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CS-E4820 Machine Learning: Advanced Probabilistic Methods

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CS-E4820 Machine Learning: Advanced Probabilistic Methods

Pekka Marttinen, Paul Blomstedt, Juho-Kustaa Kangas, Teppo Niinimäki, Homayun

Afrabandpey, Marko Järvenpää, Nguyen Tranquang (Spring 2018)
Exercise problems, round 3, Due on Tuesday, 20th February 2018, at 23:55
Please return your solutions in MyCourses as a single PDF file.
Problem 1. “Poisson-Gamma.”
Suppose you have N i.i.d. observations x = { xi }iN=1 from a Poisson(λ) distribution
with a rate parameter λ that has a conjugate prior
λ ∼ Gamma( a, b)
with the shape and rate hyperparameters a and b. Derive the posterior distribution
Problem 2. “Multivariate Gaussian.”
Suppose we have N i.i.d. observations X = {xi }iN=1 from a multivariate Gaussian
xi | µ ∼ N (µ, Σ)
with unknown mean parameter µ and a known covariance matrix Σ. As prior infor-
mation on the mean parameter we have
µ ∼ N ( m 0 , S 0 ).

(a) Derive the posterior distribution p(µ|X) of the mean parameter µ.

(b) Compare the Bayesian estimate (posterior mean) to the maximum likelihood es-
timate by generating N = 10 observations from the bivariate Gaussian
0 1 0
N , .
0 0 1
For this you can use the Python function numpy.random.normal1 , making use of
the fact that the elements of the bivariate random vectors are independent. In
the Bayesian case, use the prior with m0 = [0, 0] T and S0 = [ 0.1 0
0 0.1 ]. Report both
estimates. Is the Bayesian estimate closer to the true value µ = [0, 0] T ?
Problem 3. “Wishart distribution.”
Wishart distribution is the conjugate prior of the precision matrix Λ ∼ Wishart(W, ν)2
of a multivariate normal distribution N D (µ, Λ−1 ). In Python, the function
scipy.stats.wishart.rvs can be used to simulate samples from a Wishart distribution 3 .
Suppose you wish to express as your prior belief that the precision matrix should be
close to A, given by  
2 0.3
A= .
0.3 0.5
1 https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.random.normal.html.
2 The scale matrix W is a p × p positive definite matrix and the degrees of freedom ν is a real value

with ν > p − 1.
3 See documentation https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.

(a) Familiarize yourself with the Wishart distribution, e.g., by reading from Wikipedia
or any available book. What are the mean and variance of the Wishart distribu-

(b) Specify parameters of the Wishart distribution such that the expected value of
the Λ matrix would be equal to A. Use e.g. scipy.stats.wishart.rvs(df, scale, size)
to simulate samples from the distribution you have specified, and confirm by
averaging over the samples that the expectation indeed is equal to A. Try 1, 10
and 1000 samples. (The average should converge to A as the number of samples

(c) How should one select the parameter values to make the matrices simulated
from the Wishart distribution arbitrarily close to A? Show a few examples of this
by adjusting the parameters to get increasingly closer to A.

Your solution should include code (with some comments) that accomplishes (b) and

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