemary helps prepare
Regarded as sacred in many civilizations rosemary has variously been used for the body and mind for meditation and prayer.
driving away evil spirits, as a fumigant, as protection against plague, at weddings, Rosemary oil has a pronounced action on the brain and the central nervous system.
feasts and funerals - and as both a remembrance and an aid to joyful memories. It is thought wonderful for clearing the mind, fostering mental awareness and
The word ‘rosmarinus’ comes from the Latin word ‘rosmaris’ which means ‘dew of the improving the memory.
sea’, in reference to its refreshing effects and its natural habitat. The ancients also used
rosemary as a respiratory ailment treatment and as sacred incense in some religious
ceremonies. Sprigs of rosemary have been found in Egyptian Tombs (3000 BC.) The benefits of rosemary essential oil in treating respiratory problems are unmatched.
The oil is used in treating respiratory allergies, cold, sore throat and flu. Since rosemary
Rosemary is one of the ingredients in the ‘Vinegar of Four Thieves’ which was a
oil is antiseptic it is effective for respiratory infections as well.
potion used by grave robbers for protection against the plague. It was believed that
placing a sprig of rosemary under a pillow before sleep would repel nightmares, and The oil is antispasmodic and is used in bronchial asthma.
if placed outside the home it would repel witches. As an ingredient in a massage oil, compress or bath, rosemary essential oil is
The folklore developed from this practice says the woman rules the household in considered excellent for increasing poor circulation and easing muscle and rheumatic
homes and gardens where rosemary grows abundantly. By the 16th century this pain. It is especially penetrating when used in a liniment.
became a bone of contention and men were known to rip up rosemary bushes to Added to shampoos, rosemary has a pronounced positive effect on the health of the
show that they ruled the roost. hair and scalp. It increases the circulation to the scalp and is therefore also effective for
promoting hair growth. The diuretic properties of rosemary oil are useful with reducing
Energetic water retention during menstruation, and also with obesity and cellulite.
Associated with the third eye (brow chakra), rosemary is a psychic protector
Safety precautions
Therapeutic properties Not to be used when pregnant nor by epileptics or people with a history of heart
An antiseptic, astringent and antioxidant, rosemary is said to relieve rheumatic and problems.
muscle pain, relax nerves, improve digestion and appetite and increase sweating.
Home use
Mind The oil is used in room fresheners, candles and perfumes due to its aroma. The oil,
Rosemary’s invigorating fragrance stimulates alertness and strength in the senses. It when inhaled brings mental energy and also clears the respiratory tract. Spray a
encourages clarity and creativity, rekindles energies and nourishes intuition through mixture of rosemary essential oil and water to remove bad odour from a room.
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Safety precautions
Excessive use can cause headaches and nausea
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 34
bath blends
Beat the winter blues bath Cough and colds relief Insomnia help Summer cool-down bath
3 drops bergamot 5 drops lavender 6 drops Roman chamomile 4 drops lemon
3 drops sandalwood 5 drops rosemary 3 drops lavender 4 drops rosemary
2 drops lemon oil 5 drops eucalyptus 6 drops neroli 4 drops peppermint
Halve the number of drops for children
Bedtime sleepy bath Cystitis relief Jetlag bath under 12.
10 drops lavender 3 drops lavender 3 drops rosemary
5 drops oregano 3 drops sandalwood 2 drops lemon Urinary Tract Infection bath
2 drops cedarwood 2 drops frankincense
Bedtime sexy bath for women 10 drops eucalyptus
Sip on cranberry juice while in the
10 drops sandalwood
3 drops jasmine bath. Men’s favourite bath
3 drops sandalwood 5 drops geranium Varicose Vein relief
3 drops ylang ylang Daydream bath 5 drops cedarwood
10 drops cedarwood
2 drops bergamot 5 drops lemon
Bedtime sexy bath for men 10 drops geranium
4 drops patchouli
3 drops cedarwood 6 drops frankincense Pick-me-up bath
Tension breaker
2 drops frankincense 4 drops orange
2 drops lime Detoxifying bath 4 drops myrrh
4 drops frankincense
4 drops geranium
2 drops geranium 4 drops geranium
Calming bath 4 drops lavender
2 drops rosemary
2 drops lavender 2 drops juniper Shock and upset alleviator
2 drops bergamot 2 drops lavender 7 drops geranium
2 drops cedarwood 4 drops cedarwood
Use half the number of drops for Hangover bath 4 drops sandalwood
children under 12. 3 drops rose essential oil
8 drops lavender
Concentration and memory bath 2 drops peppermint
6 drops peppermint Also try an ice pillow on your forehead
9 drops lemon or the Hangover compress blend.
And sip on an iced Berry Radical. Blend
Cold/flu relief bath up Berry Radical, ice, honey, and milk.
5 drops eucalyptus
5 drops peppermint
4 drops lavender
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 36
Sprained ankle
2 drops Roman chamomile Use this blend as a cold compress and hold that onto
2 drops peppermint the damaged ankle with the help of an ice pack.
2 drops helichrysum
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 39
10 drops rosemary Massage the abdomen and gut in a clockwise circular
10 drops lemon motion.
5 drops peppermint
3 drops neroli
3 drop geranium
6 drops German chamomile
3 drops lavender
Feet aching
8 drops lavender
8 drops eucalyptus
4 drop peppermint
Immune boosting
5 drops geranium
5 drops tea tree
4 drops lemon
4 drops thyme
3 drops myrrh
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 41
relaxation blends
Sport: Pre and/or Post
12 drops lavender 14 drops sweet orange
3 drop bergamot
3 drop frankincense 3 7 drops lemon
4 drops patchouli
8 drops rosemary
4 drops lavender
4 drops eucalyptus
Massage to the body before and after exercising.
2 5 drops frankincense
8 drops rose
5 drops myrrh
8 drops lavender
5 drop ylang ylang
8 drops lemon
Study – tension reliever
3 drops bergamot Blend into 2 teaspoons (10ml.) carrier oil and use to
2 drops geranium oil massage the back of the neck and the shoulders. Do
1 drop Roman chamomile this each morning.
7 drops bergamot Study - memory aid
5 drops jasmine
2 drops cedarwood Blend into 2 teaspoons (10ml.) carrier oil and use to
5 drops rose
1 drop peppermint massage the back of the neck and the shoulders. Do
8 drops sandalwood
3 drops rosemary this each morning.
7 drops geranium
4 drops ylang ylang
7 drops orange
5 drops patchouli
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100% PURE Essential Oils iii blend recipes 42
health care
Abdominal pain – lower abdomen Insomnia
2 drops patchouli Add to 1 teaspoon (5mls) carrier oil and rub the affected 2 drops lavender Put these two oils onto a hanky or tissue and breathe
2 drops eucalyptus area, working clockwise. 2 drops Roman chamomile deeply at least 3 times. Lie on your back, relax and
Refer to other solutions listed under menstruation. See inhale.
your health care provider if pain persists.
Black eye 1 drops peppermint Drop oils onto a hanky or tissue and breathe deeply
1 drop Roman chamomile Mix the oils and add the blend to 15ml. of witch 1 drops rosemary whilst travelling.
1 drop German chamomile hazel. Mix all of this into 15ml. of icy cold water and 1 drops lemon
soak a couple of cotton balls in it. Close your eye
and apply these mini-compresses to the eyelid and Nausea relief
bruised areas. 1 drop lavender For speedy relief put onto a hanky or tissue and breathe
1 drop peppermint deeply several times.
Blood nose
3 drops lemon Mix these oils onto a tissue or similar. Put your head
1 drop lavender back (or lie down) and inhale the fragrance from the
1 drop tea tree Blend and apply gently.
1 drop lemon
2 drops helichrysum Blend into 1 teaspoon (5ml) and rub gently into the
2 drops mandarin affected area.
Keller, Erich (1992) “Aromatherapy Handbook for Beauty, Hair and Skin Care”
Lacroix, Nitya & Bowhay, Sakina (1995) “The Art of Sensual Aromatherapy”
Mojay, Gabriel (1999) “Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit – Restoring Emotional and Mental Balance with Essential Oils”
Penoel, Daniel & Rose-Marie (2000) “Life Helping Life – Unleash Your Mind/Body Potential with Essential Oils”
Penoel, Daniel & Rose-Marie (1998) “Natural Home and Health Care Using Essential Oils”
Zeck, Robbie ND (2003) “The Blossoming Heart – Aromatherapy for Healing and Transformation”