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) - Liabilities 22. - Assets

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Fill in the blanks

1. When investors establish a plant overseas, this is called…(6.10) (foreign) direct investment
2. If they buy shares or long-term debt obligations, this is called…(9.10) (foreign) portfolio
3. Dealers using two foreign exchange markets to benefit from rate differentials are said to
engage in…(11) arbitration
4. Producing in large quantities becomes cheaper because of… (9 2 5) economies of scale
5. The…(4) was set up in 1947 to encourage international trade and to minimize
protectionism. GATT
6. We started with a …(4), buying all the stocks available on the stock exchange. That got us
15% of their stocks. Then we made a …(8 3) raid, takeover bid
7. …(7 7) requires all parties concerned in the venture to contribute to compensate the losses
caused to those whose cargo has been lost or damaged. General average
8. A cash grant is called an … whose purpose is to… investment incentive/attract foreign
9. …offer door to door delivery service. Road transport
10. If you… you make transactions that are designed to reduce risk regarding a particular price,
interest rate or exchange rate. Hedge
11. A…anticipates future changes in a market and makes risky transactions, hoping to make a
gain. Speculator
12. …is dividing a market into instinct group of buyers who have different requirements of
buying habit. Market segmentation
13. …is the difficult task of reversing negative demand. Conversional marketing
14. …are raw materials such as agricultural products and metals that are traded on special
exchange. Commodities
15. Rate of return is often measured in terms of profits realized on …assets employed
16. In some parts of the world, bank may be slow to …payment to the exporter’s bank. Remit
17. Both words mean “ a person who does business on behalf of another company”. The word
(5)…is used where there is a long-term relationship, earning commission, whereas the word(6)…is
more common for individual transactions.agent/broker
18. In the(8)…phase sales growth slows and the stabilize. Producers attempt to(13)…products
and brands are key to this. Maturity/differentiate
19. (7 10)…is the process of withdrawing products from the market where they are no longer
profitable. Product withdrawal
20. A company’s holder. Shareholder
21. All the money that a company will have to pay to someone else in the future, including
taxes, debts, and interest and mortgage payments ( the chap)- liabilities
22. Anything owned by a business ( cash investment, buildings, machines, and so on) that can
be used to produce goods or pay liabilities- assets
23. The reduction in value of a fixed asset during the year it is in use ( charged against profits)-
24. ( the value of ) raw materials, work in progress, and finished products stored ready for sale-
25. Getting control of a company by buying over 50% of its shares- takeover/ a raid
26. When a company’s top executives buy the company they work for.-management buyout/
friendly takeover bid
27. Adding new and different products or services.- to diversify
28. The differences between what a country pays for all its imports and receives for all its
exports.- balance of payment
29. The system in which a currency could be exchanged for a fixed amount of gold.-gold
30. …are places where goods are sold to the public-shops, stores, kiosks, markets, stalls, etc.-
points of sale
31. The classic product life cycle is introduction, growth,… and decline.- maturity
32. …is the attempt to destroy unwholesome demand for products that are considered
33. …is the (impossible) situation in which a country is completely self-sufficient and has no
trade. Total self-sufficiency and the consequent absence of foreign trade.- autarky
34. A cash grant is called…, whose purpose is to…-investment incentive/ support investors
35. Strategy of adapting products and their marketing strategies in each national market that suit
local preferences is…-multinational strategy
36. In the maturity phase of product life cycle, sales growth slows and then…- stabilizes
37. …involves revitalizing falling demand.- remarketing
38. A country exporting more than import has a…-trade surplus
39. In the documentary collection if the importer …the bill, the exporter may have to find an
alternative buyer or ship the goods back.- dishonours
40. …involves altering the times pattern of irregular demand.-synchromarketing
41. In the introduction stage of product life cycle, the product is promoted to create…-
42. A strategy of offering the same products using the same marketing strategy in all national
markets is the…- global strategy
43. The first step of the procedure for documentary collection, the exporter task is to ask his
bank to… a bill of exchange on the overseas buyer.-draw
44. If a country can produce something more cheaply than anywhere else in the world, it has a
( an)…absolute advantage
45. The date at which a loan will be repaid.-maturity/ maturity date?
46. Reduction in unit costs arising large scale of production.-economies of scale
47. Having a responsibility or an obligation to do something e.g., to pay a debt.- liability
48. A document that shows details of goods being transported. It entitles the receiver to collect
the goods on arrival.- bill of lading
49. Central banks…the banking system, fix the minimum interest rates issue bank notes.-
50. Imposing trade barriers in order to restrict imports.-protectionism
51. Trade in services( banking, insurance, tourism, and so on).-invisible trade
52. An arrangement by which a customer can withdraw more from a bank account than has
been deposited in it up to an agreed limit; interest on the debt is calculated daily-overdraft: thấu chi=có
thể rút tiền khỏi tài khoản khi trong tk<0, tiễn lãi cho khoản vay thấu chi tính theo ngày
53. Some companies prefer to grow organically, but it is quicker to grow by…- merger &
54. Multinational companies usually have…in different countries.- subsidiaries
55. Operating all over the world while taking account of local cultural habits, beliefs, and
preferences in each country or market means…-glocalization
56. …generally fix a country’s minimum interest rate-central banks
57. Unlike, quotas,…produce revenue for the government.-tariffs
58. Adding trade in services to goods give you the…balance of payment
59. Ship’s cargoes are covered by…policies.- marine
60. The best form of advertising is free…advertising, which occurs when satisfied customers
recommend products or services to their friends.- word of mouth
61. …involves revitalizing falling demand, for example, for churches, for city areas, or aging fil
stars.- remarketing
62. …for arbitration is like brand awareness for consumer goods.- name recognition
63. In February 2000, Vodafone Airtouch succeeded in its hostile…Mannesmann.- bid
64. Television commercials, advertisements and endorsements are all means of …goods.-
65. A product is not just an assembled set of components: it is something customers buy to (7)
…a need they feel they have. The (5)…and the (6)…of the product are as important as its
66. (4)…was designed to promote free trade by reducing both tariff and nontariff barriers to
international trade.- GATT
67. (4 7)…is the least secure payment method to the exporter.-open account
68. (11)…buy or sell currencies in order to make a profit by making capital gains or by
investing at higher interest rates. Speculators/ arbitrators?
69. (6,1)…has the widest cover.-clause A
70. Some countries try to be…in certain commodities so that they are not dependent on
imports.- self-sufficient
71. Among other things, a… contains details of the goods, their destination and the name of
ship carrying them.-bill of lading
72. When 2 companies merger they usually have greater…than as separate companies.-
economies of scale
73. The difference between the money values of a country’s visible imports and exports.-
balance of trade
74. Trend toward greater interdependence among national institutions and economics.-
75. Inability of a nation to produce a good more efficiently than other nations, but an ability to
produce that good more efficiently than it does any other goods.-comparative advantage
76. Financial assistance to domestic producers in the form of cash payments, low interest loans,
tax break, product price supports, or some other forms…-subsidiaries/ incentive
77. Many authors argue that marketing concept has replaces the (7 7)…selling concept
78. The third “P” is(5)…, which concerns where the product is available.-place
79. Exporters are often paid by way of a bill of …-lading
80. Another word for the intermediaries between producer and customer is…middleman
81. The person who uses something is called a consumer, the person who buy something in a
store is a…-customer
82. Charging a high price for a new product is known as market …-skimming pricing
83. Selling a new product cheaply in order to get a large market share is called maket…-
penetration pricing
84. …and…are the two aspects of foreign trade: a country spends money on goods it…and gain
money through its…-import and export/ imports/export
85. Manufacturers sell their goods to…and in return,…buy from them.-wholesalers/retailers
86. …is the most secure payment method.-advance payment
87. Price wars and competition occur as the market reaches…saturation
88. Most MNCs expanded overseas because trade barriers such as…and…had been set up
against goods.-tariffs/quotas
89. The most complete insurance is against …-all risks
90. Direct exchange of goods without the use of money – barter or counter trade
91. The difference between a country receives and pays for its export and import of goods.-
balance of trade
92. The difference between a country’s total earnings from exports and its total expenditure on
imports .-balance of payment
93. A positive balance of trade or payment.-surplus
94. A negative balance of trade or payment-deficit
95. Selling goods abroad at or below cost price.-dumping
96. Taxes charged on imports.- tariffs
97. Quantitative limits on the imports of particular products or commodities.- quotas
98. Balance of payment is a record of a country’s …-transactions
99. Some transactions are visible; others are… invisible. An example of the latter is …traveling
100. A devaluation can have a favorable effect on the trade balance because it can help
101. In cases where foreign currency is earned, a…is registered on the balance of payments.-
debit record
102. Trade balance plus invisible transactions make up the…current account
103. The long term and short term loans and borrowings at home and abroad are the…accounts.-
104. The Bretton Woods Agreement stipulated that all members would express their currencies
in …gold
105. When the central bank intervene in the foreign exchange markets at the intervention pints,
this is called the system of …exchange rates. The opposite is called the system of …exchange rates.-
106. A currency can appreciate if lots of …buy it.- speculators
107. In fact we have managed floating exchange rates because governments and the… State
banks sometimes intervene on currency markets
108. A country with consistent deficits will see it … in relation to other countries.- weaken
109. A devaluation can have a favorable effect on the trade balance because it can help
110. Another verb for fixing exchange rates against st else is to …them-peg
111. Increasing the vlue of an otherwise fixed exchange rate is called…-revaluation
112. …ended in the early 1970s.- gold convertibility

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