Owner'S Manual: Read This Manual Carefully Before Operating This Outboard Motor
Owner'S Manual: Read This Manual Carefully Before Operating This Outboard Motor
Owner'S Manual: Read This Manual Carefully Before Operating This Outboard Motor
q Read this manual carefully before operating this
outboard motor.
Read this manual carefully before operating this outboard motor. Keep this
manual onboard in a waterproof bag when boating. This manual should stay
with the outboard motor if it is sold.
Important manual information
there is any question concerning this manu-
To the owner al, please consult your Yamaha dealer.
Thank you for choosing a Yamaha outboard To ensure long product life, Yamaha recom-
motor. This Owner’s Manual contains infor- mends that you use the product and perform
mation needed for proper operation, mainte- the specified periodic inspections and main-
nance and care. A thorough understanding tenance by correctly following the instruc-
of these simple instructions will help you ob- tions in the owner’s manual. Any damage
tain maximum enjoyment from your new resulting from neglect of these instructions is
Yamaha. If you have any question about the not covered by warranty.
operation or maintenance of your outboard Some countries have laws or regulations re-
motor, please consult a Yamaha dealer. stricting users from taking the product out of
In this Owner’s Manual particularly important the country where it was purchased, and it
information is distinguished in the following may be impossible to register the product in
ways. the destination country. Additionally, the
warranty may not apply in certain regions.
: This is the safety alert symbol. It is When planning to take the product to another
used to alert you to potential personal injury country, consult the dealer where the prod-
hazards. Obey all safety messages that fol- uct was purchased for further information.
low this symbol to avoid possible injury or If the product was purchased used, please
death. consult your closest dealer for customer re-
registration, and to be eligible for the speci-
WARNING fied services.
A WARNING indicates a hazardous situa- TIP:
tion which, if not avoided, could result in The 30DMH and the standard accessories
death or serious injury. are used as a base for the explanations and
ECM00701 illustrations in this manual. Therefore some
NOTICE items may not apply to every model.
A NOTICE indicates special precautions
that must be taken to avoid damage to the
outboard motor or other property.
TIP: 30D
A TIP provides key information to make pro-
©2008 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
cedures easier or clearer. 1st Edition, April 2008
All rights reserved.
Yamaha continually seeks advancements in Any reprinting or unauthorized use
product design and quality. Therefore, while without the written permission of
Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.
this manual contains the most current prod-
is expressly prohibited.
uct information available at the time of print- Printed in Japan
ing, there may be minor discrepancies
between your machine and this manual. If
Table of contents
Safety information............................. 1 Fuel tank ......................................... 12
Outboard motor safety .................... 1 Fuel joint.......................................... 13
Propeller............................................ 1 Fuel gauge ...................................... 13
Rotating parts.................................... 1 Fuel tank cap................................... 13
Hot parts ........................................... 1 Air vent screw.................................. 13
Electric shock .................................... 1 Tiller handle..................................... 13
Engine shut-off cord (lanyard)........... 1 Gear shift lever ................................ 13
Gasoline ............................................ 1 Throttle grip ..................................... 13
Gasoline exposure and spills ............ 1 Throttle indicator ............................. 14
Carbon monoxide.............................. 1 Throttle friction adjuster................... 14
Modifications ..................................... 2 Engine shut-off cord (lanyard) and
Boating safety ................................. 2 clip................................................. 14
Alcohol and drugs ............................. 2 Engine stop button .......................... 15
Personal flotation devices ................. 2 Choke knob for pull type ................. 15
People in the water ........................... 2 Manual starter handle ..................... 15
Passengers ....................................... 2 Steering friction adjuster ................. 15
Overloading....................................... 2 Trim tab with anode......................... 16
Avoid collisions ................................. 2 Trim rod (tilt pin) .............................. 16
Weather ............................................ 3 Shallow water lever ......................... 16
Passenger training ............................ 3 Tilt lock mechanism......................... 17
Boating safety publications ............... 3 Tilt support lever for manual tilt
Laws and regulations ........................ 3 model ............................................ 17
General information .......................... 4 Top cowling lock lever(s)
Identification numbers record.......... 4 (turn type)...................................... 17
Outboard motor serial number .......... 4 Alert indicator .................................. 18
C-Tick label ..................................... 4 Instruments and indicators............ 19
Read manuals and labels................ 5 Indicators ...................................... 19
Warning labels .................................. 5 Overheat-alert indicator................... 19
Specifications and requirements..... 8 Engine control system ................... 20
Specifications .................................. 8 Alert system .................................. 20
Installation requirements ................. 9 Overheat alert ................................. 20
Boat horsepower rating ..................... 9 Installation ....................................... 21
Mounting motor ................................. 9 Installation..................................... 21
Propeller selection........................... 9 Mounting the outboard motor .......... 21
Start-in-gear protection ................. 10 Clamping the outboard motor.......... 22
Engine oil requirements ................ 10 Operation ......................................... 24
Fuel requirements ......................... 10 First-time operation ....................... 24
Gasoline .......................................... 10 Breaking in engine .......................... 24
Muddy or acidic water ................... 10 Getting to know your boat ............... 24
Anti-fouling paint ........................... 10 Checks before starting engine ...... 24
Motor disposal requirements......... 11 Fuel level ......................................... 25
Emergency equipment .................. 11 Remove cowling .............................. 25
Components .................................... 12 Fuel system ..................................... 25
Components diagram.................... 12 Controls ........................................... 25
Table of contents
Engine shut-off cord (lanyard)......... 25 Replacement parts .......................... 43
Oil.................................................... 26 Severe operating conditions............ 43
Engine ............................................. 26 Maintenance chart 1........................ 44
Install cowling.................................. 26 Maintenance chart 2........................ 46
Filling fuel and engine oil............... 26 Greasing.......................................... 47
Filling fuel for portable tank ............. 26 Cleaning and adjusting spark
Gasoline and oil mixing (100:1) ...... 27 plug ............................................... 47
Operating engine........................... 28 Checking fuel filter........................... 48
Feeding fuel (portable tank) ............ 28 Inspecting idling speed.................... 48
Starting engine ................................ 29 Checking wiring and connectors ..... 49
Checks after starting engine ......... 31 Checking propeller .......................... 49
Cooling water .................................. 31 Removing propeller ......................... 50
Warming up engine ....................... 31 Installing propeller ........................... 50
Choke start models ......................... 31 Changing gear oil ............................ 51
Checks after engine warm-up ....... 31 Cleaning fuel tank ........................... 52
Shifting ............................................ 31 Inspecting and replacing
Stop switches .................................. 31 anode(s)........................................ 52
Shifting .......................................... 32 Trouble Recovery............................ 54
Stopping boat ................................ 33 Troubleshooting ............................ 54
Stopping engine ............................ 33 Temporary action in emergency .... 57
Procedure ....................................... 33 Impact damage ............................... 57
Trimming outboard motor.............. 34 Starter will not operate .................... 57
Adjusting trim angle for manual tilt Emergency starting engine ............. 58
models .......................................... 34 Treatment of submerged motor .... 59
Adjusting boat trim .......................... 35
Tilting up and down ....................... 36
Procedure for tilting up (manual tilt
models) ......................................... 36
Procedure for tilting down (manual
tilt models) .................................... 37
Shallow water................................ 37
Cruising in shallow water (manual
tilt models) .................................... 37
Cruising in other conditions........... 38
Maintenance..................................... 40
Transporting and storing
outboard motor............................ 40
Clamp screw mounting models ....... 40
Storing outboard motor ................... 40
Procedure ....................................... 41
Lubrication ...................................... 42
Cleaning the outboard motor .......... 42
Checking painted surface of
motor............................................. 42
Periodic maintenance.................... 42
Safety information
engine stops if the operator falls overboard
Outboard motor safety or leaves the helm. This prevents the boat
Observe these precautions at all times. from running away under power and leaving
people stranded, or running over people or
Propeller objects.
People can be injured or killed if they come Always attach the engine shut-off cord to a
in contact with the propeller. The propeller secure place on your clothing or your arm or
can keep moving even when the motor is in leg while operating. Do not remove it to leave
neutral, and sharp edges of the propeller can the helm while the boat is moving. Do not at-
cut even when stationary. tach the cord to clothing that could tear
● Shut off the engine when a person is in the
loose, or route the cord where it could be-
water near you. come entangled, preventing it from function-
● Keep people out of reach of the propeller,
even when the engine is off. Do not route the cord where it is likely to be
accidentally pulled out. If the cord is pulled
Rotating parts
during operation, the engine will shut off and
Hands, feet, hair, jewelry, clothing, PFD
you will lose most steering control. The boat
straps, etc. can become entangled with inter-
could slow rapidly, throwing people and ob-
nal rotating parts of the engine, resulting in
jects forward.
serious injury or death. EMU33810
Keep the top cowling in place whenever pos- Gasoline
sible. Do not remove or replace the cowling Gasoline and its vapors are highly flam-
with the engine running. mable and explosive. Always, refuel ac-
Only operate the engine with the cowling re- cording to the procedure on page 28 to
moved according to the specific instructions reduce the risk of fire and explosion.
in the manual. Keep hands, feet, hair, jewel- EMU33820
ry, clothing, PFD straps, etc. away from any Gasoline exposure and spills
exposed moving parts. Take care not to spill gasoline. If gasoline
spills, wipe it up immediately with dry rags.
Hot parts Dispose of rags properly.
During and after operation, engine parts are If any gasoline spills onto your skin, immedi-
hot enough to cause burns. Avoid touching ately wash with soap and water. Change
any parts under the top cowling until the en- clothing if gasoline spills on it.
gine has cooled. If you swallow gasoline, inhale a lot of gaso-
line vapor, or get gasoline in your eyes, get
Electric shock
immediate medical attention. Never siphon
Do not touch any electrical parts while start-
fuel by mouth.
ing or operating the engine. They can cause EMU33900
shock or electrocution. Carbon monoxide
This product emits exhaust gases which
Engine shut-off cord (lanyard)
contain carbon monoxide, a colorless, odor-
Attach the engine shut-off cord so that the
less gas which may cause brain damage or
Safety information
death when inhaled. Symptoms include nau- when a person is in the water near you.
sea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Keep cock- EMU33750
Safety information
Operate defensively at safe speeds and
keep a safe distance away from people, ob-
jects, and other boats.
● Do not follow directly behind other boats or
● Avoid sharp turns or other maneuvers that
make it hard for others to avoid you or un-
derstand where you are going.
● Avoid areas with submerged objects or
shallow water.
● Ride within your limits and avoid aggres-
sive maneuvers to reduce the risk of loss
of control, ejection, and collision.
● Take early action to avoid collisions. Re-
member, boats do not have brakes, and
stopping the engine or reducing throttle
can reduce the ability to steer. If you are
not sure that you can stop in time before
hitting an obstacle, apply throttle and turn
in another direction.
Stay informed about the weather. Check
weather forecasts before boating. Avoid
boating in hazardous weather.
Passenger training
Make sure at least one other passenger is
trained to operate the boat in the event of an
General information
C-Tick label
Engines affixed with this label conform to
certain portion(s) of the Australian Radio
Communications Act.
General information
Warning labels
If these labels are damaged or missing, contact your Yamaha dealer for replacements.
General information
1 2
Contents of labels EWM01671
General information
Electrical hazard
The following symbols mean as follows.
Specifications and requirements
Bore × stroke:
Specifications 59.5 × 59.5 mm (2.34 × 2.34 in)
TIP: Ignition system:
“(AL)” stated in the specification data below CDI
represents the numerical value for the alumi- Spark plug with resistor (NGK):
num propeller installed. BR7HS-10
Likewise, “(SUS)” represents the value for Spark plug gap:
stainless steel propeller installed and “(PL)” 0.9–1.0 mm (0.035–0.039 in)
for plastic propeller installed. Control system:
EMU2821C Tiller
Starting system:
Dimension: Manual
Overall length: Starting carburetion system:
993 mm (39.1 in) Choke valve
Overall width: Alternator output:
360 mm (14.2 in) 80 W
Overall height S: Drive unit:
1158 mm (45.6 in) Gear positions:
Overall height L: Forward-neutral-reverse
1279 mm (50.4 in) Gear ratio:
Transom height S: 1.85 (24/13)
424 mm (16.7 in) Trim and tilt system:
Transom height L: Manual tilt
545 mm (21.5 in) Propeller mark:
Weight (AL) S: F
59.0 kg (130 lb) Fuel and oil:
Weight (AL) L: Recommended fuel:
61.0 kg (134 lb) Regular unleaded gasoline
Performance: Fuel tank capacity:
Full throttle operating range: 24 L (6.34 US gal, 5.28 Imp.gal)
4500–5500 r/min Recommended engine oil:
Maximum output: YAMALUBE 2-stroke outboard motor
22.1 kW@5000 r/min oil
(30 HP@5000 r/min) Fuel:oil ratio:
Idling speed (in neutral): Regular gasoline:
750 ±50 r/min 100 :1
Engine: Lubrication:
Type: Pre-mixed fuel and oil
2-stroke L Recommended gear oil:
Displacement: Hypoid gear oil SAE#90
496.0 cm3 Gear oil quantity:
Specifications and requirements
0.200 L (0.211 US qt, 0.176 Imp.qt) have a direct impact on acceleration, top
Tightening torque for engine: speed, fuel economy, and even engine life.
Spark plug: Yamaha designs and manufactures propel-
25.0 Nm (2.55 kgf-m, 18.4 ft-lb) lers for every Yamaha outboard motor and
Propeller nut: every application.
35.0 Nm (3.57 kgf-m, 25.8 ft-lb) Your outboard motor came with a Yamaha
propeller chosen to perform well over a
Installation requirements range of applications, but there may be uses
where a different propeller would be more
Boat horsepower rating appropriate.
Your Yamaha dealer can help you select the
right propeller for your boating needs. Select
Overpowering a boat can cause severe
a propeller that will allow the engine to reach
the middle or upper half of the operating
Before installing the outboard motor(s), con- range at full throttle with the maximum boat-
firm that the total horsepower of your mo- load. Generally, chose a larger pitch propel-
tor(s) does not exceed the boats maximum ler for a smaller operating load and a smaller
horsepower rating. See the boat’s capacity pitch propeller for a heavier load. If you carry
plate or contact the manufacturer. loads that vary widely, chose the propeller
EMU33571 that lets the engine run in the proper range
Mounting motor for your maximum load but remember that
you may need to reduce your throttle setting
WARNING to stay within the recommended engine
● Improper mounting of the outboard mo- speed range when carrying lighter loads.
tor could result in hazardous condi- For instructions on propeller removal and in-
tions such as poor handling, loss of stallation, see page 49.
control, or fire hazards.
● Because the motor is very heavy, spe-
cial equipment and training is required
to mount it safely.
Your dealer or other person experienced in x -
1 2 3
proper rigging should mount the motor using
correct equipment and complete rigging in-
structions. For further information, see page
21. ZMU04605
Specifications and requirements
Start-in-gear protection There are two types of gasohol: gasohol con-
Yamaha outboard motors or Yamaha-ap- taining ethanol (E10) and that containing
proved remote control units are equipped methanol. Ethanol can be used if the ethanol
with start-in-gear protection device(s). This content does not exceed 10% and the fuel
feature permits the engine to be started only meets the minimum octane ratings. All etha-
when it is in neutral. Always select neutral nol blends containing more than 10% etha-
before starting the engine. nol can cause fuel system damage or cause
engine starting and running problems.
Engine oil requirements Yamaha does not recommend gasohol con-
taining methanol because it can cause fuel
Recommended engine oil:
system damage or engine performance
YAMALUBE 2-stroke outboard motor
oil EMU36880
Specifications and requirements
Emergency equipment
Keep the following items onboard in case
there is trouble with the motor.
● A tool kit with assorted screwdrivers, pli-
ers, wrenches (including metric sizes), and
electrical tape.
● Waterproof flashlight with extra batteries.
with clip.
● Spare parts, such as an extra set of spark
Consult your Yamaha dealer for details.
Components diagram
* May not be exactly as shown; also may not be included as standard equipment on all mod-
1 19
17 11
2 13 12
16 15
5 ZMU04847
licensing or approval authority regula-
3 EMU25922
Fuel joint R N
3 2
This joint is used to connect the fuel line.
Fuel gauge F
This gauge is located on either the fuel tank 1
cap or on the fuel joint base. It shows the ap-
proximate amount of fuel remaining in the
EMU25850 ZMU03687
Fuel tank cap
This cap seals the fuel tank. When removed, 1. Forward “ ”
the tank can be filled with fuel. To remove the 2. Neutral “ ”
cap, turn it counterclockwise. 3. Reverse “ ”
To decrease resistance, turn the adjuster
Throttle indicator
The fuel consumption curve on the throttle When constant speed is desired, tighten the
indicator shows the relative amount of fuel adjuster to maintain the desired throttle set-
consumed for each throttle position. Choose ting.
the setting that offers the best performance EMU25993
and fuel economy for the desired operation. Engine shut-off cord (lanyard) and
The clip must be attached to the engine shut-
off switch for the engine to run. The cord
should be attached to a secure place on the
operator’s clothing, or arm or leg. Should the
operator fall overboard or leave the helm, the
cord will pull out the clip, stopping ignition to
the engine. This will prevent the boat from
running away under power. WARNING! At-
tach the engine shut-off cord to a secure
1. Throttle indicator place on your clothing, or your arm or leg
while operating. Do not attach the cord to
clothing that could tear loose. Do not
Throttle friction adjuster route the cord where it could become en-
A friction device provides adjustable resis- tangled, preventing it from functioning.
tance to movement of the throttle grip or the Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-
remote control lever, and can be set accord- ing normal operation. Loss of engine
ing to operator preference. power means the loss of most steering
To increase resistance, turn the adjuster control. Also, without engine power, the
clockwise. WARNING! Do not overtighten boat could slow rapidly. This could cause
the friction adjuster. If there is too much people and objects in the boat to be
resistance, it could be difficult to move thrown forward. [EWM00122]
the remote control lever or throttle grip,
which could result in an accident. [EWM00032]
1 3
ZMU03759 ZMU03761
1. Clip
2. Cord Manual starter handle
3. Engine shut-off switch To start the engine, first gently pull the han-
dle out until resistance is felt. From that posi-
tion, then pull the handle straight out quickly
Engine stop button to crank the engine.
To open the ignition circuit and stop the en-
gine, push this button.
Steering friction adjuster
EMU26011 A friction device provides adjustable resis-
Choke knob for pull type tance to the steering mechanism, and can be
To supply the engine with the rich fuel mix- set according to operator preference. An ad-
ture required to start, pull out this knob. justing screw or bolt is located on the swivel
the starboard side “B” in the figure.
The trim tab also serves as an anode to
protect the engine from electrochemical
corrosion. Never paint the trim tab as it
will become ineffective as an anode.
partially to provide more clearance when op-
erating in shallow water.
EMU30530 Do not use the tilt support lever or knob
Tilt lock mechanism when trailering the boat. The outboard
The tilt lock mechanism is used to prevent motor could shake loose from the tilt sup-
the outboard motor from lifting out of the wa- port and fall. If the motor cannot be trail-
ter when in reverse gear. ered in the normal running position, use
an additional support device to secure it
in the tilt position.
To lock it, set the tilt lock lever in the lock po-
sition. To release, push the tilt lock lever in
the release position.
swivel bracket.
1. Top cowling lock lever(s)
Alert indicator
If the engine develops a condition which is
cause for alert, the indicator lights up. For
details on how to read the alert indicator, see
page 20.
Instruments and indicators
Overheat-alert indicator
If the engine temperature rises too high, this
indicator will light up. For further information
on reading the indicator, see page 20.
Do not continue to run the engine if the
overheat-alert indicator is on. Serious en-
gine damage will occur.
Engine control system
Alert system
Do not continue to operate the engine if a
alert device has activated. Consult your
Yamaha dealer if the problem cannot be
located and corrected.
Overheat alert
This engine has an overheat-alert device. If
the engine temperature rises too high, the
alert device will activate.
● The engine speed will automatically de-
crease to about 2000 r/min.
● The overheat-alert indicator will light or
The information presented in this section is
intended as reference only. It is not possible
to provide complete instructions for every
possible boat and motor combination. Prop-
er mounting depends in part on experience
and the specific boat and motor combination.
Mounting the outboard motor thereby reduce engine efficiency. Mount the
outboard motor so that the anti-cavitation
The outboard motor should be mounted so
plate is between the bottom of the boat and
that the boat is well balanced. Otherwise, the
a level 25 mm (1 in.) below it.
boat could be hard to steer. For single-en-
gine boats, mount the outboard motor on the
centerline (keel line) of the boat.
ufacturer for further information on deter-
mining the proper mounting height.
● For instructions on setting the trim angle of
the outboard motor, see page 34.
1. Bolts
plane, then immediately reduce the
First-time operation throttle to 3000 r/min or less.
3. Next two hours:
Breaking in engine Accelerate at full throttle onto plane,
Your new engine requires a period of break- then reduce engine speed to three-quar-
in to allow mating surfaces of moving parts to ter throttle (approximately 4000 r/min).
wear in evenly. Correct break-in will help en- Vary engine speed occasionally. Run at
sure proper performance and longer engine full throttle for one minute, then allow
life. NOTICE: Failure to follow the break-in about 10 minutes of operation at three-
procedure could result in reduced engine quarter throttle or less to let the engine
life or even severe engine damage. [ECM00801] cool.
EMU27074 If any item in the checks before starting
Procedure for pre-mixed models engine is not working properly, have it in-
Run the engine under load (in gear with a spected and repaired before operating
propeller installed) for 10 hours as follows. the outboard motor. Otherwise an acci-
1. First 10 minutes: dent could occur.
Run the engine at the lowest possible
speed. A fast idle in neutral is best.
2. Next 50 minutes:
Do not exceed half throttle (approxi- Do not start the engine out of water. Over-
mately 3000 r/min). Vary engine speed heating and serious engine damage can
occasionally. If you have an easy-plan- occur.
ing boat, accelerate at full throttle onto
the outboard unsafe to operate.
Fuel level
Be sure you have plenty of fuel for your trip. Check for fuel leaks
A good rule is to use 1/3 of your fuel to get to ● Check under top cowling and in the boat
the destination, 1/3 to return, and to keep 1/ for fuel leaks or gasoline fumes.
3 as an emergency reserve. With the boat ● Check fuel line connections to be sure they
level on a trailer or in the water, check the are tight.
fuel level. For fuel filling instructions, see ● Check fuel lines for cracks, swelling, or
page 26. other damage.
Remove cowling Check the fuel filter
For the following checks, remove the top Check that the fuel filter is clean and free of
cowling from the engine. To remove the en- water. If any water is found in the fuel, or if a
gine top cowling, release the lock lever and significant amount of debris is found, the fuel
lift off the cowling. tank should be checked and cleaned by a
Yamaha dealer.
1 3
ZMU03759 ZMU06117
● Check to be sure you have plenty of oil for
your trip.
● Check the engine and engine mounting.
● Look for loose or damaged fasteners.
● Check the propeller for damage.
on your skin, wash with soap and wa- EMU27406
ter. If gasoline spills on your clothing, Gasoline and oil mixing (100:1)
change your clothes.
1. Stop the engine. ● Avoid using any oil other than the spec-
2. Remove the portable tank from the boat. ified type.
3. Be sure you are in a well-ventilated out- ● Use a thoroughly blended fuel-oil mix-
door area, either securely moored or ture.
trailered. ● If the mixture is not thoroughly mixed,
4. Do not smoke and keep away from or if the mixing ratio is incorrect, the
sparks, flames, static electric discharge, following problems could occur.
or other sources of ignition. ● Low oil ratio: Lack of oil could cause
5. If you use a portable container to store major engine trouble, such as piston
and dispense fuel, use only an approved seizure.
GASOLINE container. ● High oil ratio: Too much oil could cause
6. Touch the fuel nozzle to the filler open- fouled spark plugs, smoky exhaust,
ing or funnel to help prevent electrostatic and heavy carbon deposits.
7. Fill the fuel tank, but do not overfill. Fuel Gasoline to engine
can expand and overflow if the tempera- oil ratio
ture increases. Break-in period See page 24
After break-in 100:1
Fuel tank capacity:
24 L (6.34 US gal, 5.28 Imp.gal)
1L 12 L 14 L 24 L
(0.26 US gal, (3.2 US gal, (3.7 US gal, (6.3 US gal,
0.22 Imp gal) 2.6 Imp gal) 3.1 Imp gal) 5.3 Imp gal)
ZMU02834 1. : Gasoline
2. : Engine oil
8. Tighten the filler cap securely.
9. Wipe up any spilled gasoline immediate- If equipped with a portable fuel tank
ly with dry rags. Dispose rags properly. 1. Pour oil into the portable fuel tank, and
According to local laws or regulations. then add gasoline.
the oil gradually as the gasoline is being add-
ed to the tank.
Operating engine
● Before starting the engine, make sure
that the boat is tightly moored and that
you can steer clear of any obstructions.
Be sure there are no swimmers in the
water near you.
● When the air vent screw is loosened,
gasoline vapor will be released. Gaso-
line is highly flammable, and its vapors
are flammable and explosive. Refrain
from smoking, and keep away from
open flames and sparks while loosen-
ing the air vent screw.
1. Engine oil ● This product emits exhaust gases
2. Gasoline which contain carbon monoxide, a col-
orless, odorless gas which could cause
2. Replace the fuel tank cap and close brain damage or death when inhaled.
tightly. Symptoms include nausea, dizziness,
3. Shake the fuel tank to mix the fuel thor- and drowsiness. Keep cockpit and cab-
oughly. in areas well ventilated. Avoid blocking
4. Make sure that the oil and gasoline are exhaust outlets.
If equipped with a built-in fuel tank 1. If there is an air vent screw on the fuel
1. Pour oil into a clean fuel can, and then tank cap, loosen it 2 or 3 turns.
add gasoline.
2. Replace the fuel can cap and close tight-
3. Shake the fuel can to mix the fuel thor-
4. Make sure that the oil and gasoline are
5. Pour the gasoline and oil mixture into the
built-in fuel tank. ZMU02295
If using a permanently installed tank, pour 2. If there is a fuel joint on the motor, firmly
connect the fuel line to the joint. Then EMU27492
● Failure to attached engine shut-off cord
could result in a runaway boat if opera-
tor is ejected. Attach the engine shut-
off cord to a secure place on your cloth-
ing, or your arm or leg while operating.
Do not attach the cord to clothing that
could tear loose. Do not route the cord
where it could become entangled, pre-
venting it from functioning.
ZMU02024 ● Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-
ing normal operation. Loss of engine
3. Squeeze the primer pump, with the ar- power means the loss of most steering
row pointing up, until you feel it become control. Also, without engine power,
firm. During engine operation place the the boat could slow rapidly. This could
tank horizontally, otherwise fuel cannot cause people and objects in the boat to
be drawn from the fuel tank. be thrown forward.
1. Place the gear shift lever in neutral.
1. Arrow ZMU03714
The start-in-gear protection device prevents
the engine from starting except when in neu-
2. Attach the engine shut-off cord to a se-
cure place on your clothing, or your arm
or leg. Then install the clip on the other
end of the cord into the engine shut-off
● It is not necessary to use the choke when
starting a warm engine.
● If the choke knob is left in the “ ”
(start) position while the engine is running,
the engine will run poorly or stall.
5. Pull the manual starter handle slowly un-
ZMU03803 til you feel resistance. Then give a
strong pull straight out to crank and start
3. Place the throttle grip in the “ ” the engine. Repeat if necessary.
(start) position.
6. After the engine starts, slowly return the
4. Pull out / turn the choke knob fully. After manual starter handle to its original po-
the engine starts, replace / return the sition before releasing it.
knob to the home position. 7. Slowly return the throttle grip to the fully
closed position.
blocked. Consult your Yamaha dealer if
the problem cannot be located and cor-
● When the engine is cold, it needs to be
warmed up. For further information, see
page 31.
Check that no water leaks from the joints be-
● If the engine does not start on the first try,
tween the exhaust cover, cylinder head, and
repeat the procedure. If the engine fails to
body cylinder.
start after 4 or 5 tries, open the throttle a EMU27670
small amount (between 1/8 and 1/4) and Warming up engine
try again. Also if the engine is warm and EMU27683
water from the pilot hole shows that the wa- Shifting
ter pump is pumping water through the cool- While tightly moored, and without applying
ing passages. If the cooling passages are throttle, confirm that the engine shifts
frozen, it may take a while for water to start smoothly into forward and reverse, and back
flowing out of the pilot hole. to neutral.
ECM01810 EMU36970
shut-off switch.
EMU34550 R N
Before shifting, make sure there are no
swimmers or obstacles in the water near
Warm up the engine before shifting into To shift from in gear (forward/reverse) to
gear. Until the engine is warm, the idle neutral
speed may be higher than normal. High 1. Close the throttle so that the engine
idle speed can prevent you from shifting slows to idle speed.
back to neutral. If this occurs, stop the
engine, shift to neutral, then restart the
engine and allow it to warm up.
To shift out of neutral
1. Move the gear shift lever firmly and
crisply forward (for forward gear) or
backward (for reverse gear). Be sure to
check that the tilt lock lever is in the lock/
down position (if equipped) before oper- ZMU02030
ating in reverse.
2. After the engine is at idle speed in gear
move the gear shift lever firmly and
crisply into the neutral position.
Stopping boat
● Do not use the reverse function to slow
down or stop the boat as it could cause
you to lose control, be ejected, or im-
pact the steering wheel or other parts of
the boat. This could increase the risk of
serious injury. It could also damage the
shift mechanism.
2. After stopping the engine, tighten the air
● Do not shift into reverse while traveling
vent screw on the fuel tank cap and set
at planing speeds. Loss of control, boat
the fuel cock lever or knob to the closed
swamping, or damage to the boat could
position, if equipped.
The boat is not equipped with a separate
braking system. Water resistance stops it af-
ter the throttle lever is moved back to idle.
The stopping distance varies depending on
gross weight, water surface conditions, and
wind direction.
Stopping engine
Before stopping the engine, first let it cool off
for a few minutes at idle or low speed. Stop- 3. Disconnect the fuel line if you are using
ping the engine immediately after operating an external fuel tank.
at high speed is not recommended.
1. Push and hold the engine stop button
until the engine comes to a complete
If the outboard motor is equipped with an en-
gine shut-off cord, the engine can also be
stopped by pulling the cord and removing the
clip from the engine shut-off switch.
Excessive trim for the operating condi-
tions (either trim up or trim down) can
cause boat instability and can make
steering the boat more difficult. This in-
creases the possibility of an accident. If
the boat begins to feel unstable or is hard
to steer, slow down and/or readjust the
trim angle.
The trim angle of the outboard motor helps
determine the position of the bow of the boat
in the water. Correct trim angle will help im-
prove performance and fuel economy while
reducing strain on the engine. Correct trim
angle depends upon the combination of
boat, engine, and propeller. Correct trim is
1. Trim operating angle
also affected by variables such as the load in
the boat, sea conditions, and running speed. EMU27872
bow up, the boat may have a greater tenden-
cy to steer to one side or the other. Compen-
sate for this as you steer. The trim tab can
also be adjusted to help offset this effect.
When the bow of the boat is down, it is easier
to accelerate from a standing start onto
1 plane.
1. Trim rod
The outboard motor trim angle can be
changed approximately 4 degrees by shifting
the trim rod one hole.
ating with excessive trim-in at higher speeds few minutes. Otherwise fuel may leak.
also makes the boat unstable. Resistance at ECM00241
the bow is greatly increased, heightening the NOTICE
danger of “bow steering” and making opera-
● Before tilting the outboard motor, stop
tion difficult and dangerous.
the engine by following the procedure
on page 33. Never tilt the outboard mo-
tor while the engine is running. Severe
damage from overheating can result.
● Do not tilt up the engine by pushing the
tiller handle (if equipped) because this
could break the handle.
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. If there is a ZMU03782
support the engine. NOTICE: Do not
use the tilt support lever or knob
when trailering the boat. The out-
board motor could shake loose from
the tilt support and fall. If the motor
cannot be trailered in the normal run-
ning position, use an additional sup-
port device to secure it in the tilt
position. For more detailed informa-
tion, see page 40. [ECM01641]
3. Slowly tilt the outboard motor down.
4. Place the tilt lock lever in the lock posi-
Shallow water
● Run the boat at the lowest possible
speed when using the shallow water
cruising system. The tilt lock mecha-
nism does not work while the shallow
2. Hold the rear of the top cowling with one water cruising system is being used.
hand, tilt the outboard motor up slightly Hitting an underwater obstacle could
and pull out the tilt support knob or re- cause the outboard motor to lift out of
turn the tilt support lever. the water, resulting in loss of control.
● Use extra care when operating in re-
verse. Too much reverse thrust can
cause the outboard motor to lift out of
the water, increasing the chance of ac-
cident and personal injury.
Do not tilt the outboard motor up so that
the cooling water inlet on the lower unit is
above the surface of the water when set-
ting up for and cruising in shallow water.
Otherwise severe damage from overheat- ZMU03763
ing can result.
3. To set the outboard motor in a partially
tilted position, slightly tilt the outboard
motor up until the plate turns completely.
Procedure ZMU03792
1. Place the gear shift lever in neutral.
4. To return the outboard motor to the nor-
N mal running position, place the gear shift
lever in neutral, then slightly tilt the out-
board motor up. Set the tilt lock lever
and shallow water lever to the lock posi-
tion and slowly tilt the outboard motor
the optional chromium-plated water pump kit
(see page 10) if you use the outboard motor
in acidic water or water with a lot of sediment
in it, such as muddy or turbid (cloudy) water.
After operating in such water, flush the cool-
ing passages with fresh water to prevent cor-
rosion. Also rinse the outside of the outboard
motor with fresh water.
motor while removed from a boat, keep the
Transporting and storing outboard motor in the attitude shown.
outboard motor
● USE CARE when transporting fuel tank,
whether in a boat or car.
● DO NOT fill fuel container to maximum
capacity. Gasoline will expand consid-
erably as it warms up and can build up
pressure in the fuel container. This can
cause fuel leakage and a potential fire
Leaking fuel is a fire hazard. When trans-
porting and storing the outboard motor,
close the fuel cock to prevent fuel from
leaking. Never get under the engine while
it is tilted. Severe injury could occur if the
outboard motor accidentally falls. ZMU02869
Do not use the tilt support lever or knob Place a towel or something similar under the
when trailering the boat. The outboard outboard motor to protect it from damage.
motor could shake loose from the tilt sup-
Storing outboard motor
port and fall. If the motor cannot be trail-
When storing your Yamaha outboard motor
ered in the normal running position, use
for prolonged periods of time (2 months or
an additional support device to secure it
longer), several important procedures must
in the tilt position.
be performed to prevent excessive damage.
The outboard motor should be trailered and It is advisable to have your outboard motor
stored in the normal running position. If there serviced by an authorized Yamaha dealer
is insufficient road clearance in this position, prior to storage. However, you, the owner,
then trailer the outboard motor in the tilt po- with a minimum of tools, can perform the fol-
sition using a motor support device such as lowing procedures.
a transom saver bar. Consult your Yamaha
dealer for further details. NOTICE
EMU28235 ● Do not place the outboard motor on its
Clamp screw mounting models side before the cooling water has
When transporting or storing the outboard drained from it completely, otherwise
water may enter the cylinder through
the exhaust port and cause engine trou-
● Store the outboard motor in a dry, well- 1
ventilated place, not in direct sunlight.
1. Water surface
Do not run the engine without supplying
2. Lowest water level
it with cooling water. Either the engine
water pump will be damaged or the en- 5. Cooling system flushing is essential to
gine will be damaged from overheating. prevent the cooling system from clog-
Before starting the engine, be sure to ging up with salt, sand, or dirt. In addi-
supply water to the cooling water passag- tion, fogging/lubricating of the engine is
es. mandatory to prevent excessive engine
1. Wash the outboard motor body using damage due to rust. Perform the flush-
fresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa- ing and fogging at the same time.
ter into the air intake. [ECM01840] For fur- WARNING! Do not touch or remove
ther information, see page 42. electrical parts when starting or dur-
2. Disconnect the fuel line from the motor ing operation. Keep hands, hair, and
or shut off the fuel cock, if equipped. clothes away from the flywheel and
3. Remove the engine top cowling and si- other rotating parts while the engine
lencer cover. Remove the propeller. is running. [EWM00091]
4. Install the outboard motor on the test 6. Run the engine at a fast idle for a few
tank. Fill the tank with fresh water to minutes in neutral position.
above the level of the anti-cavitation 7. Just prior to turning off the engine, quick-
plate. NOTICE: If the fresh water level ly spray “Fogging Oil” alternately into
is below the level of the anti-cavita- each carburetor or the fogging hole of
tion plate, or if the water supply is in- the silencer cover, if equipped. When
sufficient, engine seizure may occur. properly done, the engine will smoke ex-
[ECM00291] cessively and almost stall.
8. Remove the outboard motor from the
test tank.
9. Install the silencer cover/cap of fogging
hole and top cowling.
10. If the “Fogging Oil” is not available, run
the engine at a fast idle until the fuel sys-
tem becomes empty and the engine
11. Drain the cooling water completely out
of the motor. Clean the body thoroughly.
12. If the “Fogging Oil” is not available, re-
move the spark plug(s). Pour a tea-
spoonful of clean engine oil into each
cylinder. Crank several times manually.
Replace the spark plug(s).
13. Drain the fuel from the fuel tank.
Store the fuel tank in a dry, well-ventilated TIP:
place, not in direct sunlight. For cooling system flushing instructions, see
page 40.
Lubrication EMU28460
1. Install the spark plug(s) and torque to Checking painted surface of motor
proper specification. For information on Check the motor for scratches, nicks, or flak-
spark plug installation, see page 47. ing paint. Areas with damaged paint are
2. Change the gear oil. For instructions, more likely to corrode. If necessary, clean
see page 51. Inspect the oil for the pres- and paint the areas. A touch-up paint is avail-
ence of water that indicates a leaky seal. able from your Yamaha dealer.
Seal replacement should be performed EMU37072
tor before operation.
Replacement parts
If replacement parts are necessary, use only
genuine Yamaha parts or parts of equivalent
design and quality. Any part of inferior quality
may malfunction, and the resulting loss of
control could endanger the operator and
passengers. Yamaha genuine parts and ac-
cessories are available from your Yamaha
Maintenance chart 1
● Refer to the sections in this chapter for explanations of each owner-specific action.
● The maintenance cycle on these charts assume usage of 100 hours per year and regular
flushing of the cooling water passages. Maintenance frequency should be adjusted when
operating the engine under adverse conditions such as extended trolling.
● Disassembly or repairs may be necessary depending on the outcome of maintenance
● Expendable or consumable parts and lubricants will lose their effectiveness over time and
through normal usage regardless of the warranty period.
● When operating in salt water, muddy, other turbid (cloudy), acidic water, the engine should
Initial Every
Maintenance chart 2
Item Actions
1000 hours
Guide exhaust/exhaust Inspection or replace-
manifold ment as necessary
Yamaha grease A (water resistant grease)
Yamaha grease D (corrosion resistant grease; for propeller shaft)
ple, if the center electrode porcelain is very
Cleaning and adjusting spark plug white, this could indicate an intake air leak or
The spark plug is an important engine com- carburetion problem in that cylinder. Do not
ponent and is easy to inspect. The condition attempt to diagnose any problems yourself.
of the spark plug can indicate something Instead, take the outboard motor to a
about the condition of the engine. For exam- Yamaha dealer. You should periodically re-
move and inspect the spark plug because 3. Spark plug part number
heat and deposits will cause the spark plug
to slowly break down and erode. If electrode Spark plug gap:
erosion becomes excessive, or if carbon and 0.9–1.0 mm (0.035–0.039 in)
other deposits are excessive, you should re-
place the spark plug with another of the cor- 4. When fitting the plug, wipe off any dirt
rect type. from the threads, and then screw it in to
1. Remove the spark plug caps from the the correct torque.
spark plugs.
Spark plug torque:
2. Remove the spark plug. If electrode ero-
25.0 Nm (2.55 kgf-m, 18.4 ft-lb)
sion becomes excessive, or if carbon
and other deposits are excessive, you
should replace the spark plug with an-
If a torque-wrench is not available when you
other of the correct type. WARNING!
are fitting a spark plug, a good estimate of
When removing or installing a spark
the correct torque is 1/4 to 1/2 a turn past fin-
plug, be careful not to damage the in-
ger-tight. Have the spark plug adjusted to the
sulator. A damaged insulator could
correct torque as soon as possible with a
allow external sparks, which could
lead to explosion or fire. [EWM00561] EMU37450
● Do not touch or remove electrical parts
1. Spark plug gap
when starting or during operation.
2. Spark plug I.D. mark (NGK)
● Keep hands, hair, and clothes away
from the flywheel and other rotating
parts while the engine is running.
This procedure must be performed while
the outboard motor is in the water. A
flushing attachment or test tank can be
A diagnostic tachometer should be used for
this procedure. Results may vary depending EMU32111
on whether testing is conducted with the Checking propeller
flushing attachment, in a test tank, or with the EWM01880
● Check each of the propeller blades for 2. Propeller nut
wear, erosion from cavitation or ventila- 3. Washer
tion, or other damage. 4. Spacer
● Check the propeller shaft for damage. 5. Propeller
● Check the splines for wear or damage. 6. Thrust washer
● Check for fish line tangled around the pro-
3. Remove the propeller, washer (if
peller shaft.
equipped), and thrust washer.
Installing propeller
Spline models
Be sure to use a new cotter pin and bend
the ends over securely. Otherwise the
propeller could come off during opera-
tion and be lost.
● Check the propeller shaft oil seal for dam- 1. Apply Yamaha marine grease or a cor-
age. rosion resistant grease to the propeller
Removing propeller 2. Install the spacer (if equipped), thrust
ZMU02063 1 ZMU03738
proper assembly can result in a fuel
leak, which could result in a fire or ex-
plosion hazard.
● Dispose of old gasoline according to lo-
cal regulations.
1. Empty the fuel tank into an approved
2. Pour a small amount of suitable solvent
ZMU03739 into the tank. Install the cap and shake
the tank. Drain the solvent completely.
6. Put a new gasket on the oil level plug. 3. Remove the screws holding the fuel joint
When the oil begins to flow out of the oil assembly. Pull the assembly out of the
level plug hole, insert and tighten the oil tank.
level plug.
Tightening torque:
9 Nm (0.9 kgf-m, 6.6 ft-lb)
Tightening torque:
9 Nm (0.9 kgf-m, 6.6 ft-lb) ZMU02324
4. Clean the filter (located on the end of the
Cleaning fuel tank suction pipe) in a suitable cleaning sol-
EWM00920 vent. Allow the filter to dry.
WARNING 5. Replace the gasket with a new one. Re-
Gasoline is highly flammable, and its va- install the fuel joint assembly and tighten
pors are flammable and explosive. the screws firmly.
● If you have any question about properly
Inspecting and replacing anode(s)
doing this procedure, consult your
Yamaha outboard motors are protected from
Yamaha dealer.
corrosion by sacrificial anodes. Inspect the
● Keep away from sparks, cigarettes,
external anodes periodically. Remove scales
flames, or other sources of ignition
from the surfaces of the anodes. Consult a
when cleaning the fuel tank.
Yamaha dealer for replacement of external
● Remove the fuel tank from the boat be-
fore cleaning it. Work only outdoors in ECM00720
an area with good ventilation. NOTICE
● Wipe up any spilled fuel immediately.
Do not paint anodes, as this would render
● Reassemble the fuel tank carefully. Im-
them ineffective.
Inspect ground leads attached to external
anodes on equipped models. Consult a
Yamaha dealer for inspection and replace-
ment of internal anodes attached to the pow-
er unit.
Trouble Recovery
A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel.
A problem in the fuel, compression, or igni- Q. Is fuel filter clogged?
tion systems can cause poor starting, loss of A. Clean or replace filter.
power, or other problems. This section de-
scribes basic checks and possible remedies, Q. Is starting procedure incorrect?
and covers all Yamaha outboard motors. A. See page 29.
Therefore some items may not apply to your
model. Q. Has fuel pump malfunctioned?
If your outboard motor requires repair, bring A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
it to your Yamaha dealer.
If the engine trouble-alert indicator is flash- Q. Are spark plug(s) fouled or of incorrect
ing, consult your Yamaha dealer. type?
A. Inspect spark plug(s). Clean or replace
Starter will not operate. with recommended type.
Q. Is battery capacity weak or low?
A. Check battery condition. Use battery of Q. Are spark plug cap(s) fitted incorrectly?
recommended capacity. A. Check and re-fit cap(s).
Q. Are battery connections loose or corrod- Q. Is ignition wiring damaged or poorly con-
ed? nected?
A. Tighten battery cables and clean battery A. Check wires for wear or breaks. Tighten
terminals. all loose connections. Replace worn or bro-
ken wires.
Q. Is fuse for electric start relay or electric cir-
cuit blown? Q. Are ignition parts faulty?
A. Check for cause of electric overload and A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
repair. Replace fuse with one of correct am-
perage. Q. Is engine shut-off cord (lanyard) not at-
Q. Are starter components faulty? A. Attach cord.
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Q. Are engine inner parts damaged?
Q. Is shift lever in gear? A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
A. Shift to neutral.
Engine idles irregularly or stalls.
Engine will not start (starter operates). Q. Are spark plug(s) fouled or of incorrect
Q. Is fuel tank empty? type?
A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel. A. Inspect spark plug(s). Clean or replace
with recommended type.
Q. Is fuel contaminated or stale?
Trouble Recovery
Q. Is fuel system obstructed? A. Return to home position.
A. Check for pinched or kinked fuel line or
other obstructions in fuel system. Q. Is motor angle too high?
A. Return to normal operating position.
Q. Is fuel contaminated or stale?
A. Fill tank with clean, fresh fuel. Q. Is carburetor clogged?
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Q. Is fuel filter clogged?
A. Clean or replace filter. Q. Is fuel joint connection incorrect?
A. Connect correctly.
Q. Have ignition parts failed?
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. Q. Is throttle valve adjustment incorrect?
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer.
Q. Has alert system activated?
A. Find and correct cause of alert. Q. Is battery cable disconnected?
A. Connect securely.
Q. Is spark plug gap incorrect?
A. Inspect and adjust as specified. Alert buzzer sounds or indicator lights.
Q. Is cooling system clogged?
Q. Is ignition wiring damaged or poorly con- A. Check water intake for restriction.
A. Check wires for wear or breaks. Tighten Q. Is engine oil level low?
all loose connections. Replace worn or bro- A. Fill oil tank with specified engine oil.
ken wires.
Q. Is heat range of spark plug incorrect?
Q. Is specified engine oil not being used? A. Inspect spark plug and replace it with rec-
A. Check and replace oil as specified. ommended type.
Trouble Recovery
on gear housing?
Q. Is load on boat improperly distributed? A. Remove foreign matter and clean lower
A. Distribute load to place boat on an even unit.
Q. Is fuel system obstructed?
Q. Is water pump or thermostat faulty? A. Check for pinched or kinked fuel line or
A. Have serviced by a Yamaha dealer. other obstructions in fuel system.
Q. Has alert system activated? Q. Is specified engine oil not being used?
A. Find and correct cause of alert. A. Check and replace oil with specified type.
Trouble Recovery
Q. Is fuel joint connection incorrect? trailering. Damage could make the out-
A. Connect correctly. board motor unsafe to operate.
If the outboard motor hits an object in the wa-
Q. Is heat range of spark plug incorrect?
ter, follow the procedure below.
A. Inspect spark plug and replace it with rec-
ommended type.
Trouble Recovery
could result in an accident.
● Attach the engine shut-off cord to a se-
cure place on your clothing, or your
arm or leg while operating the boat.
● Do not attach the cord to clothing that
could tear loose. Do not route the cord
where it could become entangled, pre-
venting it from functioning.
● Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-
ing normal operation. Loss of engine
power means the loss of most steering 4. Prepare the engine for starting. For fur-
control. Also, without engine power, ther information, see page 29. Be sure
the boat could slow rapidly. This could the engine is in neutral and that the clip
cause people and objects in the boat to is attached to the engine shut-off switch.
be thrown forward. The main switch must be “ ” (on), if
● Make sure no one is standing behind equipped.
you when pulling the starter rope. It
could whip behind you and injure
● An unguarded, rotating flywheel is very
dangerous. Keep loose clothing and
other objects away when starting the
engine. Use the emergency starter rope
only as instructed. Do not touch the fly-
wheel or other moving parts when the
engine is running. Do not install the
starter mechanism or top cowling after 5. If equipped the choke knob, pull out it
the engine is running. when the engine is cold. After the engine
● Do not touch the ignition coil, spark starts, gradually return the choke knob
plug wire, spark plug cap, or other elec- to its home position as the engine warms
trical components when starting or op- up.
erating the motor. You could get an
electrical shock.
Trouble Recovery
6. Insert the knotted end of the emergency
starter rope into the notch in the flywheel
rotor and wind the rope several turns
around the flywheel clockwise.
7. Give a strong pull straight out to crank
and start the engine. Repeat if neces-
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