Mata Kuliah Bisnis Internasional Chapter 15 Resume "Exporting, Importing, & Countertrade" Nama: Syamil Jihad NPM: 1906387436
Mata Kuliah Bisnis Internasional Chapter 15 Resume "Exporting, Importing, & Countertrade" Nama: Syamil Jihad NPM: 1906387436
Mata Kuliah Bisnis Internasional Chapter 15 Resume "Exporting, Importing, & Countertrade" Nama: Syamil Jihad NPM: 1906387436
“Exporting, Importing, & Countertrade"
- Large revenue and profit opportunities are to be found in foreign markets
- Actually, medium-sized and small-sized enterprises reacts to this
- Medium: wait until the market is saturated then decide to export the market
because of the emergence of excess productive capacity (opportunity)
- Small: wait for the world to come to them
- Poor market analysis: novice exporters tend to underestimate the time and expertise
- Voluminous paperwork, Complex formalities, Potential delays, and errors
Definition: Barterlike agreements, to trade goods and services for other goods and sevices
when they can't be traded for money.
Types of Countertrade
1. Barter: direct exchange of goods/services without cash transaction (not common
because of the problems).
2. Counterpurchase: reciprocal agreement (when a firm agrees to purchase a certain
amount of materials back from a country in which a different sales is made).
3. Offset: one party agrees to purchase goods and services with a specified percentage
from the original sale.
4. Switch trading: the use of a specialized third-party trading house in a countertrade
5. Compensation or Buyback: a firm builds a plant in a country (or supplies
technology) and agrees to take a certain percentage of the plant’s output as partial
payment of the contract.