PCD Project
PCD Project
PCD Project
. Two controller tuning relations were published by Ziegler and Nichols and Cohen
and Coon are used were developled.There are 2 steps in Ziegler-Nichol Method which is
determination of the dynamic characteristics, or personality, of the control loop and estimation
of the controller tuning parameters that produce a desired response for the dynamic characteristic
determined in the first step, in other words, matching the personality of the controller to that of
the other elements in the loop. In this method the dynamic characteristic of the process are
represented by the ultimate gain of a proportional controller and the ultimate period of oscillation
of the loop. There are several ways to determine what values to used for the proportional,
integral, and differential parameters in the controller, and used the Cohen-Coon method is one of
the method . By looking at the system’s response to manual step changes without the controller
operating, initial values for the PID parameters and then tune them manually are determine
*How Do PID Controllers Work: Application & Theory.(2014).Retrieved from Data Track and
Process Instruments: http://www.datatrackpi.com/technical-papers/how-do-pid-controllers-
*K. Singh, P. Vasant, I. Elamvazuthi, and R. Kannan, “ScienceDirect PID Tuning of Servo
*L. Merigoet al. “Optimized PID tuning for the automatic control of neuromuscular blockade,”