Report PID
Report PID
Report PID
For a given error, the speed of the integral action is set by the controllers integral time setting (
). A
large value of
The derivative mode has an adjustable setting called Derivative Time (
in the right proportion by a process called tuning. There are several known methods for
tuning, the most basic ones being the Ziegler-Nichols tuning methods, which are discussed in this
4.5 Ultimate Cycling Method
The Ziegler-Nichols methods are heuristic tuning procedures derived from elaborate experiments
conducted to arrive at a general tuning rule for all controllers as per [2]. The Ultimate Cycling method
is used to tune closed loop PID controllers.
The following steps are followed to apply the Ziegler-Nichols closed loop method [4]:
i. The process is stabilized and it is ensured that no process changes (eg. product change, grade
change, load changes) are scheduled.
ii. If the loop is oscillating, it is ensured that the Process Variable stops oscillating when the
controller is placed in Manual mode.
iii. The Integral action is turned off by either setting integral gain
is decreased by 50%.
is noted.
ix. The new controller gains are calculated as per the chart in Table 1 and entered into the
These values are for interactive PID algorithms only. The controller parameter values should be
correspondingly calculated for non-interactive and parallel algorithms.
Table 1. Z-N Tuning Parameters
P 0.5
-- --
PI 0.45
PID 0.6
4.6 Process reaction curve method
Although the original method proposed in [2] for self-regulating and integrating processes, a modified
version of the reaction curve method is widely used on self-regulating processes but more accurately
so [4]. This method uses three process characteristics: dead time
, process gain
, and time
constant , which are determined by the following steps:
i. The controller is placed in manual and the process is allowed to settle.
ii. A step change of a few percent is made in the controller output (CO) and the process variable
(PV) is allowed to settle out at a new value. The size of this step should be large enough that
the process variable moves well clear of the process noise/disturbance level.
iii. The total change obtained in PV is converted to a percentage of the span of the measuring
iv. The process gain
is calculated as follows:
v. A line tangential to the PV response curve is drawn through the point of inflection and
extended to intersect with the original level of the PV (before the step-change in CO). Take
note of the time value at this intersection.
vi. The dead time is measured
as shown in Figure 3.
vii. The value of the PV at 63% of its total change is noted from the curve and the time constant
is determined as shown in Figure 3.
viii. A few more trials of steps i through vii are done and the average of the parameters are taken
for the calculation of settings for Controller Gain (Kc), Integral Time (Ti), and Derivative Time
(Td), using the Ziegler-Nichols tuning rules viz.
For P control:
For PI control:
For PID control:
These rules produce a quarter amplitude damping and the controller gains must be divided by 2 to
ensure stability.
Figure 3. Reaction Curve
4.7 Damped Oscillation Method
In many cases, plants are not supposed to undergo through sustained oscillations, as is the case
when Ultimate cycling method is used. Hence, damped oscillation method is preferred for these cases.
Figure 4. Damped oscillation Method
The controller gain
is increased slowly till a decay ratio
is noted. If
4.8 Bumpless Transfer
It is a normal practice to set up some processes using manual control initially, and once the process is
close to normal operating point, the control is transferred to automatic mode through auto/manual
switch. In such cases, in order to avoid any jerk in the process, the controller output immediately after
the changeover should be identical to the output set in the manual mode. This can be achieved by
forcing the integral output at the instant of transfer to balance the proportional and derivative outputs
against the previous manual output; i.e.
Integral output = {(previous manual) (proportional + derivative) output}.
Similarly, for automatic to manual transfer, initially the manual output is set equal to the controller
output and the difference is gradually reduced by incrementing or decrementing the manual output to
the final value of the manual signal and thus affecting a changeover.
Another way to transfer from Auto to Manual mode in a bump less manner, the set point may be made
equal to the present value of the process variable and then slowly changing the set point to its desired
value. These features can be easily be implemented if a digital computer is used as a controller. This
provision eliminates the chance of the process receiving sudden jolt during transfer.
4.9 Integration windup and mitigation methods
A significant problem with integral action is that when the error signal is large for a significant period of
time. This can occur every time when there is large change in set point. If there is a sudden large
change in set point, the error will be large and the integrator output in a P-I-D control will build up with
time [3]. As a result, the controller output may exceed the saturation limit of the actuator. This windup,
unless prevented may cause continuous oscillation of the process, which is not desirable.
There exist several methods through which integral windup can be prevented, two of which are
discussed in this report. The characteristics of majority of actuators are similar to that of an amplifier,
in that the output varies linearly with the input till the input is within a particular range, beyond which
the output becomes constant at either the upper or lower limit of the actuator.
The first method uses a switch to break the integral action, whenever the actuator goes to saturation.
This can be illustrated by Figure 5.
Figure 5. Scheme for anti-integration windup
When the switch S is closed, transfer function of the controller can be obtained as:
So when the switch is closed, the controller acts as a P-I controller. On the other hand, if the switch is
open, it is a simple P- controller. The switch is activated by the position of the actuator. If the actuator
is operating in the linear range, the switch is closed, and the controller is in P-I mode. But whenever
the actuator is in the saturation mode, the switch is automatically opened; the controller becomes a P-
controller. As a result, any windup due to the presence of integral mode is avoided.
Figure 6. Alternative scheme for anti-integration windup action
Another technique for anti-windup action is illustrated in Figure 6. It is assumed that the slope of the
actuator in the linear range is unity. As a result, when the actuator is operating in the linear range the
is zero, and the controller acts as a PI controller. But when the actuator is in saturation mode,
the error
is negative for a positive . This will reduce the integral action in the overall control loop,
hence preventing integration windup.
5. Conclusions
The Ziegler-Nichols method is an empirical method and is obtained from extensive experimentation
with different processes. There is no firm mathematical basis behind these selections but an intuitive
one. This method has proven to be very useful without sufficient a priori knowledge about the system.
Despite simplicity, this method lacks robustness that is offered by other techniques of tuning available.
However, the other methods of tuning require initial values of tuning parameters, which can most
suitably be determined using the Z-N method in the absence of a system model. Further modifications
to the controller designs can be used to reduce basic errors that occur in the PID control system.
6. Technical References
[1] Visioli, "Tuning of PID controllers with fuzzy logic", IEE Process-Control Theory Application, Vol.
148, No. 1, January 2001, Pg. 1 to 8.
[2] Ziegler, Nichols, Optimum Settings for Automatic Controllers", American Society for Mechanical
Engineers transaction, 1942, Pg. 759 to 765.
[3] D.P. Eckman, "Automatic process Control", Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1958,
[4] Jacques F. Smuts, "Process control for practitioners", OptiControls Inc., 2011, ISBN-13: