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Innovations in Dewatering Sludges

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Innovations in Dewatering Sludges

astewater treatment plant own-
e rs and managers must contend B E N EFITS
with high costs of processing  Proposes a tool to select the appropri-
and hauling sludge or biosolids. The ate dewatering device for sludge by
weight and volume of sludge is a signifi- quantifying its compressible nature.
cant cost factor, so it stands to reason  Explains why dewatered sewage
that effective sludge dewatering process- sludges might release water after
es will lead to increased savings. appearing to be dewatered.
This project provides managers and  Demonstrates that the electrodewa t e r-
operators with a fundamental understand- ing technique is applicable to a wide
ing of how to improve sludge dewatering. range of sludges.
The project was based on the theory that  Provides evidence that biofloc stru c-
the structure of flocs dictates the amount ture influences the residual amount of
of water trapped within them. The binding water in the cake rather than floc or
of water to sludge—and its eventual superflocculated stru c t u r e .
release from the sludge—depends on CSIRO’s Bench-Scale Piston Filter Press.
kinetic and equilibrium properties, which, conditioning, a reliable but expensive RELATED PRODUCTS
in turn , rely on pressure. process. Thermal conditioning was anoth- U n d e rstanding Fa c t o rs Affecting Polymer
This project analyzes current dewatering er candidate for improving dewatering fil- Demand for Conditioning and Dewatering
technologies and evaluates new water terability or kinetics. (01CTS1)
removal innovations that disrupt water Looking at how sludge cakes best Polymer Characterization and Control in
binding mechanisms. A rigorous survey of shed their water content (Table 1), the Biosolids Management (91ISP5)
the literature and evaluation of two bench- research team concluded that the base Guidance Manual for Polymer Selection in
scale pressure filtration techniques give mechanism of each of the dewatering Wastewater Treatment Plants (91ISP5)
the researchers a strong foundation to systems involves pressure.
Biosolids Management: Assessment of
identify why and when flocs are formed
Innovative Processes (96REM1)
and destabilized with advanced dewatering Floc Structure and Water Release
capability and what dewatering and condi- Investigating the Effects of Electrical A rc
The structure of flocs dictates the
tioning methods are optimal for use in spe- Pretreatment of Biosolids (97REM4)
amount of water that is trapped within
cific situations. them and how this water is released dur- Thickening and Dewatering Processes:
ing dewa t e r i n g. To find the optimal combi- How to Evaluate and Implement an
Conditioning and Dewatering Review nation of structure and technique, the Automation Package (98REM3)
The literature rev i ew outlines the funda- r e s e a r c h e rscharacterized the floc size, New Tool for Measuring Biosolids Floc
mentals of dewatering, including a history compactness, and strength of sludges, Strength (01CTS32ETA)
of various technologies. The rev i ew pro- and then correlated these with their
vides a revealing look at the scope and response to pressure filtration. AVAILABLE FORMAT
limitations of many of the conditioning and Through the use of two bench-scale Online PDF.
dewatering techniques in use. pressure filtration techniques—to deter- TO ORDER
The team evaluated sludge condition- mine the compressibility and perm e a b i l i t y
Contact WERF at 703-684-2470 or visit
ing and pretreatment methods on the of the cake network and to measure the
www.werf.org and click on Publications.
basis of whether they improved sludge dynamic rate and extent of expression
floc characteristics, destroyed the sludge under increasing pressure (simulating a WERF Subscribers :
cell’s exocellular polymers , or contributed belt-press filter)—the researchers show Your first copy of this report is free.
Additional copies are $10 each or down-
to microbial cell lysis that released the that the biofloc structure influences the
load unlimited free PDFs at www.werf.org.
cell’s water content. residual amount of water in the cake
In general, the most successful tech- more than floc or superflocculated stru c- Non-Subscribers: PDF: $50
niques alter the nature of the solid and tures. It follows that exocellular polymers Refer to: STOCK NO 02CTS3
water floc structure to improve its dewa t- may be an important limiting factor in
erability. The most reliable of these condi- achieving high cake solids. For more information, log on to
tioning techniques is freeze-thaw Anaerobically digested sludge exhibit- www.werf.org.
E X E C U T I V E S U M M A RY Innovations in Dewatering Sludges
ed the highest cake solids content. The Table 1. Summary of Mechanisms, Advantages, and Disadvantages of the Dewatering
mixed liquor and thickened waste-activat- Devices Considered
ed sludges and aerobically digested Dewatering Methods Mechanism and Advantages Disadvantages
sludges were similar. Belt-Press filter Pressure and shearing Good flocculation vital
D ewatered sludges are thixotropic, that Simple, visual process Often operated with high hydraulic
loads or low residence times
is, they release water after they appear to
Filter press High pressure without shearing Semicontinuous (but automated)
be dewatered. It has been shown that
time is more important than pressure in Solid-bowl centrifuge High G forces and high shearing Often operated with high hydraulic
achieving high cake solids contents. It loads or low residence times
has been inferred that applying a high Vacuum drum filter Low pressure without shearing Low throughput or low cake solids
pressure too early in the dewatering
Hyperbaric filters High pressure without shearing Low throughput or low cake solids
process forms an impermeable layer of contents
cake through which the rest of the cake Screw press High pressure and high shearing, Low throughput or low cake solids
Low capital costs contents
water needs to flow. The challenge is to Prefers high solids contents
find ways to overcome this, including:
Tube press Very high pressure without shearing Semicontinuous (but automated)
 removing as much water as possible

before the cake form s , Wring alternating press High pressure and high shear Prefers high solids contents. Low through-
put or low cake solids contents
 preventing, or minimizing, the layer(s) of
Electrodewatering filter press Electric field promoting electro-osmosis Electrical costs–but offset by high solids
impermeable cake from form i n g, and heating for moisture removal Semicontinuous (but automated)
 shearing the sludge so the water to be High pressure without shearing

removed does not need to pass through T h e rmal filter press Heat and vacuum promoting moisture Electrical costs–but offset by high solid
removal. High pressure without shearing Semicontinuous (but automated)
the impermeable layer(s), and Centridry centrifuge Combined thermal drying and Energy costs–but offset by high solids
 adding another driving force to help water dewatering Additional flowsheet unit operations vital
pass through the impermeable layer(s). V-fold belt-press filter Tolerates poor flocculation Low throughput
Pressure and shearing
Techniques to Improve Sludge Dewatering Simple, visual process

Conditioning and dewatering regimes Rotary press Tolerates poor flocculation Possibly low throughput
High pressure and shearing
focus on modifying the microbes, the Simple, visual process
bioflocs, and the flocs to be dewatered. Electrodewatering Electric field promoting electro-osmosis Still under development
Pressure filtration and electrodewatering belt-press filter and heating for moisture removal Electrical costs–to be offset by high
Pressure and shearing solids
most actively enhanced moisture reduction Impulse dewatering Combined heat and mechanical pres- Development stalled due to low
from sludges. The researchers also sure promoting moisture removal throughput
assessed combined novel conditioning
and novel dewatering techniques. Conclusion
A treatment plant's ability to dewater the sludge particles. Pressure filtration
Sludge that had been frozen and then
sludges depends on the specific dewater- and electrodewatering significantly
thawed appeared to have different bioflocs,
ing process used by the plant and its abil- enhanced moisture reduction, but may not
settled much more quickly than the non-
ity to impact the nature and structure of always be cost effective.
frozen sample. Once flocculated, this
thawed sludge settled to a smaller volume
and seemed to hold together better in a
simple slump test. It dewatered much bet- The research on which this report is based was funded in part by the U.S. Environmental
ter, with the initial dewatering being faster Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) through Cooperative Agreement No. CR-827345-01 with the
Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF). Unless an U.S. EPA logo appears on the
and achieving a higher solids content.
cover, this report is a publication of WERF, not U.S. EPA. Funds awarded under the agreement
Electrodewatering of the thawed sample
cited above were not used for editorial services, reproduction, printing, or distribution.
reached a significantly higher final solids
content than for the nonfrozen sample. For
equivalent power consumption, the thawed
sample reached higher solids contents. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial John Novak, Ph.D., P.E., Chair
onset of the electro-osmotic effect in the Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia Virginia Tech
thawed sample was immediate, which PROJECT TEAM Stephen Constable, P.E.
appears to have reduced the initial power DuPont Company
Sarah A. Miller, Principal Investigator
consumption required to reach high solids B ruce A. Fi rth, Ph.D. Matt Higgins, Ph.D., P.E.
contents. CSIRO Bucknell Univers i t y
Freezing, howev e r, is expensive. The
Graeme J. Jameson, Ph.D. Sudhir Murthy, Ph.D., P.E.
challenge is to identify a more economical The University of Newcastle District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority
means than freezing for altering the dewa-
Yao-de Yan, Ph.D. Nish M. Vasavada, P.E.
terability of sludge.
Hunter Water Australia Invista 05/08

Water Environment Research Foundation  635 Slaters Lane, Suite 300 Alexandria  VA 22314-1177

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