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“Cố gắng không rớt môn !!!

Unit 14: Banking

I. Vocabulary:
1.money placed in a bank. Deposits: tiền gửi
2.a sum of money borrowed from a bank. Loan: khoản vay.
3. the money invested in a business. Capital: vốn đầu tư.
4.certificates representing part-ownership of a company. Stocks
or shares: cổ phiếu.
5.cetificates of debt issued by governments or companies to raise
money. Bonds: trái phiếu.
6.when one company combines with another one. Merger: kết
7.when one company offers to buy or acquire another one. Take
over bid: tiếp quản.
8.buying and selling stocks or shares for clients. Stockbroking:
môi giới chứng khoán.
9.all the investments owned by an individual or organization.
Porfolio: cổng thông tin.
10.the profit made on investments. Return: lợi nhuận đầu tư.
11.unable to pay debts or continueto do business. Bankrupt: phá
12.the ending or relaxing of legal restrictions. Deregulation: bãi
13.a group of companies, operating in different fields, which have
joined together. Conglomerate: tập đoàn.
14.the price paid for borrowing money, paid to the lenders.
Interest: lãi.
15. estimates of people’s ability to fulfil their financial
commitments. Credit rating: xếp hạng tín dụng.
16. Failure to repay a loan. Default: mặc định
17. with property or another asset used as a guarantee of
payment. Collateralized: tài sản thế chấp.
18. the money generated by an investment. Cash flow: dòng tiền.
19. cancel a bad debt or a worthless asset from an account. Write
off: xóa.
2. Vocabulary.
Commercial bank: ngân hàng thương mại
Investment bank: ngân hàng đầu tư
Islamic banks: ngân hàng Islamic (Hồi Giáo)
Private bank: ngân hàng tư nhân
Hedge funds: quỹ phòng hộ
Stockbrokers: nhân viên môi giới chứng khoán
Non-bank financial intermediaries: phi ngân hàng trung gian tài
3. Banking products/ service.
A loan: khoản vay.
A credit card: thẻ tín dụng.
A debit card: thẻ ghi nợ.
A chequebook (BrE) or checkbook (AmE).
Investment advice: tư vấn đầu tư.
Internet banking (payments, tranfers) .
Telephone banking (payments, tranfers).
A current account (BrE) or checking account (AmE).
Buying or selling foreign curency for travelling (BrE) or travelling
An overdraft (the posibility to borrow money by spending more
than you have in your bank account).
Cashpoints (BrE) or ATMs (Automated Teller Machines, AmE).
A saving or deposit account (BrE) or time or notice account (AmE).
A mortgage ( a loan to buy property (BrE) or real estate (AmE)).
II. Sumary.
1.Retail banks or commercial banks: receive deposits from,
and make loans to, individuals and small companies.
2. Investment banks:
+ work with big companies.
+ giving financial advice.
+ rasing capital by issuing stocks or shares and bonds.
+ arranging mergers and take overbids.
+ offer stockbroking and portfolio management services to rich
corporate and individual clients.
3. Private banks: Wealthy individuals must use.
+ provide banking and investment services and hedge funds.
+ are private investment funds for wealthy investors (both
individuals and institutions) that use a wider variety of (risky)
investing stragegies than traditional investment funds, in order to
achieve higher returns.
4. Islamic banks:
+ offer interest-free banking.
+ do not pay interest to depositors or change interest to
borrowers .
+ invest in companies and share profits (or losses) with their

Unit 16: Bonds

1.the money company receives minor the money it spend during a certain
period.Cash flow: dòng tiền.
2. part ownership of a company in the form of stocks or shares. Equity: Vốn
chủ sỡ hữu.
3. funds operated by investment companies that invest people’s money in
various assets. Mutual funds: quỹ tương hổ.
4. funds that invest money that will be paid to people after they retired from
work. Pension funds: Quỹ hưu trí.
5. the amount of capital making up a bond or other loan. Principal = face
value: tiền gốc.
6. the length of time for which a bond is issued (until it is repair). Maturity:
đáo hạn.
7. . the amount of interest that a bond pays. Coupon: phiếu giảm giá.
8. unable to pay debt. Insolvent or bankrupt: không có khả năng chi trả/ phá
9.people or institutions to whom money is owed. Creditors: chủ nợ.
10. payments by companies to their shareholders. Dividends: cổ tức.
11. businesses that buy and sell securities. Market maker: nhà tạo lập thị
12. the price at which a buyer is prepared to buy a security at a particular
time . Bid or bid price: giá chào mua.
13. the price at which a seller is prepared to sell a security at a particular
time . offer or offer price: giá chào bán.
14. the rate of income an investor receives from a security. Yield: tỉ suất.

2. Vocabulary.
Fixe maturity date: thời gian đáo hạn.
Coupon: mức lãi trái phiếu
Regular intervals: kì hạn trã lãi.
Corporate bond: trái phiếu doanh nghiệp.
Gonverment bond: trái phiếu chính phủ.
Rose quickly- soared: tăng vọt.
To revive or stimulate someting - To kick start: thúc đẩy.
A standard used when comparing other things - Benchmark: điểm chuẩn.
A period when the economy is contracting - Slump: Suy thoái /
Recession:Nhượng bộ
An improvement or increase in prices-Rally: phục hồi
Falling to repay a loan - Defaulting: Mất khả năng thanh toán
Another word for going bankrupt - To go bust: phá sản

3. Summary.
Government bond (trái phiếu chính phủ): An toàn
Corporate bond (trái phiếu doanh nghiệp):offer higher returns to
High-yield bond (trái phiếu lợi suất cao): Patrick McCullagh expects
highi-yield bonds to be offering more atractive oppotunities than the
investment grade corporate bonds that are currently in favour.

Unit 17: Stocks and shares

I. Vocabulary.
1.successful companies can issue stocks or shares (certificates representing
part ownership of the company) to raise capital to expand their operations.
2. Offering these stocks for sale to financial institutions and the general
public changes the business from a private to a public company, and is
called going public.
3. Selling stocks for the first time is called an IPO or initial public offering in
the US and a flotation or an IPO in Britain.
4. Companies use an investment bank to find buyers, and to underwrite the
stock issue to guarantee to buy the stocks if there are not enough other
5. Stocks and shares are also known as equity or equities; the most common
form is called common stock in the US, and ordinary shares in Britain.
6 After shares have been issued they can be traded on the secondary market
at the stock exchange on which the company is listed or quoted.
7 Some stock exchanges have automatic computerized trading systems that
match up buyers and sellers; others have market makers - traders in stocks
who quote bid (buying) and offer (selling) prices.
8. Stock prices rise and fall depending on supply and demand i.e. how many
sellers and buyers there are.
9. Consequently the nominal value of a share - the price written on it - is
rarely the same as its market price - the price it is currently being traded at
on the stock exchange.
10. Companies either distribute part of their profits to shareholders as an
annual dividend, or keep the profits in the company, which also causes the
value of the stocks to rise.
11. Stock markets are measured by stock indexes (or indices), which show
changes in the average prices of a selected group of important stocks.
12. A period during which most stocks (and the stock index) are rising is
called a bull market, and one in which most of them fall in value is a bear
Hedge funds: quỹ phòng hộ
- They can sell shares they don’t own by borrowing them off a
conventional fund so that when the share price falls they make a profit
by buying them back at a cheaper price.

Unit 19: Accounting qnd financial statements

I. Vocabulary.
1. Vocabulary.
Pay liabilities: Nợ phải trả
Pay taxes: nộp thuế
Receive income: tiền lời nhận được
Calculate liabilities: tính toán nợ phải trả
Keep records: lưu giữ sổ sách
Calculate taxes: tính thuế
Record expenditure: sổ sách chi tiêu
Record income: sổ sách thu nhập
Records mansactions: ghi lại cái giao dịch
Value assets: tài sản giá trị
Value liabilities: giá trị nợ phải trả

2. Definition.
1. calculating all the expenses involved in producing something,
including materials, labour, and all other expenses: cost accounting.
: kế toán chi phí calculating how much an individual or a company
will have to pay to the local and national governments (and trying
to reduce this to a minimum): Tax accounting. : Kế toán thuế
2. inspecting and reporting on accounts and financial records:
auditing. : kiểm toán.
3. preparing financial statements showing income and expenditure,
assets and liabilities: accounting.:kế toán
4. providing information that will allow a business to make decisions,
plan future operations and develop business strategies: managerial
or management accounting.: kế toán quản lý hoặc quản lý
5. using all available accounting procedures and tricks to disguise the
true financial
6. position of a company: creative accounting.: kế toán sáng tạo
7. writing down the details of transactions (debits and
credits):bookkeeping. : kế toán
8. all the money received from business activities during a given
period: Income:thu nhập
9. all the money that a business spends on goods or services during a
given period: expenditure: chi tiêu
10. a financial operating plan showing expected income and
expenditure: budget .: ngân sách
11. anything owned by a business - cash, buildings, machines,
equipment, etc: asset.:tài sản
12. all the money that a company will have to pay to someone else
in the future, including debts, taxes and interest payments:
liabilities.: nợ phải trả
13. an entry in an account, recording a payment made thịnn:
debit.:ghi nợ
14. an entry in an account, recording a payment received:
credit.:thiếu nợ, thiếu thốn
15. adjective describing something without a material existence,
which you can't touch A current: intangible. : vô hình.
16. adjective describing a liability which has been incurred but not
yet invoiced to the company: accrued.: tích lũy.
17. delayed or postponed until a later time: deferred. : hoãn lại
18. all the money belonging to the company's owners: Shareholders
equity.: Vốn cổ đông.
19. assets whose value can only be turned into cash with difficulty
(e.g. reputation, patents, trade marks, etc.) Intangibles.: Tài sản vô
20. capital that shareholders have contributed to the company above
the nominal or par value of the stock: Additional Paid-In Case.:
Trường hợp thanh toán bổ sung.
21. expenses such as wages, taxes and interest that have not yet
been paid at the date of the balance sheet expenses.: chi phí
22. money owed by customers for goods or services purchased on
credit:Total receivables. : Tổng các khoản phải thu
23. money owed to suppliers for purchases made on credit:
Accounts payable. ; Khoản phải trả
24. profits that have not been distributed to shareholders: Retained
earnings. : Thu nhập giữ lại
25. tangible assets such as offices, machines, etc: Property / Plant/
equipment.: Tài sản/ Nhà máy/ Thiết bị.
26. the difference between the purchase price of acquired companies
and their net tangible assets:
27. the total amount of money owed that the company will have to
pay out: Total liabilities.:tổng nợ phải trả

Unit 21: Takeovers

I. Vocabulary.
1. Vocabulary.
1. To become more varied or different (e.g. by selling different
products) cliversify.:cắt xén
2. places where goods are sold (shops, stores, kiosks, markets, efc.)
retail outlets.:cửa hàng bán lẻ
3. a Sufficient number of stocks in a company to be able to decide
what to do (at an Annual General Meeting) controlling interest.:
kiểm soát lợi ích
4. public companies whose stocks are traded on a stock exchange
listed companies. :công ty niêm yết
5. amounts of money paid for services fees. :lệ phí
6. companies that own or contro| several smaller businesses selling
very different products or services conglomerates.:tập đoàn
7. the combined power or value of a group of things working together
which is greater than the total power or value achieved when each
is working separately synergy. :sức mạnh tổng hợp
8. the total value of a company on the stock exchanse (the price of all
its stocks) market capitalization.:vốn hóa thị trường
9. companies that are owned by a larger parent company
subsidiaries.: công ty con
10. a sum of money reserved to pay acompany's retired employees
pension furd.: lương hưu

3. Reading.
-If a company is too big to buy, it may be possible to merge with it: to
combine the two companies to form a single new one .
-A company will launch a takeover bid a public offer to a company’s
stockholders to buy their stocks at a certain price ( above the current market
price) during a limited period of time.
-If the board of directors of a company that is subject to a bid (and if the
stockholders sell, it becomes a friendly takeover). If the company does not
want to be taken over, it is a hostle bid (or hostile takeover).

Unit 27: International trade.

1 Free trade means imports and exports of good and services without any
government restrictions.: không có bất kỳ hạn chế nào của chính phủ
2 Protectionism means restricting imports by way of trade barriers sụch as
tarifís and quotas. :thuế quan và hạn ngạch
3 Trade barriers are government policies or resulations that restrict
international trade.
4 A tariff is a tax charged on imports. là một loại thuế đánh vào hàng nhập
5 A quota is a maximum quantíty of goods of a specific kind that can be
imported ínto a country. : số lượng tối đa hàng hóa của một loại cụ thể có thể
được nhập khẩu vào một quốc gia.
6 Absolute advantage means a country’s ability to produce goods at a lower
cost than any other country. : sản xuất hàng hóa với chi phí thấp hơn bất kỳ
quốc gia nào khác.
7 Comparative advantage means a country’s ability to produce particular
goods more efficiently (using fewer resources and at a lower cost) than some
other countries. : sản xuất hàng hóa cụ thể hiệu quả hơn (sử dụng ít tài
nguyên hơn và với chi phí thấp hơn) so với một số quốc gia khác
8 An infant industry is one that is in an early stage of development and
which cannot survive competition from foreigrì corpanles. : đang trong giai
đoạn đầu phát triển và không thể tồn tại trước sự cạnh tranh của các loài
foreigrì corpanles.
9 A strategic industry is one that is particularly important to a counfry’s
econormy. : đặc biệt quan trọng đối với nền kinh tế của một quốc gia.

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